After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 939 Escape has no end

The sisters had a telepathic connection, and Aunt Zhu also felt its gaze, and immediately said: "He Lingchuan is right, there is nothing difficult about this matter. If the person named Yu comes, let's work together to kill him!"


It's a pity that the spider couldn't roll its eyes, so Zhu Erniang ignored it and asked He Lingchuan: "How are you going to deal with the people from Bejia?"

"Don't worry, let me ask you." Its tone was a little irritable. He Lingchuan comforted it, "Why didn't the Bega team who discovered you attack you directly before?"

"They must have that ability." Zhu Erniang said angrily, "More than a dozen people broke into my house, weren't they delivering food?"

The leader surnamed Yu led the team to fight guerrillas against it, and mobilized the power of surrounding monsters and officials, but he did not dare to confront it head-on.

Just like He Lingchuan said, it was the wolf pack's fatigue tactic.

The most important task of this Bega team is to keep a close eye on Zhu Erniang and create all kinds of trouble for her.

"Let me ask you again, if this team finds out that you have moved to Yangshan Islands, what will they do next?"

"Follow and investigate." It was not easy to assume the human perspective. Zhu Erniang thought hard, "Find an opportunity to harass me again."

"The prerequisite for them to do that is that you are alone." He Lingchuan pointed out directly, "But here, you have a aunt."

Aunt Zhu puffed up her chest: "Yes, sister, don't be afraid, you have me!"

When it comes to fighting alone, it can beat the little sister to pieces; no one named Yu dares to attack her sister directly, so isn't it easy to deal with the one named Yu?

He Lingchuan smiled at them both: "And me."

Zhu Erniang was silent.

Is it really that simple?

"First of all, Pansi Island is an island after all. It is surrounded by water and far away from the land. It is inconvenient for the Bejia people to move in and out unless they come and go from the air." He Lingchuan raised a finger, "The island is your world. If they continue If you want to play the trick of attacking in groups, you can’t hire other monsters to do it.”

"Secondly, Pansi Island is very close to Longji Island, and there are Yin Hui patrolling in the sea. Anyone who wants to land on the island without any reason must first pass the Yin Hui level."

"Again, Dong Rui and I will not stand idly by." He Lingchuan said sincerely, "I won't, not even with so many of my subordinates, not even the entire Yangshan Islands! Er Niang, from the time you moved to Pansi Island, You will no longer be alone.”

"Well said, that's what I think." Aunt Zhu stretched out her paw to scratch her belly, "Sister, what are you afraid of!"

Zhu Erniang was a little moved, but there was no expression on Spider's face.

Does the boy named He want to take it under his wing?

After all these years, it finally joined an organization?

"What a loud tone." It said quietly, "You are not afraid that Bega will stretch out a finger and break you with a click."

He Lingchuan crossed his hands behind his back, stretched forward, and indeed made two "clicks":

"like this?"

"Be more serious." Zhu Erniang said angrily, "Aren't you afraid of exposing yourself when you protect me?"

"Afraid." When he mentioned himself, He Lingchuan leaned back on the boulder and resumed his casual sitting posture. "Aren't you afraid that you won't do anything?"

He still has goals, he still has visions, he still has ambitions, how can he stop there?

He Lingchuan said to Zhu Erniang: "Didn't the person named Yu say that there is no point in escaping to the ends of the earth for the people Bejia wants to kill. You have already shrunk behind Mou State, and they can still find you."

"They are looking for me just to ask about your whereabouts." Zhu Erniang was worried, "When I moved here, wouldn't you be suspected by Bega?"

He Lingchuan smiled: "What's wrong with doubts? Can they find evidence?"

Aunt Zhu interjected: "Wait a minute, this is not a trial case. Do you still need evidence if Bega suspects you?"

"No need." He Lingchuan shrugged, "Let's talk about it, what will Bega do if he doubts me?"

This time, the spider demon sisters said in unison: "Deal with you!"

"How to do it exactly?"

Both spiders were lost in thought.

For such a powerful country to confront an individual, it is indeed a terrifying and oppressive feeling as if the sky is falling. Even ancient monsters like them are deeply fearful. The first reaction of ordinary people must be "It's over, it's over, I'm dead."

But He Lingchuan is already far away from Bejia, and he is behind Mou State. If Bejia wants to deal with him, how should He Lingchuan do it?

"I am now the lord of the Yangshan Islands. I have territory and power." Regardless of the fact that his power is not strong yet, he still has it. There is a clear distinction between "have" and "nothing". "Bega wants to attack me." , there are only three methods: either sneak attacks, sending troops, or inciting surrounding forces. "

"Judging from our geographical location, it is almost impossible to cross out the 'sending troops' first."

The spider demon sisters all hummed in agreement.

There is no land connection between Bejia and the Yangshan Islands. If you want to come over, you have to launch a fleet.

More importantly, this is the rear area of ​​Mou State. If Bejia sends his troops here, it will be equivalent to launching an all-out war against Mou State.

