After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 947 Land and Water Reconnaissance

"Hey, don't you want to see people die again?"

Again? The leader sitting on the bow of the boat raised his eyebrows when he heard the sound coming from behind.

This water area is prone to trouble, and it is indeed an ideal habitat for the spider demon.

There are no boats further forward, even the wind becomes heavy, and the water is empty except for birds.

The leader felt something in his heart and suddenly grabbed the knife in his hand: "Something is coming!"

Two breaths later, the ship's hull shook violently, as if it had hit a reef under the water.

He stretched out the oar to hit the rock twice, but instead of hitting the rocks, a huge force suddenly came from the oar, trying to pull him into the sea!

Seeing that he involuntarily jumped forward and was about to fall into the sea, the leader reacted quickly and stretched out his hand to grab his shoulders and drag him back.

The boat shook violently.

"Let go!" They were sitting on the boat with nowhere to exert force, but the monster under the water was too strong. If it continued, the boat would capsize.

As soon as he let go, the oar was snatched away.

Fortunately there were two spare oars in the boat.

The shaking of the ship's hull gradually stopped, and two dark things emerged from the water three feet away.

Like a snake, its body is as thick as a bucket, but it has four arms.

They appeared on both sides of the boat at the same time, and the dead fish eyes staring at them were terrifying. One of them was still holding the oar he had just snatched.

"Is this the Yin Hao?" The appearance is consistent with the description of the ship boss, but it is more visually oppressive. "It also looks like a group of monsters."

The two evil beasts did not come forward to attack, but just stared at the three people on the boat.

"This is a warning. If you go any further, you won't be polite." The leader stroked his chin, "These things are quite polite."

The subordinate asked for instructions: "Master Jade, should we move forward or return?"

Today is just their first reconnaissance, so there is no need to confront these monsters in the middle of the sea.

"Return to the voyage." The leader, Mr. Yu, reached out and waved to Yin Hao, who was holding the oar. "Give me the oar, and we'll leave now."

He repeated this several times, but Yin Hao just looked at him sideways and showed no reaction.

Lord Jade murmured: "Spiritual wisdom is limited."

He grabbed the wooden oar and paddled carefully. Because he was rowing in the opposite direction, the Yin Hui did not step forward to attack, but still stared at him eagerly.

Master Jade handed the compass to the white bird on his shoulder: "Go and meet at Blade Port."

The white bird flapped its wings, flew high into the sky and circled twice before turning to the southern island.

Yin Fei only raised his head to look at it for the first time, vomited a message, and then ignored it.

They only care about swimming in the water, the sky is not their domain.

Master Yu didn't even look back, and led two of his men back along the same route, followed by two snarky beasts.

It wasn't until they left the waters of Longji Island and returned to the main channel that Yin Hu plunged into the water and disappeared.

Walk slowly without sending.

Master Jade pondered: "Just now the boatman said that only special persons can go to Longji Island?"


"But these monsters are not very intelligent. How can he control them?"

"Monsters that live in groups usually have a more powerful leader."

Master Jade hummed, and made the boat go around, trying to approach Dragon's Back Island from the other side.

As a result, he was stopped by two other Yinji.

These two guys were bigger and looked more irritable. They frequently spat out messages and showed bad intentions.

The test failed and the ship returned to Blade Harbor.

Master Jade's white bird grasped the bee compass and stopped on the tree every time it flew a certain distance to check the direction of the bee's needle.

It flew over Longji Island, flew over Alfalfa Island, and finally circled twice over Pansi Island for positioning before stopping on the treetops beside the island.

There are always birds on the sea. There are also gulls, herons and wild cranes wandering on the beach of Pansi Island. A white bird flying here is not conspicuous.

A compass can display both the direction and distance to a target.

The current direction is due north, and the distance is less than twelve feet!

The white bird looked down and saw a large rift valley.

Viewed from a high place, the rock walls are dense, with thousands of ditches and hundreds of caves. The sea breeze blows through the holes in the stone wall, making a whining sound.

Other than that, the forest was silent, and it didn't see a single living thing.

The white bird was not in a hurry. After a while, he changed branches and continued to keep an eye on it to avoid being discovered.

It has followed Master Jade for a long time and knows that burrowing spiders usually like to hide in caves and do not necessarily come out in groups.

After half an hour, everything was as usual in the Rift Valley, but there was movement outside:

The two spiders climbed back into the valley, carrying a squirming white cocoon on their backs.

Most spiders don't have the ability to drag like ants, but burrowing spiders do, and they like to carry their prey on their bumpy backs.

Judging from the shape and size of the cocoons, one prey may be a guinea pig and the other a bird.

As long as it is a living thing, burrowing spiders can basically eat it without any taboos.

At this moment, the white bird felt a warning sign and suddenly took off.

Two lines of spider silk shot silently from behind, almost grazing its tail.

If he hadn't avoided it in time, the white bird would have almost become the third prey that was captured!

It flapped its wings and looked back, only to find that there had been a burrowing spider on the branch where it had just settled. It was as big as a coconut.

This spider changes color and blends in with its surroundings.

