After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 956 Wanqi Declaration

Several ships docked. Lao Yu stood up and said, "I'll leave first and come back tomorrow night. Mr. Wanqi, this is a rare opportunity. You should think twice."

Looking at his quickly leaving, Wan Qifeng shook his head: "You can't believe this man."

Wan Qisong remained silent and used a knife to open the cloth bag on the ground.

Several large ingots of silver were exposed, reflecting the thin moonlight in the sky.

The huge amount of silver appears, which is particularly convincing.

Underneath the money were two stacks of banknotes. With that face value, six hundred of them couldn't earn it even if they worked for one or two months.

work to earn a living? How can you make money by working part-time?

"Uncle?" Wan Qifeng was shocked, "You're not really convinced by him, are you?"

Wan Qisong put away the money, raised his head and took a sip of wine.

Wan Qifeng hurriedly said: "The Lu family signed an agreement with the leader of He Island, and they want to regret it when they turn back. With this kind of credit, what good fruits can we get from signing a contract with him!"

"We kill people to seize the island, and the island is ours. What does it have to do with the man named Lu?" Wan Qinsong said gruffly, "Sign a contract? Sign a contract with him! He wants to take it back, but there is no way! "

"Afeng, our people must have a foothold with rich soil and water. This place is so suitable, not far from Yaguo! We recruit troops here, and then recruit other Bailong people. Sooner or later, sooner or later, we can fight back!" "As he spoke, Wan Qi let go and gritted his steel teeth.

The geographical location of Yangshan Islands is great for them.

"The rich boy has only been here for more than a month, and nothing has taken shape yet. The best time to start is now." Wan Qinsong punched the log, "If we wait any longer, there will be many people around him and he will be powerful. It’s even harder for us to win!”

"I heard that the island owner is very capable. Just in case..."

"What if?" Wan Qinsong glared, "As long as we take him by surprise, our six hundred elites can't defeat him? We don't need to tell him more, and we don't give him a chance to make a comeback. Just kill him with one knife, and this island will become ownerless. The island, the people on the island have become ownerless people, and they are all for my use!”

"If you want to succeed, you can't look forward and backward. If you wait and wait like this, good opportunities will be wasted!" He told his nephew, "Just act as if nothing has happened these days, and do whatever you need to do. If brothers are assigned to other places, We must find a way to contact everyone on the island, and we can’t let this guy named He separate us.”


"Think about why we came!" Wan Qisong turned around and put his arms around his nephew's neck, making eye contact with him. "The Bailong people have reached the end of their rope. Only by capturing the Yangshan Islands and this base can we make a comeback. Only with hope can we have a future!”

"Look at us, look at us!" Wan Qisong beat his chest loudly, "It's just six hundred dead lives. Instead of lingering on the island and working as cattle and horses for others, it's better to give it a hard blow." ! If you win the fight, you’ll make a comeback!”

The light in his eyes soared, and he suppressed his roar at the bottom of his throat: "Can a person be unlucky all his life? We Bailong people have experienced such misery and unfair fate. Isn't it time to turn around? Afeng, tell me, tell us, are we? Should it go smoothly?"

Wan Qifeng gritted his teeth.

"Although we don't understand He Lingchuan's situation, He Lingchuan also doesn't understand ours; our footing is not stable, and He Lingchuan's footing is not stable either; we are iron-blooded warriors, and He Lingchuan seems to be somewhat capable; Afeng, we are not bullies. People, let's try it out whether we win or lose." Wan Qisong's eyes were as wide as a bell, "Look, is this fair?"

Wan Qifeng finally nodded.

The uncle's approach is indeed arbitrary, but if you want to achieve great things, you must be brave and fearless and give it a go. Only then can you seize the opportunity and rise to the top.

The Bailong people have been driven out of their own territory. Where is there any unclaimed land in the world for them to stay? Could it be that for always being under someone else's care, is this the reward for the clansmen to follow him without abandonment?

In this world, hey, if you don’t fight or grab, how can the god of fate take the initiative to favor you?

"Time is He Lingchuan's friend, but it is our enemy." Wan Qinsong stared into his eyes, "If you want to take action, you have to be quick!"

The other workers had already stayed away and could not hear their conversation.

Wan Qifeng slowly said a good word.

The two of them drank on the beach from when the sun went down to when the moon went down.

Wan Qisong just burped a few times, stood up unsteadily, turned around and walked to the shore.

All the Bailong people looked at Wan Qifeng, and when they saw him nodding, they quickly went up to support Wan Qisong and sent him back to rest.

Someone else asked: "Master Feng, when will we take action?"

Wan Qifeng said in a low voice: "You should ask the pirates first to find out how Lord He Island subdued them? It can't be that he single-handedly suppressed hundreds of people, right?"

Since you want to do it, collect information first.

"I heard that Lord Heda has monsters around him and a few capable men."

"How many versus hundreds?" Wan Qifeng glanced at them, "Do you really believe it?"


"If he has another army in his hands, it will be very dangerous for us to attack rashly." Wan Qifeng's eyes flashed, "We also need to ask what is going on with Yin Fei."

As soon as old uncle Wan Qisong heard that the island here was recruiting people, he brought everyone here. On the surface, the new island owner is young and rich, and he does look like a fresh and fat sheep; he has newly purchased the island, and his defense force is seriously insufficient. The so-called defense team is all a ragtag group, and few can fight.

But when Wan Qifeng came, he realized that the old man might be too optimistic, and there were some strange things going on here. For example, there is a legend in the island's camp that the island owner hides an army of man-eating monsters deep in the island, but when asked carefully, no one has seen it with his own eyes.

Rumors about the island owner controlling Yin Hui are also rumored one after another, and there are several versions.

The most peculiar thing is that the origin of the island owner is a mystery. No one can tell clearly where he comes from. They only know that it is the far west.

Wan Qisong's statement makes sense. If you kill the island owner, all the above problems will be non-issues.

But the key point is, is the island owner really that easy to chop?

After all, these few hundred people had just arrived and were completely unfamiliar with this area. To be a thief, you have to step on the plate. How big is the risk of working as a gunman for the Bailielu family without knowing anything about it?


Before Yin Fei made his first attack and scuttled the Baoji, He Lingchuan received a letter from Dongfang.

There is a cyan stamp on the cover with clear handwriting:

"I admire the Shan Islands, and congratulate Xiao and congratulate Lingchuan for the incarnation."

He Lingchuan tapped his fingertips on the envelope a few times, as if thinking, and then said to Wang Fubao behind him:

"Call Min Tianxi over."

Min Tianxi was called down from the card table.

He was lucky and was about to put all the rewards from the last treasure hunt in Shipwreck Bay at once when He Lingchuan's order came.

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