After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 966 News from the God Realm

It sounds easy, but He Lingchuan would not agree immediately: "Are there gods already settled on those two islands?"

Only when there is a temple can there be believers. This little god is quite enterprising.

"Yes. But the power is not strong." Shi Nan replied, "One of the gods has died recently. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I will go there to build a temple."

It turned out to be a land grab. He Lingchuan thought for a while: "I can build the temple, but you have to do the later maintenance yourself. I will not be stationed in this archipelago permanently."

There was no objection to the explanation, and then he said: "In addition to the two emperor oozes that will come in half a month - three months to three and a half months, there will be three emperor oozes! One of them is quite abundant, We can’t rule out that there will be two games coming one after another.”

"So often?" He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat.

Either not losing for sixty years, or losing twice in three years. It's good now, there will be five shows in half a year!

The frequent appearances of emperor oozes in the world can only mean that the divine world is in turmoil and the gods are dying one after another.

OK, great thing.

Shi Nan said as expected: "The divine world has been a bit turbulent recently."

Just a little? "tell me the story?"

The old woman grinned at He Lingchuan. There were only a few teeth left in her mouth, and the rest were empty. This smile was a bit weird.

"Why are you interested?"

"Who is not interested in the secrets of the God Realm?" He Lingchuan said sternly, "The death of the emperor means the death of the gods. Are these turmoils related to the Tiangong Incident that happened in Bejia last year?"

Shi Nan smiled and said, "Yes, that's an important reason."

But it refused to say much. It had not yet let down its guard against He Lingchuan.

The bilateral relationship is still in the exploratory stage. Both sides talk the talk but are wary of stabbing each other in the back.

He Lingchuan's brows moved slightly.

A wise person listens to what is said and understands the meaning behind the words.

When Shi Nan said this, he understood:

The Tiangong Incident is only one of the reasons, not all, or even the main reason.

So what is the real cause of the turmoil in the divine world?

He avoided answering the question.

He Lingchuan wrote down this incident and decided to test it again in the future.

"Let's talk about Nai Luotian." Shi Nan hesitated for a while before speaking, "There has been a little unreliable rumor in the God Realm recently. Nai Luotian seems to have something wrong with him."

"In what way?" Only He Lingchuan knew that Nai Luotian's clone had not returned, but had become a small tree in a large square pot. But the power of the gods, especially the power of the true gods, is so vast that even the loss of one clone should not be an unbearable loss.

It's like the difference between having a large piece of flesh cut out and having a leg broken directly.

Therefore, He Lingchuan believes that there is something else to explain.

"Then how can we know for sure? It won't be stated clearly." Shi Nan whispered, "But he was absent from an extremely important joint meeting between Lingxu and the gods. I haven't heard the reason until now. "

He Lingchuan's eyes flashed slightly, and he interrupted: "Are you participating?"

"No." The boy is rude! Shi Nan was a little unhappy, "Do you still want to hear it?"

"If you think so, please tell me." He Lingchuan smiled. Is it because I don’t have a high enough level to solve the problem and am not qualified to attend?

"Also, he has been in seclusion recently and has temporarily declined appointments with several righteous gods. This is rare, very rare."

"That's it?" He Lingchuan was disappointed. "The signs are not obvious. Isn't the inference too far-fetched? Maybe it tells its own fortune behind closed doors."

"The world of gods has not been so turbulent for a long time. As a righteous god, he still... actually chose to be absent and in retreat at this time!" Shi Nan coughed lightly, "With Nai Luotian's temperament, he would not do this without any reason."

still……? then what?

He Lingchuan felt that the important content was what was left unsaid.

Shi Nan asked him again: "How should I contact you later?"

He Lingchuan said: "I will find you again in two months."

He still couldn't let Shi Nan control his whereabouts.

The deal is over and I leave.

The old woman lay on the ground and murmured a prayer again, not even knowing that the gods had visited her.

He Lingchuan obtained the information about Emperor Liujian and left with satisfaction, not forgetting to open the doors and windows of the temple.

Taking out this precious information, all he needed to solve the problem was to build two temples for himself and find a dragon torture pillar. It sounds like the transaction is not equal. In fact, the execution of Dragon Pillar cost nothing to He Lingchuan. Building the temple is just a matter of a few bricks and a few tiles and a small amount of money. Collecting a few gossips and a piece of information from the God Realm is very important for solving the problem. In other words, it doesn’t take much effort at this stage.

Only when both sides gain something, and both sides' efforts are within an acceptable range, can this strange "friendship" between humans and gods be maintained.

However, due to the god's urinary nature, he did not make too many demands and already expressed his sincerity for further contact.

Establish a relationship, and then there will be a steady flow of business. He Lingchuan also knew this well.

The first time he was alive, the second time he was familiar with it. The next time he came again, he and Shi Nan would have more formal communication.

He needs news from the God Realm so much, so a greedy and ambitious little god is the best choice at the moment.

As for the construction of the temple, he entrusted it to Fang Canran when he returned to Platinum Island.

When the latter heard this, he only said two words:


So He Lingchuan understood that Lingshan also had some influence in this area.


Yangshan Islands, Gubang Reef.

Although it is said to be a reef, the area of ​​this island is actually quite small, but its shape is a bit like a bone stick, narrow in the middle and large at both ends.

The Disha Yin Vein Rift closest to the northern route of the Yangshan Islands is on this island.

On this starry night with a clear sky, a flying fox took advantage of the wind and flew over the Bone Stick Reef. It circled twice, as if to determine its position, and then slowly landed.

The landing point it chose was in the depression on the side of the island. It was full of broken rocks. It was unknown how deep it went into the ground.

It's just after midnight tonight, and it stands to reason that the earth is spewing out, but the whole island is clean and there is no gray fog causing trouble.

There are many pits under the reef, and the flying fox searched for a few before finding its target:

Under the white flat rock, there is a dark crack.

The crack is not big and short, and one has to squat down to see it.

But this had no effect on the flying fox. It tested the crack for a while to confirm that there was no evil spirit coming out of the shadow, and then cautiously climbed in.

Only a few insiders know that this is the crack in the ground of the Disha Yin Vein!

There are only seven such cracks in the entire Yangshan Islands. But the strong earth evil they emerge can turn most islands into no man's land.

The flying fox came here on a mission and wanted to see what could suppress or absorb the earth evil spirit so that it would no longer pervade the archipelago.

In the past, it would fly to Longji Island on sunny days to find some fruits to eat, so it was quite familiar with evil spirits. But it was also extremely cautious when crawling into this crack in the ground, taking two steps forward and two steps back, ready to evacuate at any time.

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