After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 977 Conspiracy

Lao Yu was trembling with fear and wanted to run out, but Ye Qing grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back: "Our leader is on Sodin Island. If you want to kill people and silence them, don't blame us for being unkind."

If these people report, Uncle and Nephew Wanqi's actions will have to be interrupted.

Wan Qifeng waved his hand and asked everyone to stop. He went to the door and took a look to make sure that no one else had noticed. Then he came back and asked, "Where did you come from?"

Ye Qing quickly took out his official badge and waved it towards them: "Bejia, Black Tiger Army."

Everyone in Bailong's expressions changed, and the glimmer of light on the official badge proved that it was not a fake.

These guys who sneaked onto the island are actually Bega soldiers?

The people in Bailong didn't have a good impression of Bejia, so Wan Qisong couldn't help but said, "What are you doing here?"

Ye Qing pulled out the wanted notice from his arms in slow motion and handed it over: "This is our goal."

Uncle Wanqi and nephew opened the yellow scroll and took a look: "Zhu Erniang?"

"Have you seen this big guy?"

Uncle and nephew Wanqi shook their heads.

"It is a wanted felon in Lingxu City, and we were ordered to bring it to justice! But the leader of the Yangshan Islands, He Xiao, tried his best to protect him and refused to hand over this spider demon!"

Wan Qifeng thought for a while and said: "Speaking of which, my subordinate Aji once landed on an island with a ship. It is said that in the restricted area of ​​the archipelago, only a few special ships can approach. As soon as he landed on the island, there were spider webs everywhere!"

Ye Qing immediately asked: "What have you heard?"

Wan Qifeng shook his head: "They saw no living people on the island. There were several large warehouses on the shore. The captain asked them to move the goods from the warehouses onto the ship and then leave. They must not go near the jungle, otherwise they will be at their own risk."

"There are many spider webs wrapped in the woods behind the warehouse. There seem to be spiders, but they can't be seen clearly. A worker accidentally knocked over a box, which contained white silk."

"That's not silk, but crypt spider silk! Yangshan Islands cooperates with the crypt spider queen to sell the output of the spider nest outside." Ye Qing said solemnly, "We, the Jade Captain, want to cooperate with the Bailong people , everyone gets what they need!”

"Captain Yu?" Wan Qifeng asked him, "Why doesn't the man named Yu come to see us?" This is not safe enough.

"The Lord of the Island is hosting a banquet tonight, but Lord Yu is too busy to do anything."

Yu Zecheng can enjoy the banquet of the islands, but uncle and nephew Wanqi can only eat fried rice here.

The gap in status was immediately apparent.

Wan Qinsong confirmed again: "We seize the island, you only want this spider monster?"

Ye Qing smiled: "Beijia Wuhua Tianbao has no interest in Yangshan Islands at all, and I have no interest in you either!"

He spoke with disdain, but Wanqi's uncle and nephew were not angry: "How many of you are here?"

"Seven or eight, wait two more days and there will be ten or so."

Wan Qinsong frowned, and what he said was exactly the same as Lu Zhensheng: "So few?"

"This is the big monster that appears next to Island Master He. We are responsible for containing it, and you can just deal with the others." Ye Qing relayed Yu Zecheng's words, "According to our detection, Island Master He doesn't have many elite men. You just need to Just kill them immediately.”

If someone else had given Wan Qisong instructions on how to deal with the enemy, he would have just slapped him away; but when the Bega people said this, he was not angry. He just grabbed his nephew and stepped aside, whispering: "If you are sleepy, someone will give you a pillow." , with the Bega people joining the battle, our chances of winning will increase by two points. "

Wan Qifeng shook his head: "There are too few of them. If you can do it yourself, there is no need to look for us."

"The men named He are just a bunch of people. They can control the big demon and kill the elite. The rest will not be a concern." Wan Qisong said, "The credibility of the Bejia people has always been good, let's do it!"

Does Bega have good credit? Wan Qifeng thought for a while, and there seemed to be many legends and examples of this kind. For example, the Bejia people must repay their debts, repay their kindness, avenge their enemies, etc., all of which are very vivid.

Moreover, the Bega people do not covet the territory of the Yangshan Islands. This is much more credible than Bailie. Although this team has a small number of people, it has a clear goal. It is aimed at the big demon, and it must have corresponding means.

Although the Bailong people don't like Bega and have never even been in contact with Bega, there is no doubt about the power of the Northern Demon Kingdom. The Crypt Spider Queen should be the strongest fighting force around Lord He Island. Now that the Bega people have taken over to deal with it, we are more sure of taking down Lord He Island.

God helps those who help themselves. The Bailong tribe has been suffering from bad luck for too long, and now they are really going to turn around?

At this time, Wan Qinsong had already walked back and asked Ye Qing: "Are you really sure you can take down the spider demon?"

"Okay, its weakness is obvious." Hearing his loose tone, Ye Qing knew something was up, "Since we came for it, we can take it back."

He said word for word: "Whoever Bega wants to kill must die."

Uncle Wanqi and his nephew looked at each other and understood the warning in the words.

"In the next few days, when the emperor is coming, the whole island will be in chaos, and people named He will have no time to take care of themselves. It is a good time for us to attack. We have nothing to do with He Xiao, but he is too ignorant. After this operation is over, we will only take away the spider. Demon. What happened between you and He Xiao has nothing to do with us.

This is a reassurance for Uncle and Nephew Wanqi.

