After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 969 Sell it to me

He Lingchuan tapped his fingers on the table twice: "This 'other person' is so kind."

Ding Zuodong lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Others believed that he had set a trap and were waiting for He Lingchuan to make a mistake.

Is it the Asan Chamber of Commerce that wants to plot against them, or...?

He Lingchuan snorted: "It's no wonder the Bailie River is in decline."

In the second round, the Lu family's father and son still used a combination of punches, hoping to interrupt his financial chain in the shortest possible time.

He Lingchuan's response is actually very simple:

As long as the Yangshan Islands are profitable and on the right track, the delusions of the Lu family and his son can only be shattered.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield. It is easy to hide from open guns, but difficult to guard against hidden arrows. It was also a good time to use these trivial, ubiquitous traps and mines to train his own internal affairs team.

Both internal affairs and foreign military affairs require training.

Otherwise, as the territory expands and the population increases in the future, governance will become more difficult.

Ding Zuodong, Renee and others are smart, brilliant and passionate, but they have never been in high positions or participated in high-end business wars. Only through practice and practical lessons can they have the opportunity to stand out, become the backbone of the team, and become extraordinary in the eyes of others.

Otherwise, they will always be just stewards of second-rate families and small self-employed people in the supply stack.

How many people have unrecognized talents, and all they need is an opportunity.

Of course, He Lingchuan also knew that the internal affairs team needed to expand, because the development of Yangshan Islands would definitely usher in an explosive period, because he would definitely collect Bailie in the future, and even...

So he needs talents in all aspects. If you can't recruit them at the moment, just select and train them yourself first.

At the end of the conversation in the hall, an egret flew from the sky, landed on the wall of He Lingchuan's courtyard, and shouted:

"There is a greeting card! There is a greeting card!"

This bird is all white, with no trace of color except for its sharp beak and long legs. It walks extremely gracefully on the beach, but when it opens its mouth, it loses its power and its voice is as rough and unpleasant as a crow.

Lingguang quickly jumped over to receive the package.

After the evil spirits subsided, birds began to settle in the Yangshan Islands. Among them, egrets were the most numerous. They stood densely on the trees, as if a winter snow had fallen.

He Lingchuan appointed Egret as the courier between the islands, and the speed of communication was very fast.

The gilded greeting card is very exquisite, and there are light cloud patterns on the surface.

He opened it and took a look, then his expression became solemn.

Qiu Hu asked: "Lord?"

"Bejia is here." He Lingchuan put down the greeting card, "I have been waiting for them for a long time, and they are finally here!"

This time Bega's visitor was serious about landing on the island to pay his respects, so the first stop was Sodin Island.

He Lingchuan rushed to Sodin Island, and his destination was not the supply stack, but the small hot spring building at the back.

This hot spring hotel is one of the first buildings to be built on the island. It is currently small in scale, with ten springs and twenty-seven or eight guest rooms.

Of course it will be expanded in the future. Due to price issues, the occupancy rate of the hot springs is not high now.

Bega's guests are certainly eligible to stay here.

Nuanxiangzhai is the largest teahouse among the hot spring buildings. It has three floors, each with a large area. A single floor can accommodate more than 20 tables.

But there are fewer tea tables on the first floor, because a space has been cleared under the storytelling table and there is a huge backgammon board.

It covers an area of ​​at least thirteen or four square meters, and the mountains and rivers are so beautifully engraved that adults can stand directly on it.

The backgammon pieces are called "horses" and look like bowling pins. Naturally, this oversized chessboard comes with oversized chess pieces, with the black and white horses standing at waist level.

Backgammon is popular in Bejia and Mou. It is unknown where this chess skill was passed down from. Everyone from nobles to common people likes to use it to pass the time.

He Lingchuan made many friends in Bejia, and backgammon was indispensable when gathering together to play.

The rules are simple but flexible, and both brain and luck are indispensable.

The hot spring resort will provide guests with various entertainments, and playing chess is certainly one of them.

However, this is the first time for all the tourists staying at the hot spring resort to see such a huge and domineering backgammon. Anyone who comes to take a look at it will be amazed.

He Lingchuan comes from a world that likes to build huge projects. He specially hired craftsmen to create such an eye-catching scene of Nuanxiangzhai, hoping to leave a deep impression on all the guests who come and go.

But the giant chessboard on the ground floor is not all a gimmick, it actually works.

Those who want to play chess have to step onto the chessboard and move the pieces themselves.

This step is called "entering the game".

Chess players need to really go in.

Moreover, the chessboard pieces are so big that guests on the second and third floors can clearly see the game going on downstairs.

This makes it convenient for everyone to watch the masters play chess.

It was still early, and there were six or seven people in the hall, but He Lingchuan could see at a glance that the guests coming out of the window had different temperaments.

There were three guests, but only one was sitting drinking tea, and the other two were standing behind him.

There is a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority.

He Lingchuan crossed the threshold and the other party was still serving tea and sipping without even raising his eyes.

Is this the real master? He Lingchuan did not worry, sat down on his own, and said with a smile: "A rare guest. Should I call you Mr. Yu, or Captain Jade?"

The invitation he just received was signed as "Yu Zecheng", the captain of Yunqi of Bejia Black Tiger Army.

