"Is Yao Xingning behind it?" He Lingchuan also knew his difficulty, "If I remember correctly, this little prince is not very old, right?"

"Well, he is only thirteen years old, equivalent to a human infant. He only learned to speak human language last year."

You don’t want to do anything at such a young age?

By the way, the Demon Emperor's child is not a human in the first place.

Fu Shanyue added: "It has a bad temper and kills people at every turn. The first young teacher the emperor hired to give it a lecture was a human being. He was knowledgeable but not familiar with magical powers and martial arts. As a result, the prince was annoyed that he was too verbose and ate him directly. The emperor scolded him to no avail, so he found another great demon to teach him, and thus no more murders occurred. "

It is difficult to reason with infants and young children, and the prince is at this stage.

"If Yao Xingning makes another provocation..."

He Lingchuan frowned: "What's the benefit of her instigating Prince Bejia to come to Panshan's house to cause trouble?"

"Just venting his anger." Fushan Yue finally couldn't help but sneer, "Cen Boqing's conviction is a certainty and cannot be changed."

"This is also causing trouble for the emperor." He Lingchuan thought, "At this juncture, one more thing should be better than one less thing. Isn't she afraid that the emperor will have more ill feelings towards her and Da Si Nong's family?"

If the emperor hates a person, that person will definitely be in bad luck.

The emperor hates a family, and this family will definitely end badly.

"How could she not consider the family as a daughter of a famous family?" No matter how angry and sad the daughter of a wealthy family is, she doesn't have such a sense of the overall situation? "In the dungeon of Baishaqing County, I saw that Yao Xingning spoke in a controlled manner and acted decisively. She didn't look like a woman who was violent when she had an attack."

Fu Shanyue swung the wine in his glass gently: "You mean, there is someone else who wants to mess with me behind my back?"

"Isn't it impossible? Aren't you and I surrounded by enemies in Lingxu City?" He Lingchuan sighed, "We lived in a posthouse a few days ago, but the posthouse was bombed; we moved into Panshan House, and Panshan House has Disaster comes in."

Even Fu Shanyue couldn't touch this disaster star, so he could only hide here and drink.

"It seems that they are not going to stop." Previously, he had thought simply, thinking that if he became the most beautiful guy under the spotlight, these forces would not dare to touch him for the time being, and he would be able to gain some space and time to move around.

But what Prince Lingxu did also awakened him:

There are always some beings in Lingxu City who are not bound by rules and laws at all!

Your vision is narrow, isn’t it?

I really don’t understand the word “privilege” deeply enough, so I need to reflect on it later.

His enemies do not dare to take action themselves, but they can kill with borrowed knives.

Regardless of whether Fu Shanyue would be blocked by Prince Bejia in Pan Shan's house, he would still suffer a big loss. How to resolve this conflict, Fushan got a headache the more he thought about it.

As for He Lingchuan...Prince Bejia might have ordered his death on the spot.

What happened tonight was really a wake-up call for He Lingchuan.

The two continued to eat and drink.

He Lingchuan's mentality quickly slowed down. When he came to Lingxu City, he would face stormy waves, and he had already been mentally prepared.

The levels in the future will probably become more and more difficult, and he will have to deal with them carefully.

The anger on Fu Shanyue's face had also subsided, and he simply changed the subject and chatted with He Lingchuan about interesting things that had happened recently in Lingxu City.

When it came to the ridiculous part, the two laughed.

No matter how angry he is, it won't help the overall situation, so why should he be in trouble with himself?

Not to mention the prince of the demon kingdom, sometimes even the demon king has to deeply understand these two words:

Accept fate!

But not long after, the goshawk flew back and reported:

"His Royal Highness Prince Bejia set out to return to Tianxin Island. But before leaving, he ordered the guards to kill more than a dozen servants and set fire to the house!"

With a "click", Fu Shanyue crushed the wine glass.

He Lingchuan also stood up suddenly: "Go back."

Before he arrived at Pan Shan's house, He Lingchuan saw the flames in front of him soaring into the sky, reflecting the red night sky.

The fire is very fierce.

Panshanzhai and Lanshanzhu were ten miles apart, and they rushed back as quickly as possible. At this time, the fire was burning brightly.

The crowd of onlookers blocked the entrance. He Lingchuan simply slapped the blue sheep. The latter ran two steps and jumped over everyone's heads, landing directly in front of the house door.

Fu Shanyue's guards were blocking the door and evacuating. When they saw a flying sheep falling from the sky, they were startled at first, and then exhaled:

"Master He!"

Fushan Yue was even more carefree, stepping on the foreheads of a few people who were watching the fun, and his eyes froze after he landed.

He has nearly a hundred guards, all of whom live in nearby inns. But after Prince Bejia broke into Pan Shan's house, the goshawk flew to deliver the order, telling the guards to stand by and not move rashly.

Even if there are few people on the other side, the Chiyan guards will still suffer a big loss if they conflict with Prince Bega.

However, as soon as Prince Bega left, they rushed back to put out the fire and took the two bodies outside the gate back into the house.

Even so, the entrance to Pan Shan's house was full of splattered and dragged blood, which was really shocking.

It’s no wonder that the audience can’t be driven away no matter how hard they try.

Such vicious incidents occurring in public are quite rare in the main city.

After all, those who can live here must be rich or expensive.

He Lingchuan rode a blue sheep through the gate and galloped.

