After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 901 Transfer of Islands

According to his clone, only his soul is powerful enough to erase it.

This is also one of the directions he will continue to work hard in the future. On the other hand, when he can erase this divine seal mark, it will prove that the strength of his divine soul can rival the gods.

It’s very far away when you think about it.

Ding Zuodong looked at the maid beside him.

He Lingchuan understood, stood up and said to the maid beside him: "Go down, I'll call you if I need anything."

The maid replied softly, turned and left.

He Lingchuan did not stay in the courtyard. He took Ding Zuodong back to the monastery by himself, closed the doors and windows, and placed a barrier casually.

This is the territory of the Lu family, so be careful that the walls have ears.

He traveled in Beqa for several months and knew how many little monsters a garden could hide.

"Say it."

Only then did Ding Zuodong report the selling price of the Lu family.

He Lingchuan held his hands and laughed: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Seeing him beaming with joy, Ding Zuodong was not sure what the young master's state of mind was: "Master, the price is still a bit expensive."

"It's not just a bit expensive, it's simply ridiculously expensive!" He Lingchuan laughed in disgust, "The island that no one can use is being sold to me for a sky-high price of 150,000 taels! The Lu family really dares to open their mouths."

He then added: "But the Lu family is willing to sell the Yangshan Islands. This is the most valuable information!"

If someone really doesn't want to sell it, he may not be able to get it even if he pays a high price.

If the Lu family is determined to sell, then the deal can always be negotiated, and they are not afraid of tug-of-war.

Yes, the boss is still the smart boss. Ding Zuodong admired him: "Your judgment on Bailie is very accurate. The Lu family is really short of money."

He Lingchuan, a foolish young man with a lot of money, rushes to give away money. For the Lu family, isn't it just that someone gives him a pillow when he is sleepy?

Faced with this kind of conspiracy, even if they had doubts in their hearts, they didn't want their money to slip through their fingers.

Greed is always the sharpest weapon in the hands of the young master.

Ding Zuodong smiled and said: "The Lu family is probably afraid that the bid is too low, which will arouse our suspicion. That means the price is very high and can be slashed."

"Just say, the price I can accept from the six outer islands is 30,000 taels. If you give me all the Yangshan Islands, it will be 60,000 taels. If it exceeds this amount, I don't want it. I don't have that much money. I would rather buy it elsewhere. Manor and real estate." He Lingchuan yawned, "There are many good places near Blade Port. If Bailie doesn't let me stay, can I go to Qingguo?"

Ding Zuodong was also a smart man and immediately understood what he meant and resigned immediately.

He Lingchuan conveniently gave him a basket, which contained several bottles of sweet-scented osmanthus and sour plum soup, several packages of the local specialty walnut cloud cake, and a bag of crispy broad beans.

There are still water drops hanging outside the silver bottle.

"Sending your family a break from the heat."

Ding Zuodong did not refuse, took it and said with a smile: "Thank you, boss!"

He Lingchuan returned to the garden and lay down on the rocking chair.

Oh, it's so comfortable.

The young maid sent by Lingtai Yuan came to serve him again, her watery eyes kept glancing at him.

Guests of Yunding Villa rarely see such handsome and handsome people.

He Lingchuan drank half a pot of sour plum drink in one breath, and then asked the maid: "Do you know about the Yangshan Islands?"

"I know." The maid held the pot and paused slightly before continuing to pour the juice. "It's the island opposite Blade Port."

"Have you been there?"

"I passed by by boat a few years ago and stayed on the island."

"How's that place?"

"The beach is fine and white, and the sea water is clean." The maid thought for a moment, "There are just a lot of bugs."

"I heard that there are only a few buildings up there, what's going on?" He Lingchuan asked her intentionally, "Are the Bailie people leaving such a good island unused?"

"I don't know, maid. Maybe it's because the island is isolated overseas and difficult to manage?" The maid smiled, "After all, Blade Port is temporarily lent to Qingguo."

"I see."

He Lingchuan stopped asking and closed his eyes lazily.

The Lu family acted very quickly. In such a short time, all the servants in Lingtai Courtyard of Yunding Villa were on the same page.

No word about evil spirits, evil spirits, or pirates can be revealed to the buyers of the islands.

Yin evil and turbid qi is a very professional term, and neither the Lu family nor the Qing Kingdom has ever publicly explained it. What it is, most civilians in Bailie and Blade Port don't know.

They only know that the evil and turbid air exists in the depths of the archipelago, and people can easily get sick if they go in. Especially if they sleep on the island for a while at night, they may fall asleep inexplicably and never wake up again.

In addition, there are monsters called Yinpi in the waters near the island, which will attack ships passing by.

As for the Yunding Villa where He Lingchuan stayed, it was a large and beautiful place with all the food, drinks and entertainment provided. If he hadn't gone out, the truth about the archipelago might have been hidden for a few more days.

Ha, he thought, the Lu family is quite careful.

But the Lu family doesn't know that the people from Rongshan are wandering around in Qucheng at the moment.

That afternoon, Ding Zuodong continued negotiations with the Lu family on behalf of He Lingchuan.

He had a lot of patience, and after going back and forth a few times, he set the price at 40,000 yuan for the six outer islands, and 80,000 yuan for the whole island. He also said: "This is the highest bid. If we can't negotiate, our young master really doesn't want it."

This basically steps on the bottom line of both parties.

Bottom line for price and sentiment.

