After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 581 The Six Hundred Years Old Place of Shanmen

Jiang Tao quickly talked about the immortal medicine case.

"Except for King Baoshu, no vassal demon king has entered Lingxu City and attracted as much attention as Scarlet Yan Demon King."

Gao Jilin corrected him: "The person here is the Prince of Chiyan, not the king."

"Well, they are father and son anyway, and the prince is here on behalf of the monarch." Jiang Tao straightened his clothes, "I need Emperor Bejia to give them an explanation."

"I heard that he also has a subordinate named He, who also stole the show this time." He said with envy in his tone, "They say this man has extremely high cultivation level, and even Fan Sheng, the deputy chief of the Heart Guard, was defeated. His men!"

He Lingchuan blinked: "Oh, this person is very famous?"

"Big!" Jiang Tao sighed, "Whenever we talk about the elixir case, he is mentioned. Hey, he has the same surname as you!"

He Lingchuan's smile continued: "Maybe we were the same family five hundred years ago."

Lao Ge next to him rolled his eyes again.

He Lingchuan realized one thing:

His understanding of himself is biased.

Where is Lingxu City? No matter how handsome you are, when you come to this six-hundred-year-old imperial capital, you will be like water dripping into the sea, silently, and not even able to make waves.

If you can be famous in Lingxu City, you are not a big or small person.

No wonder Li Qingge tried to win over him, no wonder Fang Canran, the general manager of Dunyuan, wanted to send him a letter, and no wonder the Nancheng government office always treated him with respect.

He thought they were doing it for the sake of Prince Chiyan.

In fact, the strong will inevitably demand a matching status.

The respect from others is exactly what he deserves.

It's just that he has been facing the upper echelons of Lingxu City like Fu Shanyue, Da Sinong, and the Zhongsun family, and has been facing powerful men like Fan Sheng and Bai Ziqi, and he didn't realize that he was already countless positions ahead of ordinary people. .

It's time to adjust your mentality.

Being cautious in everything, always seeking stability and perfection, and seeking to be watertight, how does it fit in with the "wave-cutting" mentality that I have practiced?

When it’s time to face difficulties, we must face them.

When it’s time to open and close the doors, you must not shrink back!

Gao Jilin added: "The inn where they stayed also exploded. This is the first time I have heard of such a thing in so many years."

Jiang Tao grinned: "Maybe the Chiyan people did it themselves?"

Lao Ge next to him looked at He Lingchuan, then at Jiang Tao, and couldn't help but said: "Do you have evidence?"

Jiang Tao chuckled: "If there was, I wouldn't say 'Maybe'."

"Then why do they blow themselves up for fun?"

"It's better to strike first, right?" Jiang Tao said matter-of-factly, "Others want to deal with them, but they strike first, so how can others be embarrassed?"

Lao Ge peeked at He Lingchuan, but saw that he had an indifferent expression on his face, as if he was not the one he was talking about.

He Lingchuan really didn't care. If Jiang Tao can think this way, of course others can too. Lingxu City has never been short of smart people.

But that's not the point.

The point is, as long as others can't find anything to do with it, they must not accuse Chiyan people like this. The government still has to catch the murderer honestly, and the emperor still has to find a way to appease Fu Shanyue.

He Lingchuan closed his eyes and took a long breath.

However, his action was misunderstood by Gao Jilin, who immediately said to Jiang Tao: "You have been talking all the way, please stop talking. Let Mr. Ge introduce it to us."

The tourists couldn't stand it anymore and all agreed.

They paid to see the scenery and listen to the explanation, not to listen to Jiang Tao's talk.

When he finally arrived, Lao Ge took a sip of water and stood up: "Look to the left, everyone. The hill under the clouds is called 'Fairy Peak'. According to legend, fairies took a bath here in ancient times, but were attacked by monsters..."

He Lingchuan couldn't help but said: "Lao Ge, your introduction is so pornographic."

"What yellow?" Lao Ge said lazily, "Then let me put it another way, fairies wash their feet here!"

Jiang Tao shook his head repeatedly: "Tacky, too tacky! The artistic conception is gone, it's better to get out of the bath!"

When Lao Ge finished his second glass of water to soothe his throat, the deer cart finally arrived at the destination of the trip——


This is the tallest mountain range in the suburbs of Lingxu City. As soon as you leave the north gate of the city, you can see strange peaks touching the sky, with misty white clouds on top.

Xushan is the former residence of immortals.

Immortals like to live on top of mountains and look down on the common people.

However, the terrain near Lingxu City is special. The altitude of Xu Mountain is far lower than that of Feng Mo Mountain on the Gale Tundra. They have majestic mountains, strong winds, and white snow that never melts all year round.

However, only the highest peak of Xushan Mountain can survive the four seasons. The other peaks are only four to five hundred meters above sea level, and they are often renewed throughout the year.

Although the terrain is not high, there are green mountains, flowing water, birds and quiet streams, and there are many standard features that an immortal's former residence should have.

Because it is very close to the ground, the scenic spots here are very elegant. The roads in the scenic area have been widened, and plank roads and iron ropes have been built in dangerous places. It is not difficult to climb up.

He Lingchuan pointed to the road up the mountain and said, "Isn't the original mountain road in Xushan like this?"

"Of course not." Lao Ge explained. "During the Great Reunification period, the mountain roads were slippery, steep, and narrow. People often fell down, which was very unsafe. Immortals all have the means to get up and down, so there is no need to work hard to get there. How many good roads can be built?”

But the Immortal Sect also needs civilians to serve on the mountain, right? He Lingchuan thought for a while and did not ask this question.