Prince Bega's bodyguards performed their duties thoroughly, setting fire to every building, so the buildings, terraces, pavilions, and pavilions of Pan Shan's residence were all in flames.

When Fu Shanyue arrived, He Lingchuan had just rushed out of a burning house, holding two people in his hands.

Everyone who was alive was coughing.

Everyone came in and out and rescued five servants in total.

The other servants were all dead.

When He Lingchuan asked, he found out that these people were hiding in various places and did not go to the main hall, so they did not become the dead souls of the palace guards.

Everyone has extinguished the fires in two buildings, but the remaining fires are still blowing into the garden with the north wind.

The most amazing part of Panshan House is the garden landscaping. Dozens of trees were now on fire, crackling with fire.

He Lingchuan slashed down two trees with a knife, barely blocking the fire.

Fu Shanyue gave an order: "Everyone, retreat!"

The guards quickly retreated.

Then Fushan patted his chest more and more, and a whirlwind flew out of the necklace, quickly spinning around the burning building.

The wind was strong, like a Category 12 hurricane blowing in place, but it only covered Pan Shanzhai.

It didn't show its iconic shape, but He Lingchuan knew that it was the Little Feng Demon.

High-intensity cold wind can quickly cool down the building while isolating the air around the building.

In just a few dozen breaths, the intensity of the fire was significantly reduced.

After a while, the open flame disappeared.

Wind can help fires and also extinguish fires. This is called one thing lowering another thing.

Feng Mo successfully completed his mission and flew back to Fu Shanyue.

The fire has been extinguished, leaving Panshan's house charred and devastated.

Half of this garden, which has been continuously refined for more than a hundred years, has been destroyed.

He Lingchuan took two steps, peeled off a few pieces of burnt wood, sat on the big stone in the garden, and slowly clenched his fists.

Pan Shanzhai was originally very comfortable to live in. It was the ideal residence that he had dreamed of in his previous life.

Prince Bega burned away his dreams in his previous life.

All the black smoke and char was like a silent mockery of him.

Fu Shanyue didn't have a good face, but he still stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "We can't just let it go! You stay in the inn tonight, I will go to the palace overnight to seek justice."

After he finished speaking, he turned to leave, but He Lingchuan stopped him: "Wait a minute!"


"It's not appropriate to rush over now." He Lingchuan looked up at him, his eyes were red. He didn't know whether it was from the smoke or the anger, but his voice was unusually calm. "Things have already happened. We need to give all parties some time."

"Save some time?" Fu Shanyue was startled.

"Prince Chiyan's residence was destroyed for the second time. The news will spread throughout the main city before noon tomorrow at the latest, and the impact will be extremely bad." He Lingchuan said slowly, "Why don't you wait and see? Prince Bejia just left. Just rush to Tianxin Island, I'm afraid..."

Fu Shanyue was originally a smart man, but his anger drove him away from his calmness. After He Lingchuan reminded him, he immediately reacted:

"Well, this is not a good opportunity to go to Tianxin Island. It won't be too late to ferment it for one more night."

He is the owner of the suffering and reserves the right to hold him accountable.

"Someone must pay the price for this!" He comforted He Lingchuan, "Pan Shan's house has been destroyed. I will find a better place for you to live."

"There's no rush." ​​He Lingchuan waved his hand, "Nineteen people have died in the house. We need to be compensated."

"It should be so." Fu Shanyue ordered several groups of guards and asked them to hire people to clean up Pan Shan's house and take care of the deceased's funeral.

Then he waved his hand and said to the other guards: "Go back to the inn, we will go to Tianxin Island tomorrow!"

Suddenly a thunder struck across the night sky, rumbling incessantly.

Things have changed.

He Lingchuan looked up at the sky and remembered the first words of Lord Mu Ling. It should be considered fulfilled, right?

If he didn't go out in the morning, he would probably be cornered by Prince Huan in Pan Shan's house.

No, that's not right. Most people thought that he was in the house, so they asked Prince Huan to deal with him.

Against an unreasonable and powerful person, his little bit of support is of no use at all. As long as he meets Prince Huan head-on, no matter what the outcome is, it will be a disaster for him.

Lord Mu Ling's words allowed him to avoid a big crisis easily and deftly.

It seems that the message this ancient man specially left for him is indeed worthy of attention.

The sky was thundering, and in the middle of the night there was a sudden heavy rain.

Tianxin Island.

More than a dozen palace guards stood guard at Jinghong Ferry in the rain, monitoring people coming and going for the past three hours. Everyone's body was dripping with water, and the oil bag couldn't stop such a heavy rain. It drenched them from the inside out.

The leader of the palace guard came over for the third time and asked:

"Not here yet? Your Highness is anxious."

The men shook their heads.

"He won't have passed the test, right?"

A palace guard said: "I have seen the prince no less than five times and will never admit his mistake. Besides, he probably won't come alone. At least he will bring some of his subordinates."

Prince Chiyan is also a person of status, how could he only enter and exit Jinghongdu alone?

"He really hasn't come? It's almost dawn."

The leader waited anxiously.

Prince Bejia ordered them to intercept Fu Shanyue here, and specifically told them that no matter how many people Fu Shanyue brought up, they would be beaten hard when they met!

He burned down Fu Shanyue's house. Fu Shanyue didn't dare to confront him in person, but he would definitely complain to his father behind his back.

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