After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 921 Inviting Sisters

When He Lingchuan entered the newly opened Niwan Palace with his spiritual consciousness, he felt more comfortable, as if he was soaking in a hot spring, full of pleasant warmth. But this is different from what A Luo's master He Lianchen said at the beginning. This upper Dantian hardly stores any real power, but is the residence of the soul!

The old man probably had never opened up his Dantian himself, so his explanation to He Lingchuan was wrong.

After the Niwan Palace was opened, it overlapped with the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, and was also called the "Shen Palace". This is not the acupuncture point on the upper abdomen, but the place where the soul is nourished.

In ancient times, if the immortals could leave their bodies and travel hundreds of miles at night, they had to start by opening a divine palace.

At the same time, he also discovered that the upper, middle and lower dantians are integrated into one body, and one move affects the whole body.

By opening up the three Dantians, the real power can be run more efficiently, more than twice as much as before.

The more stable the soul is, the higher the upper limit of cultivation can be.

The body and soul are inseparable from each other. One is indispensable to the other.

From this point of view, the development of the upper Dantian is a stumbling block for most practitioners.

In the ancient times when spiritual energy was abundant, he was equivalent to laying a solid foundation and finally taking a crucial step towards the supreme road. In the future, the sky would be bright and the future would be limitless.

But subject to the current era and environment...

If the strong wind does not stop, the progress will not be carried out.

Sooner or later, he will feel the constraints and restrictions imposed by the environment on his cultivation.

Of course, that was all a thing for later. He Lingchuan realized that he still had room for improvement.

Tomorrow will bring troubles tomorrow.

He slowly finished his work and yawned instead of standing up.

The soul-capturing mirror stood up and felt something: "Wow, you are finally out of seclusion? This time you have been in seclusion for three days. I see that your body is shaking several times. Are you obsessed?"

"Almost." He Lingchuan said lightly, "I got through the upper dantian."

"Oh." It took a while for the soul-capturing mirror to react, "Oh? What are you doing?"

It doesn’t show the mountains and doesn’t reveal the water, so it’s just that clear?

He Lingchuan got up and stretched, looking for hot water to wash his face, and then found a restaurant for a big meal.

He had consumed too much in the past three days and nights, and his stomach was like a bottomless pit. His food intake was at least twice as much as usual, and he could usually eat enough.

Just the shiny purple-gold braised big hooves, he ate five of them in one go.

I boiled whole lamb legs in spring water and dried two of them myself.

Seaweed fried rice, shrimp fried rice, the bowls were bigger than his face, eight bowls.

There are countless other seafood, staple foods, and fruits.

Seven or eight hungry dock workers could not eat as much as he alone.

After he added two extra dishes, the chef in the restaurant refused to believe that he was eating alone and insisted on running out to see it with his own eyes.

At this glance, I and other diners witnessed the turmoil of He Lingchuan.

I have never seen anything so delicious!

The soul-capturing mirror couldn't help but said: "Hey, is the benefit of opening up your Dantian just to eat Haisai?"

The advantage of opening up the upper Dantian is to stabilize the soul and integrate the Hunyuan. He Lingchuan opened the crab's head with a click, oh, the top is fat!

"If you walk dozens of times back and forth to the gate of hell, you'll definitely be able to eat better than me."

This pass lasted for three days and three nights, and both my mind and body were exhausted.

The joy of completing the level cannot offset this physical and mental exhaustion.

After eating and drinking, he walked back to the hotel and fell asleep.

A good night's sleep is the best way to regain your strength.


Dong Rui found He Lingchuan and handed him a black wine jar:

"What you want!"

The wine jar is also sealed with wax and charms. He Lingchuan weighed it and found that there were some small things inside.

This is the sacred bone after Dong Rui's cutting and processing.

It is not easy for the sacred bones to remain active after being taken out of the cemetery. I wonder how Dong Rui did it.

As soon as He Lingchuan took the wine jar, Dong Rui spread his hands to him: "Where is my island, when will you give it to me?"

"There is still a difficulty to overcome." He Lingchuan sighed, "I still can't figure out the details of the monster on Dragon's Back Island. I have sent people everywhere to inquire about it in the past few days, including the old man in Blade Port, but no one has ever seen it. Get past this yin king."

He asked Aunt Zhu next to him: "Have you ever heard of this kind of monster before?"

"Very few." Aunt Zhu is a straight person. "Earth evil is not uncommon. Usually, there is no grass to grow and people and animals cannot survive. But the earth evil Yin vein like Yangshan Islands is rare."

He Lingchuan thought of the Panlong Desert and the Yuan Kingdom's hometown, which were indeed typical features of the so-called "land of divine punishment".

Dong Rui was puzzled: "Does the earth evil spirit have very few Yin veins?"

"There are very few Earthly Evil Yin Veins like this!" Aunt Zhu emphasized the word "like this", "The sun shines brightly in the Yangshan Islands during the day, and all the Earthly Evils in the sun are exposed to the sun, and they only grow again every seven days. And other Earthly Evil Yin Veins Most of the pulses are in the extremely dark place, which does not get sunlight all year round.”

"Although the Yin snakes live in the land of Yin evil, Yin evil is to them just like air is to us, and they can maintain normal breathing. But in addition, they also need to eat."

He Lingchuan understood: "There are Yin evil spirits in the Yangshan Islands, as well as ordinary creatures. It is an ideal residence for the Yin evil spirits."

