After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 903 Acceptance

Instead, another stipulation in the agreement expired:

Bailie will vacate the tenants on the outer islands of Yangshan Islands within six days after the agreement is signed, and then hand the islands to the new owners.

Officials are already busy on this matter.

In other words, Lu Qingan and He Lingchuan have to meet tomorrow to take away the remaining 40,000 taels of silver.

Will that guy think Bailie is a fraud and refuse to pay the balance?

If so, don't blame them.

But judging from the situation where Lu Qing'an sent people to follow He Lingchuan, it seemed that although the rich man hung out in the market all day long, eating, drinking and wandering, he didn't seem to ask anyone about the Yangshan Islands.

If he doesn't ask, others certainly won't take the initiative to tell him.

Lu Qingan didn't know if his subordinates would pry for information and report it.

On the contrary, Ding Zuodong, under He Lingchuan, acted more frequently. He has been purchasing furniture, tiles, farm tools, seeds, etc., and recruiting skilled craftsmen. It seems that he really wants to do something big on the Yangshan Islands.

It’s almost autumn now, so it’s a bit late to plant other crops, but wheat is suitable. In addition, we must hurry up to open up wasteland and create fields. Even if there is no planting, plant ash has been applied. After a whole winter of cultivation, the fertility of the land will increase. Sowing can be done directly in the next spring plowing without wasting time.

Lu Qingan introduced all these channels to He Lingchuan.

Although he cheated the rich young master on the trading island, he was always looking for good reputation and good materials to help others connect.

This is not because Lu Qing'an has a conscience, but because the best local materials dealer is either owned by the Lu family or has a stake in it. They make money, and the Lu family can also share the dividends.

What's wrong with eating two fish?

In the afternoon, he was looking through the grain and grass account book for Mou Guo, when someone suddenly came to report:

"The pirates of Yangshan Islands suffered heavy losses a few days ago."

Lu Qingan hummed, but didn't take it seriously at first.

The pirates on the Yangshan Islands have been in trouble for a long time and have been repeatedly eliminated. After Qingguo took over the Blade Port, it also sent people to encircle and suppress it several times. The number of pirates active in the archipelago is now small, not too rampant, and neither side is too lazy to take care of it.

Bailie didn't care about the life or death of the pirates, so it was better to suffer heavy losses.

What's more, now that the Yangshan Islands have changed owners, pirates have become a problem for the new owner and have nothing to do with Bailie anymore.

But thinking of the new "island owner", Lu Qingan immediately noticed this special time: "Ten days ago?"

Ten days ago, the Yangshan Islands were still in their hands.

Eight days ago, He Lingchuan sent someone to the door to buy the Yangshan Islands.

Could it be that they were the ones who severely damaged the pirates? "Which force was the pirate defeated by?"


As soon as this answer was released, Lu Anqing was stunned for two breaths: "What? Do they dare to go deep into the archipelago?"

Those pirates are all experienced, how could they not know the danger deep in the archipelago?

"No, no. I heard from people at the supply depot that in two consecutive nights, the pirates were taken away from two lairs by evil spirits, and nearly 200 of them died."

The total number of pirates is less than a thousand, right? Lu Qing'an was surprised: "You mean, the Yin Mo has come out of the outer reaches of the archipelago?"

It is impossible for pirates to nest deep in the archipelago. The only explanation is that the Yinbi swam out of its own territory and invaded the surrounding waters!

This is really a strange thing that has never happened in thousands of years.

"Yes!" the subordinate continued, "The people at the supply depot just said today that there was actually movement on Black Page Island that night, and something banged on the door. These guys hurriedly hid in the bunker fortifications at the back. These fortifications are all He who prevented pirates from rioting ended up saving their lives.”

Pirates usually don't attack supply stacks, but they have to be guarded against.

"Did they see clearly that it was indeed Yin Fei?"

"Yes, you can see clearly through the crack in the door. Each one is very big, at least three feet in length."

Lu Anqing gasped: "The Yangshan Islands are no longer safe."

If all the scorpions come out to cause trouble, the waterways outside the Yangshan Islands will soon become deserted.

Phew, good thing they've sold those islands.

The trouble in that sea area has nothing to do with Bailie from now on.

In the evening, he reported the matter to his father as usual.

After hearing this, Lu Zhensheng held his chin and said, "How could it be such a coincidence that everything happened at the same time?"

The yin is expanding, the pirates are injured, and the islands are sold.

Within ten days, all these things happened around the Yangshan Islands.

"Father thinks?"

"Whether the person named He has anything to do with these things, it's hard to say." Lu Zhensheng muttered, "Since Yin Hui has expanded his area of ​​activity, it will be a bit dangerous for you to accompany him to the island for acceptance tomorrow."

Lu Qingan nodded: "I'm not going, let's find someone else to accompany him. And -"

He paused: "For the past two days, corpses have been drifting to Blade Port and piled on the beach on the southwest side of the port. The rotten smell is soaring into the sky. The port has been cleaned several times, and they still keep drifting over. These corpses are basically half-burnt. , incomplete, but easy to identify - they are all Yinjiao. The fishermen in Blade Port complained that no one dared to eat the fish near the port. Even the Qingguo officials were alerted and sent people to ask us. "

Yin Hui is dying one after another, the reason is unknown? Lu Zhensheng thought about it for a long time: "The Yin Snake died and came ashore alive to attack human gatherings. This may indicate that a major change has occurred on Longji Island."

