After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 587 Suspicions abound in the Star Reaching Tower

The magma underneath often splashes out, spraying up several feet high like a fountain, with fire, trees, gold and flowers splashing everywhere, creating a wonderful scene.

The magma is like water, constantly surging, and the waves often change positions, as if there are monsters crashing freely underneath, happily taking a lava bath.

Seeing this, He Lingchuan understood why Dong Rui said that seeing is worth hearing a hundred times.

According to folklore, the gods keep a powerful monster in Xushan. Judging from the power of the crater, it is very likely to be true.

After finally getting through this volcano journey, the main hall is at the end of the stone beam.

The Star Reaching Tower should actually be called the Star Reaching Tower, with three floors.

Anyone walking in the main hall would make a loud noise. The floor was made of three-color jade and was flat enough for skating.

Solemnity and solemnity are the main tone here.

But the main hall was unusually empty.

The Eyeball Spider was about to follow the people inside when several guards poured out of the hall, holding their sticks and shouting:

"The Star Reaching Tower will be closed immediately, and everyone is waiting to disperse!"

There were bursts of wailing sounds on the stone beam bridge.

The guests who visited the mountain worked hard to get here, and some of them wanted to pay homage sincerely, but the guard stopped them all with just one word.

Some people went up to plead, and some people went up to inquire.

As a result, the golden-armored guard didn't look sideways and only used his long staff to strike the ground. A cluster of spikes sprouted from the head of the staff, filled with murderous intent.

Everyone immediately fell silent and turned around in dismay.

They happened to pass by Ke Yanming who walked in.

The last time Eyeball Spider looked back, he happened to see Ke Yanming and others standing on the stone beam, with solemn expressions, clenched fists and bowed heads, not knowing whether they were waiting or worshiping.

Then the door to the Star Building was closed, and Little Spider could not see everything inside the door.

Soon after, this group of guests walked down the white jade steps.

Everyone understands that this means that the Star Building will be closed indefinitely, and we don’t know when it will be opened.

It seems that there is something going on in the palace.

He Lingchuan waited under the white jade steps and took back the eyeball spider first. He heard that several guests were unwilling to give up and wanted to wait for a long time.

Lao Ge picked out his ears and said, "Okay, then you just wait, let's go first."

"Hey, we paid!"

"You are the only one who paid, the other guests didn't pay, right?" Lao Ge said impatiently, "If they want to leave and you want to stay, then you can keep it for yourself."

He turned around and asked He Lingchuan and others: "I don't think there is any chance today. The Star Building cannot be opened. Do you still want to wait?"

He Lingchuan shook his head decisively.

Gao Jilin and several other guests also shook their heads. Jiang Tao hesitated for a while and said nothing.

"Let's go then."

Lao Ge led everyone back.

Jiang Tao was very annoyed. The last stop of today's tour was not going well: "What on earth is going on?"

"Maybe the lantern keeper is on an errand, or maybe the gods send a message, who knows?" Lao Ge shrugged, "This kind of thing happens occasionally, so consider yourself unlucky."

Because the Star Reaching Tower was temporarily closed, everyone turned back and went down the mountain. The crowd was extremely strong, and Lao Ge and others could only follow the crowd.

Gao Jilin watched He Lingchuan turn around several times and couldn't help but ask, "Brother He, what are you looking at?"

"I saw a high-ranking official coming out of there -" He Lingchuan pointed to the tower beside the white jade steps. "He entered the Star-Zhaing Tower surrounded by golden armored guards. It seems he hasn't left yet."

"The teleportation formation is located there." Lao Ge knew what the tower was used for. "Those who can use the formation to go up and down the mountain are not ordinary people. Well, when we walked out just now, we did see an official leading the way up the three steps. He went upstairs with a serious look on his face."

Ke Yanming goes in the opposite direction to others. When others go out, he goes in.

He Lingchuan's heart moved slightly. Is it because Ke Yanming is here that everyone else has to go out?

What was he doing there?

Is it something to do with fetishes?

Fu Shanyue seemed to have said that the Ke family could enjoy the honor and favor for nearly two hundred years only after they found the treasure for the gods.

Are the treasures his family found back then the treasures that are now enshrined in the shrine?

Jiang Tao stretched his neck to look at the tower, his eyes full of envy: "Brother He, do you recognize that high official?"

He Lingchuan shook his head and said to Lao Ge: "Since you can't go up, tell us what it's like in the Star Reaching Tower."

All the guests agreed. Anyway, the road down the mountain was so crowded that it would be difficult to walk quickly.

Lao Ge hummed twice: "Everything there is huge. It's shocking to see it with your eyes. What can you say?"

But he still said: "The third floor of Zhaixing Tower is also very empty, but in the middle there is a heavenly book carved from strange jade. The heavenly book has no words and is usually blank."

Book of heaven? He Lingchuan's eyes flashed when he heard this.

Is there really such a thing?

"The Book of Heaven is made of jade, no one can turn it, no one can!" Lao Ge also emphasized twice, "Only when the gods send an edict, the writing will appear on the Book of Heaven, and the pages will turn by themselves!"

Everyone let out a long ooh.

Gao Jilin smiled and said, "Have Mr. Ge seen it with his own eyes?"

"Of course -" Lao Ge glared, "No!"

"Who am I? Can I be present when the gods give orders?" He hummed, "But these are common sense, common sense! All the old officials and residents of Lingxu City know it!"

"anything else?"