Seeing its prey fleeing, the burrowing spider reluctantly raised its front claws.

The white bird did not dare to fly low anymore. It found that there were looming spiders on the surrounding trees. Apparently after months of fighting between the two sides, Zhu Erniang strengthened the security around the cave.

But the white bird had already collected enough information, circled twice in the sky, and then flew to Blade Port.

This island is the new nest of the burrowing spider! This is the most important information.

In the evening, Master Jade met with his men at the Yellow Fish Tavern at the Blade Port Pier.

The group that inquired about the information also came back and brought back preliminary information:

Not long ago, the Yangshan Islands were sold by Bailie to the foreign owner of He Island;

The Lord of He Island surrendered pirates and evil spirits one after another;

Some pirates boasted about the skills of the island owner, saying that they saw with their own eyes the Yin Hao being respectful to the island owner, and also saw with their own eyes that the big monster next to the island owner hunted the Yin Hao as if they were fishing, with unusual ease and skill;

The Bega people are very concerned about the appearance of the big monster who is said to "catching snakes like fish", but those who have drunk the yellow soup can't explain it clearly.

Obviously not really "seeing it with my own eyes".

Also, Yangshan Islands is recruiting a large number of manpower to cope with the current palm oil harvest season.

During the discussion, the white bird came in through the window and jumped back on Master Jade's shoulder:

"I found it, I found it, on an island south of Longji Island. The island covers an area of ​​several hundred hectares, but the land is not even three feet flat. It is all caves and cliffs. There is no one living on the island and there are no roads. The cave spider The group lives in the Great Rift Valley in the southeast corner of the island.”

"I was discovered within less than three quarters of an hour of reconnaissance. The spiders are quite alert."

Lord Jade asked it: "Have you seen the Spider Queen?"


"That area of ​​water is blocked by the scorpion, and the island cannot be reached by water." Lord Yu pondered, "How did the cave spiders get up there? Did they get the permission of the owner of the Yangshan Islands?"

But when they inquired around Blade Port, no one heard of any monsters living on the island, except for the Yinpi.

In other words, Zhu Erniang's existence is quite secretive.

Perhaps, only the "He Island Master" knew the reason.

"What is the origin of this island owner?"

"I only know that he came by boat from the west. There were not many people around him at first, and he established his own business here."

"The Crypt Spider Queen is really good at choosing places. This island is easy to defend but difficult to attack." Right in the middle of the sea, it was inconvenient for my group to conduct reconnaissance or raids. Not to mention, there are scorpions in the water blocking the sea route, preventing outsiders from approaching the south of Longji Island.

This location is truly amazing.

"You continue to inquire about the origins of Master He Island." There is a strait between Blade Port and Yangshan Islands, so the news that reached here was second-hand. Lord Jade named two of his subordinates, "Isn't the Islands recruiting people? Go get your wages."


If you send someone to sneak in, you can find out the flight schedule of the archipelago, and maybe you can also get a way to Longji Island or the southern island.

Master Jade thought for a moment: "It's difficult to use force this time. I'm afraid the key lies with Island Master He."

If the Crypt Spider Queen had permission to move to the island, why did the island owner do this?

"He came by boat from the west?" He murmured to himself, "No one knows his origins? Doesn't the Bailielu family, who sold the island to him, also know?"


An autumn rain and a cold.

After four or five rains in three days, people on the island put on extra coats.

He Lingchuan was also feeling a little emotional while walking on Centipede Island. In October, heavy snow can fall in Blackwater City, and the capital of the Kite Kingdom is so cold that it makes people stomp their feet; but the local heat has just faded away, ushering in the coolest season of the year.

He Lingchuan devoted himself to the intense construction, inspecting one or two islands every day to see the processes and progress on the islands.

That's how business is. With a boss watching over you, but without a boss taking charge, there are two completely different efficiencies.

Other islands can only be inspected by Rongshan disciples.

Every time at this time, He Lingchuan felt that he had too few confidants and was struggling to get things done.

After all, it is no longer the time to fight alone.

He walked along the newly opened forest road. As soon as he passed several neat rows of bamboo houses, he saw several huge workshops. Yangshan Islands hires a large number of people to work on the islands, and of course they have to provide food and accommodation. In the early stage, just preparing houses, work sheds, furniture, and various items needed for daily life will keep all the craftsmen and pirates busy.

After more than a month of hard work, the entire system has been successfully launched and is running more and more smoothly.

Now there are people everywhere here. After a short period of time, there is a clear division of labor and cooperation in harvesting, moving, cleaning, cooking, fruit pressing, filtering and filling.

There are four living quarters and workshops like this on Centipede Island and a total of eighty-six on Yangshan Fourteen Islands. The number of people varies, but the amount of palm oil produced every day is very considerable, and there are also dedicated people responsible for quality inspections from time to time. Sampling testing.

There is an endless stream of new laborers and craftsmen joining the Yangshan Islands every day, ranging from forty to fifty to more than two hundred.

He Lingchuan was very lucky that he had brought Ding Zuodong with him across the ocean, otherwise he would not know who to entrust these endless troubles to.

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