"Does the person named He know the reason?"

"You can test him tomorrow, but you must first complete the agreement and get the remaining money." Lu Zhensheng rubbed his hands, "The Yangshan Islands have been sold and will not be returned. If anything happens to it, it has nothing to do with us. ”

Lu Qingan smiled and said, "This is how I reply to Qingguo."

Early next morning.

Just before sunrise, Chief Yang sent by Lu Qingan arrived at Yunding Villa and asked He Lingchuan to go to Blade Port.

"Why, why so early..." He Lingchuan rubbed his eyes and yawned a few times, barely finishing the sentence, "...going to the island?"

He was having sex with Master Sun in his dream, but before he could take advantage, he was interrupted by this guy coming to the door.


"Master He, don't you want to accept it earlier?"

He thought, but seeing how impatient these guys were, He Lingchuan was no longer anxious.

"Where's Uncle Lu?"

"Going to run an urgent matter outside the city. Mr. He will be accompanied by a humble official when he goes to the island today." Master Yang said with a smile, "Uncle Lu will go to Blade Port to wait for you in the afternoon."

He Lingchuan didn't say anything after hearing this.

During the last drinking session, Lu Qingan had promised to accompany him to the island for inspection, but now he regretted it temporarily.


Is it because of the recent unrest at Blade Port that Lu Qingan cherished his life?

This family is really careful. He Lingchuan noted this feature.

It was a beautiful day with clear skies, golden waves rippling on the sea, and gulls circling and chattering tirelessly. Bailie chartered a boat here in advance and took dozens of people including Master Yang, He Lingchuan and others to Black Page Island.

He Lingchuan fed the monkey on his shoulder a nut and asked Master Yang: "Do the original tenants of the six outer islands agree to move out?"

"I've given them more money, so why don't you agree?" Chief Yang said with a smile, "Originally they didn't do much..."

Not very profitable.

These words almost slipped out of his mouth, but luckily he stopped in time.

He Lingchuan looked back at him: "Not very...?"

"They don't take care of these places very much." Chief Yang shook his head, "They look like slums and the prices have dropped."

While he was talking, a dark thing floated on the sea.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that it was a mutilated corpse.

He Lingchuan pointed at it with a surprised look on his face: "Wow, what the hell is this? Isn't it a human?"

"The tail is curled up. It's not a human being." Qiu Hu also crowded to the side of the boat to take a look and commented seriously, "But it seems to have hands. What kind of monster is this?"

Master Yang originally wanted to follow Lu Qing'an's request and take the opportunity to make some excuses, but then he thought about it, whether it was a pirate or a scheming villain, if he spoke out, he would probably ruin the business.

If Master He regrets and doesn't want to pay, even though the agreement has been reached and he can resort to tricks, he will still be inferior after all.

So he shook his head: "It's just a floating corpse. If Mr. He lives by the sea for a long time, he will know that there is no shortage of strange things in the sea."

He Lingchuan scratched his head, as if he didn't care, and didn't ask any more questions.

The boat sailed smoothly in the morning, and soon we arrived at Black Leaf Island.

The island looks lush and green from a distance, but when you look closer you find that the shores and cliffs are all made of black shale. Thin rock flakes like book pages are stacked haphazardly, showing the openness of sea rocks, the roughness of tree bark, and the texture of annual rings. .

There is a curved bay here, with a wooden trestle extending from the shore into the sea for ships to dock, tourists to land on the island, and to unload cargo and water.

Master Yang walked onto the land along the wooden trestle and pointed upward: "That's the supply stack."

Above the black reef group is a group of low houses, of different sizes and shapes. Some are made of bamboo, some are wooden, and some are made of stone. Only the roofs are relatively uniform, and they are basically made of palm leaves, large-leaf seaweed and wheat straw.

Chief Secretary Yang is right. The supply stack here is quite crude. They were built casually without any planning.

He Lingchuan walked over and took a look. The doors of the house were all open. There were a lot of things inside, including broken bottles, cans, grass dumplings, clothes that had not been taken away, and stained farm tools.

Is this a supply station? The scavenger's home is pretty much the same.

When a stranger came in, a few mice slipped out from under the bamboo slats, squeaking and escaping.

There seemed to be a rat hole in the corner of the house.

Seeing this scene, everyone fell silent.

Master Yang cursed in his mind that his subordinates were perfunctory and didn't know how to clean up after driving away the tenants here. Anyone can tell at a glance that the business conditions here are so bad that the contractors of the supply depot are probably not making any money.

"This family left unethically. They threw all the rags in." He coughed lightly, "Master He, don't worry about it. I'll ask someone to come over and clean it."

He Lingchuan's face twitched: "Can we ask them to demolish these houses directly?"

"Of course." Master Yang looked a little confused, "Of course."

He changed the topic and quickly introduced it to He Lingchuan: "The scenery on the eastern cliff of Black Leaf Island is actually very beautiful. You can see the boundless sea and the waterfall on the opposite island."

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