After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 586 The wonder behind the gate

The two apes followed the path back to Tianshu Peak and met up with the team.

The subsequent Tiangong buildings are not as exaggerated as the Chongyang Hall. Although the shape is still luxurious, the interior is no longer plated with gold. These buildings each perform their own duties, and Lao Ge also introduced them one by one.

It was almost time to reach the Star-Zhaing Tower. He Lingchuan deliberately stayed behind and looked around to see the scenery. In fact, he summoned the Eyeball Spider and asked it in a low voice: "Are you sure the thing is in Xushan?"

The spider chirped a few times, which meant that Zhu Erniang's remains must be here, definitely within the boundaries of Xushan Mountain, but the specific location was unknown, and its senses were separated by an extremely powerful barrier.

This statement is consistent with Dong Rui.

good very good.

If he could confirm that Zhu Erniang's remains were in Xu Mountain, half of his mission to go up the mountain today would be completed.

Only after this matter is confirmed can he start the follow-up plan.

"Boundary?" There is a boundary in the Heavenly Palace, that's to be expected. He Lingchuan murmured, "Xiang Yan clearly said that when Xushan was renovated more than ten years ago, there were no magical artifacts hidden here. Well, unless what we are looking for is not a collection."

"There are so many formations and enchantments here, and there are definitely not a few magic weapons and spiritual objects that need to be used." He Lingchuan looked around, wary of people coming, "Lao Zhu's treasure, it seems suitable to use it here?"

"It makes sense." The mirror sighed, "How to find its location?"

"The project of rebuilding Xushan was huge, and the number of laborers and craftsmen involved was astonishing. It was completed less than twenty years ago, and many of these people are still alive."

The mirror said disdainfully: "What can a laborer know?"

"No matter how complicated the formation is, it still needs people to do it." The formation on the Xushan Mountain cannot be done by just putting a few bricks and a few flowers and plants. It must be a serious project. "Don't underestimate them. The key is to find the right person.”

He Lingchuan added: "Lao Xiang said that the Xushan Formation corresponds to the stars in the sky, and placing a strange treasure in the center of the formation will take effect. At that time, I suspected that this thing was Zhu Erniang's treasure."

He sighed after saying this. The only thing harder than sneaking into the Lingxu City treasure house to steal is probably digging out Zhu Erniang's remains from the Xushan magic circle, right?

Why did he catch up with all the good work?

The mirror simply asked: "How do you want to find it?"

"First let's find out whether my guess is correct." He Lingchuan had to be careful. "If I make a mistake, my life will be in question here."

"Also, where is the formation eye?" He continued to think, "The formation is said to be jointly discussed by the gods and emperors, but the leaders usually only make requests, at best, provide guidance on the direction, the specific details, that is, the formation How to build the law and how to protect it must be done by the people below.”

Then what he has to do is to find the insiders and participants.

He had asked Xiang Yan back in Baishaqiang, but the old man was very strict and refused to say anything. But after Cen Boqing was arrested, the white-sanded Chiyan officials felt particularly relieved and refreshed, and their affection for He Lingchuan increased greatly. Later, he chatted with Xiang Yan several times, and the latter lowered his guard. Finally, he spilled the beans once and said that he had made several friends while supervising the construction project in Lingxu City.

He also did not name the specific names, but one of them had the surname "Zaifu".

This surname is particularly rare.

Like Xiang Yan, this Master Zaifu has already retired as an official, but he still seems to be living in Lingxu City.

"The formations created for Xushan are all top secrets. Are you sure you can ask about them?" Mirror reminded him, "Be careful to alert the enemy."

He Lingchuan smiled: "Who said I would ask in person?"

In Lingxu City, protecting yourself is the top priority.

Soon, Lao Ge led the team to a long white jade staircase.

The long steps are wide and straight, with a total of eighty-one steps. Everyone stood at the bottom of the steps and looked up. The building above was thick and tall, all white, but the roof was moon white.

"That's the Star Building."

That is the residence on earth known as the God of Heaven, where even Demon Emperor Bejia comes to pay homage to the Star-Zhaing Tower.

It stands high on the top of the mountain, almost indistinguishable from the clouds and mists, and is reflected in a golden red by the setting sun. When all the visitors, including He Lingchuan, saw it, they felt that the mountain had stopped, and they felt the urge to kneel down and worship.

On the white jade steps, there were indeed many people kowtowing step by step, so pious that they looked arrogant.

He Lingchuan also planned to go up the stairs, but he had only taken two steps when the divine bone necklace suddenly became a hit!

Or should I say, drama hot.

If the temperature were higher, it would burn a hole in his clothes.

The meaning is clear and unmistakable:

Want, want, want, want, especially want!

This change made He Lingchuan startled and stopped. The Divine Bone Necklace likes to eat rare treasures, but has never shown such eagerness.

There is a treasure upstairs in Reaching for the Stars, it must be had!

Clearly possessive.

But what is this place?

He Lingchuan had originally harbored evil intentions and was extremely wary of the so-called "residence of the gods". However, due to this sudden change, he retracted the next step he took.

At the same time, something suddenly appeared in his right palm.

He subconsciously raised his wrist and looked:

Emergence emerges spontaneously.

This sword is integrated with him and is only summoned by him when facing enemies.

At this moment, he was not summoned, and the blade trembled slightly and the handle was bitingly cold.

