After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 929 The rainy night is coming

A few more strong winds blew out of nowhere, pulling dark clouds onto the sky.

In a blink of an eye, a heavy rain came.

It can no longer be called a pouring rain, but a basin pouring - God took a big bathtub and poured it on the ground.

When it rains, the island seems to be isolated from the world, and the visibility on the water is less than 15 feet.

Yue Pinghe drank some wine, squinted for a while, and suddenly woke up at midnight and remembered something: "By the way, have Min Tianxi and the others come back?"

The men asked each other, and soon someone came to report: "I heard that they returned to dock an hour ago. The brothers on patrol saw their ship returning. Both ships returned, and the lights were bright."

Yue Pinghe raised his leg and kicked him over: "If you have any news, why don't you tell me?!"

The man covered his leg and knelt down in pain: "You, you fell asleep. I wanted to report to you tomorrow morning. It's not a big deal."

"Whether it's a big deal or not, you have the final say?" Yue Pinghe rubbed his eyes and thought, it really wasn't a big deal, so he kicked him again, "Then have they reduced their staff? The person named He has also returned?"

"They were all talking and laughing, and they looked very relaxed." The man replied with a grimace. "There was a young man standing on the bow of the boat. He looked less than twenty years old, but Master Huang, Master Min and a few men looked fierce. All the guys are standing behind him. It should be the one named He."

The news that Yangshan Islands has a new owner has recently spread in Blade Port. At first, everyone rolled their eyes at the joke, but now they have removed the label of "big wronged" on the new island owner and replaced it with "unfathomable".

Because there are rumors spreading everywhere, saying that the two groups of pirates who roam the Yangshan Islands have actually joined the new island owner!

People who heard the rumor at first said: Impossible, absolutely impossible!

How could a young migrant easily overcome a theft problem that even the government was unable to resolve?

This is unreasonable.

Even if the pirates who came to report did not recognize He Lingchuan, looking at his appearance and the attitude of the two pirate leaders towards him, they could guess that it was He Lingchuan, the legendary new island owner.

"Is there really nothing Yin Fei can do against him?" There are many legends about this new island owner, and the most widely circulated one is that he can drive away evil spirits. But no matter how many times I hear this kind of news, Yue Pinghe always feels that it is biased.

He is not an ignorant country boy and a slang woman. What the ancient immortals would not touch, how can a young man deal with it easily?

But it was Yin Fei's attitude towards He Lingchuan that puzzled him the most.

"I heard that they killed a lot of Yin Hus when they went to sea last time." The subordinate said, "Maybe they shocked the remaining Yin Hus?"

"There is a big guy who survived the ancient times deep in Longji Island. He is not an ordinary person... No, that is not something humans can deal with." Yue Pinghe frowned and thought for a long time, "What on earth did the person named He go to Longji Island? Didn’t you offend it?”

If you offend the King of Yin Snakes, how can the people in the two boats come back intact?

"Explore again!"

"Yes." The confidant responded, preparing to send someone to inquire again tomorrow morning.

Yue Pinghe yawned, and just when he leaned on the couch, he felt sleepy again.

The rain was falling, I was slightly drunk, and it was time for a good sleep.

Before falling asleep, his last thought was:

The man named He seems to be really capable. When Min Tianxi comes to negotiate on his behalf later, should he adjust his strategy and lower his conditions?

If he didn't know how to watch people order dishes, he wouldn't be able to climb to this position.

It's nearly dawn, and the wind and rain are gradually ending.

Yue Pinghe dreamed that he and his men robbed a large ship, and there were countless beauties on board. He was hesitating which bracelet to wear, gold with jade or silver with rubies, when he suddenly heard a deafening shout:

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Yue Pinghe was startled and was about to hide the treasure box behind the bed when his arm was suddenly shaken violently:

"Master Dao, wake up!"

He sat up in shock and realized that hijacking ships and seizing treasures was all a dream. Someone coming to kill him was reality!

Yue Pinghe grabbed his subordinate's clothes: "Calm down, who is coming to kill you?"

"One and two! They took advantage of the rain to land on the island from the west, but our brothers didn't notice..."

"Trash!" Yue Pinghe hurriedly put on his armor and grabbed the long knife beside his pillow, "Where did they attack?"

"The outer gate of Dazhai cannot be saved. Those at the front are so powerful, and there are big demons to help..."

"Tell everyone to retreat to the second gate and hold on!" Yue Pinghe's heart tightened, "What kind of monster?"

"A spider as big as a house!"

Yue Pinghe said harshly: "The surname is He!"

The process of Min Tianxi being conquered by He Lingchuan a few days ago had already been reported to him. The person named He has a powerful helper, which is this huge spider monster.

It is said that it can challenge more than ten giant snakes without losing.

Why did He Lingchuan suddenly knock on the door? Yue Pinghe was shocked and angry. Didn't he agree that Min Tianxi would come to negotiate?

As soon as he rushed out, another pirate with a bloody face rushed in and reported:

"Boss, the second door has been broken down!"

Oops. The strongest gate and the second gate with the most comprehensive defense were actually broken down in such a short period of time? Yue Pinghe screamed in his heart that something was wrong. He tried to calm down and said: "Go to Centipede Cave! Everyone retreat to Centipede Cave and get on the boat!"

