After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 589 Ju Luoshu’s return gift

Lord Mu Ling didn't take too much care and focused on cultivating things. However, it was said that his cultivation level was higher than that of the sect leader. In his later years, he was very poor in scriptures and specialized in divination, and he corrected many calculations that had been messed up since the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

It is a pity that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has declined, the human kingdom has begun to rise, and the Great Return Sect is no longer as prosperous as before.

No matter how advanced the Wood Spirit Master is in his cultivation, he has never been able to survive the poisonous hand of time. The most common saying he says is "time has not waited for us".

One day, he will pass away under the tree.

All the disciples burst into tears.

Lord Wood Spirit smiled: "I'm lucky. If I were born in the future, I might not have the chance to die peacefully like this."

Everyone was busy asking why.

Venerable Mu Ling said: "Sects are like people, they have ups and downs, life and death. I look at the Qi of this sect and it has been more than a thousand years, which is a rare longevity in the world, and there will be many outstanding people among it. "

One disciple was unwilling to accept it: "Master, the Immortal Sect has been weakened into a Taoist sect. Will it disappear with the spiritual energy in the future?"

"Maybe the world will perish, or maybe it will be peaceful." Lord Wood Spirit asked, stroking the tree trunk, "Old friend, you know what I want to say."

Immediately a leaf fell from the tree, golden and red like the sunset.

Lord Wood Spirit bit his fingertips and wrote a few words on the broad leaves:

"Yu Huan is away from home."

"A leaf blinds the eye."

"Dongli enters Kanshui."

Not only is it clueless, it doesn't rhyme. The disciples were confused: "Master, there seems to be a missing sentence?"

Shouldn't the speech be four sentences long? These are only three sentences, what about one more?

It feels so uncomfortable to think about it like this.

"I can't get out." Lord Mu Ling sighed, "It would be great if Dongli was here. He could help me with the consultation and proofreading. Maybe he could see more accurately and further."

Everyone didn't dare to answer the question.

"Although he fell into the devil's path, he will wake up and come back one day. I will wait for him here." Lord Mu Ling pointed forward, "Young people, you must allow them to make mistakes."

The disciples looked at each other in disbelief, and there was something in their hearts that they dared not say: Dongli is not young anymore, right?

Lord Mu Ling blew on the leaf, and a disciple came forward, ready to take it.

After the Master passes away, these last few words will be enshrined.

Unexpectedly, Lord Mu Ling shrank his hand and threw the leaves into the pool under the tree.

The golden-red leaves swirled twice on the water, then sank to the bottom of the water before anyone could react, disappearing into the darkness.

"??" Everyone was confused.

Lord Mu Ling said calmly: "What hand I'm extending, it's not for you."

"..." Then who does Master want to give it to? Such an important final message was not handed over to the master?

"What will happen to the sect after a thousand years?"

"You may be able to survive the misfortune by offering sacrifices to the mountains and rivers, but I'm afraid you will be powerless by then." Venerable Wood Spirit's aura was already a little weak, "It's time and destiny!"

He whispered again:

"It's a pity that after exhausting my whole life, I can only deduce so much. From now have to rely on yourself from now on."

Another disciple hurriedly asked: "Sir, are there any immortals in the world?"

"Are there any senior immortals in our sect, are they still in retreat?" The Great Return Sect is already one of the most powerful sects handed down from ancient times. If there were no immortals here, how much would be left in the world?

But Lord Wood Spirit half-closed his eyes and stopped answering.

Only then did everyone realize that he had passed away.

Everything in front of me gradually blurred.

He Lingchuan came back to his senses and found that not only the perspective had changed, but the scenery had also changed. Tianji Peak and Dawen Tree were all gone, and he was standing in Panlong City again.

What just happened?

He was standing on the edge of the very familiar South Gate Square, with the Juluo tree in front of him.

"Huh? The leaves have changed color?" The Juluo tree has an extra golden-red leaf, just like a small highlight on a person's forehead, which is particularly conspicuous.

Moreover, the Juluo tree had grown again, and He Lingchuan had to look up to see the top of the tree. He patted the tree trunk: "So you ate the leaves of the Wenwen tree. Are they particularly nutritious?"

A gust of wind blew by, rustling the crown of the Juluo tree, and he didn't know if it was replying to him.

At least He Lingchuan didn't understand.

But the golden-red leaf actually fluttered down and was caught in his hand.

"For me?"

He turned the leaf over and over and saw that its shape was slightly different from the original leaf, but it was also about the size of a palm. Even the veins were golden. There was not a single worm spot or burnt edge in the whole body. It was as exquisite as a handicraft.

Is this Gu Luoshu's return gift to him?

"Thank you!" He put the leaves into his arms and patted the tree trunk. "You're so sensible. It's not like a big square pot that can only go in but not come out. It's delicious and lazy to make."


Early the next morning, He Lingchuan woke up in the big bed at Pan Shanzhai and was stunned for a while.

He actually had other dreams!

In the past year, this was the first time he dreamed outside Panlong City.

Tears filled his eyes. He thought that his soul could never go anywhere else at night or have any other dreams!

Of course, when he calmed down, he remembered that this dream was related to the golden and red leaves of the Taoist tree he got yesterday.

What you see every day, what you dream about every night.