"The spider demon will probably stay on Pansi Island, and there will be less resistance for us to capture He Xiao." He smiled, "Even if it comes, we will handle it, so you don't have to worry."

Wan Qifeng knew that his uncle had made up his mind, so he turned around and asked Lao Yu: "Are the ships ready?"

"It's ready. There are more than twenty boats in total. Each boat is fully loaded with fifty people. On the day of the operation, we will take you from the abandoned pier at the west end of Black Leaf Island." Lao Yu nodded repeatedly, "Whether it succeeds or not, we will take you there after searching." Waiting for your news on the southwest beach of Dingdao."

"Where is the equipment we want?" Bailong people have basically joined the escort team and have the right to wear knives. However, the weapons of some tribesmen were damaged when they escaped from Ya Kingdom, and they have never been replaced. Since Bailie is wealthy, of course he has to take care of everything for them.

"Two hundred sets of swords and axes, three hundred sets of light hand shields, thirty sets of flying ropes and sleeve arrows, as well as gold potions, explosives, and fire talismans are all ready." Lao Yu looked at Ye Qing and said, "By Bei Let these gentlemen take Sodin Island and send it to the southwest beach."

The storage rings of Ye Qing and others have a large capacity, so they can fit so many weapons.

After everyone agreed on the action signal and connection method, Lao Yu and Ye Qing left.

There are so many people here, they can't stay too long.

"Then prepare like this!" Wan Qinsong was very happy, "Come, let's eat first. In a few days, I will drink the best wine on Sodin Island."

On the trunk of a palm tree behind the house, under the shadow of the moonlight, a small spider lay, its big dark eyes facing Uncle Wanqi's window.

Even if ordinary workers pass by, they can only see a few blurry figures when looking out the window, as if they are separated by frosted glass, because the Bailong people have painted a magic circle in the house to prevent prying eyes, but this method is not enough in the eyes of Erniang watch.

The tide is high tonight and the crescent moon is like a hook.

Min Tianxi went to Centipede Island to report to the leadership, but there was no one in the house. He turned around half a circle before finding He Lingchuan in the bay behind the new house.

A solitary reef extends from the shore into the sea, and He Lingchuan sits alone on the reef fishing, seemingly in the middle of the sea.

Surrounded by vast expanse of blue waves, it is vast and lonely, accompanied only by the wind and sea waves.

Min Tianxi approached on tiptoe, only to see He Lingchuan suddenly pull the rod and pull up a half-foot-long red fish from the sparkling sea.


Min Tianxi quickly squatted down, lifted up the fish basket hanging in the sea, opened the lid, and asked He Lingchuan to unhook the unlucky matchmaker fish and throw it in.

He lowered his head and saw that there were already four or five fish in the basket, of different sizes, splashing and dancing happily out of the water.

"My lord, you have gained a lot."

"That's all I've been fishing since the sun went down." He Lingchuan calmly put away his pole and took the bait, "Just now there were fishermen on the sea who told me that there were a lot of fish caught tonight. It seems that it will be possible in two or three days." Things are going to change.”

He had a half-day of free time, so he ran to the beach to clear his mind and feel the happiness of the fisherman.

"Look at the sunset, the weather will be good tomorrow." Min Tianxi is also a person who makes a living at sea all year round.

He Lingchuan handed him the fish basket: "It's for you."

Min Tian was overjoyed and flattered: "Thank you so much, my lord! Go back and ask the ladies to have one braised in brown sauce and one raw!"

Fish is not important, who can't afford it? The lord's will is what matters.

"Which raw cut is the best?"

Min Tianxi immediately fished out a fish: "This is red sugar, the best fish soup! Each of our families has a homemade sauce, and it is paired with lemongrass and shredded green onions. It's great."

"Okay." He Lingchuan smiled, "I'll eat at your house next time."

Min Tianxi nodded repeatedly: "Okay! I will arrange the table carefully so that the master can be satisfied with his meal!"

"Sit down." There was a sound of water, and He Lingchuan swung his pole again, "What news did you find out?"

The lord was fishing, so Min Tianxi lowered his voice.

"The people around Wan Qisong are very alert and it is difficult to approach him, but we still got some information while drinking with several other Bailong people."

Min Tianxi's guards were originally all pirates, and they easily got along with others. Besides, it is impossible for Wan Qisong to stop all the more than 600 mouths under his command. There are always people who start to talk loudly after drinking too much: "Taken together, Wan Qisong and the patriarch's son Wan Qitsong are not getting along, and they make a big fuss. Leave with your nephew Wan Qifeng."

"How old is your nephew?"

"Twenty-four years old. His parents died when he was ten years old. Wan Qisong took over and raised him, but he grew up with Wan Qitong in the clan since he was a child, and they are brothers and sisters." Min Tianxi continued, "Wan Qisong's own The men and horses suffered too many injuries when they intercepted Yaguo's pursuers. Most of the 600 people on the island were brought out by Wan Qifeng himself. "

He Lingchuan's eyes flashed: "How is the relationship between the uncle and nephew?"

"Wan Qifeng respects this uncle very much, but the Bailong people are very critical of Wan Qisong." Min Tianxi gently dipped the fish basket back into the water, "Their team originally had more than a thousand people, and they were fighting against the pursuit of Yaguo. At that time, Wan Qifeng planned to avoid his advantage, but Wan Qisong insisted on his own opinion, resulting in the loss of three hundred men. The escape was stumbling, and Wan Qifeng tried his best to arrange it, but Wan Qisong just got drunk. "

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