After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 917 Persuasion

Min Tianxi walked up to the thieves and pressed his hands down to signal everyone to be quiet.

As soon as he walked out, the thieves' voices immediately subsided.

"Listen to me, listen to me!" Min Tianxi coughed lightly, "Master He just took us into the depths of the archipelago and killed dozens more slugs. I promise you one thing: Master He can drive away Yang Shan The evil of the islands!"

There was a "buzz" sound, and the pirate group was almost exploded by the news.

Everyone was talking, and the loudest voice was:

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"That little thief, what kind of hallucinogenic drugs did you feed our Taoist master!"

"If the evil spirit in the archipelago can be driven away, I will stand on my head for three days!"

"Master Taoist, if you are forced to speak, just blink!"

Min Tianxi's eyes were dry after being blown by the sea breeze for several hours. He originally wanted to blink, but when he heard these words, he had to force his eyelids to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

He Lingchuan took a special look at "Handstand for Three Days" and noted his appearance.

Once the pirates make a noise, this place is like a vegetable market and cannot calm down for a long time.

Min Tianxi also took it for granted and showed plenty of patience.

This is completely different from the military's orders and prohibitions.

Min Tianxi waited until they calmed down before continuing: "He Xiaoliu, Blade, and Lao Du all saw it with their own eyes and can all prove what I said."

Several pirates following He Lingchuan on the ship nodded like rice: "It's true, the evil spirits on the sea and on the island have been sucked away by Master He! We can see clearly, there is no mistake."

"We sailed all the way to the coast of Dragon's Back Island, and we heard the roar of the Yin King."

"A lot of snakes were killed on the road! We brought one back and tied it to the back of the boat."

The yin snake floated up and down in the water waves, and was just blocked by the hull of the ship. Aunt Zhu jumped into the water and pushed it to the beach.

If he hadn't dodged quickly, the pirate would have been smashed to pieces.

Everyone turned around and didn't bother to curse. First they gasped:

What a big spider demon, alive!

What a big evil spirit, dead, dead!

Over the past few days, the remains of the Yinhao have been floating ashore, and everyone is tired of seeing them. But it is really rare to see a Yin Hui with a length of nearly five feet.

What is the concept of five feet? A medium sized whale.

The snake's body is spread out, nearly half the length of the fish bone reef.

When we captured this extremely powerful guy an hour ago, it kept thrashing about, and He Lingchuan's boat almost tipped over. Aunt Zhu, who was as strong as Zhu, actually missed one of her grasps, and the boat was almost dragged into the sea by it. .

At the critical moment, Master He pulled out the Soaring Dragon Spear and jumped into the sea, giving it a spear initiation, which directly penetrated Yin Hao's Tianling Cap.

The round hole still remains in the middle of Yin Hui's forehead.

The scene fell silent, and He Lingchuan looked at the widened eyes of the thieves and knew that the effect he wanted was achieved.

The shock brought by the sight of this giant corpse is more convincing than any words.

The pirates of the Second Road knew even better that big guys like this came to the island at night a few days ago, causing heavy casualties on the First and Third Roads; but He Lingchuan and others captured them at sea, and the difficulty level was even higher. Several times.

Moreover, they killed dozens of giant snakes in one go!

This kind of power, this kind of efficiency... Everyone looked at the hill-like Aunt Zhu again, well, plus this kind of help.

Maybe, maybe, probably, what Master Min said is true?

The eyes of the thieves looking at He Lingchuan also became twinkling and cautious.

Mysterious powerful men with unknown origins are always feared. Not to mention that they defeated Er Dao a few hours ago and kidnapped Dao Master Min.

Seeing the change in attitude of his subordinates, Min Tianxi took a deep breath and said loudly:

"Master He has bought the Yangshan Islands from the Bailie people and is preparing to manage them properly. There are many things waiting to be done now, but the only thing missing is manpower. So I decided -"

Here comes the highlight: "Entering Mr. He's service."

To He Lingchuan's expectation, this time the reaction of the thieves was not as intense as before, but they looked at each other in confusion.

"Most of the people here have been with me for more than ten years, and we share the same difficulties. Those who are willing to stay will still have blessings in the future; those who want to leave, I won't stop them. We are brothers, and you can make your own way!"

"Standing on my head for three days" stood up again and said: "The Taoist master is still in the other party's hands, I'm afraid his words are untrue!"

Someone on the side corrected him: "That's called insincerity!"

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "How much money can you make by licking blood from your knife and plundering at the risk of your life? You are too cruel, and the officials will still make trouble for you. Why don't you just follow me and work hard, and you will be popular in no time. Drink spicy.”

Someone asked: "What can I do with you?"

"There are many, but they are all serious business. Didn't you Dao Master Min say that the archipelago is full of things to do, and there are many jobs to be done." He Lingchuan pointed in the direction of the Yangshan Islands, "I am the owner of the Yangshan Islands, it is legal and reasonable. You follow me and make money and spend money openly.”

Patting Min Tianxi on the shoulder: "You enlighten them properly, I will go back to Blade Port first."

Min Tianxi immediately turned around, lowered his head, and said "yes".

He Lingchuan turned around and boarded the boat, and sailed away from the Fishbone Reef with Qiu Hu and others, leaving room for debate to Min Tianxi.

