After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 588 Asking for Four Thousand Years

The two strong mandrills were silent.

"My nephew only suffered a flash attack and was only bitten." Lao Mo himself was not a man of faith. He had many lives under his hands and was an expert in examining injuries. "Roughly judging, the murderer's mouth had dense teeth instead of Our kind of fangs.”

It opened its mouth and four large fangs were exposed.

"Could it have been done by a prisoner?"

"It's not like that. I remember my nephew once let it slip that he was doing business at the foot of Zhimi Peak. It was one of the sub-mountains of Tianshu Peak. It was very desolate and there were no buildings. I asked more out of curiosity and he said Stop talking about it.”

He Lingchuan pondered: "Since the work is so dangerous, are there other people in Tiangong who have disappeared in these years?"

Lao Ge glared: "My friend asked me not to ask anymore. I can't bear the secret of Tiangong."

He is a smart man and knows what to ask and what not to ask.

He Lingchuan understood, this topic ended here.

"By the way, didn't you ask about the origin of Fang Canran, the general manager of Dunyuan last time?" Lao Ge was still very fast in doing things, "I asked someone about it, and his family took root in Lingxu City seventy years ago. It can’t be found further, it’s too long ago.”

"What kind of business does his family do?"

"Oh, I have everything. When the Fang family came to Lingxu City, they still had some money and opened two shops, a cloth shop and a clothing store. After running it for more than ten years, they probably changed people and couldn't do it anymore, so they had to sell the shop and change careers." Lao Ge counted his family treasures with his fingers, "Later, his family worked as a bookkeeper, worked in a private school, opened a store, and became a prostitute... Until Fang Canran's uncle started to start business again, and he brought Fang Canran into the business. As a result, It turns out that Fang Canran is much more ambitious than his uncle, and he has achieved such great results at such a young age.”

The Golden Horn family is a famous family on the floating island. Fang Canran manages the family's property, which is equivalent to a gold medal professional manager agent. Not only does he have face but also money.

He Lingchuan nodded: "Well, this is the smoke coming out of the ancestor's grave."

I just don’t know if Fang Canran’s ancestor is related to Shao Jian!

If the Fang family deliberately concealed their family history from other places seventy years ago, outsiders would not be able to trace it back.

It seems that the insinuations about Canran's family history only go so far.

He took out another ingot of silver: "Lao Ge, I want to ask you to do something again."

The shiny silver came, and Lao Ge looked upright: "Just speak!"

Once they become strangers, the second time they become familiar, and the third time they become friends.

Mainly because He Lingchuan was generous.

The wealthy guest was whispering to him. After hearing this, Lao Ge smiled and said: "Isn't it just running errands and delivering letters? I don't think it's a difficult task. Leave it all to me from now on."

"Thank you."

Then, next he has to inquire about the past of the Ke family and the fetish.

Those were all from the old almanac almost two hundred years ago. Even in Lingxu City, probably not many people knew about it, and it was impossible to tell him.

Fortunately, He Lingchuan had someone to ask.

After returning to Pan Shanzhai for dinner, He Lingchuan went back to the house and closed the doors and windows before taking out something from the storage ring.

The leaf obtained from the Taoist tree at Tianji Peak in Xushan Mountain.

When the Wenwen tree predicts bad luck for others, it usually gives green leaves or red leaves, but it is rare to give a half-red and half-green leaf.

When he came to him, the gold turned red.

Red, green, gold (yellow) red... Huh, I don’t know what kind of intersection he is walking on.

He Lingchuan held the leaf and studied it for a long time, but found no magical fluctuations. Apart from being beautiful, it is just an ordinary leaf.

Lao Ge said that many tourists who asked for divination took the leaves home as tourist souvenirs, which means that the thing itself should have no other use.

In terms of color palette, red, green and yellow.

Can he understand that his fate has repeatedly fluctuated between bad and good, which can no longer be summarized simply, but in the end the situation has turned bad, so Wen Shugan simply gave such a result.

Symbolically speaking, yellow leaves represent withering...

Damn it, he doesn't want to die.

It is said that what Hong Chenglue got was also yellow leaves, standard yellow leaves.

Although it was still different from his, if there was a suitable opportunity, He Lingchuan would also like to ask Hong Chenglue to see if Huang Ye's tips were accurate.

Several sages and great masters of the Great Return Sect, including Dongli Zhenren's master Mu Lingzun, seemed to be sitting under the Wenwen tree. Is their divination ability more powerful than that of Dongli Zhenren who understood "The Collection of Passing Waters"?

The greedy divine bone necklace kept heating up. He Lingchuan looked through the leaves and found nothing new, so he simply fed it to it.

Seeing that the golden-red leaves were letting go with a "whoosh", he complained to the sacred bone necklace: "You are like Pixiu, the light can't get in and out, so you always need something to eat, and I don't see anything useful coming out of you!" Except for that! Beggar's version of the Dragon Pillar.

His current situation is delicate and dangerous, and he is in urgent need of help.

Unfortunately, this thing is of no use at all.

What can the big square pot that makes Lingxu City go crazy for? What can it do?

It was stormy at night, and he was too lazy to move, so he just lay down on the bed and slept.

He hoped to enter Panlong City to find out about the past between the Ke family and the divine objects, and to find a direction for future actions.