"What about the Middle Ages?" At that time, the immortals gradually became unable to fly.

"After the Middle Ages, the Great Huanzong also found it inconvenient to go up and down, so he moved to live on the ground, which is the predecessor of the current Lingxu City." Lao Ge said, "That place was originally the spiritual field of the Great Huanzong. "

Gao Jilin asked: "I heard that the spiritual fields are located on high mountains, so that medicinal materials can absorb more spiritual energy."

For example, the Piaomiao Sect directly established the spiritual field on the Fengmo Mountain that towers into the clouds.

"That's right. But there is a large spirit gathering formation in Xushan, which can continuously absorb the nearby spiritual energy for its own use, regardless of the terrain. Wouldn't it be more convenient to transport medicinal materials on flat land?"

He Lingchuan heard something in his heart: "During the Great Reunion Sect, Xushan adopted the spirit gathering formation?"

The last time I heard this term, it was from Xiang Yankou, a retired official from Chiyan.

"Of course there is, the ancient immortals' methods are unimaginable to today's people."

Everyone took the conventional route, first climbing up from Yaoguang Peak, walking and strolling, sometimes passing the rope bridge, sometimes taking secluded paths, and slowly moving towards other peaks.

There were so many tourists along the way, and there were people sitting on every stone bench. As we walked, we entered the depths of the white clouds.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude. Xushan is indeed the most popular tourist attraction in Lingxu City.

The mountain gate of Dahuanzong is very majestic and carved from white jade. It is said that in the past, when mortals came to worship immortals, they would kowtow step by step from here, all the way to the Zijin Hall.

He Lingchuan looked up at the mountain peak. Although it was not high, kowtowing to the top would at least result in a bloody head, right?

A huge black monument is erected next to the mountain gate, detailing the past and present life of the sect.

The inscription on the stele is not the language of ancient immortals, because it was erected by Queen Bega, and it can be regarded as a guide for all tourists.

He Lingchuan saw the Xushan map at a glance. It mapped the peaks, the distribution of scenic spots, and several tourist routes. It was really thoughtful.

But he looked at it for a few times and then said:

“Aren’t these main peaks the main peaks from the Great Returning Sect period?”

"No more." Lao Ge replied, "When the late emperor was in power, he personally presided over the reconstruction of Xu Mountain and redefined the nine main peaks."

"Tianji Peak, Tianxuan Peak...and Dongming Peak, Yinyuan Peak!" Jiang Tao exclaimed, "Isn't this the Nine Stars of the Big Dipper?"

"Exactly." Lao Ge nodded, "It corresponds to the nine stars in the sky, and even the positions are exactly the same."

Big Dipper? He Lingchuan was also looking at the map. Just as Xiang Yan said, the peaks on the ground correspond to the stars in the sky.

Is it such a coincidence that the arrangement and position of the mountains on the ground are exactly the same as the Beidou in the sky?

He Lingchuan continued to read the inscription with such questions.

Because he had some thoughts about Xushan, he didn't let go of every clue.

This giant monument records that 632 years ago, the Great Huanzong was still the most powerful opponent of the Northern Demon Kingdom.

At that time, the Northern Demon Kingdom had merged with five countries and had seven demon kings, becoming the new overlord of this land.

But Da Huanzong still didn't take it seriously, thinking that the northern demon country did not dare to invade itself and would deal with other small countries first.

But the demon country in the north doesn't want to beat eggs and rocks, so it has to crack down on this hard problem first.

Da Huanzong was so numb and careless that it didn't wake up until the Northern Demon Kingdom's troops silently arrived at the mountain gate.

However, it was too late.

That battle lasted for ten days and ten nights, and there was no light in the world.

When the eleventh dawn arrived, the Northern Demon Kingdom finally won the final victory.

From then on, Xushan changed its owner, and Bejia had a capital.

It was such a simple set of inscriptions, but He Lingchuan could see murderous intent between the lines.

Given the nature of the Northern Demon Kingdom, the surprise attack on the Great Return Sect must have resulted in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, interrupting the foundation of the Immortal Sect. Only then could this proud thousand-year-old sect collapse overnight and never recover.

The Great Return Sect six hundred and thirty-two years ago, even if there were no immortals in charge, was far from comparable to the Shiwei Dao Sect like the Piaomiao Sect.

At that time, the Northern Demon Kingdom had not yet reached its peak period, and its national strength and military generals were probably not as good as those of later generations, so Da Huanzong was sure that it did not dare to attack itself.

Unfortunately, they misjudged the Northern Demon Kingdom.

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand to press the stone tablet, and the icy cold air penetrated into his palms.

"The monument doesn't say how many people died in that unprecedented battle?"

"Then I don't know." Lao Ge shook his head, "In a war, how can anyone not die?"

He Lingchuan said seriously: "This is a battle to destroy the entire family."

What is the best way to make a Huanghuang sect completely disintegrate in a few days and no longer be able to organize a decent resistance? To occupy its territory without worrying about its revenge?

It is to kill all the Taoist disciples.

It is to dig out its heritage.

If everyone is gone, how can there be hope for revival?

Judging from the way the Northern Demon Kingdom treats Yuan Kingdom and Panlong City, this is very possible.

He Lingchuan looked up at this huge black monument, as if the flash of swords, the shadows of swords, the ferocious smiles and howls all flashed past his eyes, and then were lightly buried into the depths of history.

Gao Jilin said softly: "I have read a paragraph about the Battle of Xushan in the history books."


"It's miserable."

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