Seeing that his expression was still a little gloomy, He Lingchuan asked, "You are the master of suffering, what else do you have to worry about?"

"It concerns Prince Lingxu."

Fu Shanyue only said these few words, and He Lingchuan understood what he meant: "Are you worried that because of Prince Huan, this farce will be reduced to nothing and nothing will happen?"

Fushan Yue makes no sound.

He knew the emperor's thoughts before he went to Lingxiao Palace.

A superior person does not need a bowl of water to be balanced, but he must know how to appease people's hearts and make big things trivial. In this process of weighing the pros and cons, the interests of some people will be sacrificed.

"This is easy to handle."

Fu Shanyue's eyes changed: "What's your kid's treacherous plan?"

"Just insist on identifying the person behind it."

"Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"Who do you think is most likely? Just hold him tight, attack him in front of the emperor, and say it was him who did it!" He Lingchuan said with a smile, "As for the truth - the truth is not important."

"Most likely..." Fushan thought about it for a while, and then he smiled, a very cruel smile, "You are right, if I only ask the emperor for an explanation, 80% of the time I will be perfunctory; but I will hold on to this person and won't let him go. , this person must try to prove his innocence, and this matter cannot be passed off casually. "

He got up and stretched: "Okay, I know what to do."

The cleaning of Panshan's house and the compensation for the deceased are still in progress, and He Lingchuan does not need to worry about it. But he still took out three hundred taels of silver and asked the guards to distribute it to the family of the deceased.

The chef at Pan Shanzhai makes delicious snacks, especially the yam, walnut and jujube cake.

The servants in the backyard knew that he liked to practice martial arts or meditate under the tallest pear tree, so he had to sweep under the tree twice a day to keep it spotless.

He also helped He Lingchuan stab two straw men for gun practice.

They were all good people, but they suffered unreasonable disasters.

As soon as He Lingchuan entered the inn courtyard, Lao Dan came back and handed him a note:

"Young Master, these are the birth dates praised by Zaifu."

"Excellent." Li Qingge worked very efficiently.

Lao Dan passed by Pan Shanzhai along the way and saw the miserable situation there, and found it through Fu Shanyue's guards.

"What a pity for such a beautiful mansion." Lao Dan lamented, "Sir, if you need anything, just ask."

He Lingchuan shook his head: "Thank you Sir for me, and everyone can do their own things."

"My lordship asked me to inform you that Zaifu boasted that he would be coming to the lower city in two days."

He Lingchuan was sincerely surprised: "Is your Sir's intelligence capability already so powerful?"

Zaifu boasts that although he is a retired official, he lives on a floating island after all. There is a huge gap between the upper city and the lower city. Can Li Qingge, a foreign Taoist leader, know the specific whereabouts of Zaifu Kua in the next few days in one day?

She has this ability, why can't she deal with Nian Zanli? He Lingchuan was slightly suspicious.

Lao Dan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is not a god, and he has not set eyes on Zaifu's house, so how can he know everything? She just sent an invitation to Zaifu, inviting him to attend the banquet held in Songyang Mansion three days later. It’s just a meeting.”

"High!" Li Qingge turned from passive to active, causing He Lingchuan to give him a thumbs up, "Does Zaifu agree?"

"The Lord also invited many celebrities and several friends whom Zaifu praised. He also said that Songyang Mansion's new products can be taken home to try out. If you are not satisfied, you will be refunded, so Zaifu happily accepted it." Old Dan asked him, " Sir Alex asked, how will we cooperate with the young master's actions? "

"Me?" He Lingchuan took a large mouthful of strong tea soup and gargled it vigorously, then spit it out, "I'm not going."

"..." Lao Dan was stunned.

As soon as the young master made a request, Sir Alex would spend all his efforts to hold a tasting party and find all the people he wanted. In the end, the master didn’t go on his own?

"I want to avoid suspicion and can't appear there." He Lingchuan said sternly, "Please help me collect Zaifu Kua's hair, blood, or drinking cup. Anyway, I just want something from his body, and then send it to him as soon as possible. I."

Lao Dan wrote down: "I'll send the message right away."

"Be careful when you leave the inn." He Lingchuan warned him, "I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at this place right now."

As soon as Lao Dan left, Fu Shanyue rushed over and said seriously: "The emperor has issued an order, and I will go to the Heavenly Palace immediately after you!"

He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat, and he pointed at his nose and asked, "The emperor also asked me to go?"

"Didn't I make it clear?" Fushan urged him, "Quickly change your clothes and change into something more modest, quick, quick, quick!"

"Why did you ask me to go?"

Fu Shanyue said angrily: "Go and ask the emperor in person, why are you asking me?"

He Lingchuan said while changing his coat: "Do you usually go to the Heavenly Palace to meet the emperor?"

"I usually go to Lingxiao Peak. It is the emperor's palace. It can handle official business and rest." Fu Shanyue also frowned, "Prince Huan kills people and sets fire. What's the matter with Tian Palace?"

Why did the emperor meet them in the heavenly palace?

That's all, it's useless to think too much. Even if the emperor wanted to summon him in Caohai, they would have no choice but to rush to Caohai.

And He Lingchuan's first thought was that the gods were targeting him!

