After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 909 Two Pirates

He Lingchuan opened his mouth, but Dong Rui interrupted him: "But you have already scratched it clean, and there is nothing left. It is really gone!"

"God's tomb? Are there any living gods in it?"

Dong Rui looked at him as if caring for a mentally retarded person: "No words, of course not! Otherwise, can they let me take blood and cut bones?"

When Lu Qingan returned home, it was getting late.

Dad Lu Zhensheng has already returned and is waiting for his report.

Lu Qing'an took out the 40,000 taels of silver notes, but never mentioned the accident at sea acceptance, only saying that today was extremely smooth.

What's the point of mentioning it, the islands have been sold.

The only thing the old guy could complain about was that he sold it cheaply - since he was eyeing the islands, he might be able to accept a higher price.

Speaking of which, is He also tricking him these days?

Lu Qingan was a little annoyed.

Lu Zhensheng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the banknotes, and then smiled bitterly: "I'm so grateful for a mere tens of thousands of taels of silver. Alas, I never thought that we, father and son, would have such a day."

"Everyone who does business knows that everyone is temporarily short of money." Lu Qing'an comforted him, "It's just a half-month difficulty, and it will be over. Next month, the autumn grain and taxes will be collected one after another, and the warehouse will be full again. ”

The land in Bailie is very fertile, with few disasters and no wars. It can produce good harvests every once in a while.

Lu Qingan changed the topic: "By the way, Baishun Festival is next month. What are the plans of the second brother and his wife?"

In previous years, Lu Qinglin and his wife often went home to visit relatives during Baishun Festival.

"We're fighting in the west. Qinglin is still on the front line. You can't tell at this time." Lu Zhensheng said smoothly, "Most likely he won't come back."

Lu Qingan said oh and felt relieved.

His younger brother and sister are Xia Lishang, the daughter of General Yutian, a powerful figure in Mou State. Every time she comes to visit relatives, Bailie must give the highest standard of reception to show that she takes her seriously.

What is the highest specification?


Spend money.

It wastes people and money.

These three words have almost become a taboo for Lu Zhensheng, and he gets toothache whenever he mentions them.

It coincided with the autumn harvest, and Bailie was finally able to save some money. When Xia Lishang came, she didn't know how much trouble she would cause.

Everyone is happy if she doesn't come.

In order to save some money, Lu Qingan could avoid seeing his second brother. There was no problem at all.


The next day was cloudy.

The morning sunshine was blocked by thick clouds, and the sea wind was a bit cold.

Fishbone Reef is very small, only 30 to 40 square meters. It is not so much a "reef" as a small slanting beach. The part exposed above the water is white and delicate, shaped like a fish bone, hence its name.

At high tide, the entire Fishbone Reef will be submerged.

Today was the lowest ebb of the tide. He Lingchuan came by boat, and his men set up a table and two chairs on the fish bone reef, and placed a bottle of fine wine on the table.

He Lingchuan sat here and waited, pouring himself a drink and listening to the rising and falling waves.

Qiu Hu and other guards stood behind him with their hands behind their backs, motionless.

After half an hour, Qiu Hu came closer and said, "Young Master, it's past half the hour."

He Lingchuan nodded, not in a hurry at all.

Why was he so sure the pirates would keep their appointment? It's very simple. Before Renee left the boat yesterday, He Lingchuan secretly put an eyeball spider on her body.

As expected, the girl found the second pirate master and conveyed Young Master He's request.

The pirate den suddenly burst into laughter, making jokes about him as the new island owner. However, after hearing about Renee's experience on Sodin Island, the second master decided to come and meet him for a while.

Not to mention anything else, the place where He Lingchuan arranged to meet showed his sincerity.

Fishbone Reef is not on land, not even in Blade Port. The beach and sea are open and unobstructed, and ships cannot be hidden, which eliminates the possibility of an ambush.

If you want to have a good conversation, you need to find a place where both parties can feel safe.

Another half an hour passed.

Just as Chen hour was approaching, a speedboat suddenly approached and anchored, moving very swiftly.

Then, more than thirty rough men jumped off the boat and came here.

The leader was short, with a big head and a thick neck. There was a long scar on the left side of his face, extending from his eyebrows and eyelids to the corner of his mouth. No matter what his expression was, he looked ferocious.

These people have dark and shiny skin, like old farmers in the fields. But He Lingchuan knew that it was the result of the wind and sun on the sea.

He asked Min Tianxi to take only five people to the reef, but he took more than thirty people. The ground is filled with darkness and the crowds are overwhelming.

Why should the pirates listen to the words of the little "island owner"?

The pirate leader looked him up and down: "Hello?"

He Lingchuan waved his hand: "The second master is here? Please sit down."

This man was not afraid and sat down. The pirates dispersed from behind him, relying on their numerical advantage to surround Qiu Hu and the others, staring at him with eager eyes.

35:6, comparison of the number of people on both sides.

Surrounded by a group of thieves, He Lingchuan remained calm: "What do you call it?"

"My name is Min Tianxi." He didn't believe that He Lingchuan hadn't asked his name.

"Taoist Master Min." He Lingchuan carried the pot himself and poured him a glass of wine.

The aroma of wine was fragrant, but Min Tianxi didn't even raise his hand. How could he drink alcohol from an unknown source?

"Are you the one who bought the Yangshan Islands?" Min Tianxi went straight to the point and seized the right to speak first.

