After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 981 Before the hurricane comes

Ye Qing shook his head: "Who said that He Lingchuan's reinforcements are only the Spider Queen? What if he has other trump cards? You have only been on the island for how long, and you can find out his details?"

This statement still made sense, and Wan Qifeng could not refute it.

Ye Qing added: "In addition, we want to place a man in your team."

Wan Qisong was displeased: "You can't trust us?"

Human hand eyeliner.

"The matter is serious, so we have to be cautious." Ye Qing explained, "This way, no matter which one of us encounters an accident, the other side can quickly know about it, which will help adjust tactics."

The discussion had reached this point, and although Wanqi's uncle and nephew were unhappy, they finally gave in.

As for setting up spies to go to the Bejia people, they didn't even mention it, because Ye Qing would definitely not agree.

The two sides finally finished their discussions and Ye Qing was about to leave again. Wan Qifeng asked him: "Is your main force here?"

"We have arrived at Sodin Island."

Södin Island is located on the Golden Route and is open to all merchant ships and travelers.

Sodin Island, hot spring resort.

After receiving the news from Ye Qing, Yu Zecheng finally showed a smile on his face.

The plan took shape bit by bit, and the Bailong people's ambush was the fuse for his operation.

If you want to win over He Lingchuan, the most important trick is one word:


There must be chaos in Sodin Island and panic in He Lingchuan himself.

The more chaotic the better, so that we can fish in troubled waters and hit more with less.

These Bailong people take themselves too seriously. In fact, they are just pawns, cannon fodder, blinders, and decoys when necessary.

Yu Zecheng never really counted on them. The real focus of this operation must be our own people!

"Is Xiaobai back?"

Xiaobai is the white bird. If it were there, the communication with Ye Qing would be much more convenient and faster.

The guard behind him immediately replied: "Not yet. Xiaobai has been out of contact for three days, and his last mission is to keep an eye on He Xiao."

Yu Zecheng snorted coldly: "What a great He Xiao!"

Do Bega's demon guards dare to do this? Since the person named He wants to fight him to the end, don't blame him for being rude.

The guard hesitated for a moment before saying, "Sir, this He Xiao looks like he has two brushes."

Yu Zecheng glanced at him and knew what he wanted to say: Do you want to reply to Lingxu City to find out more?

That look made the guard shut up immediately.

"He Xiao has defeated Fan Laoer, so of course he is good at it." Yu Zecheng said lightly, "But the Fan brothers can take charge of the Tongxin Guards because of loyalty rather than force! Of the three Fan brothers, only Fan is the victor on the battlefield. If He Xiao can defeat him, he will be really capable."

"He Xiao can still come out safely after a trip to Lingxu City. Firstly, he has Prince Chiyan as his backer, and secondly, he becomes the focus of the whole city. The person everyone is staring at is naturally safe." Yu Zecheng slowly said Tao, "But there are many types of wisdom. Some people have the wisdom to deal with things, the wisdom to seek safety and save their lives, but they may not have the wisdom to lead a party and overcome difficulties."

It is rare for so many qualities to appear in one person at the same time.

Yu Zecheng has only seen one special case, Shuangye Guoshi.

The guard nodded quickly. Listening to Mr. Yu's analysis, there is nothing special about someone named He.

However, Yu Zecheng had one sentence that he did not say:

He has his difficulties.

There's not enough time either.

After sending a message to Lingxu City, the hurricane and the Emperor's Liquid had already passed.

The best time to attack Zhu Erniang has passed, and it will be even harder to do anything later.

"Ye Qing also asked, should we send someone to sneak into Pansi Island before the hurricane comes?"

"No need." Yu Zecheng shook his head, "On the night of the hurricane, do you know where Zhu Erniang will be?"

"No, not on Pansi Island?"

"Any action must take into account the right time, place, and people. We chose to take action on the night of the hurricane. Do you think He Lingchuan couldn't guess it?" He Lingchuan knew the purpose of his stay on Sodin Island. "That night, Zhu Erniang would neither Ding Island, maybe not Pansi Island.”

Since the Bega people might take action on a hurricane night, there was no need for Zhu Erniang to stay on Pansi Island.

Why are you staying there, waiting to be attacked by him?

The guard thought for a while and didn't understand: "Then, where will it be?"

"How do I know?" Yu Zecheng glared at him, "There are dozens of islands and hundreds of reefs in the sea. Who knows which island it will go to to avoid the wind!"

No matter how big Zhu Erniang is, if you put her in the entire Yangshan Islands, she is just a drop in the ocean!

"So our target can only be He Lingchuan."

They were unable to determine the whereabouts of Zhu Erniang, but they were certain that He Lingchuan must have been on Sodin Island that night.

Only when the goal is clear can the task be carried out.

"Sending people to Pansi Island is a waste of combat power." Yu Zecheng said lightly, "We don't have many people to begin with, and each one is precious. Tell Ye Qing that the Bailong people must take the lead on the night of the operation. They will take action first. , we just took action.”

His main strategy on hurricane night was to act at the right moment!


At night, the Shipping Department of Blade Port City suddenly warned again that according to further accurate predictions from the hybrid instrument, the hurricane was likely to make landfall the next night.

Sure enough, it was earlier than the first prediction.

The soul-capturing mirror screamed: "Natural and man-made disasters all come together at once, can you do it?"

