After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 601 Pianxiang Villa

Of course, He Lingchuan knew that after he passed the Dense Eyes test, he might have been removed from the God's suspect list, and the monitoring of him would probably be relaxed a lot in the future.

But there is also Bai Ziqi.

Hiss, this guy keeps trying to keep an eye on him, it's simply inexplicable.

Therefore, he had to quickly find something for Bai Ziqi to do.

Fushan noticed that he kept rubbing his temples, so he said: "Okay, you rest first. Let's go to Pianxiang Villa tomorrow."

He Lingchuan nodded.

After returning to his guest room, he closed the door and windows tightly, looked around in the mirror to make sure he was not being watched or eavesdropped, and then reached into his arms. What he took out was a leaf.

The leaves obtained from the Juluo tree in Panlong City were originally beautiful golden red, but now they are withered and curled and covered with yellow spots.

At first glance, it looks no different from other fallen leaves picked up from the ground.

He Lingchuan looked at it carefully and breathed out softly:

"A leaf blinds the eye."

It turns out that Venerable Wood Spirit’s second greeting should be found here.

What the golden leaf wanted to block was not his gaze, but the eyeballs of the Mulian monster.

By borrowing this leaf, He Lingchuan successfully passed Miao Zhantian's lie test.

In the ancient war thousands of years ago, the immortals of the Great Huanzong borrowed the leaves of the Taoist tree to defeat the great demon Mulian;

Thousands of years later, He Lingchuan used the leaves of the Taoist tree given by Lord Mu Ling to defeat Mulian's remaining eyeballs again and save his life.

One drink and one peck, could it be a predetermined decision?

He Lingchuan admired Mu Ling, a powerful senior who had accurately predicted that he would save his life a thousand years later, and became curious about the last words of his greeting.

What kind of application scenarios is it suitable for?

As He Lingchuan watched, the leaves slowly turned to dust and fell to the ground.

The soul-capturing mirror asked curiously: "What happened to the leaves of the Juluo tree?"

"I've run out of power." Miao Zhantian's touchstone and eye of truth are not so easy to resist.

As for whether Tianshen will question the results of this test, He Lingchuan believes that it will not happen in the short term.

The reason is simple, if they don't have confidence in the big eyes, why do they need to do this test?

Not to mention that gods can easily invade his sea of ​​consciousness, Mitian has long said that there are clear barriers between the divine world and the human world, and it is not easy to cross the boundary in any form.

The most powerful evidence is that Miao Zhantian only asked him three questions. After asking him, the invasion will end.

If they could stay at will in his sea of ​​consciousness, let alone three, he could ask for thirty or three hundred.

Therefore, he tended to believe that the gods had to expend a lot of effort for this invasion.

Since they have high hopes for the Eye of Mulian, the "true" conclusions it draws can at least win the trust of the gods for a while.

This is also the strategic opportunity that He Lingchuan risked his life to win this time.

After all, I was still too young and underestimated the complexity and danger of going against the gods.

If Panlongcheng and Lord Mu Ling hadn't come to his aid, he would have been exposed by the Gods 90% of the time this time.

In fact, in the final analysis, this contest is not He Lingchuan's at all, but a showdown between Panlongcheng, the Wood Spirit Master and the gods behind him.

In fact, speaking more broadly, this can be regarded as a continuation of the struggle between immortals and gods.

Our side temporarily has the upper hand. He Lingchuan walked around the gate of hell and saved a small life.

The mirror clicked its tongue and praised: "It is indeed a treasure of the City of the Dead, and it can actually block the true eye of the gods!"

He Lingchuan held his head and sighed deeply:

"I underestimated the enemy too much!"

Looking back now, in fact, he made the mistake of adventurism before setting off for Tianshu Peak.

"I thought of them too well." He underestimated the will and means of the gods.

The Demon Emperor may still care about the twists and turns and calculations that he relies on, but the gods will not accept them at all.

They are powerful, arrogant, unscrupulous, and do whatever they want. They can attack whoever they want and test whomever they want, regardless of whether the victim lives or lives.

They did not specifically target He Lingchuan, because in their eyes, all humans were as small as a drop in the ocean, as humble as ants on the wall.

Anyway, you'll die in one press.

Fortunately, with the protection of Panlongcheng and Master Muling, He Lingchuan was able to survive this disaster.

He remembered the words of Lord Mu Ling:

"Young people should be allowed to make mistakes."

When Lord Mu Ling spoke, his eyes were fixed on the golden red leaves. Only then did He Lingchuan feel that Lord Mu Ling was speaking to him.

The wise man used all his tricks to give He Lingchuan a chance to make a mistake without dying.

just one time.

He Lingchuan said firmly: "I won't make this kind of mistake again."

No one will explain his mistakes again. As Lord Mu Ling said, the future matters will be left to future generations.

"??" The mirror looked confused the whole time.

It can no longer keep up with its owner’s thinking. What should I do?

He Lingchuan pressed his temples, remembering the last moment of the divine invasion, the unreasonable god who wanted to snatch his body.

Miao Zhantian also had a dispute with it, which shows that the gods are not monolithic, and there are times when they have different opinions and conflicts of interest.

It makes sense.

Of course, the most important thing is that after the green light mark lit up, it shouted:

"Why is it Nai Luotian's mark?"