"I bought the islands, but I am not wronged." He Lingchuan would not be led astray by him. "After some time, you will know who the real wrongdoer is."

"Oh?" Min Tianxi was a little curious, "Who?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said nothing.

The pirates nearby were all whispering, and from time to time they stretched out their hands and pointed at them.

Being a bit rogue, he stretched out his hand to poke Ronshanren on the shoulder.

"Are these Dao Master Min's elites?" He Lingchuan glanced at them, "When the Master is discussing matters, he dares to talk and laugh on the sidelines. His quality is too poor."

Min Tianxi frowned. When he was talking to others, these boys were laughing and whispering to each other, which was really unceremonious. On the other hand, the five people behind He Lingchuan stood as calm as a pair of trees, not saying anything, which was in stark contrast to his own laxity and rudeness.

"Shut up, everyone!"

Min Tianxi roared, and the private discussions among the pirates ceased one after another.

Qiu Hu saw this and his eyes flashed slightly.

The pirate leader then asked: "How much did you spend to buy this archipelago?"

He Lingchuan didn't hide it from him: "Eighty thousand taels."

"Only 80,000?" Min Tianxi slapped the armrest of the chair, "Oh, if I had known it was only 80,000, wouldn't I have gone to Bailie to buy it? These islands and waters will rightfully be mine from now on."

The confidant behind him reminded him: "Tao Master, we are doing a business without capital, and we can't spend money."

Who would rob someone on their own territory?

Min Tianxi glared at him. Are you being stupid again? Can't you hear that he is mocking this kid?

"Do you think these 80,000 taels are well spent?" This island owner looked like a rich man, but his eyes were steady. The few guards behind him also have cultivation bases, and they look like they are not weak in force.

Min Tianxi's eyes swept around Qiu Hu twice. When you are a pirate leader, the most important thing is not how many men you have, but your sharp eyes and knowing how to choose the right prey.

A man as ruthless as Qiu Hu looks like he has a tricky idea at first glance, so the pirates of the Second Dao would definitely not pick him as their prey.

Where is his master, Master He? Isn't he as stupid as the rumors say?

Do you want to give it a try?

"It's worth it." He Lingchuan raised his glass and took a sip of the wine. "Just one Dragon's Back Island, how much farmland can be opened up, how many manors can be built? You don't have to pay any exorbitant taxes."

Not only does he not have to pay, but he can also control how much money is collected from people who go to the island to buy houses and real estate. "In the end, the total price of dozens of islands is only 80,000 taels. Isn't this a cabbage price?"

Min Tianxi looked at him for a while before asking, "You know you can't get into the depths of the archipelago, right?"

Because of yin and turbid qi.

He Lingchuan didn't even raise his eyelids: "Normally, Yin Mo will not swim to the outside to hurt people. Dao Master Min also knows that, right?"

He was talking about the recent changes in the Yangshan Islands, and also answered Min Tianxi’s previous question:

He knows everything.

"Oh?" Min Tianxi was surprised, "Do you know the reason?"

This kid knows that there is evil in the Yangshan Islands, but he still dares to buy it? Who gave him the courage?

"Of course." He Lingchuan smiled, "How can I dare to buy the Yangshan Islands without any confidence? Put it this way, within a month at most, the Yin evil will disappear on all islands except Longji Island."

Min Tianxi's playful expression gradually became serious, and suddenly he laughed loudly.

"Almost, I almost believed it!" Min Tianxi slapped his thigh and couldn't stop laughing, "You mean, you can drive away the evil spirits in the earth's veins? You can't just put a few peanuts on the table for dinner and dinner. Drink like this."

He Lingchuan waited quietly for him to finish laughing.

Qiu Hu took a step forward, murderous intent released.

With a few clang sounds, the pirates surrounding everyone immediately drew their swords.

The situation immediately became tense.

He Lingchuan raised his hand and pressed it down to signal both parties to calm down.

When Min Tianxi's laughter stopped, he continued: "If the Yin evil in Longji Island hadn't disappeared in a large area, why did the Yin evil die in large numbers?"

"It's just an accident." Min Tianxi frowned, "In the Yangshan Islands, let alone the evil spirits disappear by chance, it is not uncommon for strange things to happen again. Do you still want to take advantage of the heavenly power for yourself?"

Even if the Yin evil subsides, it is still the change of the earth's veins and the work of good fortune. How can it be related to this yellow-haired boy!

At most he can figure out the variables here, but he is still too young to use this to trick others!

He Lingchuan knew that there was no basis for his words, and the bandit leader would not believe it anyway, so he said: "I said that the evil evil can fade away, and it will definitely fade away. Then the problem between you and me is very prominent, Second Dao Master. "

"Oh?" Min Tianxi asked knowingly, "What's the problem?"

"You are foraging for food on my land without my permission." Getting to the point, He Lingchuan no longer needed to be tactful, "In the past, Bailie people were incompetent and could only turn a blind eye; now the Yangshan Islands have a new owner. , I sincerely advise you to think carefully about whether to stay or leave. "

Several pirates behind Min Tianxi sneered: "Just you?"

"You're so loud, boy. I'll chop you up and feed you to the fish today. We'll take over the archipelago!"

"With the land deed in hand, whoever meets our Dao Master Min from now on will be respectfully addressed as the owner of the island!"

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