"There is also a tall shrine, which is embedded in the stone wall at the back. The height from the third floor is three feet, three feet, three inches." Lao Ge sighed, "It means three feet away from the sky!"

Jiang Tao asked: "What is in the shrine?"

"It seems to be a divine object given by the gods." Lao Ge shook his head, "All tourists can only go to the place where the lantern keeper stands, and cannot get close to the heavenly book, let alone the shrine. I have only heard that there is Offerings to gods.”

He Lingchuan breathed out.

Which one does the divine bone necklace covet, a heavenly book or a divine object?

Or, is there any hidden treasure there?

And, the hidden dangers.

At this time, a tourist asked Lao Ge: "Is the lava pool inside the gate of Zhaixing Tower natural?"

"It's not natural. Could it be that it was installed later?" Lao Ge glared at him, "You want to try pretending?"

Gao Jilin changed his question: "Mr. Ge is knowledgeable, did this lava pool exist during the Great Huanzong era, or did it appear after Bejia established the Heavenly Palace?"

Lao Ge thought for a while, his brow bone was already high, but now it was about to bulge out:

"I have no impression. Hey, what's the point of asking this question? The lava pool appeared first and then appeared. Is it none of your business?"

Gao Jilin quickly raised his hands and said with a smile, "Isn't this just out of curiosity? Forgive me, Mr. Ge."

The group of people followed the flow of passengers and walked slowly down the mountain.

When we finally reached the foot of the mountain, it was already dark.

Fortunately, the deer cart arrived quickly, picked up all the guests, and trotted back to the starting point.

When the moon goes up to the west building, the trip is over.

All the group guests paid the balance at Lao Ge's place and then dispersed.

The old monkey leaned on the deer's back and tried to count the money.

He Lingchuan seemed to see the shadow of the thin man in him.

Before they parted, Gao Jilin invited He Lingchuan to have a drink with him.

He Lingchuan declined: "I still have something to do with Mr. Ge."

Time is precious and he has a lot on his plate.

Lao Ge continued to count the money on the side: "Ah, yes, we still have something to do."

Gao Jilin didn't force it: "Where is Brother He staying? Lao Jiang and I both hope to meet again in the future."

They traveled around Lingxu City, hoping to find someone to make friends with.

He Lingchuan pointed at Lao Ge and said with a smile: "If you look for Mr. Ge, you can find me."

It wasn't that he deliberately took advantage of Qiao, it was just that the secret was revealed as soon as he mentioned his residence. The land at Pan Shan's house was not accessible to ordinary people.

Gao Jilin said, "Okay, okay, let's talk more later!"

"That's how it should be."

The two sides said goodbye and returned home.

Jiang Tao and Gao Jilin walked a few dozen feet together. When they turned around and couldn't see the gibbon, they waved their sleeves and said, "This man is so generous that he doesn't even want to leave his address!"

"Perhaps he has something to hide?" Gao Jilin pondered, "Looking at this man, I always feel that he is not simple. There are too many talents from all directions in Lingxu City."

"Your vision has always been very accurate." Jiang Tao sighed, "Maybe this person even has a fake name!"

Gao Jilin smiled and said, "Didn't he also leave his contact information?"

Jiang Tao spat on the ground: "That old monkey is not a good guy. He thinks that if he hangs around in Lingxu City for a few more decades, he will be able to look down on others!"

"Lao Ge has some abilities, otherwise how can others recommend him to us? But his attitude towards He Yun also shows that this person is a bit mysterious." Gao Jilin patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, don't be angry, go have a drink, I will be the host." ”

This time He Lingchuan and Lao Ge walked together, then got on the deer cart and walked towards the main city. The squirrel returned to the team halfway.

He Lingchuan was the only guest in the car. He asked by the way: "I heard that there is a prison on Tianshu Peak?"

"Yes, yes, behind the Zhaixing Tower, it's called Yang Palace, but no one can come here." Lao Ge would make a bunch of hundreds of coins and wrap them in oil paper. "No one who goes in can get out."

"Huh?" He Lingchuan always felt that there was something in his words: "What exactly does this mean? Is there anyone you recognize who went in?"

"It's not a person I recognize, it's a monkey I recognize." Lao Ge sighed, "I have a nephew who is very motivated and has always aimed to serve in the Heavenly Palace. Later, he really succeeded in getting in. You know what it means to Lingxu City to become a divine attendant. How much of an honor is it for a human being?”

"He was just guarding Yang Palace in the early days, but he wouldn't tell me what he did later on, even if I asked him. Suddenly one day, he didn't come home - well, he stayed at my house all those years."

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "You didn't go home. Does this mean you are missing?"

"I waited for two days and asked someone to go to Tiangong to inquire, and the answer I got was that he died in the line of duty!" Lao Ge sighed, "The pension was paid out quickly, but the process of his death in the line of duty..."

Lao Ge shrugged: "My friends in Tiangong said, don't ask anymore."

He Lingchuan thought something was wrong: "You want to see people when it is alive, and you want to see its body when it dies. Did you let you take back its body?"

"I found a way to get it back." Lao Ge shook his head, "The left half of the body is gone, as if it was bitten off by something."

"Monster?" He Lingchuan's heart moved slightly, "A big one and a small one?"

He is an experienced hunter himself and can find many clues from the wounds.

The more he knew about the secrets of Xu Mountain and Zhaixing Tower, the better.

"It should be a big guy." Lao Ge pointed back, "I don't mean big guys like the two little guys behind me."

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