Looking at the crowd of pirates on Fishbone Reef getting further and further away, Qiu Hu said: "Young Master is very tolerant of these pirates."

"I already beat them hard and killed dozens of people." At this point, He Lingchuan remembered that Qiu Hu had killed six of them, with a kill rate of nearly one-third. "Now it's time to give some sweet dates." ”

Only by applying grace and power together can there be miraculous results.

He Lingchuan added: "Besides, the organizational structure of the bandits is different from that of the ordinary army. The army has a clear hierarchy, orderly hierarchy, and pays attention to discipline and obedience; the bandits are very loose. Although there is a leader, and although the leader also has a bunch of cronies around him, they Internally, we talk about fairness. The key to the so-called "big bowl of meat and big scales of distribution of money" is that the distribution of the leader is unfair, and the people below will run away and will not continue to work with you. "

"This kind of organizational structure cannot withstand pressure. Min Tianxi knows this very well, so he can't force his subordinates to switch to me, he can only persuade." He Lingchuan smiled, "I am lenient with them because we are really in urgent need now. manpower."

The water bandit was familiar with the Yangshan sea area, was strong, had good boating skills, and was familiar with the villages on the shore. This was exactly what He Lingchuan needed right now.

The biggest variable is nothing more than loyalty.

It doesn't matter, people's expectations can be manipulated.

Qiu Hu and others thought about it carefully and nodded secretly. Wang Fubao scratched his head and said, "Young Master sees things really clearly."

He Lingchuan sighed slightly: "I am afraid that few people can match my understanding of bandits."

He entered Panlong City at night and was trying to find ways to solve the water banditry problem in Longchuan River.

Wang Fubao asked again: "Suppose we conquer the second path, there will still be a third path."

My young master has been upgraded to the island master, and it is absolutely impossible for him to let pirates roam the archipelago, but suppressing bandits has always been a troublesome thing, and Bailie has never been able to eradicate theft.

"Then it won't be up to them."

These words were quite vicious. Wang Fubao asked curiously: "Are you going to coerce them again?"

"What you do or not depends on the general situation." Qiu Hu patted the back of his head, "You will know when the time comes."

At this time, the soul-catching mirror was also in He Lingchuan's arms and asked: "Aren't you afraid that Min Tianxi is perfunctory with you again? When he returns to his hometown, he might just forget about his oath."

The master and Min were never bound by oath chains.

"Maybe." He Lingchuan changed the direction to blow the wind, "There are no absolutes in this world."

"But if he is a smart man, he should evaluate the consequences of being my enemy." He said calmly, "The procedures for my purchase of the island are complete, legal and reasonable, and I can also collect Yinsha, which means that I occupy the Yangshan Islands Absolutely take the initiative. They are just a gang of people who dare to betray their trust and rob my guests. I will not be polite to them. "

Today I asked Min Tianxi to meet. Not only did he want to show off his power to him, he also wanted to show off his muscles to him. No one had good intentions.

Otherwise, why would the powerful thug Aunt Zhu come along?

Only by letting the pirates know that he is someone they can't afford to offend or hide from can they possibly surrender to him.

Adding sweet dates to a big stick is always the only way to win people's hearts.

"Join if you can't beat him. This is the basic quality of a pirate." Otherwise, how could Min Tianxi have so many people under his command? "They'll figure it out."


As soon as it gets dark, the wind picks up.

He Lingchuan had been very busy these days. After flipping through the account book Wen Daolun had sent to him, he remembered that he hadn't visited Lu Xun in two days.

As soon as he walked outside the post house in Yuheng City, Lu Xun happened to come back from outside and stopped him at the door:

"Congratulations, Commander!"

"Where are you going, Mr. Lu?" Seeing Lu Xun strolling in the courtyard, he was in a good mood.

"I'm leaving in a few days. I have to buy some souvenirs for my tribe." Lu Xun casually took out a jade pendant from the bottom of his sleeve and showed it to him, "By the way, look at this jade!"

They were standing under the fluorescent spores outside the door of the posthouse. The light was bright, and the jade pendant in his hand also shone brightly.

"Beautiful, like lychee jelly."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, He Lingchuan was stunned. Why did the shape and color of this jade pendant look so familiar to him?

"In more than three months, my grandson will be one year old." Lu Xun said with a smile, "I want to give him this piece of fine Tongshan jade."

"Is there such good jade for sale in Yuheng City?" Jade is the easiest to fake. His ancestors should not be deceived.

Lu Xun was startled and laughed out loud: "This was given to me by Commander Zhong before he left. I didn't buy it from the city!"

"..." What you said just now, isn't it easy for others to misunderstand?

Lu Xun held up the jade pendant and shined it under the lamp: "When I turn around, I'll have someone engrave a word on it."

He Lingchuan blurted out: "Deer?"

He remembered, wasn't this the relic left by his original mother Lu Youyun? But now it is just a blank jade pendant without the conspicuous red word "deer".

Lu Xun said: "I want to engrave my grandson's name."

"It's better to use jade as a family heirloom."

Lu Xun was pleased to hear this, and nodded after hesitating: "Okay, I would like to express my congratulations to the Commander-in-Chief."

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