After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 930 Capture the enemy with one song

The ghost ape wanted to go up and fight, but the stone giants did not fight with it at all. They shattered into piles of rocks with a "clatter" sound, blocking the passage so tightly that even mice could not get through.

"This magical power is used just right." He Lingchuan still wanted to praise him.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a bad magical power, it just depends on the occasion where it is used.

"Can you go around it?"

"Okay!" Min Tianxi just couldn't wipe half of his face with blood, and he looked particularly ferocious. "But it will take an extra quarter of an hour to take a detour."

"It doesn't matter, let's take a detour." There's no point in being a mountain mover here, so it's more convenient to take more detours.

The so-called long way actually goes around the foot of the mountain and approaches the outlet of Centipede Cave.

This outlet is quite secluded, and there is a large rocky beach outside, making it very easy to sprain your feet while walking.

When the five hundred people rushed to the rocky beach out of breath, they saw two speedboats sailing out of the middle of the mountain and sliding quickly towards the sea.

Min Tianxi's information was very accurate. The long detour would take an extra quarter of an hour.

This quarter of an hour was enough for Yue Pinghe and others to jump on the boat in Centipede Cave, unmoor and paddle away from the shore.

These pirates are all skilled sailors. They can launch their ships and leave the island into the water in just three clicks!

The clipper passed by the rocky beach, the distance between the two sides was less than thirty feet. But they couldn't catch up, so He Lingchuan and others had to slow down.

Yue Pinghe stood at the bow of the boat, pointed downwards and cursed:

"Min Tianxi, Huang Zhao, you two forgetful little bastards, licking lackeys! I usually treat you like brothers, but you come back to bite me when you get close to me? Be careful, these little bastards will kill you and chop you into ten pieces when you turn around." Feed the fish for seven or eight yuan!" (Ding Tongfu)

It was still dark, and Yue Pinghe's angry curses echoed on the stone beach.

The more he cursed, the more energetic he became, and the pirates on the ship also started to boo.

When Qiu Hu heard their scoldings getting more and more unpleasant, he raised his bow and shot an arrow.

With a "咻" sound, the one who cursed the most and most vigorously was shot through the mouth by an arrow.

Now both sides woke up and raised their bows to shoot at each other.

The stone beach was completely empty, and everyone was hiding behind Aunt Zhu and Gui Yuan. He Lingchuan also ordered: "Twenty steps back."

Seeing the pursuers retreat, the pirate ship burst into laughter.

Huang Zhao took a sip on the ground and said, "Look at that Yue's face."

Looking at the pirate ship sailing away, Aunt Zhu raised her paw and wiped her mouth: "What's the hurry?"

In fact, when the two sides were within thirty feet of each other just now, it could still spit out spider silk and stick to the hull of the ship. The Crypt Mother's spider silk is much stronger than a cable. As long as it is tied to a few boulders, the ship may not be able to move.

But He Lingchuan refused to let it do this.

Firstly, it is easy to lose manpower in the boarding battle. The opponent has no way to retreat, so it will be a battle between trapped beasts; secondly, there is another highlight tonight.

Seeing Yue Heping's ship go away, only laughter and curses could be heard in the wind, Qiu Hu asked for instructions: "Young Master, the time is almost up."

He Lingchuan nodded, took out a flute, put it to his lips and started playing.

The sound of the flute started, and Min Tianxi and others beside him suddenly felt the hairs on their backs stand up:

It was so fierce, like a knight raising his eyebrows and unsheathing his sword, like a strong man gone never to return, the sound of killing could be heard within ten miles.

However, this melody is high-spirited and a little sad, and there is sadness hidden in the sonorous tune. The longer I listen to it, the heavier my mood becomes, to the point where I feel like crying.

The morning breeze blew this song far away to the sea, as if it wanted to pierce the darkness before dawn.

This was one of the first pieces that He Lingchuan learned, because it was "The Heroic Soul" played by the soldiers of Panlong City for their dead comrades. Every time a war ends, someone will blow the sound at the battlefield to bid farewell to the heroic souls.

This is also one of the basic tunes that people in Panlongcheng must learn, and it has even entered the curriculum of children.

For Panlongcheng, the concept of living toward death must be cultivated from an early age.

He Lingchuan suddenly played this piece of music now, of course it was not on a whim.

The sound of the flute reached the sea, and a splash of water suddenly exploded on the left side of the pirate ship. A huge black thing jumped out of the sea, slammed into the ship, grabbed two pirates who were still in a dazed state, and flicked its tail. Shake it off and slide back into the water.

This is a snake that is four feet long.

Immediately afterwards, four or five more sinister snakes appeared to attack. They either jumped on the ship to arrest people, or shook the bottom of the ship. The ship was shaking like a Category 17 hurricane. How could the pirates still stand firm? Several of them fell off the boat on the spot, while the rest were shambling like a drunkard walking.

"Yin Hu!" Yue Pinghe yelled, "Get the long fork, quickly get the long fork! Throw the magic sound thunder!"

He quickly smeared the concoction on the head of the spear, grabbed the spear and threw it out, suddenly piercing a sly snake.

Now filled with real power, the spear pierced one foot, and Yin Fei hissed in pain, turned around and pounced on him.

They all live in the waters of the Yangshan Islands. They and Yin Hui are neighbors who are never seen. Occasionally they encounter each other at sea, and they must communicate with each other. After years of practice, the pirates have figured out a way to deal with the Yin Hui. For example, white flame grass and black snake worms can be crushed to make an antidote to the Yin Hui's poison. For example, the best weapon to fight against the Yin Hui is Long forks and spears with white flame grass juice, as well as magic sound thunder that can explode powerful sound waves underwater and stun the Yin snakes, etc.

The movements of the pirates were not unpleasant. As soon as Yue Pinghe finished speaking, several heavy thunderbolts were thrown into the water. After entering the water for a foot, they exploded violently, pushing powerful shock waves and sound waves in all directions.

This is a magic sound thunder specially tailor-made for Yin Hui. After entering the water, it can usually stun nearby Yin Hui, and others will run away after suffering a few losses.

The problem is that the yin jags currently besieging the hull are all elite-level, more than twice the size of their ordinary counterparts. Normally, one yin jaguar in a group would be a big deal. However, at He Lingchuan's request, the Yin Hui army sent by the King of Yin Hui for the first time were all giant snakes. This kind of magic sound thunder can at most make their ears buzz, and they can continue to attack after shaking their heads.

Seeing the two sea-going ships teetering on the edge of the Yinji's attack, the people on the shore cheered and were secretly frightened.

The Lord of He Island can actually summon the army of Yin Mo!

The agreement he reached with the King of Yin Hui seems to be more than just good neighborliness.

But everyone was a little lucky at the same time: the Yin Mo army was indeed terrifying, but fortunately they were with them.

Amidst the lingering sound of the flute, the screams of humans and the roars of the snakes, a ship was overturned by the cooperation of more than ten snakes and fell upside down into the sea.

On the other ship, a big hole was drilled through the hull...

At this point, the song ends.

The last syllable faded away, and the massacre at sea ended at the same time.

No one knew what to say. The leader of the island did nothing, just stood on the beach and played the flute, and the escape of the three pirates came to nothing?

Where in the world can there be such a pleasant pursuit?

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