After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 600 A battle of wits and tactics

Although He Xiao is not from Chiyan, he still bears the name of Chiyan's envoy. He has made great contributions to the immortal medicine case and is currently a popular person in Lingxu City. As a result, the gods did not consider this at all, and just invaded if they said they would invade!

Seeing that he looked unhappy, He Lingchuan patted his shoulder: "Come on, what can we do? Without the gods, there would be no Bejia."

Fu Shanyue said with a straight face: "I'm afraid they will treat me like this."

"I didn't do surgery on you tonight, and I probably won't do it later." He Lingchuan could see clearly, "After all, you are different from me. You are a serious Crown Prince of Scarlet Yan. If you want to attack the heir of the demon king, even a god can do it. Isn’t it easy to explain?”

There seemed to be something unexpected at the end of Invasion of the Gods. I wonder if this was the reason why they gave up testing Fushan Yue.

He changed the subject: "What did the emperor say about Prince Huan's murder and arson? Has the envoy caught him?"

Fu Shanyue shook his head: "The emperor summoned me to give me some words of comfort."

The fact is that after he entered Lingxiao Peak and saw the emperor, he straightened up and knelt down, banging his head a few times, but did not say a word.

I have suffered a lot of grievances, and I express my determination and attitude that I must pursue justice.

The emperor spoke softly and comforted him. Fushan Yue raised his head and dealt with the emperor.

He insisted that the instigator behind the murder and arson incident of Prince Lingxu must undoubtedly be the Yao family of Da Sinong.

The emperor asked him if he had any evidence. Fushan became more moved with emotion and Xiaozhi with reason, detailing how difficult it was to track down the elixir case. The more he talked about it, the more excited he became, almost bursting into tears.

But there is just no evidence.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have evidence. Just go to a random person on the street and ask, who do you think is behind this?

Ninety-nine percent of people will tell you that it must be Da Sinong or Mrs. Cen.

Isn't it obvious that you have to vent your anger even if you can't save your husband?

Isn't this human nature?

Emperor: "If there is no evidence, it may not be Da Si Nongjia."

Fu Shanyue sneered: "If his family didn't harm me, why did his family give me a big house?"

His retort made the mighty Demon Emperor speechless and choked.

In the end, it was unable to do so and directly called Da Sinong in, who was waiting outside.

Fu Shanyue had always been a generous person, and he did not show any signs of intimidation when he met the person involved. He was so angry at Yao Mao that he had no temper at all.

But Yao Xingning didn't show up from the beginning to the end. Perhaps the emperor was afraid that both of them had bad tempers and would get into trouble when they met, turning the courtroom into a place for quarrels at the market.

Fu Shanyue explained the process in detail, and he and He Lingchuan laughed.

He Lingchuan laughed a few times and then covered his head. It hurt!

In short, Da Sinong knew that his family had left a bad impression on the people of the country in this matter, and no matter how he tried to excuse it, he could only declare that the Yao family would help investigate the murderer and prove his innocence.

Fu Shanyue readily accepted it and said in front of the emperor that he would ask Da Sinong about the progress every once in a while.

If the emperor has no objection, then he agrees.

Then he would go to Da Sinong later and ask for an order.

Da Sinong also knew something was wrong, but he couldn't say anything.

When Fu Shanyue said this, he slapped a few deed papers on the table and laughed: "The land deed of Xiangxue Residence! Hahaha, I asked for it from Da Sinong in front of the emperor!"

"Da Sinong has other gifts, and they all belong to me." He pushed the deed paper in front of He Lingchuan, "Here, this Xiangxue Residence is given to you as compensation for Pan Shan Residence being burned down!"

The promise of recovering compensation for He Lingchuan was completed, and he was very proud.

He Lingchuan put away the title deed and thanked him sincerely.

Fu Shanyue is not a good person, but he does what he says.

"Then what?" he asked Fu Shanyue, "is this matter settled?"

"No, there is more."

After Da Sinong left the scene, the emperor called Prince Huan over and apologized to Fu Shanyue in court.

Only then did Fu Shanyue dare not even say so.

It's weird if he doesn't dare.

Seeing how the little boy Prince Huan showed off his power yesterday, but today his eyebrows are downcast, it is obvious that he has been severely reprimanded by the emperor.

Of course, Fu Shanyue knew that he was unconvinced in his heart, and had no choice but to apologize because of Jun's father's request.

"Prince Huan claimed that he had indeed not met Yao Xingning recently. The palace only told him that Yao Xingning was away on official business. It was only when he heard several palace residents discussing privately that he found out that Yao Xingning had been crying all day long because of something wrong with her husband. It was angry I hate you for coming here to trouble me.”

He Lingchuan shook his head after hearing this: "This silly boy is really nice to Yao Xingning, but he throws thunder at his own father."

If no one instigates him, what Prince Huan did was voluntary. Then the only one who comes out to clean up the aftermath of it can only be the emperor.

Oh, who can make the emperor really afford it?

"The emperor didn't want to accept it, so he ordered the guards around Prince Huan to be severely interrogated." Fu Shanyue said, "They always stay with Prince Huan. They will know where Prince Huan is going. They will arrange a few palace guards to accompany the prince in advance. What’s so difficult about Huan’s journey to stir up trouble and stir up trouble?”

"Strict trial will lead to punishment. Among them, there are many murderers who committed murder and arson last night."

The emperor was also trying to appease Fu Shanyue and give him a vent in secret.

"Can you find something out?"

