After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 955 Lobbying Alliance

As for those pieces of rouge and gouache that were left behind, it was probably because the outside of the box was engraved with the words "Made in Daqing" or "For Imperial Use by Wenzhuang." "Wenzhuang" is the palace of the king of Qing Dynasty. Products with these inscriptions cannot be circulated in the market.

Wu Tiju had been prepared to lose three ships. Now that he heard that the ship was back, he felt happy.

The man named He showed mercy.

Yes, even if he takes away these three ships, they cannot be used in the Yangshan waters and Blade Port. Even if the marks on the ships are erased, the old sailor's eyes are poisonous and he will know it is Wu Tiju's ship at a glance.

In this case, He Lingchuan simply returned the ship to Wu Tiju after the incident, and only took away the cargo as punishment, leaving some room for change for both parties. This is a stick followed by a sweet date, which is both a gesture of goodwill and a warning:

If he wants the ship to sink, it will sink; if he wants the ship to float, the ship will float.

As long as Wu Tiju's ship still wants to leave the port and as long as Wu Tiju still wants to make this money, we will cooperate well with Yangshan Islands.

If everyone is in peace, everyone will make money.

What does knocking mean? Just tell the smart people: Don't be stubborn and step back, otherwise I will continue to deal with you, and there are many tricks!

The premise is smart people.

Wu Tiju relaxed, suddenly remembered something, and asked Zhao Qian urgently: "Have the memorials and letters been sent out?"

"About to be delivered to the courier."

"Bring it here."

When Zhao Qianshi found it, Wu Tiju snatched it away and tore it into pieces.

Zhao Qianshi: "..."

Wu Tiju sat down and dipped his pen in ink, re-wrote the memorandum and secret letter, sealed it and gave it to Zhao Qianshi: "Send it out."

"Yes." Zhao Qianshi was confused and didn't dare to ask, so he took it and walked out.

Wu Tiju pressed his temples and muttered: "I almost got confused."

The letter he rewrote was almost the same as the original, except that the relevant content that "Yin Hui is suspected to be controlled by Yangshan Islands" was deleted, and he only reported the matter in a straightforward manner.

He was so angry before that he actually wrote down what was in his heart, but quickly deleted it after he came to his senses.

There is no benefit in reporting this kind of thing to the superiors. The best the Qing court and Concubine Yu can do is let him find a solution, and the ball will be kicked back to him.

Why is he making things difficult for himself?


The afterglow of the setting sun shone into the jungle of Black Leaf Island.

The shack-like supply stacks had long been demolished and replaced by neat bamboo and wooden houses.

Behind the house are a series of oil pressing workshops and warehouses.

After a hard day's work, the farm workers went to the new tuck shop to buy a dime of wine and a small bag of salt-fried peanuts, and they could enjoy themselves for half the night.

After work, the beach was full of people.

At this time, more than ten strong men appeared from behind, four or five of them had several braids on the back of their heads.

Without them opening their mouths, the others had already figured it out and moved away, giving up the best position.

The first two men sat down on a long log. The young man had a scar on his face. He held up the wine gourd and handed it over: "Uncle, the guard team will start selecting people tomorrow. I heard there are a lot of people signing up."

The older man turned to the crowd on the beach and said, "It's all this kind of stuff, it's nothing to worry about."

"I found out that Master He Island has subdued three groups of pirates in the Yangshan Islands. There are at least more than 500 people, and they will also join us in the selection of the escort team tomorrow."

The older man picked up the wine gourd, took a big sip, and said in a rough voice: "Pirates are just a mob, how much loyalty can they have? Afon, you don't want to back down, do you?"

Afeng looked to the west and said: "I think we should be more cautious. At least we should find out the strength of this archipelago."

The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it’s almost dusk.

Alas, has their clan also reached the sunset? "Uncle, we can't afford to be wrong."

"How can we accomplish anything if we are timid?" His uncle grunted and spat on the sand, "The Bailong people need a safe stronghold, and this place is suitable!"

It is far away from the land but has resources, can produce food, and the place is large enough to accommodate their branch.

At this time, someone came here, also dressed as a laborer.

Several strong men were broad-shouldered and round-waisted, and they looked like they were not easy to mess with, but they did not stop him from approaching.

The man bent down next to the two men and sat on the ground: "Brother Wanqi, can you give me a drink?"

The older man threw a wine gourd to him: "Lao Yu, are you not on the island today?"

"Ah, I went to Sodin Island to help. There are more and more customers there, and there are not enough manpower, so the wages can be higher." Lao Yu shook his head and sighed, "I work hard every day until I die, and the money I earn is not enough to buy Two peanuts."

The young man threw half a bag of peanuts over: "Here you go."

When they were recruited, Lao Yu was already working on the island. He was an aborigine of Sodin Island. He knew these islands very well and provided many conveniences to his uncle and nephew.

Lao Yu deliberately curried favor with them and spoke nicely to them. After going back and forth, the two parties became familiar with each other.

"Afeng is a good man." Lao Yu took a peanut and asked the uncle and nephew, "Do you want to join the guard?"

"Yes." Everyone knows that the escorts get a lot of money.

