After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 582 Where is the Immortal Cave now?

The group continued to tour.

God gave us face, it was cloudy today. The clouds and mist came over the mountains, brushing across the maple forest in late autumn, making this place look like a mountain spiritual realm.

The peaks raised their heads in the clouds and mist, and the air was fairy-like.

Jiang Tao was itching to say, "Old Ge, I heard there are several immortal caves here?"

"Yes, yes!" Old Ge pointed to him, "There are six immortal caves in Xushan, distributed among the peaks, and the largest one is on the Tianquan Peak in front."

"Immortal caves?" He Lingchuan asked, "Isn't this the old site of Dahuan Sect? Why are there extra immortal caves?"

Jiang Tao smiled and said, "Brother He doesn't know. Immortals often go into seclusion and have their own caves. Of course, those who are qualified to occupy land in the sect for seclusion are all well-known figures in the immortal sect."

Gao Jilin further explained, "The so-called caves are some of the blessed places opened up separately, and some are simply occupying a mountain for their own use."

He Lingchuan nodded, thinking of Dongli Zhenren who sat in the cave by Xianling Lake. The old turtle monster learned the divination from him, and Dongli Zhenren was a disciple of Dahuan Sect, and all his knowledge came from here.

Jiang Tao asked, "Are there no secret manuals of martial arts, magical instruments and treasures in the immortal cave?"

"Of course there are." Old Ge jumped up and walked on the railing as if it were flat ground. "It is said that when the cave was first opened, Lingxu City transported carts of treasures out of it, as many as hundreds of carts!"

"So, are there any undeveloped caves now?" Jiang Tao was impatient. "I heard that there are still hidden caves on Xu Mountain that have not been discovered!"

Old Ge squinted at him: "If there are really undiscovered caves, how did you hear about it?"

" Uh..." Gao Jilin came to the rescue of his companions: "There are six caves in Xushan, but the history records that Dahuan Sect has more than ten caves. So everyone thinks that there are still some that have not been discovered." "Hehe, you look down on Beijia." Old Ge bared his teeth at him, "How many giant monsters and powerful people in Lingxu City can't find these caves? Xushan has welcomed millions of tourists for six hundred years, but no one has discovered the mystery? Or is it that the gods who focus their attention here can't find the secret of Xushan?" Jiang Tao was speechless. Old Ge laughed and said, "However, there are places that are suspected to be caves, just on the Tianji Peak in front." The tourists were excited, and someone asked Old Ge: "We heard that Tianji Peak can predict good and bad luck?" He Lingchuan immediately pricked up his ears. Isn't this one of the purposes of his coming to Xushan? "Yes. Shu is the sky, Xuan is the earth, Ji is people, Quan is time, Heng is sound, Kaiyang is rhythm, Yaoguang is stars. Tianji Star is the wealth star of the world, and people who are in trouble should come to worship it." Old Ge shook his head and recited it very skillfully, "To be honest, most of the guests who come to Xushan are heading for Tianji Peak. From high-ranking officials to peddlers, everyone wants to know their future." He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Have you ever divined before?" "Of course." Old Ge sighed, "I came here four times, and divined two bad and two good things. Two bad things came true, but no good things happened." "Fifty percent of the divinations are correct, which is quite good." Wen Daolun told He Lingchuan that after the disaster of heaven and earth, the luck was disordered, and the divination technique was sometimes effective and sometimes chaotic. It was good to be able to divine 20% correctly. But the master of Dongli Zhenren was obviously more proficient in this. Gao Jilin suddenly said, "If the Dahuan Sect is really good at this, why didn't they calculate their own doom of extermination?"

The Dahuan Sect was ambushed by the northern demon country, and they rushed to fight, lost the initiative, and finally died in frustration. This is all written in black and gold on the huge monument at the mountain gate.

"There were situations at that time." Old Ge scratched his ears, "Who knows what the specific situation was?"

"Even if the divination of the Dahuan Sect is accurate, it is questionable whether the people in charge of this sect can make good use of it to seek benefits and avoid harm." He Lingchuan also said, "The Taoist sect is not as well organized and disciplined as the country. The big guys have their own little calculations. Every time they shirk responsibility and argue about major events, the daylily will be cold."

No matter how good the future blueprint is, no matter how good the rules and regulations are, there must be the right people to implement them.

People are the most critical factor in the rise and fall of the Taoist sect and the country. "Right!" Old Ge applauded him, "Brother He has the most insight."

Gao Jilin thought for a moment and asked again: "If you want to ask about good and bad luck, you must have someone. The Great Huan Sect has been annihilated for six hundred years. Who should I ask about good and bad luck?"

He Lingchuan gave a thumbs up: "Good question!"

Since you want to "ask for divination", you must have someone to ask, otherwise you are just asking the sky, the earth, and the air?

Old Ge snorted at Gao Jilin: "You are the only one who is smart? Are the millions of people who have come to Tianji Star all fools?"

He Lingchuan has never seen such an arrogant tour guide.

Gao Jilin has a good temper, raised his hand and smiled: "I dare not."

Old Ge smiled: "Walk to Tianji Peak, you will know."

Everyone climbed along the way, and the scenery was unique.

From here, you can overlook the entire Lingxu City. No wonder the gods set up the Heavenly Palace in Xushan.

He Lingchuan took two steps forward and whispered to Lao Ge:

"Do you know where the Naturalization Tower is?"

He wanted to send the token of Dongli Zhenren into the tower, which was also considered to be fulfilling his request.