In other words, it recognizes the owner of this mark.

This confirmed He Lingchuan's long-held speculation: the person who left a mark in the depths of his consciousness was indeed another god.

It’s just that he didn’t know the other person’s name until today:

Nai Luotian.

There is a name to look up, which is great.


Thanks to the elixir that soothes the nerves and nourishes the brain, He Lingchuan's head no longer hurts when he wakes up the next morning.

Fu Shanyue and him took Jiao Yu and other guards to Qilin Mountain to see the newly acquired house.

Fortunately, the road up the mountain is still smooth and wide, and the road surface is not damaged, which shows that the materials used were solid.

Compared with Pan Shanzhai, Pianxiang Villa is closer to the center of Xiacheng, and its area is about half of Dunyuan——

Sitting on half of Qilin Mountain, it is already huge.

It faces south and occupies half of the sunny side of Qilin Mountain. It stands to reason that the first ray of sunlight in the morning can shine on the attic of the villa. However, the garden has been abandoned for many years, with overgrown vegetation and snarling trees blocking the sunlight that shines into the garden.

The hill behind the house is even more eerie. The wild grass is so lush that it is difficult for people to walk, and various small animals often shuttle back and forth.

I casually went to the tree and grabbed two handfuls of wet soil.

The tiger sniffed everywhere, rolled around in the grass nest, and unexpectedly found a nest of about ten weasels and a large group of storks and cranes.

These two kinds of monsters were not afraid when people came, but were scared by the tiger and ran away. It was not until they heard that Pianxiang Villa had a new owner that they begged Fu Shanyue to renew their contract with them.

It turns out that these are all monsters kept in the backyard of Chunyu's family, and they specialize in removing insects, snakes, rats, and ants from the owner's house.

Chunyu's family suffered changes, but they did not. They still lived in the backyard of Qilin Mountain. They had lived very comfortably these years and did not want to move.

Fu Shanyue is free to do anything, but requires them to clean up all the nasty little creatures in the mansion within two days. After all, the house had been empty for seven years. It was large and empty, and had long since become a home for snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

Both nests of monsters patted their chests and promised to complete the task, which was originally their duty.

The weasel blinked and asked Fu Shanyue: "I have some goat friends who are very good at gardening and pruning. Do you want to hire them together? Just a meal will be included, and a little pocket money will be given. The labor is much cheaper than hiring people. ”


Although it is slovenly, the main house of Pianxiang Villa is still very grand, the beams and pillars have not been corroded by the earth's atmosphere, and the furniture is basically complete. It can be seen that the materials used during construction were solid.

Because there are monsters such as weasels, thieves rarely break in.

Overall, it can be moved in with a little care.

After coming down from the mountain, Fu Shanyue immediately sent people to Yahang to hire some servants.

Such a large villa requires at least hundreds of people to take care of it to run it.

Pianxiang Villa was unoccupied for the time being. Fu Shanyue was busy with other things, but He Lingchuan still returned to the inn.

After dinner, a shop assistant came over to deliver tea.

"Put it there." He Lingchuan didn't even look back.

This man did not leave, but stood motionless:

"He Xiao."

Listening to that dead voice, you knew who was coming. He Lingchuan sighed, these troublesome things kept coming one after another without stopping, and he didn't even have time to take a breath.

He walked out of the house and chased away all the other people.

"How about it?"

"The Imperial Master agreed, but there is a condition."

"Please say."

"Nian Zanli cannot know that you are the one pulling the strings, or even know that you are involved in this matter." Xi Yunhe said, "The reason why the Imperial Master is looking for you to do something is because you have nothing to do with us and no interests are involved, so the clues you submitted are innocent. "Nian Zanli borrowed troops from the Imperial Army. The news is too big, and it will eventually reach the emperor's ears. If the emperor finds out that you are the one pulling the strings, your relationship with us will be exposed."

He Lingchuan nodded: "Don't worry, I won't come forward and he won't know."

Xi Yunhe was in charge of the negotiations yesterday, and he just came here today to send a message: "Okay. Then the National Division will borrow 30,000 troops from the Baling Kingdom, and they will be matched with two generals, all of which will be arranged by Nian Zanli. This matter will be resolved within five months at the latest. Done.”

Done! He Lingchuan took a deep breath.

"The National Master has great magical powers, and such a major event can be implemented in a short time." He admired, "But if we just say nothing, how can we win the New Year's praise?"

"The Nan Paper Shop at the end of East Second Lane of Tianjie has a pair of white stone horses at the door. You go in and tell the shopkeeper that you want ten pairs of Nan Baoxuan inkstones and Qiuhujian paper. The negotiated price is four Ten articles. He will give you the token of the Imperial Master and his handwritten letter.”

"Take these two things to Nian Zanli, and he can go to the Baling Kingdom to ask for troops." Xi Yunhe explained again, "The tokens cannot be imitated; there are two autographed letters, one to Nian Zanli to explain the situation, and the other to paint the situation. The seal is to be presented to the King of Baling and cannot be opened midway."

He Lingchuan was moved: "The Imperial Master has such a thoughtful idea!"

As expected of an official who is over a hundred years old, this arrangement is really thoughtful. He has designed everything He Lingchuan thought of and didn't expect.

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