Then it was quiet for two days.

He Lingchuan had a lot of patience, and the disciples of Rongshan returned from outside one after another, sending all kinds of miscellaneous information about Bailie. The most intuitive one was that Bailie and Qingguo's food prices almost skyrocketed... which basically corroborated He Lingchuan's inference and also helped He figured out the psychology of the Lu family.

The Lu family would definitely be reluctant to push this money out.

Sure enough, two days later, the Lu family came to the door and agreed to Ding Zuodong's bid.

They were anxious. For every extra day they delayed, He Lingchuan's chances of knowing the truth increased.

If this deal goes bad again, tens of thousands of taels of silver will be lost.

It’s okay that no one has bought the island. If He Lingchuan regrets it temporarily, this kind of gain and loss will probably make the Lu family beat their chests and feet.

This agreement must be signed at the Qucheng official office.

He Lingchuan had to come forward in person, and the Lu family dispatched Lu Qingan.

This was also the first meeting between He Lingchuan and the Lu family.

Lu Qing'an has a slender figure, a white face and long eyebrows. He is dressed in a gray brocade robe with dark patterns. He does have the style of a son of an aristocratic family.

He Lingchuan observed him, and he was also observing He Lingchuan.

This overseas visitor from afar turned out to be a talented person. Although his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat frivolous and cynical, he still had a certain air of magnanimity with his hands behind his back.

He nodded to He Lingchuan as a courtesy: "Congratulations, Mr. Congratulations."

He Lingchuan's current status is that of a wealthy young man, but he has no position or title. In the end, he is just a wealthy idler.

Lu Qingan showed the attitude of a superior, so there was no problem.

He Lingchuan also gave him his hands and smiled: "It's so hot, why bother Mr. Lu for a run!"

He didn't care if he showed some extra courtesy at this time. Anyway, Lu Qingan will definitely be impressed by him in the future.

After the two sides exchanged a few words, the Qucheng County Magistrate coughed lightly: "Sir, the contract is ready."

In duplicate, every word on the agreement is the same.

He Lingchuan and Lu Qingan picked up the agreement. Although they already knew the terms, they still had to read them through word for word.

The terms negotiated between Ding Zuodong and the other party were very detailed. In the agreement, in addition to stating that the transfer scope of the Yangshan Islands included 42 islands, there were also 387 independent reefs, as well as an eight-mile sea area radiating outward from the islands.

Specific to the island, this includes the transfer of property rights to all land, public buildings, fortifications, military camps and all buildings that are not private property on the island -

This last point is because there are still a few Bailie people living on the island instead of pirates, and they hold legal title deeds.

This one seems very user-friendly. The Lu family and his son were also worried that the buyer would not be happy, so they prepared some countermeasures. Unexpectedly, He Lingchuan just smiled and agreed after seeing it, but asked the island residents to abide by the new lord's laws.

It's very reasonable, so this point was also added.

There are two island supply depots on the periphery that have been rented out. Now that they have changed owners, the Lu family will be responsible for vacating them within half a month.

In addition, due to He Lingchuan's generosity, he is now a major customer of Bailie Territory, and enjoys a series of tax, transportation, and customs clearance preferential treatment in Bailie.

The Lu family adhered to the principle of "catching the big and releasing the small" and agreed to all of his requests. Anyway, it is a good thing for this person to do business in his own territory. It is honorable to pay taxes, so there is no need to stop him.

The two checked the agreement and found that it was correct, so they signed and stamped it.

The transfer of the Yangshan Islands has been completed.

Lu Qing'an put away the seal and looked at the big red seal on the agreement, his heart finally returning to his stomach.

Just now he had been worried that the other party would wake up.

Now that the seal is in place, no one can regret it.

Money is coming.

He Lingchuan cooed at Ding Zuodong, who immediately took out the banknote and handed it over: "This is a banknote of 40,000 taels for the down payment. Please click and accept it."

Someone from the Lu family came forward to take it and count it carefully.

Yes, it is indeed forty thousand taels.

The remaining 40,000 taels will be given to He Lingchuan when the tenants on the two outer islands are completely vacated and the islands are handed over to He Lingchuan, as agreed.

Lu Qing'an laughed heartily: "Master He is so cheerful. With this geomantic treasure land, Master He will definitely make a lot of money in the future."

The useless money was exchanged for a huge sum of money. In a short time, he would not have to worry about handing over Mou Guo's military resources.

He Lingchuan was equally elated: "It's easy to talk about. Such a beautiful thing should come to light."

Buying a good 15-hectare manor in Bailie cost more than 15,000 taels of silver including various additional taxes. Now he only spent 80,000 taels to buy forty-two islands and occupy so many islands. A vast body of water!

How many large estates can be built on this archipelago?

He Lingchuan couldn't figure it out. It’s so profitable, okay?

The two complimented each other and thought each other was stupid.

They all felt that they had taken advantage of the huge benefits.

Lu Qingan was in a good mood and said smoothly: "I will be the host. How about inviting Mr. He to Linglong Pavilion for a simple meal?"

He Lingchuan refused to accept anyone who came: "That's good."

The two of them walked out with smiles on their faces, just holding hands.

When I arrived outside the official office, I suddenly heard crackling and explosions!

Lu Qingan was startled, and after taking a closer look, he realized that there were more than a dozen crude red firecrackers on the street. As soon as they came out, someone lit a fire nearby, and firecrackers rang throughout several streets.

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