After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 971 Meeting and Mediation

He Lingchuan continued: "The emperor later gave it to the prince of Chiyan Kingdom because Prince Lingxu accidentally burned it..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Zecheng said, "Pan Shanzhai!"

He remembered! In the case of the elixir that caused a sensation in Lingxu City last year, Prince Lingxu actually broke into the private residence of the Prince of Chiyan State, murdered and set fire to it, just to vent his anger on Mrs. Cen!

The words "accidentally" are simply too ironic.

The king of Chiyan was furious and wrote to the emperor asking for an explanation.

Chengnan Inn, Pan Shanzhai, Pianxiang Villa, these places are all related to Prince Chiyan and the immortal medicine case!

Yu Zecheng looked at the young man in front of him with strange eyes: "Wait a minute, you don't have anything to do with the elixir case, do you?"

He Lingchuan sighed with emotion: "I really hope not. It's a pity that I was entrusted by Prince Chiyan to investigate the case of the missing courier. I didn't expect it to be so involved at the time, otherwise I would definitely not accept this entrustment."

Yu Zecheng was finally shocked and lost his voice: "Are you the special envoy of Chiyan at that time? Are you He..."

By the way, this guy’s surname is He!

He Lingchuan scratched his head: "My name was He Xiao at that time."

The Bejia people behind Yu Zecheng also looked at each other in disbelief. They actually met the once famous figure in Lingxu City in a little-known archipelago at a corner of the sea?

Before last year's sudden change in Tiangong, the most popular name in Lingxu City, besides Prince Fu Shanyue of Chiyan, was the special envoy of Chiyan, He Xiao.

When the case of the immortal medicine happened, even the Prince of Chiyan was defeated everywhere in Lingxu City. However, as a key figure in the early investigation, He Xiao was at the center of the most dangerous whirlpool. He was indeed in danger frequently, but in the end it seemed that nothing happened.

This result is actually beyond many people's expectations.

He Lingchuan continued: "I have been in Lingxu City for several months and have not seen Mr. Yu."

"One month before the elixir case occurred, I was transferred to the eastern front and had no chance to meet you." Yu Zecheng was a little curious, "Many people thought that you returned to Chiyan to serve as an official. How did you end up in a remote place thousands of miles away?" place?"

"Prince Chiyan sincerely invites you, but I am a wandering person with a home all over the world, so I cannot be an official." He Lingchuan could notice that as soon as he revealed his former identity, Yu Zecheng and others looked at him differently, and their attitude was different. He also restrained himself and stopped being domineering.

Those who can wallow in the maelstrom of the imperial capital and survive the multi-faceted games between Qingyang Imperial Master, Shuangye Imperial Master, the emperor and the gods must be no ordinary person!

Respect is earned by oneself, and He Xiao deserves to be treated differently by Yu Zecheng.

"Besides, I have been through the elixir case and survived several times, and I don't like officialdom anymore." He Lingchuan sighed, "It's better to be far away from the world and be free and easy."

Yu Zecheng was silent for a while before saying, "He Xiao can see clearly."

He himself was an official in the court, so how could he not know that official circles were like flies and dogs? I was deeply touched by He Lingchuan's words. Unfortunately, there are not many people who can escape, and he is not one of them.

At this time, the maid brought sweet soup, and each of them placed a bowl in front of them.

He Lingchuan raised the small bowl and said, "Instead of wine, I'd like to drink soup for Mr. Yu."

Yu Zecheng smiled, raised the bowl in greeting, and then took a mouthful to taste:

"Not bad, sweet."

"This is sweet-scented osmanthus and taro seedlings." He Lingchuan introduced to him, "Osmanthus produced in the Yangshan Islands, freshly dug taro seedlings on Sodin Island, and a little lotus root starch." The sweetness of the osmanthus combined with the thickness of the lotus root starch made the The softness of the taro sprouts is particularly satisfying.

The two chatted and laughed a little more, and the atmosphere was harmonious, which was completely different from the previous intrigues.

Finally, Yu Zechengcai said: "Well, could you please He Xiao to make an appointment with Zhu Erniang for me?"

He Lingchuan agreed: "He will do his best to help you two resolve this misunderstanding."

Yu Zecheng asked again: "The scenery on your island is charming, can I stay here?"

"Of course you can." He Lingchuan was particularly generous, "Sodin Island accepts tourists from all over the world. Mr. Yu just rests here and can stay as long as he wants."

After he finished talking about the business, He Lingchuan stood up and said goodbye. Wang Fubao followed him and left step by step.

Watching their backs disappear outside the courtyard gate, the Bejia guard behind Yu Zecheng said: "My lord..."

"Shh!" Yu Zecheng raised his hand to interrupt him and directly placed a barrier, "On someone else's territory, speak more carefully."

"Yes." The guard said, "The Lord of He Island is actually He Xiao. Sir, our mission...?"

"The mission is as usual." Yu Zecheng's face sank, "It won't be any different because of his identity."

Everyone responded, and the guard asked again: "Then because he protected the spider demon, could he be the spider demon's accomplice?"

Yu Zecheng's eyes flickered and he remained silent.

The situation here is a bit complicated, and the existing clues are not enough to judge.

He Lingchuan returned to his office on Sodin Island and found an egret to send a message to Pansi Cave.

Jing Jing asked him: "Since the person named Yu is a subordinate of Imperial Master Shuangye, why don't you say that you have an old relationship with Imperial Master Shuangye?"