Counting the time, the Emperor's Liquid is coming soon, and there will be another hurricane tonight.

It's just that the Bailong people want to cause chaos, and Bejia's team is involved.

This is called blessings coming in pairs and misfortunes never coming alone.

He Lingchuan chuckled: "Is there ever a time when I can't do it?"

In the afternoon of the next day, after He Lingchuan finished all the matters, he set off for Sodin Island.

It was calm before sailing, but He Lingchuan was just halfway through the voyage when a sudden gust of wind came out of the sea, fast and fierce.

The wind was high and the waves were unreasonable. He watched helplessly as the waves got higher and higher and the ship became more and more bumpy.

In the end, the ship's hull was rocking ninety degrees, and half of the bow was in the water. When the boat finally stood on the wave, the sea water poured out from the deck like a waterfall.

If the old captain hired at a high price had not been particularly skilled, the ship would have sunk halfway.

In the face of such divine power, no cultivation or magical power will work!

After helping to tie up the things on the boat, everyone hid in the cabin; only He Lingchuan stood on the bow of the boat like nails with strength on his feet, feeling the helplessness of drifting with the tide and relying on fate in the strong wind and waves.

His practice requires risking his life in the waves.

In addition, this kind of divine power can also help him to alert himself at all times:

To stay awake in the world, don’t be blinded by all sentient beings.

The violent waves roared against the deck, slapping him to the skin.

How can we laugh at life and death without fighting against the wind and waves?

Lingguang didn't want to go crazy with him and sneaked to the old captain to hide.

An hour later, the ship finally sailed back to the wind shelter on Sodin Island. As soon as Dong Rui landed, his legs started shaking.

Lingguang walked to the trestle, staggered, and vomited.

Dong Rui was originally very patient, but seeing it set an example, how could he hold on?

One person and one monkey lined up together, vomiting loudly, crying and crying:

"If we board the ship again during a typhoon, I will be like a dog!"

Aunt Zhu is so wise. She came early to avoid the storm.

The ghost monkey kindly patted them on the back, and the old captain jumped off the boat and said with a smile: "Young man, the hurricane hasn't come yet, this is just a prelude."

Everyone looked at the sea and saw four or five boats, their sails were blown crooked by the strong wind, still hurriedly heading towards Sodin Island.

Every time a ship enters the port, there will be someone on the dock rushing to help.

Sodin Island is a supply station on the golden waterway and a safe haven when storms come. Seeing a sudden change in the weather, experienced captains will turn the ship around and take shelter from the wind on Sodin Island.

In the past few months, Sodin Island has received far more fleets than before, but it was not as bustling as it is today.

An hour later, the number of ships arriving at the island had reached 37, and the fleet from the sea was still arriving in a steady stream.

In fact, most ships prefer to go to Blade Port for shelter. In my impression, the accommodation and docking conditions there will be better. But on the one hand, the waves on the sea were too strong, and I was afraid that I would not be able to sail through. On the other hand, I was also afraid that the dock at Blade Harbor was full and I would not be able to park in, so I had to find a place to go ashore in a hurry.

None of them expected that Sodin Island would be more than enough to accommodate so many ships.

One of He Lingchuan's first two major tasks as the island owner was to renovate and expand the supply stack on Sodin Island and add two more wind shelters——

The two new docks took only more than 20 days to complete. Because there was a big ebb in the middle, the progress was greatly accelerated, and they were put into use just in time for this hurricane. Several captains gave He Lingchuan a thumbs up and praised him for his foresight.

Sodin Island is strategically located and has several natural shelters. It is one of the islands that He Lingchuan focused on building.

Qiu Hu and Min Tianxi ran over first, their faces serious.

He Lingchuan pulled him aside and asked in a low voice: "How is the situation?"

"I only arranged for thirty of them to go to Sodin Island for duty, but Huang Zhao's men have only gone to Black Leaf Island twice to look for them. There are only a few Bailong people left in the camp, especially uncle and nephew Wanqi can't be found. . When I asked other people in the camp, they all said that the Bailong people went to the dock in twos and threes this morning, and they were all gone within two hours. "

These people also knew how to go out in batches. Unfortunately, after He Lingchuan noticed their intentions, the Black Page Island camp was full of Qiu Hu's spies.

Qiu Hu has mixed the Bailong people on duty. According to his arrangement, those who went to Sodin Island to work today should not be the Bailong people from the Black Page Island camp.

There are frequent exchanges of people between the islands, and the traffic between the Yangshan Islands is busy and there are regular ships. As long as the island side informs them in advance, the ship boss can keep an eye on who is present and who is absent.

Qiu Hu whispered: "There is a ship quietly landing at the southwest end of Sodin Island."

The lord had long concluded that Wanqi's uncle and nephew might choose to attack on the night of Emperor Liujian, but unexpectedly another hurricane broke out in the diagonal stab.

Now, there is something fun.

Where are uncle and nephew Wanqi lurking?

If they were on Sodin Island, they would definitely take action against He Lingchuan with the help of the hurricane and Emperor's Liquid;

If they don't come, it will be a missed opportunity. You don't know when you can take action next time, and you will have long nights and dreams.

He Lingchuan nodded. Yin Hao also reported that there were boats ashore on the southwest beach of Sodin Island, but they couldn't do arithmetic and couldn't tell the specific number. They only knew that there were a lot.

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