After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 579 Self-directed and self-acted (additional update)

The things inside are shaped like peanuts, there are dozens of them, but each one is only the size of a mung bean, and the color is either whitish, or slightly yellow, or even slightly transparent.

But this thing is not a peanut... Thanks to his good eyesight, he looked at it carefully and said, "Bee pupa?"

These little things are all bee pupae, their bellies and claws are still there, but they are half-dried and none of them are alive.

"This thing is made from sporulating bees." Li Qingge explained, "Have you heard of it?"

"Of course." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "I saw a man in Blackwater City being revenged by a brooding wasp. The sting caused his whole body to swell, as if his throat was blocked and he couldn't breathe. Thanks to the doctor's skill, he was able to retrieve one. Life."

From then on, he knew that sporulating wasps are one of the killer bees, and one male and one female can form a nest. They attach great importance to their offspring. Whenever there is any disturbance, they will hold the bee pupa under their belly to protect them, hence their name.

If an enemy steals bee pupae, they will hunt them to the ends of the earth.

Li Qingge pointed to the two needles on the compass and said: "These two are the abdominal needles of the sporozoites. Their instincts remain after death, and we used their characteristics to create this needle box."

She took out a bee pupa and threw it on a pillar in the corner of the room.

The bee pupa broke into pieces without making a sound, leaving a little yellowish color on the column.

He Lingchuan saw that the two needles on the compass moved.

"The small needle belongs to the female bee, and it will point to the location where the pupa is broken."

"The big needle belongs to the drone, and it marks the distance on the scale."

He Lingchuan took a look and found that the scale pointed by the big needle was within one foot.

"We have conducted experiments and its effective tracking distance is within 1,200 miles."

He Lingchuan held up his hands: "Good stuff, so convenient! It will definitely sell well when it goes on sale."

This thing is very convenient for tracking and stalking enemies.

Although there are various types of tracking magic powers in the past, most of them have complex execution processes and harsh conditions. How can this tracking bee be easy to operate?

Just because it was convenient, efficient, fast and accurate, He Lingchuan knew that this thing would be easy to sell.

Li Qingge patted the box into his palm and said with a smile: "With your good words, it will be on the market next spring. If you run out of bee pupae, you can go to the Songyang Mansion branch in Lingxu City to replenish it. As long as you are in Keep it in the box for a day and a night, and the bee needle will recognize that it is its offspring. "

He Lingchuan accepted it happily.

Li Qingge had accomplished the purpose of his trip, so he changed the topic and talked about some interesting stories about Lingxu City.

She has a certain quality about her that makes people feel like they are in a spring breeze no matter what they talk about, and they still have something to say.

Not long after, Fu Shanyue returned.

He didn't mind the remaining table, so he sat down and drank two large bottles of wine with Li Qingge until her cheeks turned red, and he left quickly.

Fushan then asked He Lingchuan: "You kid, are you going to have a private meeting with a beauty while I'm away?"

"I don't think beautiful people would choose to stay here." He Lingchuan scorned, "There are too many people who ruin the scenery."

"What on earth did she do?"

"Nian Zanli has taken advantage of Songyang Mansion's shortcomings. Songyang Marquis is unbearable and wants to ask His Highness the Crown Prince for help."

"Me?" Fu Shanyue pointed to his nose, "The two Yuan people are having internal conflicts. Marquis Songyang wants to ask me for help?"

He Lingchuan nodded.

"Is it possible that you want me to lend troops to Nian Zanli?" Fushan asked curiously, "The territory between Chiyan and Nian Zanli is called..."


"Yes, Chiyan Kingdom is too far away from Xunzhou, so it is not easy to transport troops and horses." Not to mention tens of thousands, even if an army of several thousand people traveled from Chiyan to Xunzhou, it would be very difficult for people to eat horses and chew them.

"Sura Kingdom is near."

"The king of Xuluo Kingdom has a good relationship with my father." Fushan Yue coughed lightly, "But I killed two of the men of the Taifu of Xuluo Kingdom, so..."

Before he finished speaking, He Lingchuan snatched the wine bottle from his hand.

"If you want to drink, buy it yourself."

If you can't help, why would you have the nerve to drink from him?

"Hey!" Do you want to be so philistine?

"I didn't say that I really wanted to borrow troops. I just said that it would be enough to protect Marquis Songyang from being manipulated."

Fu Shanyue shrugged: "Tell me when you come up with a solution." After that, he came over to him and asked, "Are you interested in Marquis Songyang?"

He Lingchuan said calmly: "That's not the case, but I owe her a favor."

Favors are debts that must be repaid.

"Really, that's a pity." Fu Shanyue took advantage of his unpreparedness and snatched the wine bottle back.

He Lingchuan walked to the yard and stretched.

Li Qingge praised him nicely, saying that he was "not that kind of person", but He Lingchuan understood that she dared to leave this matter to him, mainly because He Lingchuan himself had the leverage in her hands, so everyone was even.

Besides, she knew his origin, she even knew that he was from Blackwater City, next to the Panlong Desert.

Li Qingge may not know that this information can kill him, but revealing it to Nian Zanli or Hong Chenglue can cause him trouble.

The most important thing is that Li Qingge probably thought that he didn't know what was hidden in the bamboo tube.

