After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 580 Murder and Silence

"After I received your commission, I sent people to investigate. When I got to the village, I found out that the two brothers died in the long grass by the river. They were found by the raccoon demon who went to collect fodder. The injuries were fatal, Mr. Chen On the throat and on the back of Chen Er’s body. There are still some injuries on Chen Da’s body, possibly from scratches during the struggle or from a scuffle with the murderer. Oh, the bones are visible on his right arm.”

"Time of death?"

"The police sent by the government believe that they probably died in the evening the day before yesterday, which was the day after the explosion in the post house."

He Lingchuan hummed: "Kill and silence."

As expected.

Lao Ge asked for instructions: "Look, do you want to continue the investigation?"

"If you continue to investigate, the most you can find is the middleman, right?"

"Maybe." Lao Ge didn't deny it. "These noble people don't want to get their hands dirty when doing things, so they usually hire middlemen. They are all very experienced."

He knows all about this, because he is also a middleman.

"Then there's no need to check, I already know it."

Among He Lingchuan's enemies, Da Si Nong should be a smart man and would not trouble the Chi Yan envoy for the sake of his convicted son-in-law. Prince Yan would do absolutely nothing to give his husband a chance to survive; and poisoning and killing people did not seem to be something General Tongxinwei would do.

So the only options left were the Cen family or the Zhongsun family.

Since Zhongsun Ce was ridiculed by Fu Shanyue's crazy output in Dunyuan a few days ago, He Lingchuan believed that he was the most suspicious.

After the explosion in the post house, Zhongsun Ce must have regretted it so much that his intestines turned green. Now that the Chen brothers have been silenced, the Zhongsun family should not dare to take action again in the short term.

Everyone is afraid of getting burned.

However, He Lingchuan has no intention of retaliating now.

As long as the real culprit behind the elixir case can be found, the Zhongsun family will probably not be able to escape. So if there is a chance later, he'd better give Bai Ziqi an assist.

After thinking about this, He Lingchuan also understood. As the donkey cart drove along, he and Lao Ge chatted for a while.

Lao Ge's attitude towards him was very different from the last time he led a group. He took the trouble to answer any questions he had, and he even smiled with a smile.

He Lingchuan originally thought that only human beings are arrogant in front and respectful in back. But this gibbon obviously knows this too.

He understood that in addition to the aura of being a Red Yan envoy, the most important reason was that he had become famous in Lingxu City.

Being friends with celebrities has many benefits.

From the conversation, we learned that Lao Ge was born in Shanyu Kingdom. He left his hometown twenty years ago and came to Lingxu, where he gradually grew up. The main business is the wholesale trade of fishery products - from He Lingchuan's understanding, he should be the "fishing tyrant" of the fishing market in this area - and as a side business, he does everything.

If the Chen brothers were not dead, Lao Ge would be happy to teach him a lesson as long as He Lingchuan paid some money.

According to the word He Lingchuan learned in another world, he used it to describe Lao Ge Zheng:

Demons and monsters.

While talking, the donkey cart drove through a busy street. The place was crowded with people, much more prosperous than Nanli District, but He Lingchuan saw a large piece of rubble on the roadside.

The building covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters was burned down to broken tiles and ruins, with only a few large black pillars still barely standing.

There are not many people here. They are all cleaning up the mess, but they are doing their work lazily.

"Where is this?" He Lingchuan roughly guessed it.

"Qingfu Temple." There was construction on the roadside, the traffic ahead was crowded, and the donkey cart also slowed down. "There was a flood a few days ago. In just over an hour, even the temple and the people were burned to the ground."

"This is Lingxu City, no one has used fire-extinguishing spells?"

"It is said that several places in the temple caught fire at the same time. There was a north wind that night, and the fire roared with the wind." Lao Ge said, "Residents nearby told me that the flames were red with blue. At first glance, It’s not ordinary fire. The government sent a water dragon and many magicians to do it, but it’s useless!”

"So many houses, all burned down in one hour?"

"Yes, it's all burned down." Lao Ge shook his head, "Some powerful people came here after hearing the news. The Qingfu Temple has been burned down."

"How many people died?" Hehe, the powerful people in Lingxu City like to kill people and silence them so much?

"I don't know exactly, but there must be seventy or eighty, right?" Lao Ge scratched his head, "Originally, the place was very popular, and tourists also liked to come and pay their respects."

"Which god are you offering to?"

"True Lord Tongming."

"..." He Lingchuan couldn't even explain how he felt when he heard the name of this god. He Chunhua was almost executed because the He family was promoted to pay homage to Lord Tongming.

Take a look at Lingxu City. The temple is majestically located beside the busiest street and is worshiped by all people.

"This temple seems to have been involved in the elixir case." He Lingchuan asked him, "Have you heard about it?"

"Elixir?" Lao Ge didn't even blink. "I haven't heard of it. Does this thing have anything to do with ordinary people?"

He Lingchuan smiled: "Of course not."

Lao Ge gritted his teeth and said, "I only bring tourists here to worship the incense, and the others don't know about it."