It was dark all around.

Is this Panlonghunxiang? He Lingchuan's feeling was very strange. He didn't feel like he was seeing things with his eyes, but he was very aware of what was around him.

He seemed to be in a huge cave, surrounded by layers of rocks. The exit was far away, five feet away.

This means that the light source is also far away.

There is a lot of moisture in the cave, and occasionally water drops drip from the top of the cave and break into eight petals on the rocks with a thud.

Where is it?

He Lingchuan wanted to go out and take a look, but he couldn't move.

I don’t know how long it took, but as soon as the light at the entrance of the cave dimmed, someone walked in and looked down at him:

"It's a spiritual tree. It's so tenacious, but it's a pity that it's trapped here."

Only then did He Lingchuan realize that he seemed to be a skinny little tree, with only two pitiful branches, and its leaves grew and fell off.

The man turned and walked out.

Just a few breaths later, there seemed to be a flash of thunder from above, and the light was brilliant.

The top of the mountain fell and the roof of the cave was gone.

They were all cut off with a sword.

For the first time in hundreds of thousands of years, sunlight shines into this dark cave.

The small tree was bathed in the sunshine, and for the first time it was trembling slightly in the breeze.

The man stood among the rocks with his sword in hand and smiled at it: "Grow up well, my sect is destined to you."

Since then, the sun has risen and the moon has set, there have been countless thunders and rains, and countless seasons have changed.

He Lingchuan's field of vision was no longer limited to the tree, but instead looked like a holographic view, taking in the entire mountain top.

Although there are many differences, this mountain still looks familiar, especially the one with the top cut off——

Hey, isn't this the Tianji Peak of later generations!

Then what he substituted previously should be the infancy of the Taoist tree. The person who opened a way for it to survive was probably...Shougan Immortal?

As the tree grows bigger and bigger, spiritual awareness spreads and is no longer limited to itself.

It grows faster than other trees. It has emerged from the cave and is spreading its branches and leaves.

At that time, this mountain peak was also called Daofeng.

Disciples of Dahuanzong are in small groups, often chatting and playing under the trees, practicing swordsmanship and enlightenment; many immortals have set up altars here and started teaching.

The asked tree listened silently.

Many of these people have the ability to move up and down, and can control weapons and ride the wind.

Suddenly one day, dark clouds covered the mountains, covering not only Shouan Mountain, but also the entire Dahuanzong territory.

There is something in the clouds that is ready to move. Occasionally, it shows its head and tail, and it is the ferocious demon god.

Da Huanzong ordered all his troops to attack, and for a moment countless rays of rainbow light rose from the ground, reaching into the clouds.

It was a spectacle that He Lingchuan had never seen before.

The first battle lasted for half a month, and more than a hundred disciples of the Dahuanzong were killed or injured.

But this is only the beginning of the bloody battle.

Not long after, several terrifying thunder poles fell from the sky and hit the Taoist tree.

The big tree was blown into charred wood, and the spiritual sense was suddenly lost.

As a result, He Lingchuan's eyes fell into darkness again.

When he regained his vision, it seemed like a long time had passed, because the entire Taoist Peak had changed.

It used to be lush and green, but now it is bare and desolate. The land has thousands of ravines, as if it had been washed by lava. There are almost no plants in such a huge mountain range, and the few remaining trees have withered leaves and are dejected, as if they are dying.

The Shou'an Immortal disappeared, and several elders of the Great Return Sect stood under the Wenwen tree, debating whether to cut it down.

"It's stained with so much demonic blood, I'm afraid it will turn into a monster and eat people."

"Other spiritual trees will either wither or become ferocious when exposed to the demonic blood. Master Shu'an would be sad if he knew that the Taoist tree would become like that."

"Isn't it still the same? There are exceptions to everything! Have you forgotten? Even when the Taoist tree was destroyed by thunder, we still carried its leaves with us, thus blocking the magical power of Mulian. Eyes, he managed to lurk next to Mulian and then defeated him! The tenacity of the Daoist tree is far better than that of us humans!" An elder insisted on his opinion, "After the great catastrophe, there are very few spiritual beings left in the world. If the tree can withstand the erosion of the demonic blood and survive, it will be a blessing for me to return to the sect."

Others asked him: "How to say?"

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been exhausted. Which of us can live a long life without it?" The elder smiled, "Thousands of years later, it can still protect our sect, but it is much better than us."

The Wenwen tree was preserved in this way.

Time flies, and another thousand years have passed.

The traces of the demon's rampage have long since disappeared, and Shoutan Mountain remains green.

As expected, the elders who discussed cutting down trees here all died one after another, and only the branches and leaves became evergreen and grew stronger.

The aerial roots hanging down from the tree have grown stronger and stronger, and have wrapped up the cave where the Taoist tree came from, forming a nesting wonder of a hole in the tree and trees growing inside the hole.

Adhering to the sect's legacy, the disciples of the Great Return Sect respect it very much, and many great masters in the past have passed away here.

The master of Dao Dao Peak at this time was Venerable Wood Spirit.

This man had a sharp skull, white spots on his face, and his eyes were usually narrowed to a slit, making it almost impossible to tell whether he was asleep or awake.

In terms of appearance, he is really unattractive and has no character at all. But everyone in the Dahuanzong respected him.

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