The next day, Fu Shanyue gave He Lingchuan a message:

The poison detected on the tables and chairs in his guest room on the day of the explosion could quickly penetrate into the body through the skin, causing shock, coma, and death by suffocation.

This is not a biological toxin, but a medicinal powder extracted from a stone. If only a very small dose is added, it can be used to treat hemiplegia, so Lingxu City officials have not banned its sale on the market.

But after it is mixed with several drugs such as white fish gall, a wonderful reaction will occur and it will become a murderous weapon.

On the day of the explosion, several new envoys moved out, so there were many servants coming in and out of the post house to carry luggage during the day. I wonder if the murderer seized this opportunity. He Lingchuan was just a special envoy, and the protection of his guest room was not that strict.

When He Lingchuan heard this, his face was expressionless: "In other words, nothing was found?"

"The government is still working hard." Fu Shanyue coughed, "The other party wants to plot against you, so of course they try not to leave any traces, not to mention there is a big explosion behind them."

Explosion is always one of the best ways to destroy evidence.

"I have put pressure on the government several times, and Wang Ting will not sit back and wait for the news." Prince Chiyan was attacked in the post house. The nature of this incident was too bad, and it happened in the current special period. Lingxu City needs to provide An explanation from Chiyan Kingdom.

He Lingchuan nodded, turned around and walked out.

"Where are you going?"

"Go to Xu Mountain and take a look at the ruins of the Immortal Sect."

He answered calmly, without any sign of anger.

Because he's really not angry.

Why would someone poison him first and then explode him in the inn? If you want to kill someone, why do you have to work twice?

The reason is very simple: he placed and detonated the explosives himself.

The elixir case has already made Da Sinong, the Cen family, the Zhongsun family and the Zhaixinglou all pay attention to a small person like He Xiao; they may not be able to do anything about Fu Shanyue, but they can vent their anger on He Xiao, a thorn in their side. superior.

Moreover, at the Dunyuan sales meeting, the conflict between Prince Chiyan and the Zhongsun family further deepened, and He Lingchuan himself also met Hong Chenglue.

Hong Chenglue did not fall out on the spot, but who knew whether General Qingwu would change his mind afterwards?

He Lingchuan had just entered Lingxu City, and his situation had deteriorated to this point. He was almost surrounded by enemies on all sides.

There were so many enemies lining up to cause trouble for him, and they were all well-known figures in Lingxu City. While he was flattered, he also had to find a way to solve the problem once and for all.

That is to strike first and gain the upper hand!

Get ahead of everyone else and attack yourself first.

He didn't use explosives once or twice. Even when he returned to Panlong City, it was trial and error, so the power of the explosion was perfectly controlled, and almost no one except himself was seriously injured.

When the news spreads and "He Xiao"'s popularity rises to a higher level in Lingxu City, it will be hard for the powerful to take action against him.

As a small person who came to Lingxu City, facing the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, He Lingchuan had two magic weapons to protect himself.

One is called transparency.

One is called justice.

Put yourself under the eyes of everyone, no matter the powerful or the common people, and you can't find any major faults. This is transparency.

When everyone knew that he was here for the elixir case and to track down the real murderer's injuries, he put on the cloak of impartiality and selflessness.

When the name He Xiao was so popular, even the Demon Emperor wouldn't want to attack him directly.

But the poison on the tables and chairs that night was someone else's work.

Sure enough, someone wanted to take his life.

He Lingchuan discovered through the eyeball spider that the two had sneaked into his room to poison him, and then decided to return to the inn and cause an explosion.

The water is already muddy enough, and if he adds fuel to the fire, it will be lively.

As for the Nancheng government office that had not found out who the poisoner was, He Lingchuan didn't care whether they were incompetent or sabotaging their work.

This is the best result.

If the murderer cannot be found, then anyone who has a grudge against him, including Da Sima, the Cen family, the Zhongsun family, and even the Fan brothers, will become potential suspects.

When the news of the explosion spread throughout the city again, and everyone was pointing fingers behind their backs, it was too late for He Lingchuan's enemies to avoid suspicion, so how could they commit crimes against him?

Lingxu City is, after all, a place with royal laws.

He Lingchuan waved to the big tree in the yard, and a shadow jumped from the branch onto his shoulder.

The goshawk standing on the roof only glanced here and turned away.

The first day the squirrel moved into the big tree, he reported it to Mr. Wu. When the goshawk is hungry, it will not take it as a snack.

He Lingchuan gave it a few hazelnuts. He was always very generous to the monsters around him.

The squirrel happily gnawed and said at the same time: "The car to pick you up is already here."

He Lingchuan walked out of the house and took a look. Sure enough, there was a donkey cart parked there.

Looks like the bighorn sheep don’t have to work anymore today.

Lao Ge acted as the coachman and waved to him: "Private car transfer, this is an exclusive treatment for VIPs!"

After He Lingchuan boarded the cart, the donkey cart had to start moving all the way north.

Lao Ge twisted the tip of the whip around in his hand and said, "The Chen brothers you are tracing are already dead."

It thought He Lingchuan would be displeased, but the man's expression remained nonchalant and he was still watching the street scene.

"How did you die?" He Lingchuan sighed inwardly, as expected.

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