After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 649 The gradually forming vortex

This goat demon was hired by them to prune branches and leaves. He usually works hard and is willing to work hard. He is neither cheating nor cunning, and is extremely honest.

How could you imagine that if you take a bite of a leaf, your temperament and body will change drastically, and you will become so violent?

Everyone was in shock.

When the cross-examination came to Ah Qing, everyone was talking about it and answered truthfully.

Finally, the official confirmed: "You are saying that the mutation of the oak tree was caused by the original owner's old belongings falling to the ground, right?"

Ah Qing cried sadly: "I don't know if it's because of them." It sounded like it was her fault?

"Anyway, something broke and the oak tree mutated?"


"What are those things?"

Ah Qing tried hard to remember, after all, she only took a casual look at it: "Some bottles and cans, some wood, dolls and the like... They are all old things that I plan to throw away, and I, I didn't take a closer look. "

"This house has just been sold?" The official went back to look at the fur trader's house. Drink, the buildings, gardens, and ponds are all gone, and nothing is left except strange trees.

"I just sold it more than ten days ago."

The official asked the key question: "Who was the previous owner?"

It seems that the previous owner's old belongings caused the commotion.

"It's General Nian!" Ah Qing said, "The name seems to be called Nian Zanli. I heard he is the shepherd of a state in the west!"

Before dark, news of strange things happening in Xiacheng District reached Pianxiang Villa.

Soon, the old order came.

Li Qingge ordered him to bring a lot of gifts, first to Fu Shanyue to express his sincerity for the newly negotiated cooperation project, and then to find He Lingchuan.

After such a regular trip, Tongxinwei would not feel anything unusual.

He Lingchuan sat in the pavilion by the lake and frowned at Lao Dan: "Did this matter go too far?"

As soon as he heard words like crazy-growing strange trees and sheep monsters with drastically changed temperaments, he knew that it was the blood of the gods that was causing trouble.

He handed over the divine blood he obtained from Dong Rui to Li Qingge for disposal.

The head of the Songyang Mansion has always been very measured in his affairs. He Lingchuan did not expect that this time there would be such a big fuss, with people dead and streets destroyed. It seems that the news will spread throughout the entire Lower City main area before tomorrow night.

"Lingxu City is so vast, and there are so many things happening every day, big and small, that the gods don't even look at them. The Lord said, if the noise is not louder, how can it be heard in the sky?"

He Lingchuan was stunned.

What Li Qingge said was an objective fact. If you want to alarm the Heavenly Palace, first of all, the matter must be serious, shocking, and debatable.

"Strange trees suddenly grew suddenly in the lower city of Lingxu, and crazy sheep eat people." Ordinary people didn't know what was going on, and the government agencies were confused. But after Tiangong got the news, it should have instantly understood what was going on.

After all, the gods know very well what manifestations divine blood will cause on ordinary creatures.

Li Qingge showed her tenderness in front of He Lingchuan. I felt pity for her when she was threatened by Nian Zanli and suffered aggrieved. It was easy for people to forget that she was not only a successful businessman, but also the head of a sect and the head of the Songyang Mansion. owner.

Her decisiveness and ruthlessness are definitely not comparable to that of ordinary women.

He Lingchuan thought for a while: "How did the man named Nian react?"

After planning all these things, we finally came together to pay tribute to the new year.

"The government office has sent someone to look for him once, but he left quickly. It may have been a normal interrogation. After all, he has an official position, and the government office cannot easily take people." Lao Dan asked him, "Sir, I would like to ask you, do you need help?" Need to take action again?”

"No need." He Lingchuan shook his head, "It doesn't look like an accident if it happens too many times."

Li Qingge asked this because she was eager for revenge, otherwise she could figure it out herself.

"Give some time to let this matter ferment. Lingxu City is too big, and Tiangong is too far away from the common people. It will take some time for the news to reach Tiantian." He Lingchuan calculated, "Besides, there is no new progress in the case of the immortal medicine, Tiangong Maybe I don’t want to alert the enemy.”

"When Bai Ziqi comes back, this matter will turn around." He said to Lao Dan, "Sir, please don't be impatient. You can start the next step."

"By the way, I'm going to the Fu Realm for a trip. Please help me prepare some things."

Lao Dan asked curiously: "You also want to go hunting in Caohai?" At this time?

He Lingchuan nodded.

If he couldn't receive the frost pill, he had to go there himself. The world is so dangerous, who dares to go there empty-handed?

Lao Dan wrote down his request and then left.

In fact, He Lingchuan recalled several times that something was wrong with the sudden fire at Qingfu Temple but leaving such an important living person as Kong Jiaxiang.

Kong Jiaxiang is in charge of the income and expenditure of the elixir, so he must be the main figure in Qingfu Temple. If Imperial Master Qingyang wants to silence him, he must be one of the key points.

If you don't even know the life and death of such a person, why would Qing Palace be so careless and careless in doing things?

But He Lingchuan sent Goshawk back to investigate and found out that there really was such a person in Yangshui.

So, did Qing Gong really fail, or did Shuangye National Master have a better plan?

No matter what, He Lingchuan could pretend not to know.

