After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 967 Discovering clues

But it finally climbed in.

There was silence all around, except for the waves crashing on the rocks. Two little crabs came ashore and stood fighting in the stone nest.

After the evil spirit disappeared from here, more and more small creatures visited Bone Stick Reef.

This is just a microcosm of the current situation in the northern and eastern North Islands of Yangshan Islands.

Suddenly a scream broke the tranquility on the shore, and the flying fox hurriedly crawled out of the cave, fluttering its wings and ready to fly.

The two crabs were so frightened that they hid under the stone.

But it was only a foot off the ground when a handful of white silk suddenly shot out from the cracks in the pitch-black ground, accurately sticking to the flying fox and pulling it down!

The fox bat struggled desperately, but its strength was not as strong as the other's.

As soon as it landed, a spider suddenly jumped out of the cracks in the ground and sprayed a few more mouthfuls of spider silk at it.

This thing crawled out of the crack in the ground and stretched out its eight legs. It was as tall as a pony. The flying fox was no match for it, and its lower half was rolled into a squirming cocoon.

The burrowing spider looked around and found nothing unusual, so it dragged its prey back into the darkness little by little.


As soon as he returned to the Yangshan Islands, Dong Rui hurried back to his own island with the newly acquired supplies, the experimental materials that He Lingchuan spent 80,000 silver to buy for him.

He has many new ideas and is eager to test them out.

He Lingchuan and Min Tianxi continued to sail to Centipede Island.

He has chosen Centipede Island as his residence. On the one hand, this island is small and relatively quiet; on the other hand, it is right in the center of the Fourteen Islands, so it is close to everywhere.

How dare Ding Zuodong be careless about the island owner's residence? In the past, he wanted to hire the best craftsmen within a hundred miles, but He Lingchuan only said that he could just build a few wooden houses. Money, energy and time should be spent wisely, and his personal enjoyment can be postponed.

Even after living in the wooden house in Panlong City for so long, he didn't feel any discomfort.

While he was out for the past few days, Ding Zuodong ordered someone to paint his new residence. When He Lingchuan walked in, there was fresh woody fragrance everywhere.

Ding Zuodong did not dare to disobey his employer, so he only ordered someone to build him a courtyard house with two entrances. The building materials are basically taken from Centipede Island, which is spacious, sturdy and has an island style.

It can be added later.

He Lingchuan shaved and took a comfortable hot bath for the first time in his new home to wash away the fatigue of the past few days.

Then he fell asleep.

He kept squinting for half an hour, and when he woke up, the water was cold.

He got up, wrung himself out, changed his clothes, and went out to see Ding Zuodong and others waiting in the living room, talking and laughing.

Ever since the Yangshan Islands became He Lingchuan's property, they hadn't been so relaxed for a long time.

He Lingchuan could tell from their expressions that everyone was in a good mood.

Seeing He Lingchuan coming out, everyone immediately stood up. Ding Zuodong rubbed his hands and said: "My boss, the permit for Blade Port has been obtained!"

"Oh? Wu Ti was weak?"

Everyone laughed.

"It's soft. All the licenses we need to apply for in Blade Port, including palm oil, medicinal materials, aquatic products, spider silk, fruits and vegetables, etc., have all been obtained, and several blank ones have been reserved! All shops have also been allowed to open. The facilities in the store have passed the inspection, and no one will cause trouble later.”

He Lingchuan said "good" three times in a row.

Although this result was expected by him, he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it with his own ears.

Bailie Lujia and Wu Tiju teamed up to scheme against him and make things difficult for him. If it had been another merchant, he would have been dead, right? Fortunately, he has many cards in his hand and can counterattack an entire army.

In this round, the Lu family's father and son's moves failed, and He Lingchuan didn't bother to deal with them. Let's just call it a draw.

Later, he will get his money back with interest.

"Also, Wu Tiju's ship is already on our prescribed route." Ding Zuodong didn't want to be overjoyed, but he also wanted to be reserved, but he just couldn't help it - he was too frustrated by the Lu family's recent tricks. "The sailors on Wu Tiju's ship are telling everyone that the Wu family has a safe route from us to avoid the scorpions! In the past few days, the number of ships passing through Sodin Island has increased several times!"

As long as Wu Tiju continues to stand, and as long as the production, management, and sales of Yangshan Islands can form a virtuous cycle, He Lingchuan will have a firm foothold and can start the next plan.

"Is the supply depot business ready?"

"Okay!" Renee smoothed her long braid and answered resoundingly, "There were suddenly more people coming to the island, and the food prepared by the supply depot was not enough. Lao Zhao, who was in charge of the kitchen, told me that we could have sold it for a day The aphid cakes are now sold out in one morning.”

"Send more manpower and provide better service."

"Okay, it's already being done." Renee's face was red. The supply depot on Sodin Island came into the account, which is where she got the money.

He Lingchuan turned to Qiu Hu and asked, "How is the training going for the newcomers?"

More than 4,000 people signed up for the Yangshan Guards. When He Lingchuan returned from Platinum Island, the screening process was over. Even though He Lingchuan repeatedly asked Qiu Hu to lower his standards, only 500 of the 1,800 migrant workers who signed up were hired.

The total number of guard members finally confirmed was more than 1,500, and the elimination rate was not low.

