After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 578 Li Qingge’s request

Li Qingge was slightly surprised: "How do you know...oh!"

She remembered that before General Manager Xiazhou left Shihuan City, she had asked the father and son if there were any bamboo tubes among Sun Fuping's relics.

It all happened a long time ago. This young man has a really kind and thoughtful memory, which is very different from the recklessness he shows on the outside.

Yes, after leaving Manager He, he seemed to be less reckless.

"Yes, that's it."

He Lingchuan thought for a while: "How do you know it is really in the hands of Nian Zanli and not taken away by Da Sima of Wuzhou?"

During the civil war in Yuan Dynasty, Grand Sima Donghaoming took the lead in rebelling. Nian Zanli kept watching with troops until He Chunhua reported to the capital before taking action. But both of them have close ties with Sun Fuping.

"I went to Wuzhou and checked carefully, and it's not with Da Sima." Li Qingge was very sure, "And Nian Zanli used such a thing when he threatened Songyang Mansion. So I can confirm that it is in Nian Zanli's hands."

"He knows he can use this thing to blackmail you, so how can he give it back to you?"

Li Qingge smiled bitterly: "That's the difficulty."

"My life in Guan Nian Zanli is not satisfactory in Lingxu City. Sir, there is nothing you can do to control him?"

"I tried several times, but this guy is stubborn and won't return it even if I say anything. I'm afraid that if I push too hard, he will destroy the bamboo tube altogether. I can ask someone to help, but I can't be too picky about this matter. Otherwise, it would be like driving a tiger to devour a wolf..." She smiled bitterly, "After all, this is Lingxu City, not Yuan Kingdom, and I don't have the privilege of being a landlord."

Her words were very clear. It was not advisable to ask for help from other powers, lest it be easier to ask God than to send God away.

"Is Your Majesty so trusting of me?" Are you not afraid that he will take the bamboo tube as his own?

Li Qingge smiled gently and touchingly: "Young Master is not that kind of person."

He Lingchuan also smiled and put away the inner armor: "Nian Zanli came to Lingxu City, what do you want?"

Li Qingge lent him the purple golden pestle to deal with Bai Ziqi, and sent someone to send the execution dragon pillar to Wange Swamp for him. Therefore, he owed Li Qingge at least two favors to the boss and had to pay them back.

"The Battle of Hanhe caused heavy casualties to him, and his plan to cooperate with Grand Sima Dong Haoming to attack Xiazhou failed. I think this has become a knot in his heart, and it has also caused Lingxu City to have a cold attitude towards him."

He Lingchuan nodded when he heard this.

He is no longer the boy who knew nothing about the Northern Demon Kingdom on the bank of the Han River a few months ago. The experience of traveling around the Demon Kingdom and narrowly surviving several times gave him a better understanding of Bejia, especially Lingxu City, and he was no longer just looking at flowers in the fog like before.

If He Chunhua could realize it as clearly as he does now at the beginning of the Nian Praise event, Lingxu City's attitude towards the Nian Praise Ceremony would probably have a huge strategic adjustment.

"In the past two months, Nian Zanli has spent a huge amount of money on Lingxu City, hoping to find some noble people to lobby the Demon Emperor."

"Is it effective?" He Lingchuan was very concerned.

"Yes, I heard a piece of news that he seems to have hired Imperial Master Qingyang to be a lobbyist."

He Lingchuan's eyes flashed: "Qingyang Imperial Master? I remember that Nian Zanli asked Shuangye Imperial Master to allocate Yuanli before the Hanhe War. Why did he switch to Qingyang Imperial Master now?"

"Perhaps it's because of the heavy losses in the Hanhe War?" Li Qingge didn't speak too clearly, but He Lingchuan had already heard it clearly.

Hong Chenglue performed a Nian Zanli in the Battle of Hanhe, and Hong Chenglue was sent by Shuangye Imperial Master, so Nian Zanli probably had a knot in his mind because of this.

"Did Imperial Master Qingyang say anything?"

"It seems that the emperor's attitude has relaxed a little -"

He Lingchuan was stunned. Qingyang Imperial Master still had great influence. Yuan Kingdom Xiazhou has just experienced the Battle of Hanhe River. It is still undecided. Will it face another military disaster?

As a time traveler, he doesn't have deep feelings for Yuan Kingdom, but he doesn't want the people there to be in ruins.

Unexpectedly, Li Qingge continued: "However, the elixir case suddenly broke out at this time, and the Qingfu Temple also exploded. Although it has nothing to do with the Qing Palace on the surface, but..."

"But the clues secretly point to Qing Palace. Is the god angry?" He Lingchuan smiled and said, "If the god is displeased, the emperor probably can't consider Qingyang's opinion."

"Yes, so the plan for the annual tribute was put on hold. He spent so much money and found so many people, but all wasted!"

He Lingchuan understood. No wonder I saw Nian Zanli at the Dunyuan sales fair, looking haggard and gloomy.

Daqing is hit every wall here.

Unexpectedly, he was investigating a case of elixir, and unexpectedly got it right, and ruined Nian Zanli's plan to borrow troops.

It was originally a completely unrelated matter, but in the end it actually caught up with it.

Dad really should give him a banner, otherwise Bega's iron hooves will soon set foot on the land of Yuan Kingdom Xiazhou.

"He wants to borrow someone from Bejia to make a comeback, so he has to ask Songyang Mansion to provide money and help." Li Qingge put away his smile, "I like to travel around the world, but after all, I am still a member of the Yuan Kingdom, how can I cooperate with him in the attack? Your own country?”

