After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 650 The Eternal Realm

The guard originally only weighed more than a hundred pounds, but when He Lingchuan held him, he felt extra heavy, as if he had caught a head of burnt jade.

Fushan Yue had told him earlier that ordinary humans could not stay in the Buddha Realm for a long time, otherwise their lives would be in danger soon; even if practitioners arrived for the first time, their bodies would feel heavy. Now he feels it personally. Gravity is about three times that of the human world?

The guard stood up straight: "Thank you, Master He."

When everyone entered the storm, they already sipped a gargle beads and pressed it to their cheeks, so that they could breathe and speak normally.

Otherwise, the air in the Buddha Realm is poisonous, and practitioners will not be able to survive for long.

He Lingchuan looked around and saw an empty space with only mountains, rocks, and sand. A few dozen feet apart, there was a short, sprawling plant growing in the cracks in the ground. It looked more like hair than grass, but most of the grass had grass on it. With a light white pearl.

This is Shuzhu.

The beadleaf plant is the only surviving plant in the Buddha Realm. It is said that the seeds came from the human world and took root and grew here after being sucked in by the storm. Every time the eye of the storm opens and the air from the human world is poured into the Buddha Realm, it will be intercepted by the bead-sweeping grass and condensed into beads.

Otherwise, this land is barren.

But the surface is not monotonous, because the soil has a variety of colors, including yellow, red, blue, green, purple and black, almost all seven colors; there are also strange rocks riddled with holes, hills shaped like mushrooms, and mountains like terraces.

Climbing up to a high place and looking down, there is a vast and desolate spectacle.

And crystal clusters often grow on the ground, either like crystals or solid rocks, with different colors and sizes. Small ones are like snowflakes, big ones are as big as hills.

When the four of them arrived, He Lingchuan took out a box, looked at it, pointed to the north and said, "Let's go and meet the others."

This box is the Zhuiyin Bee Compass, a new product of Songyang Mansion.

Songyang Mansion had already established a connection with Prince Chiyan, so before the Caohai hunting started, they sent them trial products.

Without a doubt, this is the most popular piece of equipment. I heard that Songyang Mansion sold sixty or seventy chasing bee compasses on the opening day of the Caohai event.

The Chiyan people had already marked the forerunners with the bee pupae stored in the box. He Lingchuan and other later people could use the characteristics of the seeker bees to find their companions when they entered the Buddha Realm.

They had just crossed over and found it difficult to take a step forward.

This is not just as heavy as carrying two more people, but also the internal organs and brain feel heavy, and the blood flows to the lower limbs, making it difficult to supply to the heart. He Lingchuan gathered energy in his Dantian and found that the speed of his true power had slowed down significantly.

The most serious thing is that there is no aura in this world.

Compared with the aura here, the spiritual energy in the human world can be said to be rich.

This also means that practitioners entering the Buddha Realm will not receive any supplement of true power, except for bringing their own Xuan Crystal.

Here, everyone must use their power carefully.

He Lingchuan mobilized his true strength, breathed evenly, and adjusted slowly. What makes practitioners stronger than ordinary people is that their bodies are stronger and can adapt to harsher environments.

There is also a Lingxu City garrison near the Eye of the Storm. Their mission is to prevent Danube beasts from accidentally entering the world. He Lingchuan and others came over, and an officer stepped forward to remind them: "You can't go west."

"Thanks for reminding me, why?"

"There is a thunder beast to the west. If you want to die, go there." After saying this and fulfilling his duty, the officer's mouth was shut tighter than a clam shell.

He Lingchuan looked subconsciously, and sure enough, lightning flashed on the distant mountains to the west, illuminating the sky and the earth like daylight.

Is this what Fu Shanyue repeatedly warned, "the powerful existence in the restricted area deep in the Fu Realm"?

It doesn't seem to be very deep, just go west and you'll get there.

He immediately handed over a treasure note: "Sir, what is the origin of this thunder beast? How far to the west will you encounter it?"

The note was large and sincere, and the officer's expression softened.

"If ten people go, ten people will die, if a hundred people go, a hundred people will die. More than five hundred hectares to the west are the territories of the giant thunder beasts. This guy is one of the seven major lords of the Fu Realm officially recorded. He is two and a half feet tall and six feet long. "Zhang, I have my own thunder. I don't have to get close to you to penetrate you." The officer put away the treasure and said, "This time, the eye of the storm actually opened on the edge of the territory of the thunder beast. It was bad luck that we sent people there before." Exploring the road to the west, you will never come back."

"Fortunately, the thunder beast is very lazy and doesn't like to move. Otherwise, we would have to ask the national master to open another storm door." He continued, "In addition, according to reports from hunters from the front, a large number of beasts appeared in the northwest, and they were very lethal. Qiang, you should pay attention to your safety."

He Lingchuan took a breath, thanked him and walked out.

Generally speaking, the lighter the color of the Danube's skin and the larger it is, the more powerful it is. Of course, it is not ruled out that a very small number of Danubons develop camouflage colors to make their opponents think they are powerful.

But in the Buddha Realm, where gravity is about three times that of the human world, size is directly proportional to strength. That thunder-carrying giant beast can grow up to six feet in length, so there is no doubt about its power.

