After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 938 Change your style of play

He Lingchuan also had something in his possession, which he found from the body of Du Yunshi He Jing. From the time he got it until now, he has never used it once and only keeps it as a collection.

Alas, I can’t afford it. This set of array talismans is purely driven by Xuan Jing, so it is expensive to use.

Without the restrictions of the Escape Technique Forbidden Formation, the Bega people could indeed use the Small Moving Mountain Formation to come and go freely.

"Later, the surrounding monsters, big and small, as well as practitioners and hunters from the wilderness often attacked my territory, and my children often disappeared inexplicably." Zhu Erniang said angrily, "There are also old monsters living around Butterfly Valley. They said that someone came out. Xuan Jing offers a bounty in exchange for hunting down more than fifteen of my offspring; if you hunt down a Spider Guard, one will do."

Aunt Zhu was puzzled: "Didn't you find their hiding place?"

"They are extremely careful when coming and going. They probably use formations to hide themselves, or simply hide in houses made of mustard seeds." Zhu Erniang replied, "There are bird monsters among the enemies. As long as they take the mustard house and fly away, I can’t trace it.”

No matter how capable the burrowing spider is, it doesn't have wings. How can it run on the ground as fast as it can fly in the sky?

The Mustard Seed Technique is a rare magical skill. He Lingchuan only knew that Songyang Mansion could do it, and there was indeed someone in Bejia who collected the Mustard Seed House. Fu Shanyue surrounded the house to arrest Cen Boqing, who hid in the mustard space "Xili Cave" and found someone to take him out of the house, and almost succeeded in escaping.

"So, your relationship with your neighbors is not good again, right?"

Zhu Erniang hummed. The surrounding monsters are all grabbing its offspring to exchange for Xuanjing. How can the relationship between neighbors be harmonious?

Besides, it's a foreigner. Why would the local monsters want to help it?

Aunt Zhu was very angry: "Why didn't you tell me earlier when you were in trouble? I'll kill them all for you!"

My sister is Wen Tun. If they were sisters, it would be impossible for the opponent to deal with two giant spider monsters.

"What's the use of telling you?" Zhu Erniang asked quietly, "At that time, you had just left Baisha Port in Yuan Kingdom and were drifting on the sea."

"..." After Aunt Zhu calculated it, it seemed like this was the case. At that time, I was indeed on a long sea journey, drinking with He Lingchuan and Dong Rui all day long.

But after all, it understood its sister, and then it thought: "What are you going to do then? Move again?"

Zhu Erniang was silent.

After struggling with calves like Bega for several months, it was really impatient and had the idea of ​​moving again. Just then He Lingchuan's invitation came.

Aunt Zhu let out a long "Oh": "So you have wanted to come here for a long time?"

Zhu Erniang stared at Aunt Zhu with her twelve eyes. How could her sister's claws turn outward? Doesn't it just want to be reserved? Can the treatment be the same for those who are invited and those who rush here on their own?

What kind of ecstasy soup did the man surnamed He pour into his sister? They haven't seen her for just a few months, so why are she getting more and more stupid!

Of course He Lingchuan understood Zhu Erniang's little thoughts. He coughed, interrupting the look between the sisters:

"We have been dealing with each other for so long, do you know the name of the other party?"

"I heard my subordinates call him Master Yu, and I don't know which word it is." Zhu Erniang thought for a while, "But the first time the leader talked to me - through my heir - he announced that he was the Frost Leaf National Master of Bejia Kingdom. Under the seat."

"Master Shuangye?" He Lingchuan was stunned.

He only had one encounter with Shuangye Imperial Master in Lingxu City, but he was inextricably linked to this great Imperial Master! The case of the missing messenger of Lingxu, the case of the immortal medicine, and the case of Cen Boqing are all centered on the battle between Shuangye Imperial Master and Qingyang Imperial Master.

This secret battle without bloodshed ended with the victory of Shuangye Imperial Master.

Based on He Lingchuan's impression of Shuangye Imperial Master, as long as he is involved with this person, things will definitely not be simple!

"Whether this team discovered you by chance or not, Lingxu City should already know the news about your appearance in the eastern part of Mou State and give further instructions." He Lingchuan pondered, "Beijia is full of talents. I don't know about this Lord Yu." 'Who is it, but his strategy is very cunning. They had few people before and would never confront you head-on, but if you are to be ostracized in Mou State, you will have to move again and again if you can't stay."

"If you don't come to Yangshan Islands, they will still be chasing after you like a pack of wolves, waiting for you to show your flaws, waiting for you to show your fatigue and make defensive mistakes. By that time, they will also be waiting for Bega. The backup will give you a fatal blow."

In the territory of Mou State, Bejia could not bring in a large army, but he could bring in some strong men.

"Er Niang, you are cautious by nature, not like A Niang..." Changzizi said, "You are fearless. If you encounter such an enemy that is entangled and unable to be caught, you can only move away."

Every time Zhu Erniang moved, her vitality was greatly damaged, and she couldn't take away a large amount of mushroom carpet, food, and supplies. The offspring had nothing to eat during the transportation, so Zhu Erniang had to vomit out nutrients to feed them.

The enemy saw its weakness and kept harassing it, cutting off the connection between the crypt spider nest and the surrounding environment, forcing it to be desperate again and again.

In the past, the Red General relied on strong force to deal with Zhu Erniang.

Bega changed his style of play.

This is a very smart approach. I have to say that as a demon country, Bega is very capable of dealing with these prehistoric monsters.

Well, no. He Lingchuan stroked his chin. This technique was very much like the style of Imperial Master Shuangye.

So, will this game turn into a game between him and Shuangye?

With a "click" sound, Aunt Zhu's claws dug a hole in the rock, and sparks shot out.

Zhu Erniang was not as excited as it was, but turned around and gave a few instructions to the little spiders, asking them to block the last corner of the enclosure and then put out the web.

"You told me that as long as we live in the Yangshan Islands, we will be safe from now on, so I moved here." It looked back at He Lingchuan, "Now, do you still dare to say that?"

He Lingchuan changed his original casual attitude, sat upright, and said seriously: "I will do what I say!"

The spider demon sisters looked at each other.

Facing the pursuit of the powerful powers of the world, can you still boast of such a reputation? To put it another way, they wouldn’t believe a word of it!

But He Lingchuan was different.

This young man's past is the best guarantee.

Aunt Zhu couldn't help but ask: "What are you going to do?"

"Soldiers will block you, and water will flood you." He Lingchuan smiled at them, "Er Niang, don't let 'Master Yu' disturb your mind and mess up your position like you did before, and don't take Bejia's pursuers too seriously. Dig a hole when it’s time, produce when it’s time to produce, everything is done step by step.”

What? that's all?

When Zhu Erniang heard this, she was greatly disappointed. When she was about to ask a question, she found that the sister next to her was silent.

Normally, shouldn't my sister be the first to jump when she hears such nonsense?

Why can't you keep calm this time?

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