He Lingchuan lowered his eyes and secretly said something powerful.

Li Qingge only talked about himself, but he reminded He Lingchuan from beginning to end that the Yuan people should help the Yuan people. By helping Li Qingge get the bamboo tube back, he was helping his mother country avoid the scourge of war.

She held up the big hat, and it was difficult for He Lingchuan to refuse.

Li Qingge added: "Xiazhou is already weak. It has been tortured by the war for another year, and its vitality is still severely damaged and far from recovered. Last time I passed by the suburb of Dunyu, I saw that people's livelihood is still difficult, and the elderly are over five years old. Xun's teeth have fallen out, but he can't even drink porridge." She shook her head, "If you can stop Nian Zanli here, it will be a great help to your father."

He Lingchuan solemnly said: "Let go of the righteousness of the family and the country, Sir Alex has helped me several times, and I should repay this favor. However, I have just arrived here, and it has been less than ten days since I entered Lingxu City. Sir Sir, I really think I can help." Are you busy?"

Favors come and go. Favors come and go. The more favors come and go, the more favors can be used.

"The young master is now a close friend of the crown prince and the envoy of Chiyan. He is also famous for the elixir case and the bombing of the inn." Li Qingge bowed his head with his hand, "You see that Nian Zanli took the initiative to give you a gift, which shows that he thinks that You are worthy of friendship.”

She leaned forward slightly toward He Lingchuan: "Did you know that the Scarlet Yan Demon King has a good relationship with the Xuluo Kingdom?"

Xuluo Kingdom and Baoshu Kingdom both bordered Kite Kingdom.

"I don't know." He Lingchuan told the truth, "Three months ago, I couldn't even recite the name of Bejia's demon country. But I will try my best to pay tribute to this place."

Li Qingge immediately stood up and bowed to him: "Young Master has great righteousness, Qingge is very grateful."

"They are all Yuan people, what are you talking about?" He Lingchuan returned this sentence to her, "But I just arrived in Lingxu and I don't have enough manpower."

"If you need anything, young master, just ask." Li Qingge said softly, toasted him with a glass of wine, and then said, "Songyang Mansion also has several smart people in Lingxu City, and they all run three businesses here. If you are over 10 years old, you can do whatever you want."

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "Sir, Sir, you started running the business in Lingxu City a long time ago?"

“The first branch opened here five years ago.”

"The situation is so fast." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "I went to Dunyuan a few days ago, and the foggy mountain screen is so domineering." It is also very eye-catching. Guests coming and going have to take a second look, and the signature of Yang Mansion and mark just in the lower left corner.

General Golden Horn's Dunyuan, is that a place where any small business owner can advertise?

Lingxu City has developed for six hundred years, and the business ecosystem has probably solidified. Songyang Mansion can tear a small hole and get in in such a short time. Li Qingge is a woman with extraordinary skills.

She frowned, showing a little distress: "I have worked so hard to achieve this, but it was not the right time. Nian Zanli needed to manage everything in Lingxu City, so he treated my place as a bank, and he came to ask for money every now and then. Want something.”

He Lingchuan held a piece of pine nut fish fillet and chewed it carefully: "He only treats Songyang Mansion as a cash cow. He really underestimates the lordship."

In his opinion, Li Qingge's ability to make money was second to none.

Just give a random example: Songyang Mansion opened a branch in the capital of the Northern Demon Kingdom a few years ago. At that time, the relationship between the Yuan Kingdom and Bejia was already very bad. After all, Songyang Mansion was also the Taoist sect where the Yuan Kingdom started. , Li Qingge is also a marquis of the Yuan Kingdom, so the two parties are doing business openly, and the Yuan Kingdom is letting it go.

But Li Qingge's husband was killed for collaborating with the enemy and treason.

No matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like someone who can stay out of it.

But she just did it. Not only was Songyang Mansion unaffected, but its business grew and grew.

If it were any other ordinary businessman, his head would have dropped several times.

He Lingchuan boldly guessed whether this woman had some agreement with Yuan Ting in private?

Li Qingge was not modest at all, and raised his slender eyebrows: "Nian Zanli has lived in Xunzhou for a long time and rarely returned to Shihuan. I guess he doesn't know much about Songyang Mansion or me. Sun Fuping didn't reveal much to him. At present, He only extorts some money from me, but after he gets the bamboo tube, he will probably spend more time investigating."

He Lingchuan said seriously: "Let me try something."

"By the way, you have to be careful. Don't let Nian Zanli destroy the bamboo tube, or even let him remove the stopper."

He Lingchuan nodded and said hello. He probably guessed what was in the bamboo tube.

"By the way, I have a newly made toy here. Would you like to try it out, young master?"

Toy? A new toy to try?

He Lingchuan quickly put the strange thoughts to the back of his mind: "I want it, I want it."

Li Qingge took out a small box and said, "This is a tracking bee. Just by hearing the name, you know what it is used for, right?"

The box is octagonal and looks like it contains a pocket watch. The filigree pattern on the lid is in the shape of a bee. The overall look is quaint and exquisite.

Since it was called "Chasing Bee," He Lingchuan thought that two little bees would fly out as soon as the box was opened, but it didn't.

Inside is something like a compass, with a sandalwood panel with scales and words on it. In the middle are two small needles, one long and one short.

Isn't this just...a compass? The box looks nice though.

"Interesting, how to use it?" Li Qingge was a very particular person. Although he used favors to do things, he did not forget to give him some benefits.

She turned over the box, and He Lingchuan saw that there was a hidden compartment behind the box.

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