"It depends on Wei Ting's methods." Fu Shanyue exhaled, "The emperor said that we must supervise the progress of the elixir case."

"By the way, on the way out of the palace, I also met several envoys from Baoshu Kingdom, Xuluo Kingdom, etc., all of whom came to express their condolences."

He Lingchuan understood that these countries, like Chi Yan, wanted to pursue the case of the elixir of immortality. As a result, the prince of Chi Yan was in danger twice in Lingxu City. They not only came to express their condolences, but also expressed their support to strengthen his reputation. The investigation of the elixir case was initiated by the Chiyan Kingdom, and all the demon kingdoms had the same interests in this regard.

Helping Chiyan Country means helping themselves.

He Lingchuan also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

Prince Huan committed murder and set fire, and the royal family was greatly at fault. Then neither the emperor nor Bai Ziqi would want to provoke the Chiyan people again. And God has also tested He Lingchuan and will not touch him again for the time being.

This most powerful official force is limiting itself, which is great news for He Lingchuan.

"By the way, the emperor wanted me to move back to Floating Island, where the security is better. Well, I declined, saying that it would be more convenient to go to the city to track down and follow up. The emperor pointed me to the Pianxiang Villa in Qilin Mountain, where I can live. It is the old house of the guilty minister Chunyu. Their family was convicted seven years ago and their property was confiscated. The royal court has not sold out the property for so many years. "

"It seems that he was once a wealthy man."

Lingxu City is really full of powerful people, and there are as many rich people as dogs.

"Of course. The Chunyu family has been operating in Lingxu City for more than two hundred years. They have served two prime ministers. They have a huge family income and countless industries. They are not comparable to the upstarts from a small family."

He Lingchuan wondered: "Then how did his house fall?"

A family with such a big tree and deep roots usually grows a giant tree in the local area. It is easy for no one to touch it, let alone expect it to decline in its own family fortune.

Usually only changes in the world and irresistible external forces will cause it to decline along the way.

Fu Shanyue glanced outside the door twice and lowered his voice subconsciously:

"It's a different day."

"Huh?" I don't understand.

"Ten years ago, the new emperor came to power." Fu Shanyue coughed lightly, "Before that, the Chunyu family was in the wrong position and once severely compromised the current emperor."

He Lingchuan let out a long "Oh" and understood.

Just like Hong Chenglue, he misjudged.

The Chunyu family has been around for more than two hundred years. They have probably seen all the storms in Lingxu City, but they have never experienced a change of dynasty. After all, the late emperor reigned for more than three hundred years.

Isn’t this? Inexperience made mistakes.

Make mistakes and pay the price.

"Why don't you go and live in this Pianxiang Villa?"

"That was appointed by the emperor, there is no reason to explain it." Fu Shanyue smiled bitterly, "If you don't go, you can't do it. Moreover, the emperor blamed the Nancheng official office for the poor security and wanted to transfer people from Tongxinwei to protect Pianxiang Villa."

"What the hell!" He Lingchuan lost his voice.

Isn’t this protective custody?

It's called protection, but it's actually surveillance. Prince Chiyan caused so much trouble as soon as he entered Lingxu City, so the emperor simply put him under his nose and sent people to stare him to death.

They were sent by Tongxinwei, who had a personal grudge against them.

It’s not that enemies don’t get together, the emperor did it on purpose, right?

It stands to reason that this kind of designated residence is semi-compulsory and semi-house arrest in nature. If it is used on the demon king and the prince who have not committed any crime, it will easily cause backlash and intensify conflicts between the two parties.

The Demon Emperor probably didn't do this normally, but Fu Shanyue was attacked twice. In order to ensure the personal safety of Prince Chiyan, isn't this a sufficient reason?

I sent people to keep an eye on you for your own good.

"It's probably because you were so aggressive at Lingxiao Peak that you embarrassed the emperor." No matter how much the prince of Fan Yao Kingdom takes Qiao, the emperor can take revenge with just a flip of his hand.

Fu Shanyue touched his nose.

Indeed, when he sued Da Si Nong earlier, it was a bit... fiery, and the emperor's explicit and implicit suggestions were useless, so he must be angry.

If he hadn't been the master of suffering, the emperor might have told him to get out.

"Actually, if you think about it at the best, the Fan brothers themselves are also uncomfortable. They have to look after the house and guard the gate for their enemies, and there are more people watching and pointing. If something happens to you, the emperor will only ask them, and The punishment will definitely not be lighter next time." He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder, "Besides, what a wonderful thing it is to choose a villa for nothing in the imperial capital, where the emperor gives it to you."

Pan Shan's residence has been destroyed. As the prince of Chiyan, Fu Shanyue really needs a fixed residence in Xiacheng. He also has so many subordinates to settle down - Pan Shan's residence was originally too small and could not accommodate so many people. The emperor's designated mansion can be considered thoughtful if it is not mixed with other personal thoughts.

Fu Shanyue grinned. He had not thought about it from the perspective of the Fan brothers before.

When He Lingchuan said this, he felt much more comfortable.

But He Lingchuan knew in his heart that the emperor was killing two birds with one stone.

Both the gods and the emperor were pursuing clues about Dafang Hu. Fu Shanyue appeared in both places Bai Ziqi investigated, so it was logical that he became one of the suspects.

The emperor pressed him into Pianxiang Villa so that he could monitor his every move.

This move was performed beautifully and made Fushan Yue silent. He was truly worthy of being the king of a country.

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