After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 916 This is a man-made disaster

Min Tianxi wiped the sweat from his forehead. He also felt a lot of pressure to provoke an ancient monster like this. "Okay, the King of Yin Hao should have received the signal."

The signal is that He Lingchuan holds the Tianke Golden Scroll in his hand and can communicate with it normally.

If you can communicate, you can negotiate.

"Okay, let's return."

He Lingchuan gave the order and the ship turned around and sailed to Blade Port.

Min Tian was surprised and said: "Young Master, won't you negotiate terms with the King of Yin Hao?"

Isn't He Lingchuan taking away the treasure scroll just to communicate with the King of Yin? You came here, but you didn’t even talk about it and just turned around and went back?

He Lingchuan only replied to him with one sentence:

"It's not time yet."

Min Tianxi wanted to ask how long it would take. But the pain in his little finger reminded him of his new identity, so he touched his nose, closed his mouth, and helped steer the boat.

The ship sailed more than a hundred feet, and the roar of the Yin Snake King came from behind again.

This time, everyone did not need to hold the scroll to understand its doubts.

First drain the island of evil spirits, then express a desire to negotiate, and then leave... What on earth are these humans doing here!

He Lingchuan sat down to drink again without looking back: "Ignore it, let's go our own way."

They came out early in the morning, and after struggling for so long, the sun had already begun to move westward.

The Yangshan Islands at night were very dangerous, and even he didn't want to stay at sea.

As for the King of Yin Hao, he is full of anger and vitality. It seems that the death of Yin Evil is not a fatal effect on him.

So He Lingchuan said that the time has not yet come.

On the way back, Lingguang helped Min Tianxi change his medicine because the wound on his hand was wet with sea water again.

He Lingchuan patted the chair and called him to sit down for the second time.

This time, Min Tianxi sat upright.

"Relax." He Lingchuan half-leaned on the chair. "Why did I buy the Yangshan Islands? Do you understand now?"

"I understand." Min Tianxi said without hesitation, "You can drive away the evil spirits. From now on, the Yangshan Islands will no longer be an unforgettable place and can be developed and operated normally. The Lu family is still secretly making fun of you, but they don't know that they are the most wronged person ever! "

He and the pirates had previously laughed at He Lingchuan as a second-generation ancestor who spent money recklessly, but of course they dared not mention it again now.

seeing is believing.

The Yin evil that even the immortals had been helpless for thousands of years was cured by this young man with just one look. The Yin evil that roamed the Yangshan sea and ate countless people was also dried into dried salted fish by this young man. Seeing this scene, Min Tianxi was shocked and convinced.

At that moment, he understood that there would probably never be a foothold for pirates in the Yangshan Islands in the future.

So his mentality is much calmer now.

It is better to follow the strong than to be driven away like a wild dog.

"It's good that you can understand this." He Lingchuan shook the cup, "What about the other pirates, do you think they can understand it?"

Min Tianxi opened his mouth to answer, but suddenly realized and swallowed——

The young master asked him if he could persuade other pirates to submit.

If you don't obey, you will be surrounded and suppressed.

If he doesn't obey, Min Tianxi will act as a pawn.

"Lord, let me talk to them first."

He Lingchuan was not surprised: "How sure are you?"

"First Taoist Master Huang Zhao has always been on good terms with me. It shouldn't be difficult to persuade him." Min Tianxi thought for a while, "Three Taoist Masters are more peaceful and cruel, and have many small thoughts. I heard that he said nothing a few times. I’m not sure about this person.”

"However, all three channels have been disturbed by the evil spirit. Huang Zhao was attacked once the night before yesterday, and more than a dozen people died. He has already considered moving away from the archipelago and making a living elsewhere..."

The pirates were killing people everywhere, and the pirates thought it was a natural disaster, an irresistible natural disaster. But Min Tianxi now knows that this is a man-made disaster!

Thinking of this, he was slightly frightened.

Yes, this is probably Master He's arrangement, hoping to use the evil spirit to force the pirates to submit.

Going around and around, whether it's a slut or a pirate, it's all part of someone else's plan.

"Huang Zhao is easily convinced since he has the intention to die." He Lingchuan smiled. "You should take care of this first."


"Also, why don't you publicize the fact that Yin Fei will not attack the Second Dao territory?" He Lingchuan asked him, "Other pirates will defect after hearing this. Isn't this a good opportunity for you to grow stronger?"

Min Tianxi looked bitter: "This is just a short-term gain. I'm afraid that when the officials hear about it, they will come to ask for the reason and take away my treasure." Just like you, Master He!

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "You also know that it is a crime to have a jade, and you are not a straight person."

Min Tianxi chatted, but he didn't know whether it was a compliment or a derogation.

He Lingchuan added: "You have been a pirate leader for so many years, so you must have channels to sell stolen goods in and around Blade Port, right?"

He knew very well the meaning of "a den of rats and snakes."

"Uh, yes, yes."

"Then you go help me get a hundred kilograms of Shaoling ore." He Lingchuan said very reasonably, "I'll pay for it."

Selling stolen goods and purchasing goods are usually a group of people, commonly known as know-it-alls.

"I will be responsible, and I will treat you as a filial piety..." He Lingchuan frowned, and Min Tianxi immediately changed his words, "Okay, okay!"

He is becoming more and more able to act based on the young master's expression.

"Within six days."

Min Tianxi agreed simply: "No problem."

After driving with the wind for an hour.

He Lingchuan's ship sailed back to Fishbone Reef, and everyone saw that the pirates from the second line were still here from a distance.

The boats are there too, and there are two more.

Everyone looked at Min Tianxi, who laughed dryly: "You guys were worried about me, so you went home and called for help. Young Master, please forgive me!"

Time is still tight. It happens that half of the two pirates are still outside today, otherwise there will be more ships coming.

"What crime?" He Lingchuan said amusedly, "Your subordinates are very loyal and didn't run away without abandoning you." Instead, they went back and waved people over.

Sure enough, when He Lingchuan and others parked the boat and walked onto the Fishbone Reef, a large group of people jumped off the three pirate ships and surrounded them.

He Lingchuan glanced at it and saw that there were about three hundred people.

There was no room to stand on the Fishbone Reef, and the pirates were standing in the water up to their calves. There were hundreds of people holding bright weapons on the ship to support them.

One of the pirates was beaten up by Qiu Hu and his face was bruised. Now he took advantage of the large number of people and shouted: "He, please let our Taoist go, otherwise -"

Qiu Hu glanced at him, and he subconsciously felt his chest collapse and wanted to shrink back into the crowd.

He Lingchuan said to Min Tianxi behind him: "It's up to you."

Min Tianxi stepped out from the crowd and stood at the boundary of the confrontation between the two sides, which was a small space of less than two square meters.

Qiu Hu's eyes were lowered to hide his murderous aura, his right hand hung by his side and he moved his fingers a few times. This guy was arrogant at first, but even after he was captured and put on the ship, he was very petty, so the young master didn't care about him anymore. Now if the bandit leader dares to go back on his word and violate the blood oath he just made, he will immediately use his killing move to make the unfaithful villain pay the price.

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