He is a smart ape and knows very well what things he can intervene in and what things he should stay away from as far as possible.

The donkey cart soon stopped in a small square.

He Lingchuan needed to change trains here and take the deer cart to Xushan with other passengers.

Xu Mountain was the top priority during his trip to Lingxu City. No matter how much trouble he still had, he had to go and investigate on the spot.

The two moose, with their bellies half stuffed with fodder, were holding their heads high and full of energy. After more than a dozen guests got on the bus, they trotted and chewed their cud.

For them, this level of running is equivalent to taking a walk without missing a meal.

Looking at the costumes of tourists, everything is different.

The two strong mandrills that He Lingchuan saw last time with the group were the last to get on the bus. A guest looked at them and asked weakly: "Who are these two?"

His face was full of flesh, and he didn't look like a good monkey at first glance.

"The escort on the car." Lao Ge showed a kind smile, "I paid a lot of money to protect you."

Instead, the guest was worried: "Is Xushan unsafe, or is it unsafe on the road?"

"Everyone is safe." Lao Ge said generously, "Just because we are safe all the time, we don't need security. If someone makes a mistake while climbing, these two can come in handy!"

There were two young men on the deer cart, one with big ears and the other with a handsome face, talking as if no one else was watching. He Lingchuan saw that they came together and wore similar clothes, so he thought they came from the same place.

Taking a closer look, it still looks familiar.

There were not many empty seats in the car, so He Lingchuan sat with them.

When the handsome man saw that He Lingchuan was majestic and his gait and expression were different from others, he immediately clasped his fists and said with a smile: "Oh, we seem to have met at the Dunyuan sale?"

He Lingchuan returned the greeting: "I thought they looked familiar, but it turns out it's you two."

This is the customer who bought the unknown strange object in the divine bone necklace at the Dunyuan sale.

"Have you asked someone to identify the horn-like object you bought?"

The two shook their heads: "No, it was stolen."

"Stolen by..."? "What's going on? Have you reported the crime?"

"On the second day after we left Dunyuan, we just wanted to find some experts in Lingxu City to identify it, but the thing disappeared. I remember that I put it in the storage ring before going to bed, and when I woke up the next day, it disappeared. It's gone as soon as it comes." The handsome man said, "I have reported the case to the local government office, but after so many days, there has been no response."

He Lingchuan exclaimed: "You have probably been targeted for a long time." The price of the object was not expensive, so why did the people who were interested in it not go to the scene to participate in the auction, but instead stole it afterward?

"What is this for?"

He Lingchuan's heart suddenly moved. At that time, beside the display cabinet at the sales site, the telescope reminded him that there were several people following him. But after he left the showcase, those people didn't follow him.

So are they actually targeting these unknown and strange objects? Do you want to see who the buyer is?

"That's all, it's not expensive anyway, just use it as a waste of money to eliminate disasters." The guests who can be invited to Dunyuan are at least not ordinary people. The man is more enthusiastic, "Come on, let's get to know each other again. My name is Jiang Tao, and he is Gao Jilin, we are from the country of Zhi. What do you call me?"

"Congratulations." He Lingchuan blinked, "The name is Yun, from the country of Fu."

He randomly made up a pseudonym because he saw that Jiang Tao was too talkative. If he tells his real name, he may not be able to live in peace along the way.

Fuguo is a small place. Jiang Tao said oh oh twice. Although there was still a smile on his face, his attentiveness was compromised.

"I remember that Fu State seems to produce a kind of fragrant wood, which is fragrant and antiseptic. I always have it at home."

He Lingchuan hummed: "Yunxiangmu."

"Yes, yes. Where does Brother He work?"

He Lingchuan responded vaguely: "We haven't found it yet. We will wait until we get back from this trip."

Jiang Tao said oh twice more, losing another two points of enthusiasm.

It turned out that he was still a homeless student with some wealth and connections in his family. He came to Lingxu City to study abroad and gained a resume. In a small place like Fu State, he could find a very good public job by just making some connections.

He Lingchuan asked back and found out that these two students were sent to Lingxu City by the Zhi Kingdom. They came here to observe and learn. They were all the children of high-ranking officials in their own country.

It turned out to be a government-sponsored international student.

There are a large number of foreign students living in Lingxu City. They studied in the academy while observing the scenery, laws, and human relations of Lingxu City. The best among them could even enter the royal court as officials.

The country of Zhi is a small country in the northeast of Bega, with a population of less than five million. It is not as densely populated as Lingxu City. However, on the edge of the Earth Sea, there are two natural deep-water harbors that do not freeze in winter. You can also make a good living doing business and freight.

Jiang Tao was very talkative and talked endlessly about what he had seen and heard in Lingxu City. Even if others didn't speak, he could sing a one-man show by himself.

He was full of admiration and admiration for Lingxu City, and could give endless examples to illustrate.

The mandrill sitting in the back row kept picking his ears, feeling a little unbearable.

Lao Ge also rolled his eyes a few times. This guy is so talented, his voice was all over the road. I was going to give some explanations along the way, but now I am too lazy to speak up.

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