After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 590 An old friend comes again

"Old Dan, are you familiar with Lingxu City?"

"Familiar. I have been in Lingxu City for more than 20 years. In my early years, I worked as a steward for two or three families." Old Dan raised his finger to the sky and said, "After doing business, I worked as an assistant and a helper. Although Lingxu City is large, , I’m familiar with him inside and out.”

"Well..." He Lingchuan has too many things to do now, and he has no time to listen to people telling stories about the past. This old man is not long-winded and is a discerning man. "Then let me ask you, Lingxu City Among the senior officials, are there any whose surname is Zaifu?"

"Zaifu?" Old Dan blinked twice, "Yes, you should be talking about Zaifu praising Zaifu, who will be a young prisoner when he reaches the official position. When I was working as a steward in the first owner's house, he lived there It’s half a street away, across the street.”

"Will you be the prisoner?"

Lao Dan knew that He Lingchuan was not familiar with the Lingxu official system, so he explained: "The general will be in charge of the construction of the palace, the making of various royal fine vessels, and the embroidery of palace silk and silk, etc. And Mr. Zaifu is good at palace and temple work. Supervised the construction, and he participated in the large-scale construction of Floating Island and Xushan."

No wonder Xiang Yan got to know him, he was indeed an old friend who worked together.

He Lingchuan nodded: "How is Mr. Zaifu doing now?"

"It's been less than two years since I retired at home. I'm in good health and full of energy, and I often move around." Lao Dan said quickly, "Until now, Zaifu's house is full of people."

"Why are there so many people looking for a retired official?" It is normal for people to leave and have tea to cool down.

"Master Zaifu has been an official for decades, and has been a prisoner for twelve or three years. What kind of position do you think it is? There are so many treasure merchants, so many lake and river transport merchants, and so many building materials merchants in Bejia. Haha, who should I use?" It doesn’t matter who’s family, except for those appointed by the emperor, isn’t it always the supervisor’s decision? Mr. Zaifu knows this well and has a wide circle of friends. After retiring, he has always been in the royal court, and he has been praised by many high-ranking officials. Talk."

He Lingchuan smiled and said, "You're just an old official."

Lao Dan also laughed: "You can say that."

"Master Zaifu, it's great that he is living so well."

Lao Dan continued: "Next month will be his sixty-fifth birthday, and Sir Alex has received an invitation from his family."

"Next month?" He Lingchuan raised an eyebrow, "Can we get his birth date?"

Lao Dan thought for a while and nodded: "I heard that Mr. Zaifu asked someone to tell someone in his early years that he would have a great calamity when he was sixty-four years old. Seeing that sixty-five is approaching, we have to hold a banquet to celebrate the successful completion of this year."

He paused and then said: "On the floating island, every family often holds banquets, and they can celebrate if they find a reason. If you catch a chance and eat from house to house, you can eat the same thing for a month and a half."

"A few meals and drinks, even delicacies, are just a small amount of money to them."

Old Dan shook his head: "Actually, favors are the most valuable when it comes to welcoming and sending off. The expenses are like running water, and they can't support it without the gold and silver mines. Many officials can't support this kind of expenses after they become official, and they have no choice but to withdraw from the floating island. Live in the lower city.”

That means falling from the clouds to the mortal world.

"For Pingtou, the lower city is also expensive, but it is not on the same level as Floating Island."

He Lingchuan thought of General Jinjiao's Dunyuan. I don’t know what the price of such a vast and luxurious garden that occupies a mountain will be on the floating island.

Oh, by the way, you can't go up just by having money, he almost forgot.

"It's too far off topic. Is Zaifu boasting in the upper city or in the lower city?"

"Upper City, Tianxiang Island." Lao Dan added, "If official officials don't go to Lower City, they like to gather on Tianxiang Island."

"Will he come to the city?"

"Occasionally." Lao Dan thought for a while, "He is a person who likes to show off."

He Lingchuan nodded: "Then you can help me find out whether he will come to the lower city in the near future."


At this moment, the servant delivered breakfast outside the courtyard.

The boy guarding the door was about to reach out to take it, but the servant shrank back and said loudly: "Young Master told me to send it in."

After Pan Shanzhai returned to He Lingchuan, the servants here called him Young Master.

The young man glared: "I have been here since early in the morning. When did the young master give you orders?"

"Last night." The voice became louder.


He Lingchuan heard the argument outside and yawned: "Come in, don't make any noise!"

The boy and the servant came in, the latter still carrying breakfast.

Before He Lingchuan could ask, he put the tray on the table: "Eat it while it's hot."

This is more like admonition than flattery.

Not to mention that the boy was incredible, the boss looked sideways, and He Lingchuan also looked at him twice.

With three people staring at him, the servant said again: "We haven't seen each other for half a month. Let's have a good chat after dinner."

He Lingchuan looked at him with eyes that gradually became serious: "Who are you?"

"I told you not to come to Lingxu City if you don't care about your life." The servant sighed, "You don't listen to me."

His expression was stiff, his movements were a little dull, like a puppet on strings, and even his words seemed insincere.

Hearing this, He Lingchuan said to the other two people: "You guys stand down."

Old Dan whispered: "Young Master, you?"

"I'm very safe." He Lingchuan waved his hand, "Go down."

