After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 911 If you don’t eat the toast, you will have to drink wine as a penalty

Although He Lingchuan didn't see it clearly, he was sure that the spirit behind Qiu Hu, well, the demon spirit was probably a lion or a tiger. Otherwise, it would be difficult for humans to master this "lion's roar" magical power.

The magician was also attacked by Wang Fubao, and the handle of the knife hit the back of his head, knocking him unconscious.

Min Tianxi had thirty-four men, and in a blink of an eye, only thirteen or four were left standing.

Blood flowed into the Fishbone Reef, turning the nearby sea water red.

This guy named He is really ruthless!

The two pirates tried to rush towards the savior, but they were chopped down by Xiang Lian, a man from Rongshan who stood behind He Lingchuan. He Lingchuan raised his chin, acknowledged Lian, and put his blade on Min Tianxi's neck.

The blood on the knife dripped down Min Tianxi's neck.

He Lingchuan picked up the silver round cake on the ground, kneaded it into a ball, and squatted down in front of Min Tianxi:

"I'll give you a chance to say it again, whose fist is harder?"

Every time he said a word, he hit Min Tianxi in the face with a silver cake.

After saying the twelve words, Min Tianxi received twelve blows on the face.

Just now, Min Tianxi smashed the wine bottle and humiliated him, and now He Lingchuan treated him, which really slapped him in the face.

Even though the silver was very soft, with the blessing of He Lingchuan's true power, the beating was still bloody.

Min Tianxi suffered a bruised nose and swollen face, could hardly open his eyes, and lost one of his teeth.

The silver nugget had been smashed and deformed, and it was covered with blood. He Lingchuan stuffed it into Min Tianxi's lapel and patted it twice: "I'll reward you later."

Min Tianxi is still a tough guy, and he won't give in even if his teeth are broken.

Although my face hurt, it was nothing compared to the pain in my internal organs.

He Lingchuan smiled again and said: "Besides staying or staying, there is actually a third option, which is to throw it into the sea to feed the fish! Ahu——"

He pointed not far away.

Min Tianxi only brought more than thirty subordinates from the ship. It's not because he doesn't want to bring more people, but because Fishbone Reef can't accommodate more people.

When the sixty or seventy bandits on board saw that their companions were suffering a loss, they jumped off the boat screaming.

On the side of He Lingchuan, the Rongshan disciples who stayed on the boat had also rushed to support them, but there were only ten of them at the same place.

Qiu Hu understood and made a gesture to Lu Qiuwei. The latter immediately made a sign and shouted: "The wind is coming!"

Woo, a strong wind blew from west to east, that is, from He Lingchuan to the pirate ship on the opposite side.

Qiu Hu took out a white jade pure vase from his arms, and sprinkled the willow branches forward with dew——

The water droplets were lifted up by the wind and split into light golden mist, which was so thin and thin that it was almost difficult to distinguish with the naked eye under the bright sky.

As soon as the pirate who rushed over touched it, he fell to his knees with a plop, and kept scratching on the ground with his limbs, but he couldn't crawl even an inch.

All living people have turned into maggots.

What Qiu Hu took out was the "Qianjun Bottle", a treasure of the Rongshan Sect. The water mist emitted from it would immediately exert a huge weight on a living thing.

Most people will be so depressed that they cannot lift their heads up. Rongshan used it to deal with the seventy-year-old cicada.

Of course, this thing is not so easy to use on a real battlefield. It will be separated by the protective aura, and its effectiveness will be greatly reduced by Yuanli.

But Qiu Hu used it to deal with pirates, which was the right thing to do.

Of course, there were also a few thieves who reacted quickly and opened up their protective aura in time to avoid being crushed to the ground. But the disciples of Rongshan surrounded him with swords, spears, swords and sticks, enjoying the pleasure of bullying others.

Therefore, these strong men died the fastest.

Min Tianxi was lying on the ground watching this scene, his heart was bleeding, and he could only shout: "Stop! Stop, stop!"

The people he brought today were all elites and confidants. If they all died here, what credibility and prestige would he have in the pirate group?

His throat was almost burned, his cheeks were swollen, and his voice was thick and hoarse, almost drowned out by the curses and screams.

He Lingchuan put a hand around his ear, approached him and said, "What are you saying? I can't hear you!"

"Stop, I said stop!"

"Can't hear you. Ahu -" He Lingchuan shook his head regretfully and gestured to Qiu Hu, "Kill them all, leaving no one behind!"

Qiu Hu didn't say anything and beat the thief who was lying on the ground until his brains exploded.

Also unable to move, these pirates are much easier to fight than the Seventy-Year-Old Cicada. Watch him hit one with a stick, another with a stick, and another with a stick...

Other Ronshan disciples also took great pleasure in killing people.

"Stop, stop!" Min Tianxi shouted twice. He looked up and saw He Lingchuan's smiling face. He really felt that this guy was more terrifying than the evil ghost with a green face and fangs!

The screams of his men came one after another.

Min Tianxi closed his eyes and said with difficulty: "I surrender, I am willing to surrender!"

"Oh?" He Lingchuan heard this and said, "Who do you think surrendered?"

As soon as Min Tianxi hesitated, two more screams came from the side. They were the henchmen who were usually the best at sneaking around him.

The blade patted his cheek: "Answer must be quick, otherwise all your people will die."

"We surrender, we surrender!" Min Tian said happily, and the words that followed became much smoother, "We are willing to join Master He and do our best!"