Did he feed the leaves to the sacred bone necklace and eat it, so Dafang Pot showed him the message contained in the leaves at night?

What a powerful card reader.

Wait, after all, this dream is still related to the big square pot!

He Lingchuan closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

He can't escape from others' clutches.

However, recalling the content of the dream carefully, he saw excerpts from the life of Daoshu.

The reason why it is said to be an excerpt is probably because the Wenwen tree has lived for a very long time, spanning three eras: ancient times, medieval times, and the present day, which lasted at least four thousand years.

It lasted too long and had too many events. If every bit of information that happened around it had to be shown to He Lingchuan, his soul might not be so tenacious and could not carry that kind of memory.

Having been in the dream for so long, He Lingchuan had some idea of ​​the tolerance of his soul - he was always forced to open up the wilderness and trained by Dafang Hu.

Maybe it was the Dao Dao Tree itself, or maybe it was the Dafang Pot that screened the most important node information and showed it to him.

He Lingchuan was still impressed by the name of Master Mu Ling. Isn't this Master Dongli's master?

In the cave under the Fairy Lake, Master Dongli left a suicide note regretting that he had fallen into the devil's path and was ashamed of the cultivation of his mentor, the Master Mu Ling.

Otherwise, He Lingchuan would not have followed this clue and pursued him into the Xu Mountain.

Fortunately, it’s not like I got nothing.

In the memory of Dao Daoshu, he saw the Taoist spirit of many immortals, the disciples of the sect who did not eat the fireworks of the world and devoted themselves to cultivation in the immortal era, and even felt the joy of surging spiritual energy and flourishing of all things like Dao Dao Tree. .

Those are indeed the best years for a practitioner.

In fact, the Middle Ages were not bad either. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth increased and decreased, and the emperor's ooze often came. Although the practitioners were not feeling well, strong men like Lord Wood Spirit still lived for more than 800 years.

His disciple Dongli Zhenren only lived 600 years old.

From now on, the lifespans of demons and humans will become increasingly reduced.

Of course, what He Lingchuan really paid attention to were the three words of greeting written on the golden and red leaves by Master Mu Ling.

He did not leave it to the sect, but re-voted it to the Taoist Tree, and the fallen leaves returned to their roots.

The previous elders have said that the human body decays but the Taoist tree survives. So, are these sentences reserved for future generations?

After all, it is the only one that can survive across thousands of years of time and space to this day.

Having said that, whether it was Master Mu Ling or the old turtle demon who took away the "Collection of Passing Waters" written by Master Dong Li, they only left three sentences of greetings!

It just lacks the last sentence.

It’s truly a lineage.

He Lingchuan grabbed the sacred bone necklace and said:

"How about you explain it to me?"

Of course the necklace ignored him.

When he touched the necklace, he felt something strange in his arms. He reached out and took it out again, eh——

Take out a golden and red leaf.

He Lingchuan was stunned for a long time on the spot.

The leaves of the Juluo tree actually followed reality?

Of course, the Juluo tree itself has the ability to travel through the underworld, and He Lingchuan also used its branches to bring nightmares out to play. But it seemed like this was the first time that Xiaoshu took such initiative.

Well, the leaves...

He Lingchuan stroked the leaf and remembered a sentence in the greeting of Venerable Mu Ling:

"A leaf blinds the eye."

He put the blade in front of his eyes. Is this how he used it?

Except for the light, nothing seemed to block it.

Even the leaves of the Juluo tree do not show any fluctuations in magical power. Apart from their beautiful appearance, they are no different from ordinary leaves.

It is hard to imagine that in the past, the masters of the Great Huanzong could use the leaves of the Daoist tree to block the magical power of the great demon Mulian.

Forget it, maybe this leaf will come in handy in the future.

He casually put it into the storage ring and then failed.


Can't take it in?

At this time the servant came to report:

A visitor comes to the door.

He Lingchuan put the leaf back into his arms: "Invite him in."

The visitor was in his forties, with a long face and a goatee, which made him look a bit old-fashioned. In short, he is an ordinary person with an ordinary face and ordinary clothes. If you throw him into a crowd, you won't be able to find him.

He reported his name to Qixiang, who was introduced by the master of Songyang Palace.

He Lingchuan met him in his courtyard: "Are you the steward of Songyang Mansion?"

"Oh, no, I helped when the Songyang Mansion branch opened, but I don't work in the branch, and it has nothing to do with Songyang Mansion." Shan Qixiang smiled and narrowed his eyes, "Sir, you saved me before. After passing my house, we kept in touch. She said you were short of help, so I came. "

Li Qingge did say that he would send someone to him, but unexpectedly he came so quickly.

Before He Lingchuan could ask any questions, Lao Dan handed over a pair of hooks with both hands:

"This is your thing. The hook has been repaired. Your Majesty asked me to deliver it to you."

This hook rope was damaged by He Lingchuan when he captured the snail toad in Zhitian Township. Li Fubo's hook made of fine gold was hit by the snail toad and the explosion and was broken. Although he still had spare parts, they were not as easy to use as this one.

He Lingchuan took it and smiled.

This thing is also a token, implicitly indicating that Lao Dan was indeed sent by Li Qingge, allowing him to use it with confidence and boldness.

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