After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 599 God’s Means

Immediately afterwards, He Lingchuan's eyes darkened.

It was as if he had closed his eyes himself, but felt dizzy.

He Lingchuan didn't know what was going on when he suddenly felt like he was being pushed hard: "Stop standing here blocking people, okay?"

He was so excited that the sky, the stars, the gods, the scales, and the big eyes all disappeared.

He was standing in the Chongyang Hall, surrounded by people.

Everything was running as usual, why did he care that his world had just been turned upside down?

When he came to his senses, he also turned around and saw a middle-aged woman with a sinister face saying angrily to him: "Do you want to worship? If not, then get out of the way. What does the pestle here mean?"

"Oh." Not only was He Lingchuan not annoyed, he actually thanked her, "You come."

He took two steps back. Lu Shishi looked at him with a smile and said, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." He Lingchuan reached out and pressed his neck, frowning, "What happened to me just now?"

The feeling of fatigue was suddenly overwhelming, and there was fluid flowing out from under my nose.

"You suddenly stood still. I called you twice, but you didn't respond." Lu Shishi said with concern, "Oh, you have a nosebleed!"

"Yeah." He felt that Lu Shishi knew it well, "I have a headache. Is there a place to rest?"

She groaned: "Then let's go back to Yunzhan quickly."

"Okay." He Lingchuan took a step forward, swayed twice, and seemed to be unable to support it, so he put all his weight on her in one fell swoop.

Lu Shishi didn't expect him to fall down at once, and was a little surprised, but the next second she supported him with one hand.

Hey, this girl's cultivation is not weak, I didn't notice it before.

Lu Shishi calmly supported He Lingchuan and waved to the nearby palace guard: "Come here and help!"

The palace guard usually used his nostrils to look at people, but with one move from her, he flew over. He helped He Lingchuan and walked out of the hall, not caring about the strange looks from everyone.

"Who is this person? Why did the palace guards help him out?"

The aunt who had just pushed him was a little flustered and quietly hid in the crowd.

He Lingchuan pretended not to hear the whispers behind them.

He didn't lie either. It was indeed uncomfortable. His head hurt so much that it was about to explode. The clothes on his back were soaked with cold sweat, and his body weighed more than a thousand pounds.

Although there was no precedent, he speculated that this might be a sign of excessive energy consumption.

I stood in the main hall from beginning to end, as all the tourists can testify.

But the sky, stars, scales, and big eyes just now are not illusions.

What on earth did he go through?

Since there was someone in charge, He Lingchuan simply relaxed and closed his eyes to pretend to be unconscious.

The palace guard couldn't hold the mud, so he had to carry him back to Yunzhan.

The road was still bustling with people, but it had nothing to do with him.

Everything was turned upside down in his place, but the world didn't care.

The cloud stack is the reception room where the subjects wait to be received by the gods. There is no bed but there is a couch. The palace guard put him on the couch.

He Lingchuan didn't open his eyes, so naturally someone put a pillow behind his head, wiped his face with a hot towel, and covered him with a thin quilt.

Lu Shishi also asked him: "Do you want to drink water?"

Of course he nodded, then lay in the little girl's arms and was fed warm water bit by bit.

By the way, I took two small pills to replenish spirit and energy.

To others, his breathing became slowly and evenly, as if he had fallen asleep.

For the lantern keeper of the Heavenly Palace, this is indeed a normal reaction after experiencing the judgment of the gods. There are also some unlucky ones who can't survive it at all and just burp their butts.

Although He Lingchuan was drowsy, he was still trying to recall the incident just now.

When he first entered the world of Tianmu, he thought that his soul had left his body and was dragged by the gods into the void, or into a small world of souls.

Everything around him, such as the giant scales, the vast starry sky, and the endless eyes, seemed to be consistent with this speculation.

But after the curtain was torn apart, the cyan mark that suddenly lit up in the void immediately exposed this illusion!

He had seen this blue-glowing mark before.

Last year, he and He Chunhua went to the Panlong Fantasy Land. The "god" clone invited by Nian Songyu first rushed into He Lingchuan's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to snatch his body.

At that time, this mark was revealed in the depths of his consciousness sea, and the god clone was also driven away instantly.

So when the cyan mark appeared again, He Lingchuan reacted instantly:

Go to such a small world, go to such a hellish soul land, this is his mind!

Miao Zhantian didn't kidnap his soul at all, but rushed in himself, and specially made a stage set to dress up his sea of ​​consciousness in such a way that even his master didn't recognize him!

No, not only Miaozhantian, but also the gods who are watching!

These bastards were having fun in his mind. No wonder he had a headache that was about to explode, as if someone was stabbing his nerves with thousands of knives.

God didn't care at all about the consequences of doing this, nor did he care about He Lingchuan's life, death, or feelings.

In their view, there is no difference between a mere human life and an ant. If you accidentally kill it, you will just kill it.

But how can the consciousness of ordinary people bear this kind of destruction?

He Lingchuan did not become stupid and crazy on the spot. Thanks to Panlongcheng's long-term training, his soul was far more tenacious than ordinary people!