"Yes, there are fish in the water, and they taste good." Aunt Zhu caught a few on the boat, "So Yin Hui is rare. But if the Yin Hui King on the island is a big monster left over from ancient times, we will When you land on Longji Island, you shouldn’t be able to escape so easily.”

"Isn't Yin Fei afraid of light?"

"The big demon that has been around for many years has many ways to temporarily avoid the sun." Aunt Zhu said, "Besides, Dragon's Back Island is its lair, with underground pits connected to it. Even if it avoids the sun, it should have a way to intercept us."

Although Aunt Zhu has rich combat experience, she also knows that a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake. They are both monsters nourished by the earth's energy. No matter how difficult it is to deal with the Torch in Xu Mountain, this King of Yin Snakes should not be any worse.

"You mean?" He Lingchuan was thoughtful.

"Either it's not that strong, or... there's something hidden."

"I haven't thought about it that way." He Lingchuan's eyes lit up, "But what you said makes sense! We have sucked away the evil and turbid air of the archipelago twice. The entire population of Yin scorpions is in danger, but this big guy doesn't He took action personally and just sent giant snakes ashore to find us.”

Why doesn't it leave Longji Island?

If the King of Yin Fei did not reach the level of the ancient demon immortal, his subsequent negotiations should be much easier.

"Uh-huh." Aunt Zhu took a large jar of wine, pierced the mud seal and started to sip.

That posture was very similar to He Lingchuan drinking milk tea in the original world... He asked smoothly: "By the way, where did Er Niang go?"

"We've passed Baifu Ridge, and we can reach Blade Port in four or five days."

Dong Rui sounded wrong: "Wait a minute, Er Niang? Er Niang is coming?"

He glared at Aunt Zhu: "How long have we lived together and you haven't mentioned it?"

"Don't I?" Aunt Zhu raised her front paw and scratched her mouth.

He Lingchuan coughed: "I forgot to tell you that I also invited Erniang to settle in the Yangshan Islands."

Zhu Erniang arrived in the eastern part of Mou State two months earlier than him and lived in a canyon.

The spider demon sisters have a strange synaesthesia and can communicate in real time. He Lingchuan invited Zhu Erniang to settle in his new territory of Yangshan Islands through Aunt Zhu.

"Why?" Dong Rui was dissatisfied, "I contributed the divine bones, what does she have?"

"She has output." He Lingchuan counted on his fingers, "fluorescent spores, spider silk, aphid honey...if I missed anything, you can add it."

"Ji Zi." Dong Rui said bitterly, "She is also on an island alone?"

"Well, she has many heirs, and the island is too small to live in." Zhu Erniang is different from her sister who likes to fight alone. She always takes the family with her wherever she goes.

Moving is never easy for him. Therefore, Zhu Erniang thought deeply about He Lingchuan's invitation and weighed it carefully for several days before nodding in agreement.

He Lingchuan seemed to smell a hint of reluctance.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care.

The Yangshan Islands are more suitable for Zhu Erniang's home than any deep canyon. If it wants to, it can even make a silk hole for itself.

With this master of farming, He Lingchuan's territory will be greatly enriched in products.

In the early days, this was an important resource.

Dong Rui snorted and stopped worrying about the issue: "By the way, didn't you conquer a bunch of pirates?"

"Yes, I will meet the leader of another group of pirates for dinner soon." Min Tianxi, the second master, arranged for him to make an appointment with Huang Zhao, the first master, at the Yellow Fish Tavern in Blade Port.

Of course both sides have said hello.

Min Tianxi had a good personal relationship with Huang Zhao, and he told Huang Zhao what he had seen and heard on Longji Island.

After some careful consideration, Huang Zhao decided to meet with He Lingchuan.

Hearing is false, seeing is true.

He Lingchuan remembered something: "By the way, have you opened the child-eating beast I gave you?"

He used a child-eating beast from Tiangong, Alfalfa Island, in exchange for Dong Rui's forty active sacred bones. Of course, he made a lot of money.

"Not yet." Dong Rui said seriously, "It's not ready yet."

Prepare? Does it take a lot of trouble to wake up a beast?

He Lingchuan didn't understand this, but seeing that Dong Rui was serious about his matter, he followed him: "Be careful, don't let it swallow you up."

"Am I being swallowed?" Dong Rui cast a contemptuous look at him, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

He Lingchuan shrugged: "If you want to help, just ask, don't be embarrassed."

Aunt Zhu: "Same as above."

At this time, Wang Fubao from Rongshan came to report: "Young Master, the notice recruiting craftsmen was posted at Blade Port four days ago. So far, 200 people have come to sign up, and some have brought their entire teams."

Dong Rui said happily: "So fast? I thought no one would dare to go to Yangshan Islands."

Wang Fubao scratched his head: "The wages we offer are higher."

"The Yangshan Islands are not scary, poverty is scary." He Lingchuan smiled, "A few days ago, Butler Ding has recruited many tenants and laborers to work on the islands. Most of them came from Qingguo and Bailie. ”

He praised: "Freeport is really a good place and can recruit many useful people."

The next day it was sunny and He Lingchuan explored the waters of Longji Island again. This time he was accompanied by not only Aunt Zhu and the disciples of Rongshan, but also Dong Rui.

But Dong Rui and Qiu Hu were in another boat.

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