After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 941 Blocked Heart

There are evil spirits, pirates, and evil snakes in that place, and even the gods can't do anything about it.

"In the past half month or so, in seven or eight towns including Yuxian and Panzhen in the south of Bailie, seven to eight hundred young adults have left their homes and moved south. In particular, more than 400 people have left Panzhen. Some even moved their entire families. Go, it seems that you don't plan to come back. After the government investigated, they found that someone came from Blade Port and recruited a large number of laborers to go to Yangshan Islands, and the wages were favorable. "

"Yangshan Islands?" Lu Qing'an laughed when he heard this, "He still doesn't give up and wants to do something big?"

By now, Master He should have discovered that the Yangshan Islands are uninhabitable, but does he still want to make trouble and make amends?

The experience and lessons passed down by the ancestors of the Lu family, the harder the hell, the faster it goes bankrupt.

"It's late autumn, what can he do?"

"Xiaoguan also heard rumors a few days ago that the pirates of the Yangshan Islands have returned to the newly arrived owner of He Island. This news has been spread in Qucheng. Some people say that this is a gangster attack, but..."

Lu Qingan raised his hand to interrupt him: "Wait a minute, the pirates surrendered? Which group of pirates surrendered?"

He was a little surprised, but looking back, he realized that the Yangshan Islands had been plagued by theft for a long time, and the Lu family used to deal with it every few years.

Just clean it up once and it will be quiet for several years, and then theft will come again.

"I heard that both the first and second groups were surrendered, and they did so easily. Yue Ping and the other group were captured by Lord He Dao, so he took the newly acquired two groups of pirates, Min Tianxi and Huang Zhao, to attack them, and they captured them in less than half a day. ”

No wonder the Bailie people thought that the man named He was the new pirate leader, playing black and white. Anyway, the Yangshan Islands have been sold and have nothing to do with Bailie for the time being. The Blade Port facing it is not owned by them either. Lu Qingan was surprised and only found it interesting:

"I can't see it. This Young Master He is not good at business, but he is still good at fighting."

The magistrate of Qucheng County stopped talking.

Lu Qingan saw this and waved his hand: "Tell me, is there anything else strange?"

The magistrate of Qucheng County solemnly said: "It is now the autumn harvest season. If there are too many laborers going south, the grain harvest in the official fields may be affected."

Lu Qing'an's smile immediately decreased by three points: "We have issued an order that farmers and workers are not allowed to leave the local area without permission. Violators will be punished with forty sticks; the South Road Station for departure must strictly check the index."

The county magistrate of Qucheng accepted it, but he knew in his heart that this order was not easy to implement. The southern border of Bailie is only forty miles away from the Blade Port. Although the Blade Port has been "borrowed" by the Qing Kingdom, it is a free port after all. Residents of the southern border of Bailie often go there to visit relatives and friends, and merchants transport goods. The bilateral relations are very close. close.

It’s hard to say how effective this paper ban will be if it continues.

"The person sent by the lower official to the Blade Port to inquire about the news has just come back and basically confirmed that the island master has conquered the pirates. Several sea madmen were drinking in the tavern of the Blade Port and hyped up the battle against Centipede Island." The Qucheng County Magistrate hesitated, thinking about how to word his next words, "In addition, there are one or two other things that are also making a fuss in Blade Port. Even if I don't mention it, it will come to your ears in a few days. Come on."

Lu Qingan frowned slightly, having a bad feeling in his heart: "Is it related to us?"

"Yes, yes." Qucheng County Magistrate whispered, "Legend has it that the Lord of He Island dispelled the evil spirit of Yangshan Islands and defeated the Yinli of Longji Island."

"Impossible!" Lu Qingan denied bluntly, "Absolutely impossible!"

"This is also revealed by the pirates. Some of them followed Island Master He into the islands and killed many giant snakes. They also said that the dead Yin snakes that kept drifting to the coast of Blade Port a while ago were all caused by Master He's declaration of war on the Yin pig clan. result!"

"What's the result?" Lu Qing'an sneered, "How many subordinates do you have named He? He dares to take the merits of heaven for himself. It's ridiculous."

Are all the pirates in this generation so stupid that they just believe a foreigner's lies? Lu Qing'an regretted a little. If he had known it was so simple, wouldn't the Lu family have surrendered by themselves?

The Yangshan Islands are not completely worthless, and the few islands that are not shrouded in evil can still produce some output.

In the past, the Lu family did not take care of the Yangshan Islands. First, because pirates grew like weeds, and there were new ones after killing them. The cost of managing the islands was higher than the benefits; secondly, after the Blade Port was borrowed by the Qing Kingdom, hundreds of There is a barrier between Lie and Yangshan Islands. If you want to take a serious boat, you have to pass through Blade Port first, otherwise you have to go around in a big circle, which is inconvenient.

The magistrate of Qucheng shook his head: "The pirates who participated in the battle on Centipede Island said that when Yue Pinghe escaped by boat, it was the owner of He Island who blew his flute to summon the Yin Hu and gave him the final blow."

Lu Qingan laughed loudly: "You mean, Yin Hao can cooperate with the person named He?" Can those monsters communicate with people? The most ridiculous thing in the world! They are only interested in human flesh.

"The pirates swore that the Yinhui would obey the orders of the Lord of He Island." The magistrate of Qucheng smiled bitterly, "The official also thought that it was just a coincidence, because the Yinhui would eat people regardless of location or occasion. But the official went around and asked the people around Min Tianxi, The answer was that the leader of He Island and a big demon landed on Longji Island, visited the Lord of Yin Hui, and then reached an agreement with the Yin Hui tribe. "

"When he returned from Baiyuan, Min Tianxi, Huang Zhao and others all saw the contents of the agreement with their own eyes."