When he thought of countless pairs of eyes in the void staring at him with malice, his heart sank into the ice cellar, and cold sweat broke out on his palms.

Otherwise, run away now?

Find an excuse to go to the thatched cottage, then mount a bighorn sheep and quietly leave the city?

As soon as this idea appeared, it grew wildly and was almost unstoppable.

Lingxu City is so big, even if Tiangong discovers that he has absconded, as long as he moves fast enough, he still has a good chance of escaping before the city is closed.

Then what?

What to do then?

My heart was pounding, and I just wanted to turn around and run away. This was the physiological instinct of facing a great terror.

"He Xiao?" Fu Shanyue saw that he suddenly froze after changing his clothes, without even tying up his belt, so he called him again, "He Xiao! Hey, what are you thinking about?"

He Lingchuan was startled and suddenly came back to his senses.


If Tiangong is sure that the big square pot is on him, he will directly send people to arrest him. Wouldn't that be faster, more convenient, and more in line with the deity's style?

Why let the emperor issue an edict and let Fu Shanyue take him to Xu Mountain?

You know, there are many dreams in the long night.

So, is temptation still the main thing this time?

Or is it just a simple comfort?

"The Tiangong Guards are already waiting outside. There are more than 200 people. They say they are escorts, but I think they are escorts." Fu Shanyue urged again, "Hurry up, few people in the world dare to keep them waiting for too long. ”

He Lingchuan slowed down his hand.

Tiangong even sent guards here? Is it to prevent them from escaping?

In this case, the inn is probably surrounded by surroundings, and he can't leave even if he wants to.

"It's okay." He Lingchuan raised a smile, "I've long wanted to go to the Star Reaching Tower to broaden my horizons."

If he escapes now, wouldn't it confirm other people's speculations?

When the time comes, the emperor's wrath and the power of the gods will all be unleashed on him alone.

Moreover, can he really escape?

That's a dragnet!

Taking a hundred steps back, even if he could escape from Lingxu City now, Bega is so big and prying eyes from heaven and earth are everywhere. How far and for how long can he escape?

Unless he is like Xi Yunhe...

However, there was someone secretly helping Xi Yunhe. If he escaped now, he would probably be the only one he could rely on.

He Lingchuan reviewed what he said in front of Bai Ziqi again.

How many flaws can there be?

"Let's go." He Lingchuan straightened his clothes and brushed off a little dust from his clothes, "Don't keep the emperor waiting."

Does this count as throwing yourself into a trap?

But if he turned around and ran away, on the one hand, the probability of escaping from Bega would be too low, and on the other hand, all his previous efforts would be wasted.

The many clues he wanted to pursue in Lingxu City would be interrupted right here.

Do you still remember the original intention of coming to Lingxu City along the way?

at this point.

He Lingchuan clenched his fist and said to himself secretly, as long as he gets through this hurdle, everything will be bright in the future!

The autumn wind in the north of Lingxu City is still so cold and hard.

He Lingchuan's trip to the north this time was in a completely different mood from the last time he traveled to the mountains and rivers. He always felt that the journey seemed to be much shorter. Looking at Xushan Mountain so far away, it’s time to lift my legs.

When the emperor summoned them, of course they didn't have to rely on their legs to climb up the mountain, but they had the privilege of teleporting through the formation.

The specific way is to take a special road that is forbidden to tourists and go directly to the main peak of Xushan Mountain, where the Tiangong is located, Tianshu Peak.

There are checkpoints and garrison camps here, making it look like a well-equipped military town that no one should approach.

Of course, the most important thing is that the most inconspicuous building here has a teleportation array!

Riding on the formation, this was the first time for He Lingchuan to get on the sedan chair, and he looked around as he entered the room.

The area here is about ten square meters. In each of the four corners of the house and in the middle, there is a six-prism pillar half a person's height. It is made of unknown materials. It is dark and has complicated runes flying away from the pillar, glowing and surrounding it. Circle slowly.

The formation on the ground was round, and every line shone with a faint blue light. He Lingchuan had seen a similar formation in Panlongcheng's course, but it was far more complicated.

The formation under Tianshu Peak actually seemed simpler.

But He Lingchuan wanted to remember it carefully, but he couldn't remember the graphic trend.

Typical of seeing and forgetting.

It's not because he has a bad memory, but because the formation's peripheral protection prevents people from seeing it thoroughly.

Fu Shanyue pointed to the formation and said, "This is a small one. Only a few people can pass it."

"Is there any big one?"

Before Fu Shanyue could answer, the guard at the side scolded: "Military planes should not be discussed lightly!"

Fushan Yue smiled loudly and fell silent.

He Lingchuan knew what he wanted to say. Tianshu Peak has so many personnel and supplies transported up and down, so of course there must be a large teleportation formation.

Maybe there's more than one.

It's just that these guards have been at Tianshu Peak for a long time. Although they only care about the elevators, they speak loudly.

Of course, Fushan Yue would not lose his identity by arguing with these gatekeepers.

The two walked into the formation and stood around the stone pillar in the center. Fu Shanyue stretched out his hand and pressed the stone pillar. The blue light blazed under his feet, and the scene in front of him suddenly blurred.

Even He Lingchuan felt slightly dizzy.

Of course, this change only lasted less than two breaths, and all the surrounding scenery changed.

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