After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 918 The divided Takigawa

He Lingchuan looked at him and the jade pendant with a subtle emotion.

In reality, this Fang Yupei is in his hands. Now he knew that this was a gift from Zhong Shengguang to Lu Xun. After Lu Xun engraved the word "deer" on it, it became an heirloom of Lord Bailie's family.

This historical dislocation often caused He Lingchuan to confuse time.

The two of them walked to the inn, and He Lingchuan asked him: "How have Mr. Lu been these days?"

"It's very good. The order in the city is almost unaffected by the Emperor's Liquid. It's really rare." The day after the first wave of Emperor's Liquid came, Yuheng City was still in order. Only five houses were burned down, and more than 30 people were killed in a fight. The arrests and deaths are also in single digits.

This kind of loss is already considered minimal. It shows that just one year after Panlong City took over Yuheng City, the residents here have already obeyed the rules and order. It also shows that He Lingchuan is properly dispatched and the Yuheng army is reasonably controlled. Otherwise, the imperial liquid will stimulate desires and amplify Malice.

He Lingchuan hesitated for a moment before asking, "I have something to ask Mr. Lu."

"Commander He, please tell me."

"I heard that the Lu family has been passed down for nearly three thousand years. It is an ancient family that is rare today." He Lingchuan said, "I would like to ask Mr. Lu, how can the Lu family be passed down from generation to generation?"

How many famous families were unable to withstand time and were eventually buried in the depths of history.

Even for a large empire like Bega, very few of the meritorious families from the founding of the country can survive to this day.

"Is it just because of the inheritance of luck?"

Lu Xun glanced sideways: "Have you heard of the legend of Lu's luck?"

"Commander Zhong mentioned it."

"It seems that Commander Zhong treats you differently." Otherwise, Zhong Shengguang and He Lingchuan have a top-down relationship. They usually just give orders. How could they chat about other people's family affairs for no reason?

He Lingchuan did not mince words: "I am just curious."

"The ancestor of the Lu family, Hongli, once said that the current situation may not go as you wish, and luck will always be reversed. In the end, it still depends on people."

"Why does it depend on human effort?"

"Shangxian Hongli has left some inheritance to my family. Anyone with the blood of the Lu family can inherit it. But whether it can be used well depends on future generations."

inherited? He Lingchuan's heart moved.

Lu Xun didn't go into details. This is Bailie's secret, he will not tell outsiders.

So He Lingchuan asked again: "Only my family can inherit?"

"No, no." Lu Xun shook his head, "Even if it is a descendant of the Lu family or a foreign surname, it can be within five generations."

"So relaxed?"

"The spiritual energy is declining and the situation in the world is changing. If we stick to the so-called family and insist on strengthening the weak branches, the Lu family will not be able to survive for long." Lu Xun said with a smile, "In the past so many years, the son of luck has not only appeared in our family, why don't we want him?" ?”

It turned out that it was because of the son of luck. He Lingchuan understood that this was not only a blessing for the Lu family, but also the biggest variable.

Lu Xun sighed with emotion: "I have been in charge of the family for many years before I realized that in the eyes of the former Immortal Hongli, Bailie's survival is the most important. What does it matter who is the head of the Lu family?"

"So that's how it is." He Lingchuan asked again, "What if the descendants are incompetent but refuse to give way? What if the main family's branches are all mediocre, but they still fight endlessly?"

I'm afraid this is the norm.

"This is inevitable. Even with the protection of Immortal Hongli, the Lu family has been unable to regain its former glory for so many years. This is because of the unfaithful descendants and the fratricide."

Generally, family inheritance is based on the eldest son system to avoid internal strife. However, because the son of luck appeared randomly, the Lu family had to allow the exchange of principals and siblings. This increased many variables and fights between clan members became the norm.

Did Hongli, the Immortal of that time, really have good intentions for his descendants?

"This means that if you don't destroy it, you won't establish it. Let the capable come up and the mediocre come down." Lu Xun said softly, "If the master's family is mediocre, then the master's family cannot last long; if the Lu family is mediocre, then the Lu family cannot last long. There is no other country like this in the world."

Throughout history, the Lu family has gradually declined, and even if a lucky son appears every few generations, it is difficult to restore its momentum.

This is called the general trend, and the destiny of the family cannot compete with it.

"In this world, the most difficult thing to win over and rely on is the human heart." Lu Xun shook his head, "And for Bailie, the most difficult thing is to have talents from generation to generation."

If leading talents appear, the Lu family will be revived; if only mediocre people exist, the family will decline.

He Lingchuan understood that the latter was the norm, so Bailie had reached that point in reality.

But Lu Xun actually did not answer his original question, which was why the Lu family can be passed down to this day and continue to have incense.

He Lingchuan guessed that it might have something to do with Lingshan, but Lu Xun was embarrassed to tell him directly.

The two chatted for a while, and then Hu Min came in from outside and stood silently behind He Lingchuan.

Lu Xun said wisely: "Commander He, please go and do your business. You don't need to accompany me as an idle guest. I'm going to eat."

He Lingchuan was not polite to him and said goodbye with a smile.

After returning to the city guard station, He Lingchuan walked into the meeting hall, took out the sand table and placed the barrier.

Hu Min came back to report on Longchuan's military situation.

After Qianjinzhai and Qiuhua Gang were recruited as road managers on the Longchuan Commercial Road, they set a good example. Even with the strong oppression of the Xiqiao puppet army, the gangs in Longchuan also surrendered to Yuheng City.

If you can't survive, or sit on the ground and collect money, all fools know how to choose.

He Lingchuan even gave small and medium-sized gangs who voluntarily surrendered priority to choose areas, that is, to manage toll roads.

First come first served, first come first served.

There are good and bad road sections, and there is not much money to be charged for areas that are worse, and there are still costs to manage.

This greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of small and medium-sized gangs to surrender. After all, no one wants to let others eat the soup and have to chew the bones when it is their turn.

After the unity of the bandits against the outside world was broken, Yuheng City promoted the leaders of Longchuan villages and towns and famous elders as township officials, and asked them to promote household registration, that is, all villagers in Longchuan must Enter the household registration one by one according to name, age, place of origin, identity, appearance, wealth and other items.

After decades, Takigawa finally conducted another census.

With this complete set of information, Yuheng City's control over Longchuan has greatly increased.

At the same time, Yuheng City also sent a large number of personnel to Longchuan, saying it was collaborative management. But Qianjinzhai and other gangs are fed by the public from top to bottom, and the village leaders and village elders have become township officials. What power and position do they have to oppose?

After this group of people settled in, there were no secrets inside Longchuan. Village locations, population distribution, types and numbers of monsters, and even crops and farmland products were all sent to He Lingchuan for reference in decision-making.

Of course, the most important thing is the enemy's intelligence.

He Lingchuan found out for the first time the true number of Xiqiao puppet troops:

Two thousand seven hundred people.

This includes the Bejia squad brought by Fushan Lie, the remnants of the three Xizhi groups defeated by General Red and Commander Xiao, the other Longchuan water bandits they annexed, and even part of Jin Ying's army!

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