After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 972 Parting on bad terms

It really thought so at the time! However, it was not a passive "agree", but an active "entrustment" to He Lingchuan to get the immortal slough back.

It's the principal, hehe.

"When he summoned me over, I discovered that the Xushan Formation had been broken. So since everything has gone and the remains have been obtained, why should I not run for my life, right?"

Yu Zecheng sneered, this spider demon got an advantage and behaved well, but he also said that he had boarded the pirate ship and could not get off? As expected of a great demon who has lived for thousands of years, his face is thicker than the city walls.

He didn't know that Zhu Erniang was telling the truth about her state of mind, except that "retrieving the body" was her request to He Lingchuan, which was full of subjective initiative.

He Lingchuan interrupted: "Then you can provide some clues, right?"

"Clues? Hmm -" Zhu Erniang thought seriously, "I was awakened only after activating the spider slough, so I don't know what he had done before; but this man's cultivation is very strong. In his subsequent actions, Xi Ju was very...respectful to him. He asked Nuo Ju to smash the Star Tower, and Nu Ju smashed the Star Tower. He asked Nu Ju to send us out of the Xushan Realm, and he sent us out. "

It added: "By the way, in the process of evading the pursuit of Qingyang Imperial Master and Bai Zhantian, he used Yuan Power, which is quite pure Yuan Power!"

The last sentence was emphasized, but Yu Zecheng's expression was calm and unsurprising.

Although he was not at the scene of the chase that day, and had no right to review Imperial Master Qingyang's confession afterwards, he had heard about the earthquake in the officialdom that followed in Lingxu City on the front lines.

It was quite a bloody storm, and the reason was that the people who robbed the treasures from the Heavenly Palace had Yuan Power, and they had quite pure Yuan Power.

Those are only the high-ranking military officers of Lingxu City!

He glanced at He Lingchuan subconsciously. Yes, if Yuan Li is involved, Zhu Erniang's companion cannot be the Chiyan special envoy.

"What weapon did that man use?"

"Knife and waterspike."

Both of these are common weapons, and both Yu Zecheng and the guards carry swords at their waists.

He Lingchuan interjected: "What about your size and age?"

"He's tall -" Zhu Erniang looked at him fiercely, "about the same as you, but I can't tell by his age."

This kid is into the drama, right? Are you still questioning it?

He Lingchuan laughed dryly: "I don't want to say that."

Erniang is angry.

Yu Zecheng: "Didn't you see who took away the secret treasure of the Heavenly Palace?"

"I saw with my own eyes that the shrine of the Star-Zhaing Tower fell into the lava." Not only did I see it with my own eyes, but it was even the one who used spider silk to pull the shrine into the lava. "I haven't seen it since."

Therefore, whether the secret treasure of Tiangong was taken away by Juju or by a "mysterious man", it cannot be determined without seeing it in person.

This is the truth, the truth.

The Spider Sisters reviewed the battle afterwards and were curious about the final whereabouts of the treasure.

Of course, they believed that the treasure ended up in He Lingchuan's hands. This kid is as cunning as a ghost, how could he do such useless things?

"So, you can't provide any useful clues?" Yu Zecheng concluded, "Zhu Erniang, this is a rare opportunity. I advise you to think about it again."

"Otherwise?" Zhu Erniang said harshly, "Over the past year or so, I have often thought about the battle at that time, and there was only so much I could offer. That person had been preparing for a long time and had a thorough plan. How could he reveal any flaws to me?"

Anyway, it insists on the word "don't know".

The man surnamed Yu also painted cakes for it, and said that his past sins could be wiped out and he could be made a lord? Ah, the little captain dares to praise Haikou like this. Is it a joke to be ranked second in the rankings? Do you really think I can survive by eating cakes?

Zhu Erniang thought very clearly that her body was taken away by Bejia. It would be reasonable to take it back by herself, but was Bejia really a reasonable master? The essence of making a fuss in the Heavenly Palace is to step on the opponent's face and rub it back and forth. He Lingchuan and his pair of first and second rankings must bear the wrath of the gods and demon emperors, and neither of them can escape!

Unless it can't do anything to you, such as the naturally rebellious Ju Ju.

"Ah, by the way, so many pairs of eyes in your Tiangong were watching at that time, and the Torch was also present. Didn't it surrender to Tiangong again afterwards? Why didn't I give you any clues?"


Yu Zecheng himself has been fighting on the front line and has never personally experienced the Tiangong incident, let alone how the negotiations between Lingxu City, Tiangong and Weiju took place.

But he understood that if the clues given by Juju were useful, would Bejia still have to work so hard to pursue Zhu Erniang?

If Ju Ju can't hand over any useful clues, it means that the people behind the scenes are extremely cautious. Zhu Erniang has never seen his true face. Is it strange?

Zhu Erniang then said: "Obviously he is a big shot in your Lingxu City. You should look to yourself instead. What's the use of looking for me?"

"If you stay here, it will only make things difficult for Lord He Island." Yu Zecheng raised his eyebrows, "Follow me back to Bejia, and your life will be safe."

Zhu Erniang laughed loudly: "Do you want to listen to what you are saying? You can't even deceive a three-year-old child with your words."

"That's it. If you want to cause trouble for me, come here and see if you can escape from my trap this time!" After saying that, it turned around and left.

"Er Niang, Er Niang, stay!" No matter how He Lingchuan shouted, it would not look back.

Yu Zecheng pressed the handle of the knife with his hand, his eyes flickering, as if he was hesitant to break the knife.

The soul-capturing mirror in He Lingchuan's arms said: "Oh? Does this guy want to do something? Be careful that he gets violent and hurts people."

Qiu Hu also sensed the danger and took a step forward, standing between Yu Zecheng and He Lingchuan.

Seeing this, Yu Zecheng did not draw his sword after all, nor did he stop drinking.

There was a large ship moored on the shore. Zhu Erniang boarded it and the ship sailed away from the shore toward deep water.

The meeting mission was completed and it returned to Pansi Island.

He Lingchuan sighed and looked at Yu Zecheng helplessly: "Mr. Yu, what should we do?"

Yu Zecheng's face was expressionless, and his eyes moved from the big boat Zhu Erniang was on, to He Lingchuan, and then to Qiu Hu, who was staring at him:

"But Zhu Erniang refuses to think about you, and this matter is back to square one."

"There are many monsters and refugees staying here. They all came to escape the world and live up to my promise. If I expel Zhu Erniang, how will other people think of me?" He Lingchuan smiled bitterly, "Mr. Yu, if you don't have faith, you won't Stand."

The most important thing is trust.

Of course Yu Zecheng knew this. His eyes flickered twice, but instead of asking further questions, he said:

"It seems that I may have to bother you here for a few more days."

Since Zhu Erniang is here, he will not leave.

"Oh? You're welcome." He Lingchuan smiled, "But I have something to take care of, and I'll come see Mr. Yu for a drink in the evening."

Of course he knew that Yu Zecheng was not staying for vacation and sightseeing.

From now on, you have to take all the moves drawn by the opponent.

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