After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 942 Getting better and better

"Now is a good time to extract palm oil. Aren't pirates doing this too? How can anyone come out to rob?" Lu Qing'an was eating rice. "At this time in previous years, they wouldn't have caused trouble."

What the eldest son said was reasonable, but Lu Zhensheng always felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"He bought the Yangshan Islands from us. If he can really drive away evil spirits, then..." Lu Zhensheng glanced at his eldest son, "He made us the laughing stock of the whole world!"

It was the eldest son who strongly encouraged him and believed that this deal was a very good deal, so they sold the Yangshan Islands.

"How could we know this earlier?" Lu Qing'an didn't want to take the blame, "The Yangshan Islands have been in your hands for many years, and they haven't come up with so many tricks."

The words were too blunt, and Lu Zhensheng snorted, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"If we hadn't raised grain for Mou State, or if Mou State hadn't pressed for grain too hard, why would we have sold our ancestral property?" Lu Qing'an said again, "Bailie is rich in products. Originally we had more than enough, but we used it to help Mou State. When it comes to fighting, war is a bottomless pit!”

"Am I rushing to give money to Mou Guo?" Lu Zhensheng put down his chopsticks with a snap, "This is called being prepared for danger in times of peace! You know how bad the environment around Bailie is, and I don't need to say more. I want to keep my ancestors. The territory left to us, if you want to revive your family, you have to look at your second brother and Mou Guo's face!"

Lu Qingan's expression changed and he became silent.

Every time this topic is debated, this is the result.

Both father and son were silent.

In fact, both of them had a reasonable point of view, and Lu Qingan also understood that since Bailie recognized Mou Guo as his protective umbrella, he had to pay this kind of protection fee.

After a while, Lu Zhensheng picked up his chopsticks again: "Qing'an, you have your difficulties, I know. But now is the time to think together and work together. Also, I just received Good news from Qinglin."

Lu Qingan raised his head: "He won another battle?"

"Well, we wiped out more than 2,000 enemies at the Six Passes, took the opportunity to cut off the enemy's main army's retreat, and encircled them with General Du. Bega suffered heavy losses in this battle, and soon he started sending envoys to negotiate peace!"

Lu Qingan showed his face: "This is great!"

The Lu family's full financial and material support for their second brother is actually an investment.

Since it is an investment, of course, we hope that the return will be as high as possible.

The second child is as good as ever.

The more outstanding his military exploits and the higher his status in the country of Mou, the stronger Bailie's back and the better the surrounding environment.

"Prince Mu's court will reward him for his merits and make him the general of the left guard, and he will be appointed Anbo." Lu Zhensheng raised his palms, "This is a two-level jump!"

Lu Qingan said happily: "Second brother is finally coming through! Congratulations to father."

"This is the blessing of the whole family and the blessing of our ancestors." Lu Zhensheng smiled broadly. "Qinglin said that the war in the west may be coming to an end and he will go home."

"Take care of him then!" Lu Qingan looked happy.

The luck of this generation of the Lu family seems to have fallen on Lu Qinglin.

"Ah, by the way, Qing Lin also specifically stated in the letter that there will be two Imperial Ooze events within half a month at the earliest and within forty days at the latest. He told us to prepare early."

Lu Qingan was surprised: "Two games in a row? How did he know?"

The Lu family didn't even mention it in advance the last two times when the emperor's liquid came.

"The higher the position and the more powerful the information, the better informed it is. Moreover, if Qing Lin has achieved great achievements twice in a row, the Mou State will naturally reward him." Lu Zhensheng smiled and said, "You go ahead and prepare. Just let the officials know three days in advance."

In a system like Mou's, as one's status increases, one can naturally unlock corresponding benefits and privileges, and learn secrets that no one has access to.

The arrival of the Imperial Liquid Serum is so important to all living beings. Even if you know it half a day in advance, it would be a great blessing to be able to prepare in advance!


Just as Lu Qing'an responded, Lu Zhensheng said again: "As for the Yangshan Islands, aren't they recruiting craftsmen and civilians?"

"Yes, they have sucked many of us away." Lu Qing'an said, "I heard that they even recruited people from the Bailong tribe of Ya Kingdom."

Lu Zhensheng exclaimed: "Bailong people? Which one? Wan Qizhao or Wan Qitong?"

"This... I'll ask someone to inquire about it." Such detailed information requires special arrangements.

"The Bailong people were close to Mou State, so the clan leader was killed, and the remaining people who did not want to surrender were driven out. Mou State wanted to move them to the country, but the Bailong people did not want to stay away from their hometown. This tribe is quite warlike, you sent People can touch it and see if it can be used by us.”

Lu Qing'an frowned, hesitated and then said: "Dad, I think it's better not to worry about the Yangshan Islands for the time being. Yaguo in the east is about to make a move again. There have been several incursions on the border. Qingbang has already led his troops to set off this morning. I heard It is said that the king of Yaguo wants to marry his daughter again and needs a large dowry. "

Lu Qingbang, the son of Lu Laoliu, is the fourth in his generation and can also fight. Lu Qingan was not in Bailie, so he had to go out to fight.

Whenever Yaguo was short of money, he would go around robberies. Last year, Bailie was beaten several times, but in the end he took the money to solve the problem.

This year, alas.

Compared with the war disaster in the east, the Yangshan Islands are nothing? This dad always ignores priorities.

Lu Zhensheng was still worried: "But Yangshan Islands..."

Lu Qing'an had no choice but to guide him: "Don't say that He can't do tricks. Even if he has the ability to pull up the Yangshan Islands, it will not be harmful to us. If he has the opportunity to take it back in the future, it will be equivalent to him doing it for us. The fields, the docks have been built, the labor has been recruited, and the development has been completed, so what’s wrong with that?”

Lu Zhensheng thought for a while, and it seemed to be the same.

As for whether the Yangshan Islands can be taken back? Hey, how many men named He can fight? Now those being recruited are agricultural workers who work on the land and collect palm trees.

How quickly can a pure foreigner develop military force on a desolate island? There is no need for the father and son to think deeply about this issue.

Lu Zhensheng exhaled: "Then you should also keep an eye on the person named He to see what else he wants to do next. I always feel that he will not give up easily."

"It's already being done." Lu Qing'an was agitated, but he couldn't be too perfunctory. "He's still buying things on a large scale. The demand is huge. Ordinary merchants will definitely not be able to provide it. I also asked the chamber of commerce to jointly raise prices. ”

The Chamber of Commerce increased prices, and the Lu family also made more money.

Although the Lu family will not be able to deal with the Yangshan Islands next, as a landlord, it will be easy to add some obstruction to the Yangshan Islands, and it will not even fall on the bright side. It would be better to stuff a Coptis chinensis root into the mouth of the person named He so that he can't tell the story of his suffering.

"There should be more than those islands that can be developed in the Yangshan Archipelago. The man named He has also exposed his shortcomings. He may have insufficient financial resources."

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