This was also expected by He Lingchuan. Being able to farm does not mean you can enlist in the army.

"The foundation of the pirates is relatively good, and the people of the Bailong tribe are also very good. Several female soldiers are better at swordsmanship than men. Most of the children of farmers and workers have no basic skills and have to teach them from scratch." Qiu Hu reported, "I will teach the brothers Make up instructors and teach more than a hundred students each."

"Unification started by teaching basic mental techniques and martial arts. The newcomers all found it fresh and their enthusiasm has been high in the past two days."

Like the Panlong Army and the Yuheng Army, He Lingchuan also asked the Yangshan Guards to learn basic mental techniques, but the range of available mental techniques was narrowed from five to three: two from Panlong City, and one from Rong. Mountain Heart Method.

He compiled relevant teaching materials on his way back to Platinum Island and distributed them after returning to his own territory.

He spent five days sailing back and forth and wrote for five days.

This matter is more difficult than imagined. The difficulty lies in making it easy to understand, because most of the recruits recruited cannot even write their own names.

At that time, someone will have to explain it.

Rongshan disciples have been practicing for a long time and will not change their basic mental methods, but they can understand the teaching materials at a glance and can also teach newcomers.

This is also an important gimmick for Yangshan Islands to recruit new people. No matter how basic the basic mental skills are, civilians cannot learn them unless they join the army or a Taoist sect.

In troubled times, who doesn’t want to have force by his side? This is also a safety guarantee for yourself and your family.

Renee smiled and said: "Then you are the head coach?"

Qiu Hu scratched his head, yes.

"Training must be strict, rewards and punishments must be clear, food must be favorable, and wages must be paid on time." He Lingchuan only gave him five requirements. "In addition, don't let them form gangs."

"Both the pirates and the Bailong people have a large base, so it's difficult to break them up and mix them up." Qiu Hu said in a deep voice, "I will pay attention to it."

"The recruitment and training of the escort team will be the top priority of the Yangshan Islands from now on. Others must also cooperate with you." He Lingchuan said solemnly, "Hurry up and train a good team for me! After these few days, I will I will go to the military to check the progress.”


Qiu Hu knew very well that He Lingchuan valued the escort team more than his own business.

Wealth is a curse if not protected by force.

What's more, he vaguely felt that He Lingchuan's goal was far more than that, far beyond the Yangshan Islands.

Time is running out to practice martial arts and build a strong army.

Renee hesitated to speak.

He Lingchuan looked around and did not ignore her little movements: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Maybe I'm meddling, but..." Reni glanced at Qiu Hu, "Six hundred Bailong people have joined the escort team, right?"

Qiu Hu nodded: "Yes."

These Bailong people themselves were tribal warriors and had gone to the battlefield and killed people. Even though a few of them were injured and had not yet recovered, they could easily defeat ordinary people.

Screening people on the battlefield is always the most ruthless.

"But there are only a dozen or so of their family members living on the island. At least, only a dozen of them came to me to report. I only saw a few Bailong children playing in the camp, and they never showed up again."

Renee manages the island's agricultural labor. In order, new employees usually have to report to her to facilitate future management. "Many of the workers we recruit are alone, but most of them come with their families. After all, it is inconvenient to enter and exit the island. The men do hard work, while the women, children and the elderly squeeze fruits, clean, cook, and wash clothes. In this way, the whole family makes money together, and half of them Don’t miss the copper plate either.”

Everyone was silent, what Reni said was true. The family is the basic unit of productivity.

Renee continued: "Even the original pirates, the island owner asked them to move their families to the island. In many cases, the entire village moved to the island together. Didn't these hundreds of Bailong people move south with their families? ?”

Living on the islands with your family, whether pirates or farmers, will become more attached to the islands, have a greater sense of belonging, and be more willing to work hard for them. This is also He Lingchuan's purpose.

On the other hand, what kind of people go to the island to work for the union purposely without their families, or do they sign up together with hundreds of strong men?

There are countless chores on the island, and He Lingchuan's subordinates have their own responsibilities.

Qiu Hu is in charge of military affairs, and Reni is in charge of labor affairs. When everyone is sweeping the snow in front of the door, there are many gaps that can be exploited, and there are many loopholes that are easily overlooked.

When Renee brought it up, everyone felt something was wrong.

Min Tianxi even said: "The people of Yaguo are violent and aggressive, and they may not have good intentions."

He Lingchuan hummed: "It doesn't matter, it's because we need people urgently. How did we recruit these 600 Bailong people?"

The initial recruitment of Yangshan Islands coincided with the palm harvesting season. The more the merrier, the more the merrier. As long as one person can do the job, he has no qualifications to strive for excellence, so he does not blame everyone.

Qiu Hu immediately said: "For many years in the past, the Bailong tribe has been supported by the Mou State. Therefore, after the establishment of the Ya State, it began to liquidate and suppress their tribe. The Bailong tribe leader raised troops to rebel, but the news was leaked and he was suppressed by the Ya State in advance. .The clan leader died, and the Bailong clan was driven out of Ya Kingdom."

The news about neighbors can easily spread to Qingguo and Bailie. Blade Port is home to a large number of merchants and goods, and it is also a transfer station for nearby news.

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