"What's the content?" Lu Qingan no longer found the joke about a rich young man buying an island unfunny.

"Part of Longji Island is also allocated to the Yin Hui, and the Yin Hui cannot come to disrupt the normal industry of He Lingchuan."

"It can't be a fake agreement, right?" Lu Qing'an found it unbelievable, "Has the person you asked him seen the terms with his own eyes?"

"Well, I read it, but I couldn't understand it. It is said that it was written in ancient immortal language."

Lu Qing'an laughed heartily: "These pirates don't know a few Chinese characters. Can they recognize the ancient immortal language? And they dare to say it with certainty!"

What is the difference between ancient fairy language and ghostly drawings for pirates? I don’t recognize it anyway.

The man surnamed He held a piece of paper with ghost drawings and easily frightened these uneducated roughnecks.

"It is said that someone among the pirates knows it. The second leader, Min Tianxi, knows the language of ancient immortals." The magistrate of Qucheng said, "He is right, and his subordinates naturally believe it."

"It's a farce!" Lu Qing'an said, "If your preface is true, the Yin Hui tribe was really massacred by him. Can the King of Yin Hui reach an agreement with him?"

He pointed out doubts: "Even if this agreement is true, there is no provision for conspiracy to aid the war."

"But the pirates are convinced and now regard the Lord of He Island as a god." Qucheng County Magistrate continued, "The fishermen and boatmen in Blade Port also said that even if they go to sea on a cloudy day, there are no more people in the depths of the archipelago. The gray fog floats, making boating very safe.”

Lu Qing'an murmured to himself: "The Yin evil spirit, the pirates, and the Yin evil spirit are all really dealt with by him?"

Reason told him that this was absolutely impossible.

But Lu Qing'an suddenly remembered that after He Lingchuan paid the final payment for the island, Master Yang came to report that Master He had turned a blind eye to the pirates mentioned by Renee and turned a blind eye to the corpse of the sinister snake floating on the sea. I'm afraid I've known about it for a long time.

At that time, he also felt that Master Yang's inference was reasonable, but the island had been sold and the money had been received, so he was too lazy to think about it.

Now that I think about it carefully, did the person named He have a premeditated plan?

He was confident about solving the problems of the Yangshan Islands, so he came to Bailie to lower the price and bought such a vast archipelago at an astonishingly low price!

If the evil spirits of the Yangshan Islands are eliminated from now on, how can the fertile land and rich products of the more than 40 islands not be coveted!

Lu Qingan was a little confused.

Although Yangshan Islands has Earth Evil Yin Veins, it is different from other Yin Evil Jedi. Those places have no vegetation and no animals close to them, so they are of no value at all. However, the Yangshan Islands are exposed to the sun. As long as the food crops grown on the islands can be exposed to the sun, they will not be contaminated with evil spirits and will not be eaten by humans and animals. Will not get sick.

After he composed himself, he said to the Qucheng County Magistrate: "Don't tell my father about this."

The Qucheng County Magistrate looked embarrassed: "Ah, this..."

Lu Zhensheng is the head of the Lu family.

Lu Qingan felt something was wrong as soon as the words came out of his mouth. He slapped his head and said, "Ah, I'm confused. You can talk to my father in the afternoon."

The Qucheng County Magistrate then agreed and retreated.

Near noon, father and son had lunch together.

Lu Zhensheng chatted with his eldest son for a while about the government affairs in the territory, then he grabbed a piece of thin-crust soft pancake, rolled some fragrant barbecue slices, and smeared it with pear jam. He squinted his eyes while eating:

"Qing'an, have you heard about what happened in Yangshan Islands recently?"

Lu Qing'an cursed secretly in his mind, the old man only had an internal mind, it would be great if he could be so quick-thinking externally.

But he had a confused look on his face: "What's going on?"

"He Lingchuan, who bought the islands, seems to have created a lot of tricks." Lu Zhensheng continued to ask him, "Didn't Magistrate Liu mention it to you?"

"I've heard some rumors about catching wind and shadow, but I didn't take it seriously." Lu Qing'an sneered, "He also dispelled evil spirits and eliminated evil spirits. If a rich man had that kind of ability, where in the world would he not be able to go?" What are you doing here to visit the Yangshan Islands?"

"Didn't you ask someone to find out his roots?"

"We were sent, how could we come back so soon?" Lu Qingan held up a soft-shell crab that was fried to a golden color and made a crunching sound when he gnawed it.

So crispy!

This molting crab is soft, so you don’t need to peel it with your hands, it just pops into brown in one bite. "Fu State is on the side of Bejia. It takes at least half a year to go back and forth by boat, not counting the time spent there to inquire about information."

They wanted to find out the origin of He Lingchuan. It was not enough to send the bird demon back and forth. They needed someone to inquire and investigate on the spot.

"Besides, if he really had the ability to drive away evil spirits, why did he only open up a dozen islands?" Lu Qing'an acted calmly, "I see, he wants to create some gimmicks and make a name for himself, so that he can sell them later. Crops grown on the island.”

"Is it a gimmick?" Lu Zhensheng admitted that this guess made sense. What can't a businessman do to build publicity for himself? "Then how did he conquer the pirates? In the past month, those pirates have not committed any more crimes."

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