A lord-level monster can easily defeat thousands of people. What's more, this guy has the talent of being riddled with thunder and lightning, and the participating teams will definitely not mess with it.

All the way north.

During the march, when others saw He Lingchuan, he would often bend down to pick up a handful of soil, a few crystal clusters, and a few grains of fine sand and put them into his bag. Everyone thought that everything was new to him when he first arrived. In fact, this was a requirement of the Divine Bone Necklace:

Yes, Dafanghu seemed to be very interested in this foreign land and asked He Lingchuan to collect some samples for him to enjoy.

Going further north, you can often find dead Danube beasts of all kinds on the roadside.

Danubon is just a collective name for the monsters that produce pumice in the Buddha Realm. Just as there are many kinds of monsters in the human world, the Danube beasts in the Eternal Realm are also all kinds of strange. Some are stocky, some are slender, and some are running on four or six legs.

But there are very few people who stand and walk on two legs like humans. He Lingchuan wondered if it was because of gravity?

There are always large holes in the corpses of these Danube beasts. In addition to the pumice stones in their skulls being dug out, the crystal clusters on their bodies may also be good materials for refining weapons. Over hundreds of years, craftsmen in Lingxu City have discovered many uses for Danube materials.

The farther you go, the more Danube beasts die, sometimes in dens and groups.

This looks like it was hunted.

In the previous five days of racing, the participating teams had basically killed all the Danube beasts within a hundred miles of the Eye of the Storm, except for the west. Now it was safe for He Lingchuan and others to travel. Along the way were Danube beast corpses, as well as new beads growing out of the cracks in the ground.

Every few hours, the beads will grow again, so everyone needs to pay attention to collecting them.

If the participating teams want to hunt more pumice stones, they have to go further.

This is not only a competition of combat power and physical strength, but also a competition of financial resources, storage and transportation capabilities.

He Lingchuan also saw that there were always monsters similar to large earthworms next to the corpse of the Danube beast, ranging from a few feet to several feet in length. There were often several or dozens of them crawling on the corpse of the beast. Chew very much.

He Lingchuan was unable to find where their eyes were. Maybe these monsters were born without eyes. The way they eat is also very special. They use the suction cup at the front to suck the prey, and then twist and turn their fleshy bodies to twist off a piece of meat.

He Lingchuan could also see the pieces of meat turning into bulges and moving inside its body.

Teammates introduced that this was a planarian, one of the scavenging creatures in the Ephesus world. It cannot produce pumice, and its body fluids are acid-etching, so hunters have no interest in them.

There are also some strange and sneaky little animals, but I won’t mention them here.

Under the leadership of Chasing Bee, He Lingchuan and others walked north for most of a day without taking any detours, until they reached a low hill.

Here, Danube corpses piled up into hills.

Everyone climbed up to a high place and took a look. This scene stretched for at least several miles.

The red land was dyed purple-black with animal blood, which looked ominous.

There was dead silence, except for the occasional chirping of scavengers enjoying their feast, as if someone was walking on wet cotton slippers.

He Lingchuan frowned because there were also many corpses of participating hunters here.

There are both humans and monsters, and their deaths are quite tragic. But the scavengers in the world have no interest in them.

They don't want to touch anything off the menu.

At a glance, he saw that there were at least twenty or thirty corpses.

He Lingchuan's teammates, each of whom had come in two or three times on average, squatted down to check and said, "It seems they encountered a tide of beasts."

"Tide of beasts?" He heard this word as soon as he entered the Buddha Realm.

"Just like the bison and wild horses in the human world, many nau beasts will move in groups. Sometimes there are hundreds of them in a group."

He Lingchuan built a tent with his hands and looked out: "There are more than a hundred animals here."

"Herds of beasts will also gather together to migrate. That's called a tide of beasts. You can't tell how many there are." His teammates smiled bitterly. "They will run in such a mighty way that anyone who blocks them will die."

He Lingchuan knew that the Danube beasts also killed each other and had a complete ecological chain. The low-chain Danubon eats not grass, but crystal clusters and nutrient-rich soil, while the high-chain Danubon feeds on them.

Killing, fighting, and eating are the same for all creatures everywhere.

"That's where they retreated." He Lingchuan pointed to the southwest. As an experienced hunter, he could see the signs of fighting and retreating. Moreover, even if the contestants were at a disadvantage, they did not forget to cut away the pumice stones and other valuable parts from the animal carcasses.

The team member suddenly called out softly: "Our people."

He ran to a corpse and squatted down.

He Lingchuan followed him and saw that it was indeed the guard next to Fu Shanyue, whose neck had been cut.

What killed him must have been the sharp and huge claws, because there were still two claw marks on his chest. The force was so strong that half of his lungs were taken out.

"It should be a Baryon that moves with the tide of beasts. This kind of monster likes to stalk its prey." Just like the bison herds in the human world, there are always predators around.

"There are more here!" Another person shouted, "Lao Bao and Wei San are also dead!"

There are two corpses of Chiyan guards not far away. In fact, they are one person and one bear demon.

He Lingchuan was originally opposed to the bear demon participating in the starting lineup. Its movements were originally not sensitive enough, and its movements were even slower under the gravity of the world. Looking at it lying there now, he sighed.

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