This feeling was very strange. There were clearly four or five tourists between He Lingchuan and the statue, but he was sure that the so-called "Eye of Truth" was staring at him!

His hair stood on end all at once, but his body refused to obey his orders, and he couldn't turn around or step forward.

Then, the statue also opened its eyes.

Miao Zhantian originally lowered his head at a forty-five-degree angle with his eyes slightly closed. Because it was placed in a high position, it was just the right angle to overlook everyone.

When she opened her eyes, her purple-glowing pupils looked directly at He Lingchuan.

He immediately realized that he couldn't even look away.

The surrounding scenery changed suddenly, and the statue of Miaozhantian quickly expanded in his field of vision until its body was extremely majestic and beyond the horizon.

The tourists around him disappeared one after another, the voices disappeared one after another, and finally even Lu Shishi disappeared.

It seemed that He Lingchuan was the only one left in the huge unknown space.

Only the dome of the Golden Palace is still shining with the Milky Way, but from He Lingchuan's perspective, it is also infinitely vast, as if it really hangs high in the sky and is vast.

Where on earth was he brought!

Suddenly, he could move again.

He Lingchuan took two steps back in confusion, and unexpectedly found that he was standing on the weighing plate!

When does he appear on the scale?

With a "dang" sound, the touchstone fell on the empty weighing plate opposite.

I don’t know if it has become smaller or if the touchstone has grown larger, but in short, its base diameter is at least seven feet now, and its whole body is shining with golden light, which is very dazzling.

Just like before, the appearance of the touchstone did not bring about a change in the balance of the scale arm.

A sigh seemed to come from the void, and He Lingchuan vaguely heard disappointment.

Has the testing of him begun?

Why is the other person disappointed?

The eye of truth on the scale turned twice, and its eyes were locked on him.

Compared with the eyeballs he saw in the Panlong City Fighting Hall, this big eye was at least a hundred times magnified and a hundred times scarier. He Lingchuan could even see its beating eyelids.

The staring gaze of his big eyes made him feel that all the secrets in his heart were hidden.

"Where is this?" He looked around in panic and shouted, "Who is there!"

This is a normal reaction for ordinary people.

A gentle, magnetic female voice sounded in this space, as grand as the long note of an organ: "What's your name?"

He Lingchuan asked: "Who are you!"

"I am Miao Zhantian." The female voice said, "What about you?"

This first question stumped He Lingchuan.

His alias in Bejia was He Xiao, but if he reported this name, could he pass the litmus test?

Miao Zhantian is famous for his ability to distinguish between true and false, right from wrong. As a mortal, can he escape the eyes of the gods?

"Huh?" Miao Zhantian urged him, "I will only ask you three questions. You must answer them truthfully and don't try to hide the truth."

She didn't follow up with "or else" because she didn't need to.

Every mortal should understand the consequences of offending the gods.

He Lingchuan felt a slight heat in his chest.

It wasn't the sacred bone necklace in his clothes, but something else was getting hot.

This little warmth alone made him feel warm again in this vast space.

It's like the spring sunshine falling on people through the mottled branches and leaves.

It's like he walked through the ice and snow and saw a small wooden house with a pond fire before the next storm came.

That kind of warmth was probably not worth mentioning in normal times, but now it had the power to calm people's hearts. He Lingchuan's tense and anxious thoughts suddenly relaxed.

The feeling of powerlessness caused by facing the omnipotent God alone gradually disappeared.

What is he doing?

The last thing you should not do at this time is to be manipulated by the other party!

Now that he is standing here, standing under the eyes of the gods, he can only be extremely careful and deal with the opponent!

Under the gaze of big eyes, he lowered his head and said humbly:

"My, my name is He Xiao."

Squeak, squeak, the scales' arms began to shake.

Because it is magnified a hundred times, even the smallest movement is astonishingly loud. The scale was rising and falling, and He Lingchuan felt as if he was standing on a small sampan, being tossed about by several big waves.

Is this a litmus test measuring the weight of his words?

Fortunately, this frightening shaking soon slowed down. The amplitude of the up and down swing of the scale decreased, and it soon stopped.

Balance your arms so that the two weighing plates are almost aligned in a straight line.

Is this answer passed?

He Lingchuan remembered that He Xiao was his last name before he was three or five years old.

No, it's not his, it's the original's.

The light of a gold weighing plate can be used to identify people, and is brighter than a polished mirror.

He Lingchuan's eyes fell on the disk, and he accidentally discovered that the complicated stars in the sky were reflected in countless numbers. Even how they twinkled and what color of light they emitted was clearly distinguishable. On the contrary, his own reflection was the closest and the most distant. It's blurry, and I can't even see my face clearly.

Can this be considered normal?

He quietly raised his head and glanced at the big eyeball on the top of the scale.

It stared back at him without blinking.

