After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 902 Landlord Friendship

Smoke filled the air, and pedestrians gathered around. Lu Qiuwei and others immediately brought out plates of candies and pastries for passers-by to take. While smiling, he said loudly: "My young master signed a contract with Mr. Lu today to buy the Yangshan Islands! There will be food, drink and entertainment there in the future. Please Let’s all join in the fun!”

The sugar cakes are all produced from the most famous pastry shop in Qucheng. They are exquisite and delicate and look great on the plate. Adults and children came to grab a few to eat, and the place was bustling with activity.

After Lu Qingan was shocked, he was angry and funny at the same time.

The man surnamed He played such a trick and exposed the transaction between the two parties in broad daylight. Is it because he was afraid that the Lu family would default on the debt in the future, so he asked the elders of Shitiao Street to bear witness?

Do you think you are very thoughtful?

If you are a really sensible person, you will not save your energy at this time, but do a good research before buying the island, and you can save tens of thousands of wasted money; at the worst, you should read the agreement twice more and leave less money. loopholes.

What's the use of all these clever tricks?

The people stretched their necks to look at him, and Lu Qingan had no choice but to smile and wave his hands, maintaining his grace.

This confirmed what He Lingchuan had said: The Lu family had indeed sold the Yangshan Islands to Mr. He, and it was Uncle Lu Qingan who came to the official office to sign the contract.

He Lingchuan also personally brought a plate and went out to deliver snacks. The children grabbed the candies openly, but the adults lowered their heads to avoid his gaze.

The old residents of Bailie all know that Yangshan Islands is not a good place. It is unethical for the Lu family to sell it to strangers who don't know what they are doing.

But Uncle Lu was right in front, and Uncle Lu's men all pricked up their ears and squeezed into the crowd, watching eagerly to see who would spill the beans. Therefore, the villagers did not dare to warn He Lingchuan. They just grabbed candies and snacks and turned around to leave.

Someone with a thick skin even said "Congratulations" to him.

Finally, Lu Qingan became impatient with waiting and smiled at He Lingchuan and said, "Mr. He, the restaurant is just around the corner ahead."

"Oh, okay!" He Lingchuan threw the plate away and clapped his hands, "Let's go, Uncle Lu and I will stay drunk!"

Lu Qingan's restaurant that entertains big customers is certainly not of a low quality.

There are delicacies from the mountains and the sea, as well as the taste of mountains and seas cooked together. For example, the signature dish of Linglong Pavilion is very similar to Buddha Jumping Over the Wall. It also needs to be simmered in water for more than four hours, but the taste is much more refreshing. You can also dip it in shredded ginger. He Lingchuan was full of praise for the red vinegar.

Lu Qingan wanted to take away 80,000 taels of silver from him, so of course he didn't care about the small money of treating guests to dinner. He also wanted to sound like He Lingchuan and test his background.

While He Lingchuan feasted and spent more money for Lu Qing'an, he established himself as a nobleman of the Fu Kingdom. He claimed that his family also did business with Bega and was the sole supplier of several popular goods.

He had indeed traveled to Fu Country and traveled thousands of miles with the second master of the Shimen Chamber of Commerce. He had heard almost all about Fu Country's customs, customs and business practices, and now he used them to brag to Lu Qing'an.

There are too many small countries and forces on the edge of the ocean. Like Fu State, which is inland and not close to the sea, Bailie knows very little about it. After Blade Port was "leased" by the Qing Kingdom, Bailie lost its most important seaport and had even less communication with distant countries.

Lu Qingan tried to ask a few questions.

When it comes to eating, drinking and having fun, He Lingchuan answers questions fluently.

When it comes to business operations, he starts to get stuck, which is in line with the Lu family's positioning of him.

Fortunately, there was good wine to add to the fun, and the atmosphere was high as the guest of honor drank with each other, which covered up some of the embarrassment.

Lu Qing'an gradually came to regard He Lingchuan as the second-generation ancestor who was kicked out of his family. He had a lot of money in his pocket but no business acumen.

The point is, there's still plenty of money.

Then he asked He Lingchuan: "Master He is already the island owner. How does the island owner plan to use the Yangshan Islands?"

He Lingchuan ate a piece of milky fish lips, then grabbed the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp: "This is delicious, mellow and soft, what is this?"

"This dish is made with raw milk added to the lips of anchovies. Only a few pieces of the lips are taken from each fish. It is a rare delicacy."

"Rare" means expensive.

"You seasiders are really good at eating. I've come to the right place."

Lu Qing'an shook his head: "The catfish lives in the depths of freshwater lakes two hundred miles to the north. It is not a sea fish. It is also far away from us."

Otherwise, how can we say that ingredients are rare when we live by the sea?

This dish alone costs two taels of silver.

Seeing the distinguished guest, the topic started to swirl around the dishes. Lu Qingan had no choice but to turn around and tell the restaurant to serve another plate of fish lips, this time using a different method.

He Lingchuan then said slowly: "Yangshan Islands, I think its soil is fertile, and manors and farmlands can be opened. If the islands along the coast are well repaired, the waterways will naturally bring me endless passenger flow!"

Did you buy the island just for farming? Are you afraid that you have to pay for it and lose everything?

Lu Qing'an smiled secretly and said, "Master He, if you need anything, just ask and we will do our best to serve as landlords!"

However, He Lingchuan took the polite words seriously and slapped the table: "Okay, Uncle Lu is awesome! There is going to be a lot of construction on the island, and I need high-quality materials and skilled craftsmen!"

So far, he is still unfamiliar with this place. If you want to buy suitable materials and labor, you really need the help of local people.

Lu Qing'an raised his hand and said, "It's a small matter, I can find all these for you. The land of Bailie specializes in skilled craftsmen. They can build any building or palace Mr. He wants for you."

The largest lumber shop in the area is Lujia's.

He Lingchuan immediately toasted to him: "Is that settled? Then please ask Uncle Lu to find me three hundred craftsmen first!"

"……a piece of cake."

The two toasted each other and then enjoyed Meiji's whirling dance.

The next morning, Lu Qingan still felt a little dizzy when he got up.

He was a man of cultivation, but his mouth was still dry, and he drank a lot of honey water to relieve it.

The boy named He is really good at drinking!

I got a little confused after drinking, and seemed to have patted my chest on the person named He, but I couldn't remember what I promised.

Forget it, there are too many drunken jokes.

He calmed down and asked someone to come over and give instructions: "In the next ten days, we will secretly deploy defenses at the government offices and Lu Mansion. If anyone comes to make trouble, we will immediately arrest them! When my family members go out, they must be protected by attendants."

Sooner or later, the person named He will discover the truth about the Yangshan Islands. Then he will either come to withdraw from the island and cancel the contract, or he will find trouble with Lu Mansion.

What kind of thing can't a child from a noble family do?

Otherwise, why would he be kicked out of the family and driven thousands of miles away?

Lu Qingan ordered this, and the people below naturally followed it.

However, after a few days of hard work, Qucheng was still calm.

He Lingchuan did not rush to the door angrily and accuse them of being liars, nor did he find anyone to block the gate of Lu Mansion.

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