After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 595 The Yao Family’s Sincerity

Anyway, his father will inevitably give him a scolding, so he must at least give Fu Shanyue a lesson and complete his goal of going to the lower city today!

Anyone going up or down the floating island must pass through Jinghong Ferry.

They just waited on the inevitable route of Fushanyue.

Want to complain? Get beaten first!

Who would have thought that this grandson wouldn't come!

After another half an hour, it was dawn. Another team of palace guards hurried over and glared at them: "What do you want to do if you are blocked here?"

"The prince ordered us to find him."

"Who are you looking for?" the other party said in a tight voice, "More than a dozen officials can see you coming in and out. They thought something big happened on Tianxin Island! What you did in the lower city has alarmed the palace. The prince and the Taibao were summoned by the emperor just now. You He also has to go to the palace to await trial!"

The prince's guards could only respond "yes".

"Why are you still standing there? Come with us!"

An hour ago.

He Lingchuan sat in the dining room on the second floor of the inn with his legs crossed and the window open, watching the lightning in the air like dragons and snakes, and billions of crystal beads falling from the sky.

"Hey, since the floating island was created, isn't it true that the thunder from the sky can't hit the lower city?"

Fu Shanyue was startled and thought for a moment: "I didn't pay attention."

Anyway, he wasn't the one who got hit.

After a delicious breakfast, Fu Shanyue gulped it down, and then said with his mouth: "I'm going to Tianxin Island."

Before dawn. His situation must be reported until the sky is dark and the earth is dark!

He Lingchuan did not look back, but waved to the back, meaning "bon voyage."

Fu Shanyue put on his raincoat and was about to go out with a dozen of his men. Suddenly, a guard rushed in and reported first:

"Your Highness, Da Sinong is here."

Fu Shanyue was startled: "Da Sinong?"

Several people walked in from the pouring rain outside. The leader took off his oily hat and it was none other than Yao Mao, the chief minister of Lingxu City.

When it comes to elixirs for elixirs, Da Sinong is one that you can’t avoid. He Lingchuan lowered his head and saw that this official had a square face and thick eyebrows. He was not angry and intimidating. At first glance, he looked like a person in a high position who was accustomed to giving orders.

He was less than fifty years old, with thick black hair, a vertical line in the middle of his forehead, and he obviously frowned frequently.

The person next to him had bright eyes and white teeth, and He Lingchuan also recognized it:

Yao Xingning.

The eldest daughter of Da Si Nong and the wife of Cen Boqing.

She looks nothing like her father.

Fortunately it doesn't look like that.

This time, Fu Shanyue raised his hand to support the railing and jumped straight from the second floor. He landed in front of Da Sinong and then raised his hand:

"Master Yao, what kind of wind and rain brought you here?"

In terms of age and seniority, he was a backward person. If Da Si Nong came to visit me on weekdays, Fu Shan would have to go down the stairs to bow and say, oh why are you here in person? My place is full of splendor.

But not only did he jump off the building, he also said something weird.

Who gave him the qualification now?

As expected, Yao Mao didn't mind at all, and even raised his hand to return the salute, and said seriously: "I was shocked to hear about the incident at Panshan Residence. Has His Highness been injured?"

He should have looked concerned, but that face looked serious no matter what.

"Master Yao, what do you think?" Fu Shanyue opened his arms and turned 360 degrees in front of him, with a scornful attitude.

"Your Highness, I brought my daughter here to clarify that this matter has nothing to do with my family!" Yao Mao had a clear attitude.

Yao Xingning also took a step forward and said: "I was definitely not the instigator of Prince Huan's murder and arson in Pan Shanzhai! I have never seen Prince Huan since he returned to Lingxu City from Baishaqiang."

Prince Bejia's name was Wuhuan.

Fushan Yuezhang said "Oh": "That's it."

He only said these four words and then closed his mouth.

Just want to shirk responsibility with just two empty words?

"If Xingning really does that, what good will it do to my family? Cen Boqing's case is irrefutable and cannot be overturned."

When Yao Mao said these words, Yao Xingning's face changed slightly, but he turned a blind eye.

"Even if it doesn't do any good, it's okay to vent your anger. There are many people in this world who like to do things that harm others and do not benefit themselves." Fu Shanyue remained unmoved, "I have a survivor here who said that Prince Huan was vicious when he killed my servant. Said, he wants to vent his anger on 'Xiao Xing'!"

Yao Xingning closed her eyes, and the veins on Yao Mao's forehead jumped:

"Tai Zi Huan is too young and easily instigated. He has been with Xing Ning since he was a child and has a deep friendship. However, after Xing Ning returned to Lingxu City, the emperor prohibited her from visiting Tai Zi Huan, so Tai Zi Huan is not very happy these days."

Fu Shanyue said calmly: "If it is unhappy, it will kill my people and burn down Chiyan's house?"

What does the old man mean? Are you bringing Prince Huan out to suppress him? What Da Sinong meant was that Prince Huan Hui became furious and committed murder not because he was instigated by Yao Xingning, but because he lacked Yao Xingning's company and comfort.

"Your Highness, we are also the victims. Some people secretly want to divert trouble to the east. You and I must not fall into the trap." Da Sinong reiterated again.

"What is true and what is false? Why am I a little confused?" Fu Shanyue spread his hands, "I lived in a posthouse, and the posthouse was bombed; I lived in Panshan House bought by Chi Yan, and Panshan House was murdered. I set fire to it and burned half of the house to ashes. I just came to Lingxu City to follow up on the progress of the elixir, and it was official business, so why would anyone want me to be shattered to pieces?"