But He Lingchuan was in a happy mood, because the biggest crisis since he came to this world had been narrowly passed.

Miao Zhantian's invincible "Dharma Eye" failed here.

If a god did not believe in the power of the Eye of Truth, he would not use the Touchstone on him.

On the other hand, Libra believes that what he tells is true, and God will believe it.

He Lingchuan didn't think that Mu Lian's pupil would be open to him, that is, there was something in him that blocked or even distorted its sight, making it mistakenly believe that every word He Lingchuan said was true and valid.

To this day, He Lingchuan no longer believes in the word "coincidence".

He couldn't reach out to the people next to him. But he firmly remembered the warmth that suddenly radiated from his arms when he stood alone in front of the God.

Was it this thing that helped him survive Mulian's test?

So, has God given up all doubts about him?

If the answer is yes, the resistance to his future actions in Lingxu City will be greatly reduced.

The adventure of going up to Xushan this time was indeed worth it.

However, the God's sinister thoughts and changeable methods still exceeded his expectations.

This was a temptation from another dimension, going directly beyond the outside and the surface, directly interrogating the depths of his heart.

The strange thing is that none of the three questions raised by the god are related to the case of the elixir of life.

Obviously he was the original person in charge of the elixir case, so he thought that God would at least ask some questions, such as whether he was related to Mai Xuewen and Xi Yunhe, etc.

Who would have thought that no one would even mention it.

Does this mean that in the eyes of gods, the elixir case and the square pot are not at the same level?

Not even as good as Mou State in the east.

He Lingchuan also has another doubt in his mind:

Why is there no response from Dafang Pot?

His soul has always been firmly protected by Dafang Pot, which has long been confirmed by the soul-telling mirror.

But this time, the gods came to kill him in his mind, which was equivalent to directly entering his hometown. There was no movement at all from Dafang Hu.

Is it intentional, so as not to expose itself?

He Lingchuan remembered how Dafang Hu responded when the Hundred-faced Nightmare struck last time:

It first disguised itself as a dream, let Baimian enter Panlong City, and then sent out a giant red shadow to devour it, even the little Ju Luo Shu got a piece of the pie.

Is the old trick repeated this time, but with a different method?

But this was too dangerous for He Lingchuan.

If the god decided to take his life, could he destroy his soul in one fell swoop?

Therefore, Dafang Hu is also a dangerous soldier.

After all, if it came out to protect He Lingchuan, the situation would slip into an irreversible abyss.

I'm afraid the gods are waiting for it to react like this.

After this incident, He Lingchuan finally confirmed:

The generous pot has wisdom and can think!

The Hundred-Faced Nightmare was right about it:

It is alive.

Thinking of this, although he was cheated by Dafang Hu today, He Lingchuan felt much more at ease.

It will weigh the pros and cons and disguise itself, so that it will not be exposed for no reason just for a bite. At least He Lingchuan doesn't have to worry about this.

Better than a dead thing.

If you have to force yourself to use your brain after being exhausted mentally and physically, you are making yourself uncomfortable. As soon as he figured out these key points, he couldn't hold on anymore. He told the soul-capturing mirror a few words and fell asleep.

Haha, just now the gods forcefully invaded the sea of ​​consciousness, but this incompetent mirror didn't notice it at all.

What's the use of it?

He Lingchuan slept so darkly that he didn't even have a dream.

I don't know how long it took, but someone shook his shoulder: "He Xiao, wake up, it's time to go back!"

He Lingchuan reluctantly opened his eyes and saw that Fushan was approaching.

His head was still dizzy, and he reluctantly sat up: "Have you seen the emperor? Is it my turn?"

Fu Shanyue touched his nose: "Well, I've seen you before, but when the emperor heard that you were injured and fainted, he asked you to go down the mountain to take care of yourself. There is no need to see him."

He Lingchuan said oh, his heart clear:

Originally, the Demon Emperor had no intention of seeing such a small person like him, so he summoned him up the mountain just to let the gods examine him.

Now that he has the answer, he is no longer important, and the emperor doesn't bother to pay attention.

"How come you fainted all the time?"

"Too tired." Lu Shishi was standing nearby. He Lingchuan glanced at her and pressed his neck, making a clicking sound, "I'm afraid I haven't recovered from the explosion yet."

Fu Shanyue made a sound and stood up: "Then let's go down the mountain."

With a smile on her face, Lu Shishi sent the distinguished guests to the tower and left via the teleportation formation.

Returning the way we came, there was nothing to say along the way.

Back at the inn, Fu Shanyue dragged He Lingchuan to the guest room courtyard. He placed a barrier before asking him:

"What happened?"

What kind of character and cultivation level could this person faint in the Chongyang Hall? Fushan Yue bet with his knees that there must be something mysterious in this.

He Lingchuan did not hide anything from him. He covered his head and explained in detail the process of the gods' invasion of the sea of ​​consciousness.

My head is still buzzing.

Of course, omitting the generous square pot.

Fu Shanyue's expression immediately changed: "What, so shameless?"

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