He Lingchuan felt that the sword's intention was actually rippling layer by layer, as if there was an indescribable horror hidden at the end of the white jade steps and in the star-catching building in front of him!

"Hey, can you go?" The tourist behind was dissatisfied. "If you don't go, don't block the road. It's like a stone."

There were many people on the white jade steps, and everyone was pushed up by the crowd. He Lingchuan blocked the way behind when he stopped.

He turned aside, and the man was startled: "You brought out a knife, what do you mean!"

He Lingchuan gave him a toothy smile: "Sorry."

The man was hit by the sword energy that had not faded away, and he shuddered violently.

At this moment, several palace guards ran out of the tower on the side and stopped in front of everyone with their swords in hand: "The Heavenly Palace has urgent matters, and the passage is temporarily closed!"

"Huh?" Everyone complained. Seeing that the Star Reaching Tower was right in front, why were they suddenly not allowed in? This is the top priority of this trip, and no guest would not want to go.

Jiang Tao also complained and asked Lao Ge: "Is the Star Building often closed?"

Lao Ge was so squeezed that he screamed: "You ask me? Why don't you ask Zhaixinglou!"

Gao Jilin asked the palace guard: "Master Jun, how long will the Star Picking Tower be closed?"

The palace guard didn't look sideways, that is, he didn't even look at him: "I don't know."

While everyone was complaining, He Lingchuan also raised his head and looked at the Star Reaching Tower. This grand hall was so majestic that it seemed to stand above all living beings. Words could not describe the majestic and majestic momentum.

What is it that the Divine Bones covet?

What is it that causes Fu Sheng Dao to frequently warn?

The secrets of the gods, perhaps together with the secrets of the demon emperor and Bega, are all on it.

It's a pity that he can't kiss her.

How can it be compared to seeing it with one’s own eyes when you hear it from other people?

He Lingchuan suddenly patted his head. Why was he confused?

He can't get on it, but the Eyeball Spider can!

In a place where everyone can go to worship, who would pay attention to this little spy?

When the palace guard wasn't paying attention, he flicked the little eyeliner on a tourist's back with a flick of his finger, giving him a ride.

This guest had already climbed the White Jade Steps before the palace guards blocked the way, so he was lucky enough not to be stopped and could continue to the Star-Zhaing Tower.

At this moment, more than ten people suddenly walked out of a two-story tower on the side of the white jade steps.

The man in official uniform at the head looks familiar, the two people following him are probably his attendants, and the other golden armors are all Tiangong guards.

The dozen or so people hurried up the steps.

A Tiangong guard opened the way, and everyone gave way to the man.

Soon, they disappeared at the top of the white jade steps and entered the Star Reaching Tower.

Only then did He Lingchuan look away.

Not long ago, this man stole the show at the Dunyuan Sales Fair. He Lingchuan was deeply impressed by him because he bought half of the sword head of Shuan Zhenxian for a sky-high price of 870,000 taels of silver.

He may be acting on behalf of the Ke family, who "have a mine at home". No one knows whether they will extract the boundless gold in the sword head, or treat it as a precious collection.

He Lingchuan thought about what Wu Shanyue said, and the gods would call the Ke family regularly. In other words, the Ke family would go up the mountain regularly according to the oracle.

This is also the source of unlimited honor and favor for his family.

Today, he happened to meet Ke Yanming going up the mountain?

The tourists who were stopped by the palace guards asked: "Can't we go up yet?"

The palace guard's face was expressionless.

This means that it can't be done, so Lao Ge said: "It's not an option to stand here forever. Let's go to the pavilion to rest and take a look later!"

So the group guests slowly retreated and settled in the long pavilion beside the white jade steps.

Probably because he knew that he would never be late for a good meal, the sacred bone necklace had calmed down and was no longer scalding.

He Lingchuan sat down facing the Star Picking Tower and opened the eyeball spider's vision.

The passengers it takes are very young, and their legs and feet are quick to climb the steps. They seem to come just to see the scenery, and they don't bow and kowtow like other people.

He Lingchuan shared the view with the Eyeball Spider and found that they quickly climbed up the white jade steps, walked through the grand gate more than three feet high, and entered the Star Reaching Tower.

Outside the building, there is a cold wind and snow covers the ground, but inside the building is warm as spring, with a gentle breeze blowing on my face.

Looking down, everyone was shocked:

There is actually a huge lava pool hidden inside the gate of Star Reaching Tower!

It is a hundred feet in diameter, and the magma is rolling, churning out bursts of golden-red light.

No wonder it's warm here.

It seems that even if a formation is set up behind the door, it will prevent the heat or poisonous smoke from approaching.

From the back of the door to the opposite side, there is a stone beam connecting it, ten feet wide, and the road is flat. As long as you don't commit suicide, you usually can't fall.


In fact, He Lingchuan heard Lao Ge say on the way here that tourists make mistakes here every month.

The experience of walking in an active volcano is so special that ordinary people rarely encounter it. There are often tourists poking around at the edge of the stone beams, or children jumping up and down.

Of course, the person who fell was gone. At most, a puff of white steam erupted with a sneer.

Who dares to claim compensation from Tiangong?

There are no guardrails here anyway.

The bus that the Eyeball Spider took was no, this man was very courageous, and he also walked on the edge to explore the magma pool, which made the Eyeball Spider a little worried.

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