He Lingchuan asked: "Do you want to be ruined?"

The background sound was that two more thieves were stabbed to death, and they screamed several times before they died.

Min Tianxi knew clearly that He intended to kill more people and tortured him with fear, but he still swallowed subconsciously:

"No matter how heartless it is! Mr. He wants us to go east, but we must not dare to go west!"

"Isn't that right?" He Lingchuan patted his face again, "I never want to embarrass you."

Two more thieves died.

Min Tianxi's eyes were all cracked: "Congratulations, Mr. Congratulations!"

"Oh yes, I forgot." He Lingchuan turned around and called Qiu Hu to stop, "Okay, okay, don't kill."

When he gave the order, the Rongshan disciples immediately stopped.

He Lingchuan helped Min Tianxi up from the ground with his own hands, and sighed: "I always pay homage first and then fight. If you had known the current situation earlier, the brothers in the Second Dao wouldn't have to suffer so much, right?"

"..." Min Tianxi felt bitter in his stomach, but he could only say solemnly, "Yes, yes."

He Lingchuan was holding the power of victory, and no matter what he said, Min Tianxi could only accept it.

His eyes flickered, but He Lingchuan still saw through the fear in his eyes, and then he smiled with satisfaction: "Let them stand up."

If you want to talk to pirates, you must communicate in a way they can understand.

If they don't understand, let them understand.

Qiu Hu and others responded, took out a bucket from the storage ring, fetched a bucket of sea water from nearby, and poured it on the thieves.

The solution to the Qianjun Ping is very simple, just get rid of the water droplets pressing on you.

The thief who got up lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes. How could he still have the arrogance from before? They looked at the second master who was in the enemy's hands, took the bucket and went to rescue their companions.

More than sixty people were rescued too slowly.

He Lingchuan pointed to his ship: "Master Min, come and sit on my ship. I will send you back here before dark."

Can Min Tianxi still say "no"?

He Lingchuan casually ordered seven more thieves whose hands and feet were intact, bound their hands, and took them aboard together.

The ship lowered its anchor, hoisted its sails, changed direction, and soon sailed away from the Fishbone Reef.

Min Tianxi watched the people on the beach getting further and further away from him, feeling miserable.

Even if these men are still there, they can't give him any sense of security.

He Lingchuan stretched out his hand and pressed the back of his neck a few times. The pain on Min Tianxi's body was greatly relieved and no longer burning.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

That kind of pain is simply torture that goes deep into the soul.

After He Lingchuan used the poison sac to suck away the spider poison from his body, he handed over a white towel and pointed at his face: "It's too dirty, wipe it off."

"Thank you, thank you." Min Tianxi hadn't been so polite to anyone in a long time. He took it with both hands and wiped his face.

The white towel was very soft, but it stung wherever it touched.

I took off the white towel and saw it was covered in blood.

Xiang Lian moved another table and two chairs, and placed a pot and two cups on the table.

This time Min Tianxi listened to He Lingchuan's words, sat down obediently, and drank the wine obediently.

The injuries on his body caused by the spider poison have not yet healed, and his mouth and tongue were bitten by himself. When I drink this wine, my mouth feels like being pricked with needles.

Min Tianxi was sweating again.

But he still swallowed the wine forcefully, because he understood that Mr. He was telling him:

If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine.

Sure enough, after he swallowed the glass of wine, He Lingchuan's expression became much gentler: "Min Tianxi, why didn't the Yin Mo attack you?"

There were three groups of pirates on the outskirts of the archipelago, and the other two groups were attacked by evil spirits, causing heavy casualties. Only among these two pirates, not one of them was attacked.


"Our camp is further away from Longji Island, and they can't get through..." Min Tianxi said this and smiled again when he saw He Lingchuan.

Now when the young master smiled, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

He Lingchuan swung the glass, lowered his head and took a sip: "You still want to use this excuse, are you sure?"

Thinking of his cruel methods, Min Tianxi swallowed his saliva: "That night, I led my troops to do a business on the northwest continent, and happened to avoid the invasion of the scorpion."

Mainly a "coincidence".

He Lingchuan's eyes narrowed slightly: "You all came out in full force?"


"You won't leave anyone to guard the lair?" He Lingchuan looked at him and smiled, "Reni said, none of you were harmed."

"What does she know, little girl? Two of the people who stayed to guard the stronghold were killed, and they were not announced to the public." Min Tianxi said in a low voice, "Compared with the losses of the first and third roads, this is nothing to me."

"So, it's just a coincidence?"

"Yes, it is." Min Tianxi looked directly at He Lingchuan, looking particularly candid.

He Lingchuan smiled at him: "Okay." Then he turned to ask another pirate, "Is what your leader said true or false?"

He was a head taller than the other person, and looking down from such a condescending position, the person suddenly felt extremely stressed. He swallowed before replying: "It's true, it's true."

He Lingchuan's face darkened, and Qiu Hu, who was standing by the side, struck like the wind and broke the prisoner's neck.

"Crack" was a crisp bone sound, which sent chills down the backs of the thieves' necks.

Min Tianxi's expression changed, and the other party made it clear that he didn't believe him: "Master He!"

He Lingchuan ignored him and walked up to another bandit. He didn't say a word and just looked at the other bandit.

The man's face turned pale when he looked at him, and the veins on his forehead kept twitching. He suddenly shouted: "Kill if you want, I won't play games with you..."

Before he finished speaking, Qiu Hu made a crack and broke his neck again.

Who says that tough people can survive to the end?

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