He was just a messenger, bringing the message to Bai Ziqi, and the task was completed.

Two days later, Lao Dan brought him all the things he wanted, saying that they were gifts from the Duke and there was no need to pay the bill.

The squirrel also sent a message:

The annual tribute was followed by an unknown person.

This was discovered by Nian Zanli himself. As a military commander, he had a good sense, but he failed to catch the pursuer after killing twice. He was angry and worried, so he asked someone to inquire about the person who was plotting evil against him.

This entrusted person inquired, and by chance, he was entrusted to Lao Ge, the gibbon. So this information was quickly sent to He Lingchuan.

Who could be the stalker?

Sent by Heavenly Palace?

Most of the other party can connect Nian Zanli with divine blood, otherwise they would not follow Nian Zanli at this time.

He Lingchuan was worried that he would leave Lingxu in a hurry, but fortunately this never happened.

Nian Zanli should also know that something strange happened in the house he sold, and many people died, but he didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know what kind of trouble he was involved in.

However, this vortex will soon take shape.

By the time he found himself trapped, he couldn't leave.


The next day, He Lingchuan and three Chiyan guards rushed to Caohai.

Every few years, Caohai’s hunting rules are fine-tuned. This year’s latest version of the regulations is:

First of all, the first five days before the opening of the Storm Gate is the hunting time. Each team is limited to ten people entering the Fu Realm. They are allowed to leave but not to enter.

Therefore, the competition for hunting Danube Beasts is most intense during the five days when the Storm Gate opens. Once the five-day time limit is up, the ranking will be determined based on the number of pumice stones hunted by each team.

Once the five days have passed, the competition is over, and the Storm Gate is open to everyone, so feel free to enter!

The official still purchased the pumice stone at the original price until the Storm Gate closed twenty-five days later.

Because the Buddha Realm on the other side of the storm rift is not suitable for human biological activities at all. If team members are tired or injured, they must return to the human world. After all, the official organization of this event is not to harm people.

The Storm Gate has been open for ten days, and the Chi Yan team entering the Fu Realm has also changed into two batches. He Lingchuan's is considered the third batch.

Caohai today is far less lively than when the event opened.

The wind blows the reeds and the stars hang down on the plain, making it desolate.

The shallows that were once crowded with people are now empty. The egrets walked freely without being disturbed for a long time.

Only the guards guarding the Storm Gate and the logistics of each participating team are left here.

Since the Danube beasts near the Storm Gate were basically slaughtered, there was no need to leave so many troops to guard, so the number of guards was greatly reduced, leaving only one as a guarantee.

It's been like this for years.

The guard handed over a bag: "There are twenty beads in it. Mr. He, please keep an eye on the inventory."

Each bead can control breathing for a quarter of an hour, and twenty beads can save life for two and a half hours. During this period, He Lingchuan must collect new beads to survive.

"Got it." He took the bag and put it away, reported it to the guards for review, then put on his mask and walked into the eye of the storm with his teammates.

In order to prevent public vengeance and provocation, participating teams usually wear masks when entering the Fujie. Some nobles will also customize extremely exquisite masks for their teams, making this competition even more gorgeous.

Of course, Fushan Yue was too lazy to do this, and the masks of the Chiyan team were just plain and plain, without any characteristics at all.

Common, but safe.

The closer we got, the more alarming the storm became. When He Lingchuan walked inside, the surroundings were chaotic, with nothing but gray and white colors.

Then his body felt light and he felt dizzy.

He was sucked into the Eternal Realm.

Chi Yan's team disappeared into the eye of the storm.

After a few breaths, the guard guarding the door reported to the commander: "There is an internal emergency, we need to solve it!"

"Go ahead."

The thatched house in Caohai was a bit far from the waterfront. The guard ran all the way to the back of the low hill, so the army couldn't see where he was going.

Then he turned around halfway, turned six or seven corners, and quietly ran behind a tent.

He also looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to him, and then said to the guard guarding the tent: "The general called me here. My surname is Gui."

Before the guard could answer, someone in the tent already said, "Come in."

The guard rushed into the tent and saw a man sitting on the low bed, who seemed to have just quit pranayama.

"General. The person you ordered me to pay attention to has just entered the eye of the storm!"

The man stood up immediately: "Are you sure?"

"The name he filled in with us is He Xiao, from the Chiyan Team." The guard gestured, "He is tall and looks upright."

"Okay, you can go back." The man thanked the guard.

"You are serious! I have been training under you for three years, and you have even saved my life. Doing such a small thing is nothing to mention!"

After saying that, the guard saluted him and quickly ran back to the team.


The scene suddenly turned dark, and before He Lingchuan could see the outside world clearly, he felt confused, as if he had fallen headfirst to the ground.

He instinctively stretched out his arms, exerted force on his waist and legs, and rolled forward to stand up.

After such a set of actions, He Lingchuan immediately felt that the two worlds were different:

In the Buddha Realm, the body is particularly heavy. Not only is it difficult to lift arms and legs, but there is also a heavy pulling sensation in the neck, chest and abdomen.

"Are you okay?" He also caught a teammate to prevent him from falling to pieces.

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