Don't be angry, he told himself.

If these bounty hunters can really take out the spider demon, the Bailong people will be more confident in dealing with He Lingchuan.

After Ye Qing and others left, Lu Zhensheng took a long breath and said to his officials:

"Don't tell Qing'an about this. He's already been troubled by the war on the Eastern Front recently."


Two days later, Black Page Island.

Wan Qisong got off the boat and walked to the camp. He heard a lot of noise in front of him, and there seemed to be the sound of gongs.

The bulletin board outside the warehouse was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. It seemed that someone was preaching something, and everyone was eager to listen.

Wan Qisong was too lazy to join in the fun and went straight back to the house.

Not long after, his nephew came and brought him a bag of dinner.

The reason why it is "one package" is because the big pot rice in the cafeteria tonight is stewed rice with dried bamboo shoots and fish, wrapped in bamboo leaves.

It's like making rice dumplings. When you tear open the bamboo leaves on a cold night, the aroma of oily rice and the heat will hit your face.

There was actually a large piece of braised pork inside, which was seven thin and three fat.

People who work hard need a lot of oil, meat and grains to gain strength.

However, Wan Qisong took it and put it on the table casually, not in the mood to touch it: "What's going on in the warehouse?"

"I've been notified from above that there may be Emperor's Liquid in the next few days. If you want to use the spiritual liquid to make medicine, the camp doctor has prepared the materials in advance. You can just buy them by the portion."

Wan Qisong was startled: "Do they know that Emperor Liujian is coming?"

"Looking at such a high-profile display, Yangshan Islands should be very confident, otherwise it will make people laugh in a few days."

"How many days will it take?" Wan Qinsong's eyes brightened slightly, and he first placed a soundproof barrier before saying, "What a great opportunity. Once the Emperor's Liquid comes, the defense of the archipelago will definitely be loose."

"The archipelago is so big and the transportation is inconvenient. Do you know where the owner of He Island will be when the emperor comes?" Wan Qifeng smiled bitterly, "We didn't even find out which island he usually lives on."

"Of course it's Sodin Island." Wan Qisong said without hesitation, "Lao Yu said that he is most concerned about that precious route. Emperor Liujian will definitely go to Sodin Island to protect it that night to avoid big trouble."

In fact, Wan Qifeng thought so too.

"In the past two days, we have inquired about some things from the old pirates of the Yangshan Islands." Wan Qifeng coughed lightly, "Originally, only a few outer islands of the archipelago were navigable, and evil spirits were rampant in the deeper parts. It was He Island Master who found a way to absorb the light. The current development of the Fourteen Islands is possible because of the evil spirits emerging from the earth’s veins.”

Wan Qi let out a sigh of relief: "Did they see it with their own eyes?"

"I saw it, and it said that as soon as the evil spirit came close to the body of Master He, it was sucked away by him, and it couldn't touch anyone else."

Wan Qinsong chuckled: "Do you know what they are talking about? Yin evil spirits are the nemesis of living beings, and living people cannot avoid them. He Island Master actually has the ability to absorb all the evil evil spirits in the entire archipelago?"

"That's not something human beings can do!" He sighed, "What does this mean? It means that the owner of He Island has a treasure, a rare treasure! If we take it away, we can also suck away the evil spirit. With that treasure there, the entire sea area The evil spirits are our natural barriers. If anyone dares to take away the evil spirits, we can drive them away by letting go of the evil spirits!"

What the old uncle said actually makes sense. Wan Qifeng smiled bitterly: "The second thing is that the pirates under Min Tianxi vowed that when they hunted down the three pirate leaders and became more peaceful, the island master He summoned Yin Hui to come to help."

"What kind of help?"

"At that time, Yue Pinghe had already taken a boat out to sea, and saw that he could not catch up. The master of He Island blew his flute, and Yin Hu heard the sound, capsized both boats of the three pirates, and then towed them back to the dock." Wan Qifeng said, "Apo met two pirates for a drink. They both said that they saw it with their own eyes while standing on the beach. They can't be wrong."

Wan Qisong frowned: "What do you mean, don't fight?"

"Uncle, this He Island Master should have some abilities to keep things under control. How about we change places? There are still many sea areas to the east..."

Wan Qinsong slapped the table: "With a radius of a hundred miles, the most suitable place is here. I have also asked around in the past few days. There are only a dozen people named He who can fight. It is said that there is also such a big monster. The rest are all shrimp soldiers and crab generals. As for the monster army, there is no shadow at all! No matter how tough his subordinates are, we launch a surprise attack and crush them to death in a few days with six hundred versus a dozen! It’s a great opportunity to be here!”

He sneered twice: "If you don't want to fight, go back to the shore yourself!"

Wan Qifeng endured the anger: "This place is surrounded by water. If our operation fails or is leaked, it will be difficult to escape. Can the Lu family provide help or support?"

Before launching an attack, shouldn't we first plan a retreat?

Wan Qinsong's eyes flashed: "I will find the Lu family and ask them to prepare for the sea response."

Seeing the hesitation on Wan Qifeng's face, he patted his nephew on the shoulder: "As long as we move fast enough, He Island Master won't have time to summon the Yin Hao. Besides, that thing is very powerful in the water. Once it reaches the shore, its ability will be greatly reduced." Now tell me, what is there to be afraid of, Master He?"

Wanqi Feng was speechless.

Judging from the intelligence they collected, the strength of the Yangshan Islands is indeed limited, with too few elite soldiers and too many rabble.

They are used to fighting on the battlefield, and they know that a ragtag group can only fight against the wind and cannot cope with a surprise attack.

On the night of the emperor's blood, he burst out and killed a few elites, but the rest were not of concern.

This tactic seemed to be correct, but his spiritual sense repeatedly warned him that it was still too risky.

He also had no evidence to dispel his uncle's thoughts.

Just then, my subordinate came to report:

"Lao Yu is here, and he brought two more people with him this time."

Lao Yu is the contact person sent by Lu Zhensheng.

Did you bring two more people? Uncle Wanqi and his nephew looked at each other: "Let them come in."

Lao Yu was thin and dark, and at first glance he was a resident of Sodin Island who made a living by fishing and farming, but the other two people had clear eyes and calm feet.

Uncle Wanqi and his nephew were born in the military, and it was obvious at a glance that both of them were veterans from the battlefield.

All the Bailong people pressed their weapons with their hands and their eyes were filled with fierce light.

Lao Yu quickly yelled: "What are you doing? We are all friends, we are all friends, don't hurt the harmony!"

Who is friends with whom? Wan Qinsong looked at him sideways: "Where did these two people come from? What did you say to them?"

"This is a friend introduced by our lord to work with you."

Wan Qinsong grabbed his collar and whispered between his teeth: "Do they all know?"

The guy surnamed Lu is so unreliable. He spreads the news that they want to seize the island, and randomly stuffs people into them?

"I know." Ye Qing took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "We have the same goal and can work together."

Wan Qisong said simply: "Not interested."

He winked, and as soon as the Bailong people swarmed up, they were about to chop these three people into pieces.

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