Yu Zecheng's heart sank slightly, because this also showed that the other party would be more difficult to deal with than expected.

He Lingchuan looked curious: "How did Mr. Yu know?"

Pansi Island is a forbidden area where strangers are not allowed to approach. Only special ships carrying cargo can approach it. These Bejia people came directly to He Lingchuan to confirm that Zhu Erniang was in the archipelago.

The waterway is not easy to travel, so it is nothing more than an empty road.

"With such a big spider monster and so many heirs, how can it go without attracting attention?" Yu Zecheng said meaningfully, "You can't hide it."

He Lingchuan sighed: "Mr. Yu is joking. The spider demon came to the island and stayed on the island openly. How can you say it is hidden or not? Look at our Sodin Island. There are so many tourists coming ashore to stay every day. How can we say it is hidden? Human?"

Zhu Erniang is on his island, and the burrowing spider's products are still being sold out. This is a fact, and we must admit it sooner or later.

I want to push it, can I push it away?

I want to delay, but can I?

Hearing the words "upright and fair", Yu Zecheng's eyes narrowed: "In other words, the spider demon's visit to the island was approved by the owner of He Island?"

The threatening meaning of these words is already very strong.

"As Mr. Yu said, with such a big spider demon and so many offspring, how could I not know if it lived on the island privately?" He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Besides, how could Zhu Erniang have such a big face and not pass by my island? Trespassing into forbidden areas with the Lord’s permission?”

Who is he mocking for trespassing in forbidden territory? After Yu Zecheng, the expressions of several Bejia people changed.

Seeing that this kid was out of luck and still scolding people even though he understood clearly, Yu Zecheng put down the cup of tea and said: "He Island Master, let me make it clear. Zhu Erniang is a wanted criminal for whom Bejia has offered a reward, and she is also the second most felonious criminal on the Heavenly List. ! We chased it all the way, but it escaped to your island."

Since the opponent doesn't understand, he has to be rough in his play and reveal his cards directly.

He Lingchuan was shocked: "Zhu Erniang, a wanted criminal? No way?!"

He looked shocked and leaned forward: "What heinous crime did it commit before it was designated as a Heavenly Ranking...?"

"Set the Star Reaching Tower on fire and steal the secret treasure of the Heavenly Palace." Yu Zecheng was very reluctant to reveal the crime. After all, it was Bejia's scar.

"Arson? Stealing?" He Lingchuan thought attentively, "Is Zhu Erniang so capable? What treasure did it steal?"

Yu Zecheng said lightly: "It's not enough to explain to outsiders."

He Lingchuan looked at the group of people and suddenly asked: "Mr. Yu, do you have Bejia's tokens or official badges?"

Yu Zecheng took out the black token from his arms and spread it in front of him.

The token glowed faintly, and the writing on it was clearly visible.

After checking his body, He Lingchuan showed hesitation and sighed: "Oh, this is difficult to handle."

"What's the problem with Island Master He?"

"Zhu Erniang saved my life before, and I had to repay the favor, so I let it come to live on my island." He Lingchuan shook his head, "It just moved here, and I promised that it can live and work here in peace and contentment. Now Mr. Yu says that it is Fugitive, if you want me to drive him out, this is really difficult for me. "

Whether there is any affection between him and Zhu Erniang, Yu Zecheng cannot verify and is not interested: "He Island Master, Zhu Erniang committed a crime in Lingxu City, but he had an accomplice. If you cover it up like this, be careful not to be regarded as someone who brought trouble to Lingxu City. The same party made Bejia dissatisfied."

He Lingchuan quickly put down the tea cup and waved his hands: "Oh, I can't afford it. This crime is too scary. I can't bear it."

He sighed: "I think there may be some misunderstanding. So, have Mr. Yu and Zhu Erniang ever had a good conversation?"

"What do you mean by congratulating the island master?"

"How about I mediate and be the peacemaker for a while?" He Lingchuan suggested, "You two will meet and sit down to have a good talk. If it is a misunderstanding, then it will be fine if we can talk it out."

His face was full of sincerity, and Yu Zecheng couldn't tell whether he was sincere or fake.

"Where to talk?"

"If Mr. Yu agrees, I will ask Zhu Erniang for her opinion." He Lingchuan said, "How about we make an appointment to meet at a suitable place?"

Yu Zecheng looked at him for a long time, thoughtfully.

His eyes were like daggers, and others would inevitably feel frightened when they were stared at by him like this, but the smile on He Lingchuan's face was filled with sincerity, without any compromise.

Finally, Yu Zecheng nodded slowly: "Okay."

He Lingchuan breathed a sigh of relief and gave a thumbs up: "Mr. Yu is knowledgeable!"

However, Yu Zecheng's interest has shifted to He Lingchuan: "Has Island Master He ever been to Bejia?"

"I've been there. It's a powerful country that's rare in the world. What if I don't go there and open my eyes?"

"What about Lingxu City?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Bejia has gone, how can we not go to Lingxu City? If you want to visit Bejia, you can't go around Lingxu City."

Yu Zecheng also smiled: "When did you go?"

Wang Fubao felt that this man's smile seemed to be poisoned and full of evil intentions.

He Lingchuan seemed unaware and casually replied: "Last year."

"Oh, such a coincidence?" Yu Zecheng's eyes narrowed slightly, "Zhu Erniang also made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace last year."

He Lingchuan hurriedly said: "Mr. Yu, please don't say that. Those who can burn down the Heavenly Palace are definitely not ordinary people. They must have both ability and deep hatred, right? I went to Lingxu City just to broaden my horizons and increase my knowledge. Foreign wanderers like me , Lingxu City is everywhere, what kind of trouble can we make?"

He has neither motive nor strength, these two points are also his protective umbrella.

He lowered his voice again: "Hasn't God found this person yet?"

Seeing the gossipy expression on his face, Yu Zecheng smiled half-heartedly: "Master He, where did you live and study when you were in Lingxu City?"

Ordinary people would be terrified if they were questioned like this by him.

He Lingchuan counted on his fingers: "First it was the Chengnan Post House. Then the Chengnan Post House exploded, so I moved to Panshan House. Unexpectedly, Panshan House was also burned down by a fire, so I went, went Already..."

What's the name of that big, gorgeous villa with a small lake where you can go boating?

The mirror in my arms reminds: "Pianxiang Villa!"

"Oh yes, Pian Xiang Villa!"

When Yu Zecheng heard "Pianxiang Villa", he felt it sounded familiar, but he didn't remember where it was. But the explosion at the Chengnan Posthouse in Lingxu City last year was related to another major event: "When the elixir case happened, were you also living in the Chengnan Posthouse?"

"Yes, it almost blew me up!" He Lingchuan was still frightened. "Thankfully I hadn't entered the house yet, otherwise it would have been everywhere."

Yu Zecheng's eyes flickered: "Is Pianxiang Villa located in...?"

"On Qilin Mountain, I heard that it used to be the old residence of the criminal minister Chunyu's family."

Qilin Mountain is the core area of ​​Lingxu Lower City. How could a mere foreigner afford to live in such a place?

What is the origin of this boy named He? Yu Zecheng felt that the details seemed to be getting more and more complicated.

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