After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 946 New Visitors

If I want to buy another boat, even 170,000 taels may not be enough to stop me.

Both of them knew that this was far from the end.

The Yangshan Islands are just a blank sheet of paper. There are countless projects that need to be built from scratch, and each one costs money.

He Lingchuan only has 280,000 taels in hand, which sounds like a lot. How many months can it last at this rate of expenditure?

"Where is this?" He Lingchuan waved his hand and said with great pride, "You can hire more people and buy more things for me. You can spend all the money you need and don't save me a big buck! As for the capital, you don't need it. Don't worry, I have my own solution."

Upon hearing "You don't have to worry about capital", Ding Zuodong felt relieved and his voice became more confident: "Yes!"

"You should spend it." Old God He Lingchuan comforted him, "Show up your courage to help me buy a property in Dunyu. Now it's just more than 60,000 taels a month, but in the future it may be 600,000 or 6 million. ”

Snap, Lingguang lost her grip and half of the peach in her hand fell on the table.

It picked it up and ate it, and heard Ding Zuodong exclaim: "That's great!"

The prerequisite for being able to spend one million a month is that the owner has that much money or that much credit.

Hope that day comes soon.

He Lingchuan knew in his heart that more than 140,000 taels of silver was an astronomical figure to ordinary people, but for his future plans, it was just a drop in the bucket.

After Ding Zuodong finished his report, he walked out with his book under his arm, his steps brisk.

If the boss says there is a way, then there is a way. As a part-time worker, he only needs to do his job well, why should he worry about such things?

His back disappeared outside the door, and He Lingchuan's face suddenly fell. He stood up and scratched his head vigorously.

Damn it, I spent more than 60,000 yuan in one month! The gap is so big, where can he get money?

He was calm and composed in front of Ding Zuodong, not trying to pretend to be 13 on purpose. If even the boss himself is panicked, what confidence will the workers below have to start working?

The heroic spirit of the future is the vision of the future, and the current shortage is the problem of the present.

At the current rate of spending, a mere two hundred and eighty thousand taels may not last long. I'm afraid that there will be another accident, and the money will flow faster.

However, the way for him to quickly establish a foothold in a foreign country is to expand rapidly, to spread it out in an all-round way, and to strengthen himself before other forces notice.

Time waits for no one.

Money, money, money, hurry up and spend more money.

Yangshan Islands is now in the early stage of heavy investment, and the little output is just a drop in the bucket. All the progress is supported by his money.

Money won't just fall out of the sky, so what should he do?

Lingguang finished a peach when he heard He Lingchuan curse.


This morning, Blade Port also welcomed six new guests.

Blade Port is the largest port in the rear of Mou State. It is located on the golden waterway. There are countless passengers coming and going every day. These six passengers are not noticeable at all, but one of them has a white bird perched on his shoulder, which attracts the attention of passers-by.

He took out a compass, opened it, took a few glances, and frowned toward the south: "The bee needle still points to the sea, within a hundred and twenty miles away. This spider hasn't changed places in the next few days. It seems that this time it will make its home at sea.”

"The Queen of the Burrowing Spiders escaped to the sea by boat?" Someone else said, "I heard that there is an entire archipelago south of here, which is very large."

Hiding among the islands? That's very possible. Without the seeker bee compass, it would be really difficult for them to find targets among the large and small islands.

"But how did it get past? It's such a big spider demon, and its body is even bigger than it. Ordinary fishing boats can't carry it."

"After all, he is an ancient demon fairy. Maybe he has other methods?"

"You said it drifted more than a hundred miles on its own in the sea? How is this possible?"

"Let's go and take a look." The leader pondered for a moment and divided the team into two groups. One group stayed at the port to inquire about the news, and he took the other group to the port to rent a boat.

It is not easy to rent a boat. There are only two boats available for rent at the huge pier, and the price is extremely expensive. The boat boss took the money and told them that it was the palm harvest season and the boat rental price was the same. If it was late, it would be gone.

What kind of brown to pick? The three of them only said they were going to go sightseeing on the sea, and one of them knew how to punt the boat, so there was no need to hire a boat boss. However, the rent would be more expensive. The ship owner also specifically stated: "The depths of the Yangshan Islands are a restricted area and you cannot go there!"


"In the past, when ships sailed deep into the archipelago, the living people on the ship would go crazy, and there were also man-eating snakes and pirates in the sea! Therefore, sea ships could only follow the golden route, which was relatively safer."

The three of them caught the key word: "In the past? What about now?"

"Now the islands are private territory and have lords. The island owner has only opened some islands and some sea areas, and no one is allowed to approach the rest, nor is fishing allowed."

He Island Master? The leader noted it down.

The boss of the ship added: "Anyway, don't go to the islands that deviate from the waterway. There are undercurrents and whirlpools in some places. Although the ocean currents have changed direction this season and there are fewer underwater undercurrents, you foreigners are not familiar with it. You can't get out even if you rush in at will." !”

The three of them got on the boat and left the harbor heading south.

The weather is calm today, and the sea surface is sparkling with light. The leader fed the white bird dried meat, and the seagulls in the sky were also greedy, so he threw a few small pieces of dried meat into the sky.

The seagulls flew down to pick it up, not afraid of people at all.

After traveling for more than ten miles, the first island appeared ahead, with lush trees, like a pearl on the sea.

This should be a normal channel, because there are other ships coming and going nearby, big or small, and it is peaceful and peaceful.

"Is this the Yangshan Islands?" The leader took out the pursuit bee compass and took a look at it, "Continue going south."

Only when we sailed into the Yangshan Islands did we realize the vastness of this island. The boat shuttled on the sea road, going around an island, and there was another one in front of it, and another one... There seemed to be no end.

After sailing for a long time, they still couldn't see the vast sea.

But there are fewer boats nearby, except for a few fishing boats. The sea was eerily quiet.

It would be really smart for the burrow spider queen to choose one of these islands for her new nest. The leader looked at the compass: "We still have to go south."

At this moment, a fishing boat ten feet away greeted them kindly: "Hey, we can't go ahead!"

The leader signaled the boat to row closer and asked the other party: "Why?"

"Ten miles further, we will reach Dragon's Back Island. There are man-eating monsters on the island." The boatman told him, "You will be eaten if you paddle too close!"

"What does the monster look like?"

"Like a snake, with hands!" The boatman gestured with his hands, "It's huge!"

The leader asked again: "Fellow, no one can go up to Longji Island?"

"Then I don't know. I guess Island Master He can do it, but no one else can!"

The leader thanked him and ordered the ship to move on.

"Hey, hey, I told you not to go forward!" The boatman shouted a few times after them, and the boat girl grabbed his arm and said, "Stop yelling, we just met by chance, I don't need your kindness!"

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