"You can't say it, it will have the opposite effect." He Lingchuan shook his head, "Master Shuangye acts cautiously and does not leak anything. Although Yu Zecheng is his subordinate, he may not know about my relationship with Master Shuangye. If I mention it rashly, I will only do it in the future. It makes Imperial Master Shuangye unhappy."

In the transaction between Li Qingge, the master of Songyang Palace, and Nian Zanli, Imperial Master Shuangye was the guarantor. But it was He Lingchuan who facilitated this guarantee, and even fewer people knew about it.

Based on his understanding of Shuangye Imperial Master, he would never reveal irrelevant secrets to his subordinates.

"But Yu Zecheng will definitely report it to the Imperial Master Shuangye." He Lingchuan took a breath, "After passing this level, the key is to the Imperial Master Shuangye!"

Zhu Erniang was very cheerful, He Lingchuan was also very efficient, and the meeting between Yu Zecheng and the spider demon was held on the western beach of Sodin Island the next morning.

He Lingchuan originally wanted to make an appointment for them at Fishbone Reef, but Yu Zecheng disagreed and hoped to change it to Sodin Island, which has a large passenger flow.

The supply stack is not here, but the southwest end of Sodin Island has beautiful scenery, and there are always tourists walking and enjoying it.

Of course, He Lingchuan did not tell him the specific location in advance, but took him there directly.

To show his sincerity, Yu Zecheng only brought two guards with him.

Zhu Erniang went to the meeting alone.

This beach is very open, not to mention anyone approaching, even if there are teal ducks walking on the beach, it is very conspicuous.

Both sides have credibility.

Needless to say, Zhu Erniang, Sodin Island is He Lingchuan's home court, which is almost equal to his home court.

Since Yu Zecheng had revealed his identity as Captain Bejia, he was not afraid that He Lingchuan and Zhu Erniang would ambush him. Once he dies here, Bejia will not be able to spare the Yangshan Islands.

But as the host, He Lingchuan sent more than a hundred Yangshan guards here to surround the meeting place, which was both a pomp and a security measure.

This is his territory, and he can send as many people as he likes.

It is also an invisible warning to Yu Zecheng: Don't mess around, I have many people.

Of course Yu Zecheng accepted it, but looking at the array He Lingchuan laid out, he secretly sneered in his heart.

Is this the escort team of Yangshan Islands?

He fought in Bega's elite army, fighting on the line of life and death. At a glance, he could see that these guard members were standing sloppily, their eyes were wandering, their expressions were relaxed, and they had no military shape at all.

Even the backyard guards of wealthy families are not so tired.

Yes, He Xiao seems to have just conquered the pirates of the archipelago. Hey, pirates are pirates, and they don't really change just because they change their clothes.

There seemed to be only a few guards around He Xiao who were truly elite.

When Yu Zecheng and He Lingchuan arrived, Zhu Erniang had already arrived. Her huge body moved forward two steps and said coldly: "You are very brave, you dare to stand in front of me!"

The Bejia people killed many of its offspring, and Zhu Erniang was still holding a grudge.

Before Yu Zecheng could speak, He Lingchuan stood in the middle of the crowd and waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't be so angry. Give me some respect. Can we just talk and not fight today?"

Zhu Erniang snorted and stared at Yu Zecheng with her twelve eyes: "I just got back my spider slough, and you guys chased me to the ends of the earth! What kind of demon country can seize people's treasures and then falsely accuse them of being thieves? It makes no sense! "

He Lingchuan wondered: "So the secret treasure lost in the Heavenly Palace is the spider slough?"

Yu Zecheng said with a cold face: "Of course not! Zhu Erniang, please don't confuse the situation. Where is the accomplice who burned down the Heavenly Palace? Where is the secret treasure he stole?"

Zhu Erniang answered simply: "Aren't you still under Tiangong's vagina?"

Everyone in Bejia was startled before they realized that it was referring to Juju.

There is nothing wrong with this answer. The person who destroyed half of the Star Picking Tower was the Fire Spirit Ju, and the one who snatched away the Qing Lingbao cover in front of everyone was indeed the Torch.

But whose orders did Di Ju listen to and who did he cooperate with?

"Don't worry about it. Who broke through the Xushan formation and released your remains?" Yu Zecheng said with a straight face, "As long as you hand over this person, even if you only tell your name and origin, the past crimes will be It can be cancelled, and Bega can even make you a lord!"

He Lingchuan nodded repeatedly on the side: "This condition is indeed favorable."

But Zhu Erniang’s answer was just three words:

"have no idea."

He Lingchuan was worried on the side: "Er Niang, I'm helping you. You also have to be sincere."

"I really want to give it, but I can't. I've never seen his true face." Zhu Erniang stretched out her front paws and scratched her belly. "I don't know where he learned that my spider slough was used as a magic weapon in the Xushan formation. So he came to me to discuss and said that he could help me retrieve the spider slough. As long as I control the spider slough and leave the formation eye, the formation will be broken."

Yu Zecheng frowned: "You agreed without seeing his true face?"

He didn't believe a word of it!

"When I heard this, how could there be any reason not to allow such a good thing?" Zhu Erniang said, "What's the matter, someone is willing to help me get my treasure back from the robbers, do I still want to refuse?"

"Besides, I just agreed casually. Anyway, I didn't lose anything if he failed. How could I know he could really do it?" Zhu Erniang chuckled, "There are many people who want to destroy the Heavenly Palace. Has anyone succeeded in the past six hundred years? ? Why do I think he can be an exception?"

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