This man is about thirty years old, with a long face, broad shoulders, a strong body, and dark skin. He Lingchuan could tell at a glance that this man was battle-hardened.

That kind of iron-blooded taste can only be cultivated on the battlefield.

Yu Zecheng then raised his head and glanced at He Lingchuan, slightly startled, as if he also felt the military aura from him:

"Anyone can do that. Have you ever fought in a war?"


"Where? When?"

Wang Fubao, who was standing behind He Lingchuan, frowned secretly. As soon as he came up, he asked the host, "How can there be such a guest?"

Taking over the host.

However, the opponent was Bega's general. The word "Bejia" is almost a golden sign in places outside Mou State, and it is the capital of going sideways.

The maid from Nuanxiangzhai also brought hot tea. He Lingchuan took it casually, opened the lid and skimmed off the foam on it, while answering casually:

"Home, a few years ago."

His attitude was gentle but not flattering, and he did not have the fear of facing Bejia Shangguo. He seemed to be just chatting with others.

Yu Zecheng asked again: "Where is your hometown?"

"Fu Country."

Yu Zecheng seemed a little surprised: "Can Fu country have a person like you?"

"People from Fu country love to do business wherever they go." He Lingchuan said leisurely, "Didn't you just come ashore from my business inn?"

Yu Zecheng frowned, knowing that he had nodded at him. This was his island master's territory.

"I heard that you just bought the Yangshan Islands."

"Yes, this is a treasure of Feng Shui. When I passed by it, I didn't want to leave. I just decided to take over and run it."

Yu Zecheng asked again: "How much did it cost?"

"Mr. Yu must have 'heard' it too."

"The price of 80,000 taels?" When the Bega people inquired about the price at Blade Port, they also found it incredible. They thought the rumors were wrong, "Bailie must have been very embarrassed at the time."

He Lingchuan took a sip of tea: "Who says it's not the case?"

At that time, the Lu family and his son were in a hurry to raise money and food to support Mou State, and He Lingchuan took advantage of it; now, even if the price doubled, they probably wouldn't be able to buy it.

"I also think this place is very good." Yu Zecheng said seriously, "How about the island owner sells it to me?"

"Oh?" This move was beyond He Lingchuan's expectation, and he laughed out loud the next second, "Mr. Yu is really good at joking!"

"I rarely joke." Yu Zecheng continued, "How much does the island owner of this archipelago need to pay to give up his love? Three hundred thousand taels?"

"Most of the islands here are barren, which means the scenery is good and the seafood is fresh." He Lingchuan asked with a smile, "Why did Mr. Yu buy these islands?"

"Same as you."

He Lingchuan shook his head: "How is that possible? I want to live here for a long time."

His goal in buying the Yangshan Islands is something that no one can fully understand. If Yu’s purpose is similar to his, it’s probably due to impure motives, right?

"Fifty thousand taels?"

"Mr. Yu is funny." He Lingchuan asked the maid to refill Yu Zecheng's tea, "You went out to fight and you brought so much money with you?"

Bega's Black Tiger Army is an elite army active on the front line of the battle against Mou. The person named Yu had to take some risks by going around to the rear of Mou State.

"Money is with you to eliminate disasters." Yu Zecheng continued to bid, "One million taels."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "If I keep refusing to nod, will Mr. Yu get five million taels?"

Yu Zecheng's eyes flashed: "Five million taels can buy ten islands like this. Why doesn't the owner of He Island refuse to sell?"

He Lingchuan met his eyes: "Five million taels can buy ten of these islands. Why does Mr. Yu have to buy Yangshan? As far as I know, there are several islands to the east, and the area is no larger than Yangshan." Shan is smaller, and the conditions are no worse than Yangshan. Their owners must be happy to sell them at this price.”

Yu Zecheng looked at him steadily, his eyes like blades.

He Lingchuan looked calm and did not shy away.

After a while, Yu Zecheng suddenly changed his topic: "How is the hot spring here?"

"It's very good." He Lingchuan suddenly became energetic. He didn't say any polite words about the distinguished guests coming from far away and the beautiful walls. He only said that the seawater hot springs here are particularly comfortable and can relieve fatigue after a long soak. Even long-distance travelers praised it. Absolutely.

"Then I want to try it later." Yu Zecheng seemed to feel relaxed and happy, and even had a smile on his face, and the next sentence was, "Is there a giant spider demon living on your islands?"

Wang Fubao on the side thought to himself:


These Bega people finally got to the point.

But the turn is a bit sharp, and it's easy for people to get sidetracked and miss the conversation.

Yu Zecheng always observed He Lingchuan's expression and would not miss any subtle changes.

He Lingchuan was obviously stunned, and then asked: "Pig demon?"

After saying that, he stretched out the index and middle fingers of both hands and shook them, simulating four legs.

"It's not a pig." Yu Zecheng had to explain, "Spider."

He Lingchuan let out a long "Oh": "Spider demon——"

"——Yes, there are spider monsters, and they live on one of the islands."

Yu Zecheng was a little surprised when the answer was given so simply. He was originally prepared for He Lingchuan to deny it, and he also thought of countermeasures.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not cover up or lie, so he admitted it so openly.

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