The "Eternal Medicine Case" is now a big scar in Da Sinong's heart, and no one in the house dares to mention it. But Fushan kept stepping on his painful areas, and stepped on him a few more times.

"This man deserves death!"

"This really should not have happened. I am deeply saddened by the loss of His Highness." Da Sinong sighed, "His Highness has lost his residence in the lower city. My family is willing to offer a property in Baiyun Mountain called Xiangxue Residence for Your Highness to rest."

Panshan Residence has been transferred to He Lingchuan by Fu Shanyue, but outsiders did not know it and thought it was the residence where Prince Chiyan worked in Xiacheng. Therefore, the destruction of Panshanju was of a very bad nature, almost a slap in the face of Chiyan Kingdom.

However, Da Sinong insisted in his words that Panshan House was Fushanyue's private property, in order to minimize the big issue.

Fu Shanyue frowned slightly: "Since Da Sinong has defended his innocence, why does he still have to pay for my residence?"

"In the final analysis, this matter started because of Cen Boqing. My daughter has no foresight and picked this husband who ruined the family. This not only caused the whole family to fall into trouble, but also caused His Highness to suffer a lot!" Da Sinong glared at Yao Xingning and said, Not hiding his anger, "From this aspect, my family is responsible!"

Fu Shanyue secretly cursed the old fox, and said coldly: "Thank you, Da Sinong, for your kindness. I, Chi Yan, am not so poor that I can't afford a house or even room for my body!"

"As for how this matter will end -" he said slowly, "it's all up to the emperor to handle it!"

The red mouth and white teeth are insincere, and you want to persuade him to forget it in just two words?

Da Si Nong sighed: "Don't worry, Your Highness, my family will definitely help to find out the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Fu Shanyue said more meaningfully: "Da Sinong, just do yourself a favor."

Yao Mao said again: "Lingxiao Peak will probably summon us soon. Your Highness, let's go to the interview first and keep in touch later!"

Fushan Yue hummed, still indifferent.

Da Sinong and his daughter left in the rain again, and He Lingchuan soon heard the sound of horse hooves coming from outside, the clatter getting farther and farther away.

The inn was booked by Chiyan State yesterday, and there were no other guests. Fu Shanyue jumped back to the second floor and said to He Lingchuan:

"Interesting, Da Sinong has never been so kind to me. Every time I saw Da Sinong in the past, he always showed no emotion or anger, and his eyes were on the sky spirit cap."

"He wants something from you." As a real sufferer and an audience member throughout the whole process, He Lingchuan said with a smile, "No one's spine can't be bent."

"He brought Yao Xingning here in the rain, just to inform me that they were not responsible for this matter." Fu Shanyue said, "Prince Huan suddenly came down to trouble me. The emperor is 90% going to summon their father." Female. They just came to say hello and show their respect, without offering any substantial benefits. "

He said to He Lingchuan: "The big house on Baiyun Mountain, Xiangxueju, covers an area at least three to five times that of Panshan House. Needless to say about the gardening, there are several hot springs with different medicinal properties. I heard that there is one The spring water is used to make wine and make snacks; and the reason why it is called "Xiangxue" is because the place is full of white magnolias and tassels. In summer and autumn, the trees are full of white, covered with frost and snow, and the fragrance floats ten miles away. "

"This Xiangxue Residence is a family property of the Yao family, and its value is not comparable to that of Panshan Residence. It is said that even Yao Mao likes it very much and stays there for two months every year. How about I get it to compensate you?" Fu Shanyue He patted his friend on the shoulder and said, "But when I come to Lingxu City in the future, I will stay here."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Don't be anxious, just wait and see."

Fushan stared at him for a long time and gave him a thumbs up: "You kid, you are so dark."

Now he knew He Lingchuan somewhat. Seeing his expression and attitude, he knew that He Lingchuan had a big appetite.

To put it bluntly, Pan Shanzhai is not a small but not a big house. If the face of Chiyan Kingdom is not taken into consideration, it is not considered a luxury house in the main city.

Others who received the Yao family's Xiangxue Residence as an apology were probably grinning from ear to ear.

As for the servants who were killed in the house, Fu Shanyue never took it seriously, but if there was a murder in Pan Shan's house, the price would definitely drop.

Look at it this way, Xiangxueju is even more fragrant.

He asked He Lingchuan: "How much do you believe what Da Sinong said?"

"Until he can prove his innocence, I don't believe him at all!" He Lingchuan took a sip of tea. "Our enemies in Lingxu City can all argue that there is no benefit in dealing with us. Besides, the list of suspects needs to be added to the list of suspects. One stroke.”

Fu Shanyue crossed his arms: "You mean, the real culprit in the elixir case?"

He Lingchuan nodded: "We have caused them so much trouble, if we don't wait for an opportunity to retaliate, they will feel guilty, right?"

"They are being chased by Bai Duzhi, so why bother to take revenge on us?"

"They are more than one person." He Lingchuan said seriously, "If Yao Xingning really didn't complain to Prince Huan, then who did he listen to? The person who handled this matter must have wiped all the traces clean. The palace wants to investigate It’s not that easy either.”

He Lingchuan poured himself another cup of hot tea: "By the way, aren't you in a hurry to go to the floating island?"

"There's no rush anymore." Fu Shanyue narrowed his eyes, "Let the relevant people go first, and I can queue up."

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