The two quickly retreated from the small courtyard, not forgetting to close the door.

He Lingchuan looked at the tray on the table.

The breakfast was very sumptuous, including a bowl of steaming glutinous rice siomai, two pan-fried shredded potato radish pancakes, a bowl of scallion oil thin noodles mixed with three shreds, and the smoked elbow belly that He Lingchuan specially ordered last night. The skin is bright red and oily, and each slice is cut very finely and thinly. Then dip it in a special sauce and eat it directly in your mouth or sandwich it into potato pancakes. It is a must-have.

Oh, and a big bowl of sweet rice wine.

However, after knowing who the person in front of him was, how could he dare to speak?

What a waste of food!

"You are so brave, you dare to wander around Lingxu City." He sighed and sat down, "Mai Xuewen...oh, should I call you Xi Yunhe?"

The servant's face remained expressionless, and there was no fluctuation in his tone: "Is that what Imperial Master Qingyang said?"

This is admission. He Lingchuan crossed his legs and said, "Are you here to trouble me?"

Xi Yunhe showed this skill in Bai Shaqiang. He controlled the innkeeper's mind and acted as his puppet to convey messages. Well, that is, he was a mouth substitute.

But He Lingchuan knew that this kind of spell had some shortcomings. For example, Xi Yunhe himself could not be too far away from the puppet.

Pan Shanzhai is not a real mansion, but it is much larger than the inn he stayed at in Baisha. In other words, Xi Yunhe may be operating outside the walls of Pan Shan's house.

Of course, this guy was confident if he dared to appear in front of him.

"how you said that?"

"The whole Lingxu City is looking for you, and Bai Ziqi wants to arrest you personally. At this time, you still run out and come to me?" He Lingchuan said with a long face, "Are you trying to drag me into this? ?”

"I haven't walked into your house myself, and I haven't been seen by your servants, so what are you afraid of?" Xi Yunhe's voice was a little brisk, "Besides, Bai Ziqi's master is anxious to solve the case of the immortal medicine, and the focus of his investigation is not me. But kill Wu Kai and the people behind Qingfu Temple."

"What I did also helped him. He won't know it."

He Lingchuan said calmly: "Help him? Does the emperor really not know that there is someone selling the elixir privately in Lingxu City?"

Zhongsun Mou went to Qingfu Temple to buy the elixir under Shi Kai's introduction.

He dared to buy it, and that old man Zhong Sunchi dared to eat it without doubting that what he ate was other ghost things, which showed that the "elixir can be bought" had spread among the upper levels of Lingxu City.

Will the emperor be completely kept in the dark about something that the ministers all know?

It's not impossible, it's just...

"Does the emperor really want to take care of it?"

"Then we can only ask the emperor." Xi Yunhe smiled, "How can I know what he thinks?"

If this matter hadn't been brought to the forefront, if it hadn't been brought under the eyes of the gods, would Bega really have made great efforts to investigate it seriously?

He Lingchuan is an outsider and cannot be sure.

"What's the matter with you coming to me?"

"I have advised you to stay away from this muddy water. The water in Lingxu City is much deeper than that of Bai Shaqi. If you are stirred into the whirlpool, you will die." Xi Yunhe chuckled, "Don't you Listen to me and you will have to be dragged into the water now.”

He Lingchuan changed into a comfortable position: "Is it related to the elixir case?"


"You finally handed the clues to Lingxu City." He also used a particularly radical method, "But now it's all broken. Wu Kai is dead. Although the actor who contacted him confessed, the family who confessed is also dead; The Qingfu Temple was also burned to the ground, and even the people and the temple were reduced to ashes. If this continues, the emperor may have no choice but to use Cen Boqing to close the case."

"Yes, we can't let the real murderer go unpunished." Xi Yunhe took a step forward, "Please help me pass another clue to Bai Ziqi."

"Hey, I finally got over this matter, and now I just came to Lingxu City to watch the fun." He Lingchuan looked reluctant, "Why do you want to get involved again?"

"Aren't the four or five vassal demon kingdoms, Chiyan Kingdom and Baoshu Kingdom, the masters of suffering? Does Fushan Yue not want this case to come to light and the real culprit behind the scenes to be punished as he deserves?"

From this perspective, Chi Yan and the other demon kings indeed hope that the truth will be revealed to the world and stir up trouble in the imperial capital with a righteous reason. So as the special envoy of Chiyan, what reason does He Lingchuan have for not taking this job?

He Lingchuan said calmly: "Then go talk to Fu Shanyue."

Put responsibility on him? Haha, he has no "position" in Chiyan, so where is his responsibility? Morality is air to him.

Want him to help? That needs to be something real.

Thinking of this, He Lingchuan's heart moved, why not...?

"If Bai Ziqi cannot catch the real culprit, do you think the real culprit will let you go after the case is over?" Xi Yunhe said calmly, "The revenge will be fierce."

"Whatever, I won't necessarily be in Lingxu City by then." He Lingchuan touched his nose, "I'm just a nobody. The world is huge. Where can I go?"

"When?" Xi Yunhe laughed loudly, "Even among the old dignitaries in Lingxu City, none of them want to offend Qing Gong, Da Sinong, Zhongsun family and Tongxinwei at the same time."

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