"Okay, second question." Miao Zhantian continued to ask, "What is the connection between you and Dafang Pot?"

Just a few words hit He Lingchuan's Achilles' heel with precision.

Miao Zhantian didn't ask He Lingchuan if he knew about the Dafang Pot, nor did he ask where the Dafang Pot was.

Her question was very vague and broad, and if He Lingchuan had even the slightest connection with Dafang Hu, it would be impossible to get around it.

But He Lingchuan has repeatedly consolidated his psychological expectations since he was summoned. The gods and emperors couldn't come to him just to chat, right?

Isn't their only purpose for meeting him, the big square pot?

Therefore, the three words "big square pot" cannot make any waves in his heart now.

"Big...what?" He looked confused, and even looked up at his big eyes, "Tianzun Mingcha! I don't know what that is, and it has nothing to do with it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mulian's pupils suddenly opened to their maximum size, and even the corners of his eyes burst into blood!

He Lingchuan was startled and took two steps back.

"Let's see the results."

The scale began to swing up and down again.

But this time it wasn't much. He Lingchuan found that his position was getting lower and lower, and he had to look up to see the touchstone.

On his side, it sank.

In other words, he not only told the "truth", but it also had weight!

This is the so-called "confirmation".

Miao Zhantian was silent, as if a little surprised by the result.

The stars in the sky suddenly twinkled.

No matter whether He Lingchuan lowers his head to look at the reflection of the weighing plate or looks up at the stars in the sky, he will find that those are not stars at all, but eyes!

Countless twinkling eyes!

They have different shapes, some are like human eyes, and some belong to unknown creatures.

When they blink together, it's so weird and terrifying that words simply can't describe it.

The eyes opened to their maximum size at the same time, and all eyes were focused on He Lingchuan.

They were looking at him, assessing him, and every look was filled with deep malice!

The overwhelming pressure almost threatened to kill him.

He Lingchuan followed the good example, his knees softened, and he fell down on the weighing plate.

He didn't need any disguise, his face was pale and he was sweating profusely.

It turns out that he is facing not only Miao Zhantian, but also countless gods hidden behind the canopy, waiting for his answer.

I am just a mere mortal, how can I trigger such a big battle?

The vast and boundless divine power suddenly descends, which is irresistible and unstoppable, and can drive mortals crazy in an instant.

He Lingchuan even heard countless voices in his ears, like whispers, but more like arguments. They came from very far away, and there was only a little echo left here.

Are the gods quarreling among themselves?

He curled up subconsciously and his lips trembled, as if he was about to go into shock in the next second.

These performances are not fake, but the result of him opening his heart and not deliberately being strong.

"Okay." Miao Zhantian's voice was full of majesty this time, "Since the Eye of Truth is enabled, you must believe in the results it gives!"

As soon as she spoke, the overwhelming power in the sky suddenly stopped, and the space immediately returned to openness and tranquility.

The oppressive feeling that was so heavy that one couldn't breathe disappeared at the same time, as fast as if it was just an illusion.

This space is deathly quiet.

I don't know how long it took before He Lingchuan tentatively called out: "Tian, ​​Tianzun?"

Genius Miaozhan said again: "Very good, we have one last question left."

He Lingchuan waited with bated breath.

He has already broken two-thirds of the deadlock in front of him.

As long as he answers the last question correctly, he will be over this catastrophe.

"What's your relationship with Mou Guo?" It's still the same question, big and comprehensive.

ah? Mou Guo?

This question was something he never expected. He Lingchuan shook his head subconsciously, being extra honest this time.


"It doesn't matter." He calmed down, "I have only heard of Mou State, I have never been there, and I have never had anything to do with it!"

The scales are on again.

There is no doubt that in the end the touchstone tilted up and his side of the scale sank.

The truth couldn't be more true.

The sky suddenly turned dark, and the surrounding landscape receded like a tide. It felt very strange, like the canvas was soaked in water and the paint faded.

But at this moment, He Lingchuan suddenly heard a rough voice saying:

"This body is nice, why not surrender?"

The surrounding changes suddenly stopped, and the faded part of the canvas was nothingness, as if something was baring its teeth and claws, rushing toward He Lingchuan.

The thing was so dark and invisible that it had no shape. He Lingchuan only knew that it carried infinite pressure, and he was unable to resist it at all.

Like a mouse before a lion.

If the darkening of the sky had not been interrupted, he probably wouldn't have been able to see this.

Miao Zhantian's voice sounded again, contrary to the previous gentleness and calmness, and he was obviously very unhappy with his companion's self-assertion:


Another voice said: "After spending so much money, at least a little bit of the cost can be recovered!"

However, before Miao Zhantian could take action, a green light suddenly lit up in the void left behind after the canvas was uncovered.

It seems like a mark?

The black shadow was illuminated and swooped back, and a rough voice let out a cry of surprise: "How come there is Narutian's mark?"

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