The current battle between the two countries can be said to be a small conflict. How much effort did the two sides use in the fight? Will Bejia escalate the war in an all-out way for He Lingchuan?

Picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons, Demon Emperor Bejia doesn't seem so dim.

"Then all that's left is sneak attacks and provoking the surrounding forces, just like what they did to Er Niang before." He Lingchuan continued his analysis, "Let's talk about the surroundings first. The forces near the archipelago are Bailie and Qingguo, and at most Ya Kingdom. But there are still hundreds of miles between Ya Kingdom and us.”

"We are alone overseas and have no border with them at all. None of these three forces can reach us. Besides, talking about the situation in the Yangshan Sea Area, hehe, they all know that in places with evil spirits and evil spirits, anyone who comes must think twice about coming."

"Then there is only one last option left, a sneak attack." Aunt Zhu answered quickly, full of confidence, "We are not afraid of this!"

"Yes, we are not afraid of this." He Lingchuan smiled, "A strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake. This is our home court. If they want to come up and use force, they have to think carefully. Even if they use divine descendants, you sisters have nothing to fear together. , not to mention that I still have an army of Yin Mo that can be called upon at any time."

"Besides, is divine descent such a casual thing?" He Lingchuan's understanding of divine descent is far better than that of ordinary practitioners. "Each divine descent consumes a lot of divine power. Which god is willing to pay for just a 'doubt'?"

He laid out his plans in Panlong Desert, and Tiangong sent Duyun envoys, so it can be said that he didn't take it seriously.

But He Jing didn't invite any of the gods' clones to come down.

He Lingchuan reviewed the situation afterwards. Did He Jing still not want to ask God at the critical moment of life and death?

Of course not, the only explanation is that no god is willing to come down!

Years ago, Song Yu summoned the god's clone to come to Panlong Desert, but the god's clone was eaten by Dafang Hu.

This is a lesson learned from the past.

The gods have always been reluctant to send clones to fight for treasures such as the large square pot; now will they easily consume their own power just because "Lingxu City doubts He Lingchuan"?

He Lingchuan had experienced the selfishness of gods.

"That's why I just said that Bega just doubted me without any proof. This is very important!" He Lingchuan was much clearer than Shuangzhu about the mentality of those in power. "If the evidence is conclusive, the supreme god ordered to take me, Lingxu City Maybe I have to do it; but if I just have doubts, if Bega doesn't want to pay a high price, they will naturally come up with many reasons for me to stall the gods. "

The art of trade-off, in the final analysis, is the price.

At the end of the day, it’s all about whether it’s worth it.

"For example, I am just the Lord of the Islands who kindly took you in. Who knows what you have done in the past, just like Mou Guo also kindly took you in. Could it be that Mou Guo messed up Tiangong and Lingxu City? "

"There are many other monsters on my island, but I just treat you the same. How come I am the culprit behind the chaos in the Heavenly Palace?"

He smiled and said: "There are too many reasons, and they may believe it themselves."

"That's it?" Zhu Erniang was still a little uneasy, "You are number one on Bejia's wanted list, so Lingxu City is just going to give up?"

"On the surface, there won't be any big fanfare, but secretly, there may be constant actions." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, as long as Bega doesn't make a big show of it, I'm not afraid of it."

What he didn't say clearly was that if Bega wanted to sneak attack him, the best time would be on land. From now on, when he goes to Blade Port, he will have to be very careful.

"Bejia wants to discover you, investigate me, follow me, and deal with me. It will take a lot of effort." He Lingchuan added, "In other words, we still have time to develop and grow. As long as a few months, it will be enough. The Yangshan Islands have taken on a new look and are beginning to show their scale! Not to mention that there are only a dozen or so people from Bejia, even hundreds of people are not a big concern.”

"Fundamentally speaking, if we want to face the threat of Bega, we need to become stronger quickly." He said word by word, "We have the final say, and Bega can't do anything to us."

"Escape has no end. If you only think about escaping, you will definitely be caught up in the end." He kicked the rocks beside his feet, "Why should I take the Yangshan Islands as the first step? With our own territory and army, we Only in this way can we protect ourselves and our partners.”

"Our secrets can't be hidden forever." He said slowly, "The day the truth comes out, I hope we will be strong enough."

To this end, He Lingchuan still has to make endless efforts.

The spider demon sisters were silently thinking about these words.

This kid really always has a solution and is always optimistic.

"By the way, the Yangshan Islands are very big and can accommodate many monsters." He Lingchuan asked the sisters, "Can you introduce some powerful monsters that are good at fighting?"

The current way to quickly improve one's own strength is to find monster thugs.

Training an army requires time and effort, so the results won't come out quickly.

Aunt Zhu: "I have been sleeping for so many years, and I don't know if all the old friends I recognize are dead. I will think about it carefully when I look back."

Zhu Erniang: "If King Siwen in the Demon Nest Swamp is not dead yet, you can persuade him again. If you want to find him, there are still a few loose monsters in the swamp, and you may be able to bring them to the islands."

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