After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 978 Give each other a chance

Min Tianxi added: "According to the memories of the laborers on the Black Page Island, the few children the Bailong people once brought to the island to play were all good-looking, and they ate harder than the adults in the work shed. It can be seen that there should be no shortage of children all the way south. Endure hardship.”

This may also be one of the reasons for the dissatisfaction of the Bailong people. Following Wanqi's uncle and nephew, his wife and children have to suffer from hunger.

He Lingchuan said softly: "Wan Qisong regards his nephew's soldiers as his own strength. In most cases, uncle and nephew are as close as one family, so there is no problem."

Min Tianxi asked him: "Since we know that the Bailong people have evil intentions, should we kill or drive them away?"

He Lingchuan shook his head: "The Bailong people have outstanding fighting power. It would be a pity to let them go like this."

His men are all weak soldiers and crab generals. If the pirates are well trained, they can become more successful, but for the children of farmers and workers to train into elite soldiers, it takes money, energy, and time -

What he lacks most is time.

This team does not have a very good foundation like the Panlong City Army, or even the Yuheng City Army. If you have never been on the battlefield, have never seen blood, have never been trained, and have never killed anyone, how can you become an elite soldier?

He finally had hundreds of elites, but he was really moved and couldn't bear to chase them away.

"Then strike first?"

The evening breeze made He Lingchuan's clothes rustle: "They are good citizens before they cause trouble. If I arrest them all, how can they obey me?"

If you want to make such a warlike ethnic group obey and surrender, it is useless to be gentle and conspiratorial. You must rely on frontal and direct force to suppress it!

Beat them down or beat them well, and they will be obedient.

Otherwise, they will never be convinced, never accept him, and will work against the Lord secretly.

"They want to find a place to settle down and develop, and I need an elite force. Let's give each other a chance. If they can take over my island, they are capable; if they can't take it away -" He Lingchuan chuckled, "They They have already lost to Yaguo. If they lose to me again this time and it proves that they are not suitable for their own development, they will have to be my subordinates. "

Min Tianxi smelled danger: "Lord, their target is you!"

Using yourself as bait? This is too dangerous.

"When you and I met on the Fishbone Reef, wasn't your target also me?" He Lingchuan said amusedly, "You can do it, why can't they?"

Danger? Ever since he got the divine bone necklace, he has been dancing alone on the tip of a knife for three days without knowing what safety is.

Min Tianxi had a sly look on his face, scratched his neck, and was a little gloating.

Another person is about to get his head broken and bleed, which shows that he is not the only one who is blind.

"Besides, uncle and nephew Wanqi may not be the only ones targeting me."

Min Tianxi: "Huh? Oh, you mean..."

"We have the target, when do you think they will take action?" The float on the water sank, and a fish bit the hook. He Lingchuan quickly lifted the rod and carefully reeled in the line.

"Uh." The answer was not difficult to guess, so Min Tianxi blurted out, "Emperor Liujian?"

The emperor's blood came and people's hearts were in chaos.

Not only could he see that He Lingchuan's men were a motley crew, but so could Wanqi's uncle and nephew. The Bailong people have fought for a long time, how can they be stronger than a large group of pirates, peasants and soldiers?

Choosing to cause rebellion at that time, the weather was favorable, the place was favorable, and the people were at least two.

"Wherever I am, they will launch a surprise attack." He Lingchuan retracted the fishing line, and another big fish was lifted out of the water. This time it was more than a foot long, with a dorsal fin like a halberd.

"We know the time, target, and location of their attack. How can we still not cope with it?" Once the Bailong people's ambitions are exposed, they will play a clear card.

"Those who are willing to take the bait, it is their choice." The big fish that had just been caught was yellow and very powerful. He asked Min Tianxi, "What kind of fish is this?"

"We call it Huangbangzi here, and it's delicious even when steamed and braised." Min Tianxi was now talking about it, "My lord, I'm going to catch a good fish."

He Lingchuan smiled slightly and glanced at the sky from the corner of his eye.

Because the mirror in his arms reminded him:

"That white bird is up in the sky again, circling twice and staring at you."

Mirrors have spotted eyeliner in the sky over the past two days. Wherever He Lingchuan went, this white bird followed.

This is also in line with He Lingchuan's prediction: Yu Zecheng must have the ability to conduct aerial reconnaissance if he can find the island where Zhu Erniang is hiding.

The spot he chose to fish alone tonight was deep into the sea, surrounded by vast surroundings. Behind him was an empty beach with not even a tree.

If the white bird wanted to follow him, it couldn't hide in the trees behind the beach - it was too far away.

It is not a nocturnal bird and cannot keep an eye on He Lingchuan from a distance at night, so it can only circle the sky twice intermittently to confirm that he is still sitting on the barrier reef fishing.

He said to Min Tianxi: "There will be more than just fish on your dinner table tonight."

Min Tianxi was startled, not knowing what he meant by this: "Anything else?"

He Lingchuan smiled, suddenly grabbed the Fusheng knife and threw it into the sky!

Before he raised his head, the white bird in the sky saw a flash of cold light below, and something was shooting towards him.

It was very alert, turned over and dodged, then turned around and flew towards Sodin Island.

You've been discovered, run away.

But before it flew three to five feet, the cold light actually chased it from behind, whirling and cutting off its wings!

People on the reef heard a splash and birds struggling on the water.

He Lingchuan pointed to the water fall point a few feet away and said, "The prisoners are here."

Min Tianxi immediately dived and swam over to catch the white bird. The Lord's order not only told him to dive into the water, but also to jump into the sea of ​​fire.

As a result, the bird spat out two blasts of frost, almost piercing his arm.

Oh, is it still a bird monster? He made two feint moves and suddenly pressed Bai Bird's neck. The bird struggled in vain. It couldn't fly and couldn't peck him, but it made a huge splash.

Min Tianxi climbed back to the barrier reef and found two more wounds on his face, scratched. He sent the white bird in front of He Lingchuan's eyes.

He Lingchuan glanced at it: "Whose subordinate are you?"

The white bird chirped twice angrily, but didn't reply.

He Lingchuan seemed to be talking to himself, but he was actually asking the eyeball spider in his lapel: "I wonder if Er Niang recognizes it?"

Zhu Erniang's voice immediately came to his ears: "I have seen this white bird in the east of Mou State, and I have also seen it fly to Yu Zecheng on Sodin Island. It has been spying on my underground nest!"

Through the eyeball spider, it could see the white bird clearly at once.

He Lingchuan asked Bai Niao: "So, you followed Yu Zecheng?"

The white bird suddenly jumped forward and wanted to peck him.

He really has the arrogance of the Bega demon clan. He Lingchuan said to Min Tianxi: "I'll give you extra food."

"Hey, good!" Min Tianxi drew his knife and chopped off the white bird's neck. "It's so fat that I had to eat the roasted bird at night. I heard that the monsters with good practices are not only delicious, but also very tonic."

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