"Your men are all strong men, I guess you will also join." Lao Yu said with a smile, "Bailong people serve as guards, what a luxury."

Neither uncle nor nephew said a word.

This is not a compliment for who they are.

Lao Yu looked around and whispered: "You are all heroes, do you want to be a guard for the Lord of He Island for the rest of your life?"

"Is this what you should say?" Wan Qifeng immediately felt something was wrong. What does an old farmer on an island care about? "who are you?"

The two strong men behind also came forward and surrounded Lao Yu in the middle.

He quickly waved his hand: "Don't do anything, don't do anything, I'm just the messenger!"

The older man sneered: "Pass a message? Are you approaching us these days just to convey a message?"

"You are Wan Qisong. If I don't get close to you first, how can you look at me?"

"Interesting." Wan Qinsong took a sip of wine, "Tell me, who asked you to come?"

"My master's surname is Lu. He knew that Mr. Wanqi had come to Blade Port and sent me to express his condolences."

"Deer?" Wan Qisong was startled, "Lord Bailie's Lu family?"


Wan Qifeng rushed to ask: "When did your master know?"

"It's been some time." Lao Yu said, "The Ya Kingdom has been oppressing the Bailong people, and Wan Qitong, the son of the clan leader, can't tolerate you, so you take these people south. It just so happens that the Yangshan Islands are recruiting people, so you're here. ”

"But when you come to this island, do you really want to be a bodyguard?"

Wan Qinsong's eyes flashed fiercely: "If there is a P, let it go! If you make more twists and turns, I will throw you into the sea."

Lao Yu was so chilled by what he saw that he secretly thought that these Bailong people were really barbaric: "The island owner named He used some disgraceful means to get the Yangshan Islands. Our host is very angry, but he doesn't want to A big fight."

Wan Qifeng pointed at him with a smile: "I heard that your Lu family thought you had taken advantage when you sold this archipelago that no one wanted. Unexpectedly, the owner of He Island developed it well, and now the miasma has disappeared. It’s gone, and the guests have arrived.”

Lao Yu was a little embarrassed: "The disappearance of the miasma is a natural problem and has nothing to do with the island owner. He is just lucky."

Wan Qisong snorted: "In other words, Bailie wants to regret it?"

This is a rhythm that will kill everyone. Lao Yu secretly complained, but on the surface he still kept a smile: "My master hopes to cooperate with the Bailong people."

Wan Qifeng sneered: "It's a joke, you have all been set up..."

Wan Qinsong raised his hand to interrupt him: "What kind of cooperation method?"

"The one named He has just captured the Yangshan Islands. His foothold is unstable and the escort team is uneven. It is best to deal with it at this time." Seeing the straightforward nature of these Bailong people, Lao Yu simply spoke openly, "You uncles and nephews Wanqi are all How can you come here to be a guard for a young boy who doesn't want to be a subordinate of the patriarch's son? I think you and my master should hit it off. "

To put it simply, these Bailong people came to the island with bad intentions. The man named He thought he was lucky to have recruited so many powerful guards, but he didn't know that all of them were murderers!

"The man surnamed Lu wants to be dignified, so let us do it?" Wan Qifeng sneered at the side, "He signed an agreement, and if he goes back on it, it will be too ugly. Besides, even if we take down the leader of He Island, how can we know that Bai Bai Aren’t you the last oriole?”

Lao Yu said seriously: "If you two are worried, the Lu family can sign an agreement with you. As long as He Lingchuan is captured, the Bailong people will want money and land!"

He then added: "Aren't you just worried about having nowhere to stay when you take people away? When you come to Yangshan Islands, you want to find a place to stay. The Lu family can provide these."

"Master He Dao regards you as guards, but the Lu family knows that you are heroes." Lao Yu smiled, "Heroes should be treated like heroes."

Wan Qinsong pondered.

Lao Yu said again: "These hundreds of men under your command are all elites and will definitely be selected into the escort team. The Yangshan Islands are not worried. They will break up the Bailong people into formations and send them to the islands for duty. You will not be together for long in the future. "Furthermore, Island Master He will recruit more and more guards, so it's not too late for you to take action."

Wan Qifeng reminded his uncle: "We will bear all the risks of the joint venture, and the Lu family will reap all the benefits?"

"Benefits? The owner of He Island is very wealthy. He bought real estate on the island and set up such a big stall without blinking an eye. How rich do you think he is?" Lao Yu said with a smile, "My owner conservatively estimates that the owner of He Island His net worth is at least over one million. If you capture him, won’t you be able to dig into a mountain of gold and silver? Do you need to worry about money from now on?”

A millionaire? Wanqi's uncle and nephew looked at each other, why are the people in Bailong so unstable and have nowhere to settle down? After all, we are still short of money. In troubled times, the lack of money is the most serious problem. If we catch this big fat sheep named He, the whole family will be rich and prosperous, and they won't have to worry about money for a long time.

"As for the money, food, weapons, and intelligence for the operation, we can provide it. By the way, my master said that the Emperor's Liquid will appear in a few days, and the archipelago will be in chaos. Do you want to seize this opportunity?" Lao Yu put a cloth on the ground. Bao, "Wealth can only be found in danger. If you don't want to take risks, you have to be a guard for the rest of your life."

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