The island is named after the Centipede Cave, which leads directly to the sea and is a natural and hidden harbor. The Cunning Rabbit also has three caves, where the three pirates secretly placed several large and small ships for temporary escape.

When Yue Pinghe rushed out with a group of his cronies, he saw that his own troops were retreating in embarrassment, and arrows from the opposite side were coming like a rain, forcing everyone to dodge in every direction.

The solid second village gate was knocked open by something unknown, and one of the doors fell off and was trampled under the feet of everyone.

The enemies at the forefront were indeed fierce. Yue Pinghe recognized the two villains Min Tianxi and Huang Zhao at a glance.

Especially that guy Min Tianxi, who usually likes to stay behind during robberies and fights, saying that he is so cool that he doesn't show off easily, but now he is in the front row of the charge?

Is it to please the new master?

Yue Pinghe was so angry that his teeth were itching.

There is indeed a big monster in the enemy palace, but not one, but two!

The giant spider reported by my subordinates was also among them, but at the other end was a giant ape with a grimace that was ten feet tall!

This thing is made of hard bone armor and is invulnerable, and a flying arrow hitting it is almost like being pierced into a steel plate. It grabbed the broken gate on the ground and used it as a weapon, smashing many people with it.

Yue Pinghe also saw it pick up a pirate and throw it into its mouth. The man's screams suddenly stopped, and then blood spattered from the mouth of the ghost ape, as if Yue Heping had chewed a plump and juicy tomato.

This scene of eating a lot of living people frightened many pirates in the three realms. No one wanted to die so...miserably.

Fortunately, after Yue Pinghe appeared, his roars still had a stimulant effect, and his own retreat was temporarily reduced. There were many brave men in the crowd. At this time, they responded to Yue Pinghe's instructions and turned around to block the opponent's attack.

In the midst of the chaos, Yue Pinghe suddenly met a young man's eyes.

This man was tall and tall, with an eagle eye and a wolf-like gaze. He issued a few orders at a glance, and he could easily control the rhythm of the attack.

A cold arrow flew out of nowhere and hit his face. The young man didn't even move his eyelids. The big man next to him raised his copper stick and knocked the arrow away.

Yue Pinghe had never met He Lingchuan, but he understood at first glance that this was the new owner of the Yangshan Islands and the culprit behind the attack on Centipede Island tonight!

"Retreat!" He stared at He Lingchuan bitterly, "Go to Centipede Cave, and fight slowly!"

The three pirates listened to his orders and retreated while fighting.

Qiu Hu whipped a gangster into a split brain with two sticks, and said to He Lingchuan: "The formation was stable during the retreat. These pirates are not much worse than the Blackwater City Army."

He Lingchuan smiled bitterly. Has the Blackwater City Army of Yuan Kingdom become a comparison unit?

After all, it is a local army, no matter how hard it is defeated, it is still better than ordinary pirates.

However, the three pirates advanced and retreated well, offensively and defensively. Facing the joint attack of one and two pirates, apart from the initial panic, their performance was remarkable.

This quality reminded him of the tough bandits who once occupied Xianling Village and fought with He Chunhua's army.

On the contrary, it was because the cooperation between the first and second teams was unfamiliar, and due to the away game, the numerical advantage was not used.

Fortunately, he had already investigated this issue beforehand. Huang Zhao and Min Tianxi both admitted that although the two groups of pirates had cooperated many times in the past, they had always blocked ships and robbed them, and their opponents were mostly guards hired by caravans rather than well-trained officers and soldiers.

In other words, we have a lot of experience fighting Qiu Feng together, but there is no precedent for regular fighting.

He Lingchuan didn't really care. He could practice without experience.

He commanded calmly and did not care about the three retreats to Centipede Cave.

The more problems are exposed in the battle, the better they can be adjusted later. What's more, these hundreds of thieves were hard-earned and would be his main team for a long time. He would not be willing to hurt a few more.

It was raining and windy tonight, and He Lingchuan immediately changed his mind and did not return to Blade Port.

After heavy rain, the sea is filled with fog and visibility is less than ten feet. Isn't this the best time for a sneak attack?

So he ordered Min and Huang to gather their troops and make a surprise attack on Centipede Island before dawn.

The attackers turned off the ship's lights in advance and approached Centipede Island in thick fog. By the time the sentries on the island noticed the anomaly, the enemy had already reached the island and immediately broke into the village gate!

If this gate is present, He Lingchuan's losses will inevitably increase.

Even though the two gates were now smashed, there were still many mechanisms in Yue Pinghe's village. They were activated continuously at this time, which really injured many of Min and Huang's men.

In particular, the three pirates fought and retreated. Two of the magicians muttered something, and then raised their sticks to knock on the stone wall on the roadside at the same time.

The terrain here is excellent. Two huge rocks above intersect and form a triangular angle with the ground. Three pirates escaped through this angle.

There are several artificially built stone walls in front of the giant rock. I can't see their use at ordinary times. I just feel that they are superfluous. But now that the two of them knocked like this, the stone wall shook a few times, and suddenly three stone giants stood up and blocked the narrow passage!

These stone men are clumsy in their movements, making it difficult to injure anyone. However, each of them is more than a foot tall and as wide as a wall. If they sit in front of the passage like a stack of Arhats, the pursuers will be unable to pass.

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