After all, the divine bone necklace swallowed up the core of that small world.

"Naturalization Tower?" Lao Ge was stunned for a moment, "I seem to have seen it, but no customer has ever gone there."

He Lingchuan turned his palm over, letting him see the brilliance of the silver: "Then open a single line for me?"

Lao Ge said, wait a minute.

He called up the two mandrills that had been held back.

The three monkeys gathered together, chattering and scratching their heads in turns, but no one understood what they were saying.

Finally, Lao Ge said to He Lingchuan: "It seems that I didn't remember. There is indeed this place, but it is not on the list of the late emperor's reconstruction of Xushan. It is very desolate now."

"Is it far?"

"It's not far from Tianshu Peak." Lao Ge said, "You can pass by before going down the mountain."

"Thank you." He Lingchuan threw the silver to him.

Jiang Tao and Gao Jilin were also whispering in the room.

Gao Jilin said to Jiang Tao: "Don't you want to make more friends in Lingxu City? This He Yun is my choice."

"He?" Jiang Tao glanced at He Lingchuan's back, "He looks extraordinary, but unfortunately he was born in a small country and his rise is limited."

In a place like Lingxu City, people from small countries and small places want to climb up, but they inherently lack support. Just like a small fish swimming into the ocean, I don't know how many dangers it has to go through before it can grow into a giant whale.

Success rate? Oh, ten thousand are less than one.

"You see, the old monkey treats him with more respect than any of us." Gao Jilin whispered, "Then he either has the ability or the background."

Although Lao Ge is engaged in tourism, his service attitude is really bad. He has become a local monkey with a weak spirit. He is always condescending to foreign tourists and looks down upon others.

"You reported Lao Ge's group to come to Xushan. Didn't you just hear that he has some abilities and want to get on this line?" Gao Jilin said with a smile, "Why don't you pay attention to the people he respects?"

Jiang Tao thought for a while and nodded: "That makes sense."

As expected, he later moved closer to He Lingchuan, testing the latter's trump card with a smile.

How could He Lingchuan let him talk easily?

A few people watched the scenery and practiced Tai Chi, and finally reached Tianji Peak.

Except for Tianshu Peak, which is Baektu Mountain, the other main peaks are covered with lush greenery, with woody leaves, flowers and grass changing colors into red, yellow, purple and white.

Various buildings are hidden in the colorful scenery.

This shows the skill of the person who presided over the construction. The cornices and brackets are half-hidden among the flowers and trees, and all kinds of towers stand firm beside the flying streams and waterfalls.

Harmonious, elegant and picturesque.

But Tianji Peak is different:

It has almost no buildings.

Lao Ge said that this is the main peak with the least artificial traces.

People who approached the mountain peak let out a long wow——

Dongming Peak is a rock-shaped peak, rugged and skinny; but Tianji Peak is a tree-shaped peak, covering the sky and the sun!

This is a high mountain banyan tree, its roots are exposed, like vines and blood vessels, tightly grasping the rock, and even piercing the mountain, fixing itself on the top of the dangerous peak.

Gao Jilin lost his voice and said: "Are you asking for divination from this big tree?"

"That's right." Lao Ge kindly reminded everyone, "Don't open your mouth when you raise your head. There are many birds in this tree!"

The closer you get, the more majestic the giant banyan tree appears.

Its waist diameter is at least as large as thirty people's embrace. However, the main trunk is not straight. Instead, it is coiled like a dragon, almost spreading its teeth and claws to open up the canopy above.

Born towards the sky, unruly.

Among the giant trees that He Lingchuan had seen, it ranked second.

The first place is of course the Treasure Tree King, which is much stronger than this alpine banyan tree.

Lao Ge explained at the right time: "The name of this tree is 'Wenwen Tree'."

"Originally, this seed fell in a stone cave. The soil was barren and light could not penetrate, so the tree grew thin and weak, but it just refused to die. The immortal of the Great Return Sect felt that it was tenacious and tenacious, so he flattened the top of the mountain with a sword. "

"Ever since it saw the light, it has grown crazily. It not only grew out of the cave, but also covered the entire mountain, forming a wonderful scene of trees hugging the mountain." Lao Ge finally returned to the role of guide to explain the scenic spot, "The legendary The powerful Wood Spirit Master who returned to the sect was seated under this tree.”

Lord Wood Spirit? He Lingchuan was startled. Isn't that Master Dongli's master?

Even though the road was built as wide and flat as possible, the flow of passengers here was so dense that everyone could only follow the crowd. Jiang Tao raised his head and looked at the tree at a 90-degree angle: "Has this tree become a monster?"

"No, they are just spiritual objects at best." Lao Ge shook his head, "Not all spiritual objects have a chance."

This is a relic from the age of immortals. It has experienced three thousand years of wind and frost in the world, and it has received countless imperial slurries during this period, but the Wenwen tree has never become a demon.

He Lingchuan said: "This is a blessing in disguise, otherwise it would not be spared when the Northern Demon Kingdom is destroyed and restored."

Wood and stone are ruthless, so there is no need for the Northern Demon Kingdom to destroy them.

Lao Ge said, "The late emperor didn't keep it originally. I heard that King Baoshu and Shanze from Xushan Mountain had repeatedly pleaded for mercy, saying that spiritual trees that were thousands of years old were rare, so Bejia just opened his eyes to it."

Some guests were surprised: "Why don't you even leave a tree alone?"

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