After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 922 Lingchi again

Qiu Hu counted with his fingers. Time flew by so fast. This was the fourth day after the earth veins surged. Then its next spurt will have to wait until three days later at night.

This was Dong Rui's first time going deep into the archipelago, and it was so strange to look around.

Putting aside the deadly evil, the scenery of the islands is picturesque, with white sand, green trees, exotic flowers, steep cliffs, and of course the waves that hit the beach cliffs and roll up like snowflakes.

This scenery is truly something you never tire of, and it makes your heart expand.

With Dragon's Back Island in sight, the two ships separated.

He Lingchuan and Aunt Zhu went to the main island, while Qiu Hu and other Ronshan disciples escorted Dong Rui to Alfalfa Island, which was the island Dong Rui reserved for himself.

When the Divine Bone Necklace sucked away the Yin evil on Dragon's Back Island, the roar of the Yin King resounded through the sky again, and even a deep vibration came from the depths of Dragon's Back Island.

Qiu Hu could hear its rage without holding the scroll in his hand.

But He Lingchuan ignored it, and even Aunt Zhu didn't understand:

"Are you Lingchi?"

Don't forget that He Lingchuan was just extracting Yin evil energy. This move was considered cruel to the Yin Hu clan. If you come a few more times, you can dig up the roots of people's homes.

"Last time, that guy was yelling and threatening me. He said that if he caught me, he would file my bones into ashes and bury them in the belly of the fish." Hearing that Aunt Zhu was a little unhappy, He Lingchuan said solemnly, "There is no time. Yes, it’s still angry. I’ll have to come back in a few days.”

"What do you want to do?" Aunt Zhu asked him, "If the King of the Yin Snakes is an ancient relic, it cannot surrender to you!"

"I know." He Lingchuan rubbed his face. He successfully attacked Zhu Erniang in the Demon Nest, but it refused to surrender.

Most of these big monsters from ancient times were proud. Even if I defeat them by trickery, I can't force them to surrender.

"I have to calm it down so that I can say it properly."

The mirror is contemptuous, do you really want to say it nicely?

As soon as he finished speaking, a dark snake suddenly appeared from the bottom of the cliff ahead.

The cliff blocked the dazzling sunlight, and it huddled in the shadow, screaming at He Lingchuan's ship.

This Yin Hao is four feet long, with a strong body and a thick waist. Aunt Zhu moved her front paws, because this guy was standing at the water's edge, and if he stepped forward into the sea, he could sneak attack the ship.

But Yin Hui kept his upper body straight and had no intention of going to the sea. He just continued to call at the ship.

The treasure scroll held in He Lingchuan's hand shone slightly, and Qiu Hu and Aunt Zhu, who were within two feet of it, understood the cry of the Yin Fei:

"My king wants to talk to you."

As the ship approached the bottom of the cliff, He Lingchuan said to Yin Hui: "Let him talk on his own, and then he will see sincerity."

With the treasure of Tianke Baojuan, their human voices will be automatically converted into an accent that it can understand when they reach Yin Hui's ears.

Yin Hui sent a message: "Then, please go to the island."

He Lingchuan smiled: "Going to the island? Do you think we look like fools?"

"If you want to see my king, you must go to the island."

"You still can't figure out who is begging whom now?" He Lingchuan insisted, "If it doesn't come out, there will be nothing to talk about."

Yin Fei was silent for a while and then asked: "My king wants to know what exactly you are going to do and how can you stop?"

"The Yangshan Islands are now owned by me, including the Dragon's Back Island at your feet. If you, the Yinhu clan, are willing to obey my orders, I will let your clan live."

The Yin Jie on the shore roared several times, especially angry.

"You also heard it. It said that I was wishful thinking, just because we are ant-like humans, bb." He Lingchuan shrugged and waved his hand to Yin Hui again, "I am not the only one who can absorb Yin evil. My companions On Alfalfa Island, you are doing the same thing as me, you might as well send your men over to verify.”

The Yin Mo on the shore became silent when he heard this.

He Lingchuan ordered the ship to continue moving forward: "I will come back in a few days. I hope you have figured it out by then."

The ship circled the island, deliberately slowing down to absorb all the evil spirits on the island and nearby waters.

It took more than half an hour.

He Lingchuan also saw a sly snake emerging from the sea, but it did not attack the ship, as if he did not want to anger He Lingchuan any more.

Seeing this scene, he became more confident: "It will compromise sooner or later. Okay, let's go back."

The ship followed the wind and sailed towards Blade Port.

On the way, they met up with Dong Rui's ship and returned together.

Qiu Hu reported: "As you requested, we parked the ship at the northwest corner of Alfalfa Island, only five feet away from the shore. There were indeed scorpions swimming from the direction of Longji Island, but they did not attack us. Instead, they circled the ship to observe, and then return."

"At that time, Dong Rui was absorbing Yin evil spirits?"

Dong Rui said leisurely: "Of course, grasping the rhythm has always been my strong point."

"Excellent. Most of those Yin Fei were sent by the leader to see if you can also absorb the evil energy." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Once seeing is believing, the King of Yin Fei will not dare to deal with me at will."

Dong Rui took out a Dragon Punishment Pillar from his arms and handed it to He Lingchuan: "This thing is so powerful, it can suck away evil spirits."

The Xinglongzhu tube was hollow. He Lingchuan took it and took a look. It seemed like there was nothing there. Only when he looked carefully did he find that there was a faint wisp of black smoke at the bottom of the tube, which was thinner than a hair.

"It's just a little bit of sucking out the evil energy of the three nearby islands." Dong Rui yawned, "It's quite fun."

This shows that this version of the Xinglong Pillar has a large capacity and should be able to meet He Lingchuan's requirements.

Yes, the torture dragon pillar in Dong Rui's hand is the new version that He Lingchuan just commissioned from Dafang Hu. The style is simpler, the embossed head has been removed, and it is as long as the middle finger. It looks a bit like a test tube from another world.

Because there was enough material this time, the Dragon Punishment Pillar made from the large square pot had a large capacity. But their main purpose is to collect evil spirits.

Just now, Dong Rui also tried it near Alfalfa Island. As a derivative of the large square pot, it also has the effect of a long whale absorbing water for evil spirits.

Confirming this, He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This was the basis for all his subsequent plans, fortunately, as expected.

"The Yinhu clan is at a critical stage of life and death. Why doesn't their boss come out to negotiate?" He Lingchuan asked Aunt Zhu, "Auntie, you may be right."

The ancient demon knows the ancient demon best, even though it is a monster that grew up in the evil.

Aunt Zhu snorted: "Something is abnormal. I think it's not that it doesn't want to come out, but that it can't come out."

It went on to say: "The reaction of the Yin Demon that passed the message was a bit strange. You insisted on meeting and discussing, but it hesitated for a long time; you said that there are still people on Alfalfa Island who absorb the Yin Demon, but it didn't say anything."

A loudspeaker is only responsible for carrying the message, so what is there to hesitate about?

"It's thinking about countermeasures. Well, then it's not a sounding board."

The mirror in his arms wondered: "If it's not a microphone, what else could it be? Deputy chief?"

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