"Hey, does the word "Island Master" sound good? From now on, I will call you Island Master Min."

The pirates were chattering and sarcastic. Qiu Hu and the others stood still. The youngest Wang Fubao was so angry that he wanted to say something back. Qiu Hu glared at him, and Wang Fubao had to swallow it down.

Save it first and figure it all out later.

When the pirates saw this, they started shouting even more vigorously, swearing and swearing, and one of them winked at Wang Fubao and whistled frivolously.

Min Tianxi then waved his hand: "Okay, okay, save some face for the island owner. I also want to hear from the island owner, what is it like to go, and what is it like to stay?"

"Either you surrender, I am short of manpower here, and I have plenty of work for you to do." He Lingchuan said sternly, "Or you can leave, and I will give you a deadline. You must evacuate the Yangshan Islands and the surrounding waters within seven days."

The pirates immediately started making noise.

Min Tianxi did not stop them this time. He clenched his palms into fists as big as sand bowls and shook them at He Lingchuan: "Brother He, please listen to my advice: Yangshan Islands is a harder place than a fist. Bailie people are here. We don’t have any dignity here, and that piece of land deed in your hand is just a piece of waste paper in my opinion!”

He leaned forward slightly: "You can play whatever you want with the rest of the Yangshan Islands; but the territory of the Second Dao is still the territory of the Second Dao. Whoever dares to move even a little bit, we will kill him!"

After that, he grabbed the wine bottle on the table, crushed it, and threw it on the sand.

The fragrant wine flowed all over the floor, as red as blood.

Min Tianxi was frothing at the mouth, and He Lingchuan raised his hand to block his eyes, fearing he would be sprayed.

His tone was calm: "What if the evil spirits continue to attack you?"

"That's also our business and has nothing to do with you." Min Tianxi smiled and said, "You can just play around on your one-third of an acre of land, and don't come to our place to commit suicide."

He Lingchuan clapped his hands on his knees and stood up. The bandits behind him were very alert.

But he just bent down to pick up the wine bottle, looked through it twice in his hand, and muttered: "What a waste, this bottle is quite expensive."

He kneaded it casually a few times, and the wrinkled pot turned into an irregular silver round cake.

No matter how soft silver is, it cannot turn into flour dumplings in the hands of ordinary people. Min Tianxi's face darkened.

He Lingchuan looked at the bandit leader again: "So, since my fist is harder than yours, you just have to be obedient, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Min Tianxi knew that he was going to take action. He jumped up from the chair and rushed towards He Lingchuan, while yelling: "What are you doing!"

The pirates around them could no longer restrain themselves, and they were slashing at Qiu Hu and others with their bright weapons.

"Don't hold back!" Qiu Hu's jaws were like a pair of pincers, he grabbed the nearest pirate's wrist and twisted it hard. The other pirate fell down and could no longer hold the knife in his hand.

Before the sword hit the ground, Qiu Hu punched him in the throat. The knuckle of his index finger protrudes forward, which is called "phoenix eye", and hits the top of the thief's Adam's apple.

There was just a click, and my Adam's apple broke. Although it was cartilage, with Qiu Hu's strength, it actually pierced the throat inwards.

The man fell to the ground and kept shaking his legs, covering his neck with his eyes wide open, and a "kaka" sound came out of his throat.

With Qiu Hu's strength, he could easily kill him with one blow, but he didn't.

This guy just laughed at them, so he should suffer a little more punishment.

Seeing another bandit sneaking up on Lu Qiuwei from behind, he made a move with the wind in his hand. The cooked copper stick was already in his hand and he hit the man directly on the neck.

That clever energy directly knocked the person a foot away, and there was a ringing in the ears when he staggered to a stop.

He subconsciously wanted to reach out and press his ears, but his hands got cold and two of his fingers flew off.

Just as he started screaming, the upper half of his lip was cut off again. Only then did he realize that Wang Fubao was approaching with a cold face, and there was blood dripping from the knife.

This guy was whistling at him just now, and Wang Fubao planned to rip out his tongue!

This time, Min Tianxi rushed straight at He Lingchuan, who casually grabbed the wine bottle and smashed it in the face.

Are the children making noise? The flying wine bottle almost blocked his view. Min Tianxi turned his head to avoid it and hit him directly in the abdomen with a hand axe.

He Lingchuan failed to dodge, and the flashing black ax drew a precise horizontal line on his abdomen.

bingo! Min Tianxi was overjoyed at first. His hand ax has two major characteristics. Once he injures an enemy, even a drop of blood will amplify the pain tenfold!

That's probably the difference between being pricked by a blood collection needle and being stung by a wasp.

Another characteristic is hysteresis. Injured enemies will move slower and will be unable to resist Min Tianxi.

But then he was shocked, because the hand ax did not have the full feeling of cutting into flesh and blood!

Blindfold? Oops!

He also heard his subordinates exclaiming from the side: "Little Taoist Master..."

He turned around quickly, but it was too late, and someone kicked him hard in the crook of his leg.

The strength of this kick was simply incomparable to that of a human being. Min Tianxi thought he had been stepped on by an elephant, and his leg bones creaked with a low groan.

Two red lights flashed on his body, followed by two soft pop-pop sounds——

Two protective magic weapons exploded in a row!

If they hadn't removed most of the damage, his legs would have been broken on the spot.

After all, Min Tianxi had rich experience. While kneeling down, he did not forget to slash the enemy behind him with his hand axe.

But the opponent was faster, and the sharp long knife passed by the side. Min Tianxi felt a chill on his neck, and the blade of the knife was already stuck under his chin.

That ax was easily blocked by the opponent's hand shield.

The knife was so cold that it made goosebumps break out on his skin.

Before the sharp blade could reach his body, a gash was stabbed in his neck. Blood was dripping down, and he didn't even dare to swallow.

Then there was a sharp pain in the wound.

This pain was like wildfire, burning all the way to my internal organs. Min Tianxi gritted his teeth and could not hold on for more than ten breaths before he bent over in pain - his lungs and nasal cavity seemed to be on fire, and even his breathing was burned!

He Lingchuan stepped on his back, pressing his upper body until he almost fell to the ground. Then he turned the blade and forced his head to rise:

"Keep your eyes wide open!"

There was a chaotic fight all around, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that He Lingchuan's men had the upper hand, especially the tall man who used the copper stick to crack people's heads and beat at least four thieves into colorful colors.

There is a gangster who is a magician. He finds the right opportunity to make a secret and summons a water snake.

This place is surrounded by the sea. With a move of his hand, several giant transparent water snakes jumped out of the sea and rushed towards the disciples of Ronshan.

Seeing this, Qiu Hu picked up the copper stick, took a deep breath, his chest and abdomen became concave, and then suddenly exhaled and said:


This violent roar was like a thunderbolt from the blue, making everyone present feel angry and dizzy. Those who were not close to the level of cultivation and determination immediately covered their ears, bent down and vomited.

The water snakes that bore the brunt of the attack were the most unlucky. They were about to rush in front of the Ronshan people, but were shattered to pieces by the violent sound waves. With a crash, they turned back into clear water and fell onto the white sand.

Behind Qiu Hu, a black shadow flashed past.

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